changes to sectr module based on VEFontCache changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import fmt_io "core:fmt"
str_tmp_from_any :: fmt_io.tprint
import "core:math"
ceil_f32 :: math.ceil_f32
import "core:mem"
align_forward_int :: mem.align_forward_int
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ is_power_of_two_u32 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( value : u32 ) -> b32
return value != 0 && ( value & ( value - 1 )) == 0
Vec2 :: [2]f32
@(require_results) ceil_vec2 :: proc "contextless" ( v : Vec2 ) -> Vec2 { return { ceil_f32(v.x), ceil_f32(v.y) } }
@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
package sectr
import "core:math"
import "core:time"
import ve "codebase:font/VEFontCache"
import sokol_app "thirdparty:sokol/app"
import sokol_gfx "thirdparty:sokol/gfx"
import sokol_glue "thirdparty:sokol/glue"
import sokol_gp "thirdparty:sokol/gp"
PassActions :: struct {
bg_clear_black : sokol_gfx.Pass_Action,
RenderState :: struct {
pass_actions : PassActions,
// TODO(Ed) : Review this and put into space.odin when ready
ortho :: proc(left: f32, right: f32, bottom: f32, top: f32, near: f32, far: f32) -> [4][4]f32 {
result: [4][4]f32
result[0][0] = 2.0 / (right - left)
result[1][1] = 2.0 / (top - bottom)
result[2][2] = -2.0 / (far - near)
result[3][0] = -(right + left) / (right - left)
result[3][1] = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
result[3][2] = -(far + near) / (far - near)
result[3][3] = 1.0
return result
render :: proc()
Bindings :: sokol_gfx.Bindings
Range :: sokol_gfx.Range
ShaderStage :: sokol_gfx.Shader_Stage
state := get_state(); using state
using render_data
do_nothing : bool
do_nothing = false
// The below are most likely limited to a "depth layer" and so
// different depth layers need different draw pass combos (of the 3 constructive passes)
// Will need to profile how expensive it is for batching with the UI box rendering
// since the the text is correlated with the box rendering
font_provider := & state.font_provider_ctx
using font_provider
// ve_ctx := & font_provider.ve_ctx
// Triangle Demo
if false
using debug.gfx_tri_demo_state
sokol_gfx.begin_pass(sokol_gfx.Pass { action = pass_action, swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain() })
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( pipeline )
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings( bindings )
sokol_gfx.draw( 0, 3, 1 )
// Clear Demo
if false
green_value := debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g + 0.01
debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g = green_value > 1.0 ? 0.0 : green_value
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( sokol_gfx.Pass {
action = debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action,
swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain()
width := app_window.extent.x * 2
height := app_window.extent.y * 2
profile_begin("sokol_gp demo pass")
// Hello Sokol GP Demo
screen_ratio := width * (1.0 / height)
sokol_gp.begin(i32(width), i32(height))
sokol_gp.viewport(0, 0, i32(width), i32(height))
sokol_gp.project(-screen_ratio, screen_ratio, 1.0, -1.0)
sokol_gp.set_color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)
// Draw animated rectangle box that rotates and changes colors
time := f32(f64(sokol_app.frame_count()) * sokol_app.frame_duration())
red := math.sin(time) * 0.5 + 0.5
green := math.cos(time) * 0.5 + 0.5
sokol_gp.set_color(red, green, 0.3, 1.0)
sokol_gp.rotate_at(time, 0.0, 0.0)
sokol_gp.draw_filled_rect(-0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
// Process sokol gp render depth pass
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( sokol_gfx.Pass { action = {}, swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain() })
// "Draw text" using immediate mode api
@static index : i32
text_test_str := str_fmt("frametime : %0.6f\nframetime(sokol): %0.2f\nframe id : %d\nsokol_frame: %d", frametime_delta_ms, sokol_app.frame_delta() * S_To_MS, frame, sokol_app.frame_count() )
// log(text_test_str)
// text_test_str := str_fmt("HELLO VE FONT CACHE!")
