Still need a spacial indexing method to prevent redundant enqueues to the drawlist (esp for text)
I'm in the process of trying to see if I can keep getting vefontcache even more performant... Making it multi-threaded can help but there might be some single-thread per still possible..
* Added clear_atlas_region_caches & clear_shape_cache to VEFontCache (Used on hot-reload by the pototype's font provider)
* Made glyph_draw's over_sample a vec2 for initialization (incase user wants to do some float value multiple of 4x4)
* ADVANCE_SNAP_SMALLFONT_SIZE made a runtime option: Shaper_Context.adv_snap_small_font_threshold
* Large imporvement to text hinting and general rendering of text
* draw_text_string_pos_extent_zoomed can now oversample text futher (if desired)
* render_ui_via_box_tree has a rudimentary render pass layering optimization
Add support for the slab allocator to accept arbitrary alignments (odin's map container needs it)
Messing around with 64-byte alignment as the default for the allocator...
* VEFontCache needs to get fixed up (possibly bring back ELFHash)
* Problably going to do conversion early to odin's array and map usage
* Need get the quad tree setup for the ui so that I can do fast and efficient traversal for the layer based rendering.
* Added todos for VEFontCache
* Going be remaking the direct box traversal rendering again, I'll keep both layer based and it as a option to switch between
* Need to implement a quad tree for the ui boxes to help with collision test traversal
Still need to figure out input event consumption, I don't want to do it with the event ring.
I would like to setup input binding layers and then have the push/pop input contextes with a set of bindings.
If the bindings are detected it should "consume" that binding from further use for the buffered time period.
This will be really important with how heavily model this app will be.I