// text_test_str := str_fmt("C")
// font_provider := & state.font_provider_ctx
fdef := hmap_chained_get( font_cache, default_font.key )
ve.set_colour( & ve_ctx, { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } )
ve.configure_snap( & ve_ctx, u32(state.app_window.extent.x * 2.0), u32(state.app_window.extent.y * 2.0) )
ve.draw_text( & ve_ctx, fdef.ve_id, text_test_str, {0.0, 0.975}, Vec2{1 / width, 1 / height} )
// sokol_gfx.begin_pass(sokol_gfx.Pass { action = pass_actions.bg_clear_black, swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain() })
// sokol_gfx.end_pass();
// Process the draw calls for drawing text
if true
profile("VEFontCache: render frame")
ve.optimize_draw_list( & ve_ctx )
draw_list := ve.get_draw_list( & ve_ctx )
draw_list_vert_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.vertices)
draw_list_index_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.indices)
sokol_gfx.update_buffer( draw_list_vbuf, Range{, draw_list.vertices.num * size_of(ve.Vertex) })
sokol_gfx.update_buffer( draw_list_ibuf, Range{, draw_list.indices.num * size_of(u32) })
draw_list_call_slice := array_to_slice(draw_list.calls)
for & draw_call in array_to_slice(draw_list.calls)
watch := draw_call
// profile("VEFontCache: draw call")
switch draw_call.pass
// 1. Do the glyph rendering pass
// Glyphs are first rendered to an intermediate 2k x 512px R8 texture
case .Glyph:
// profile("VEFontCache: draw call: glyph")
if (draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index) == 0 && ! draw_call.clear_before_draw {
width := ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_width
height := ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_height
pass := glyph_pass
if draw_call.clear_before_draw {
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .CLEAR
pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 1.0
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0,0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( glyph_pipeline )
bindings := Bindings {
vertex_buffers = {
0 = draw_list_vbuf,
vertex_buffer_offsets = {
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index) * size_of(u32),
fs = {},
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings( bindings )
// 2. Do the atlas rendering pass
// A simple 16-tap box downsample shader is then used to blit from this intermediate texture to the final atlas location
case .Atlas:
// profile("VEFontCache: draw call: atlas")
if (draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index) == 0 && ! draw_call.clear_before_draw {
width := ve_ctx.atlas.width
height := ve_ctx.atlas.height
pass := atlas_pass
if draw_call.clear_before_draw {
pass.action.colors[0].load_action = .CLEAR
pass.action.colors[0].clear_value.a = 1.0
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( atlas_pipeline )
fs_uniform := Ve_Blit_Atlas_Fs_Params { region = cast(i32) draw_call.region }
sokol_gfx.apply_uniforms( ShaderStage.FS, SLOT_ve_blit_atlas_fs_params, Range { & fs_uniform, size_of(Ve_Blit_Atlas_Fs_Params) })
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings(Bindings {
vertex_buffers = {
0 = draw_list_vbuf,
vertex_buffer_offsets = {
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index) * size_of(u32),
fs = {
images = { SLOT_ve_blit_atlas_src_texture = glyph_rt_color, },
samplers = { SLOT_ve_blit_atlas_src_sampler = glyph_rt_sampler, },
// 3. Use the atlas to then render the text.
case .None: fallthrough
case .Target: fallthrough
case .Target_Uncached:
if (draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index) == 0 && ! draw_call.clear_before_draw {
// profile("VEFontCache: draw call: target")
width := u32(app_window.extent.x * 2)
height := u32(app_window.extent.y * 2)
pass := screen_pass
pass.swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain()
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( pass )
// sokol_gfx.apply_viewport( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
// sokol_gfx.apply_scissor_rect( 0, 0, width, height, origin_top_left = true )
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( screen_pipeline )
src_rt := atlas_rt_color
src_sampler := atlas_rt_sampler
fs_target_uniform := Ve_Draw_Text_Fs_Params {
down_sample = 0,
colour = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1},
if draw_call.pass == .Target_Uncached {
fs_target_uniform.down_sample = 1
src_rt = glyph_rt_color
src_sampler = glyph_rt_sampler
sokol_gfx.apply_uniforms( ShaderStage.FS, SLOT_ve_draw_text_fs_params, Range { & fs_target_uniform, size_of(Ve_Draw_Text_Fs_Params) })
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings(Bindings {
vertex_buffers = {
0 = draw_list_vbuf,
vertex_buffer_offsets = {
0 = 0,
index_buffer = draw_list_ibuf,
index_buffer_offset = 0,//i32(draw_call.start_index) * size_of(u32),
fs = {
images = { SLOT_ve_draw_text_src_texture = src_rt, },
samplers = { SLOT_ve_draw_text_src_sampler = src_sampler, },
if (draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index) != 0 {
num_indices := draw_call.end_index - draw_call.start_index
sokol_gfx.draw( draw_call.start_index, num_indices, 1 )
ve.flush_draw_list( & ve_ctx )
@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ render_mode_2d_workspace :: proc( screen_extent : Vec2, cam : Camera, input : In
screen_size := screen_extent * 2
// TODO(Ed): Eventually will be the viewport extents
ve.configure_snap( ve_ctx, u32(screen_size.x), u32(screen_size.y) )
// ve.configure_snap( ve_ctx, u32(screen_size.x), u32(screen_size.y) )
ve.configure_snap( ve_ctx, 0, 0 )
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ render_mode_screenspace :: proc( screen_extent : Extents2, screen_ui : ^UI_State
if true {
// state.config.font_size_canvas_scalar = 1
state.config.font_size_canvas_scalar = 1
zoom_adjust_size := 16 *
over_sample := zoom_adjust_size < 12 ? 1.0 : f32(state.config.font_size_canvas_scalar)
debug_text("font_size_canvas_scalar: %v", config.font_size_canvas_scalar)
@ -323,8 +324,8 @@ render_text_layer :: proc( screen_extent : Vec2, ve_ctx : ^ve.Context, render :
width := ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_width
height := ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_height
width := ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.width
height := ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.height
pass := glyph_pass
if draw_call.clear_before_draw {
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ font_provider_setup_sokol_gfx_objects :: proc( ctx : ^VE_RenderData, ve_ctx : ve
glyph_rt_color = sokol_gfx.make_image( ImageDesc {
type = ._2D,
render_target = true,
width = i32(ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_width),
height = i32(ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_height),
width = i32(ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.width),
height = i32(ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.height),
num_slices = 1,
num_mipmaps = 1,
usage = .IMMUTABLE,
@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ font_provider_setup_sokol_gfx_objects :: proc( ctx : ^VE_RenderData, ve_ctx : ve
glyph_rt_depth = sokol_gfx.make_image( ImageDesc {
type = ._2D,
render_target = true,
width = i32(ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_width),
height = i32(ve_ctx.atlas.buffer_height),
width = i32(ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.width),
height = i32(ve_ctx.glyph_buffer.height),
num_slices = 1,
num_mipmaps = 1,
usage = .IMMUTABLE,
Reference in New Issue
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