Misc changes (refactors, notes)
This commit is contained in:
@ -154,17 +154,15 @@ eval_point_on_bezier4 :: proc( p0, p1, p2, p3 : Vec2, alpha : f32 ) -> Vec2
screenspace_x_form :: proc( position, scale : ^Vec2, width, height : f32 ) {
scale.x = (scale.x / width ) * 2.0
scale.y = (scale.y / height) * 2.0
position.x = position.x * (2.0 / width) - 1.0
position.y = position.y * (2.0 / height) - 1.0
quotient := 1.0 / Vec2 { width, height }
(position^) = (position^) * quotient * 2.0 - 1.0
(scale^) = (scale^) * quotient * 2.0
textspace_x_form :: proc( position, scale : ^Vec2, width, height : f32 ) {
position.x /= width
position.y /= height
scale.x /= width
scale.y /= height
quotient := 1.0 / Vec2 { width, height }
(position^) *= quotient
(scale^) *= quotient
InitAtlasRegionParams :: struct {
@ -310,14 +310,3 @@ array_block_size :: proc "contextless" ( self : Array( $Type ) ) -> u64 {
block_size := cast(u64) (header_size + self.capacity * size_of(Type))
return block_size
array_memtracker_entry :: proc( self : Array( $Type ), name : string ) -> MemoryTrackerEntry {
header_size :: size_of(ArrayHeader(Type))
block_size := cast(uintptr) (header_size + (cast(uintptr) self.capacity) * size_of(Type))
block_start := transmute(^u8) self.header
block_end := ptr_offset( block_start, block_size )
tracker_entry := MemoryTrackerEntry { name, block_start, block_end }
return tracker_entry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
package grime
@ -21,27 +21,6 @@ push_back_slice_queue :: proc( self : ^$QueueType / Queue($Type), slice : []Type
queue.push_back_elems( self, ..slice )
// num := cast(uint) len(slice)
// if uint( space_left( self^ )) < num {
// error = queue._grow( self, self.len + num )
// if error != .None do return
// }
// size := uint(len(self.data))
// insert_from := (self.offset + self.len) % size
// insert_to := num
// if insert_from + insert_to > size {
// insert_to = size - insert_from
// }
// copy( self.data[ insert_from : ], slice[ : insert_to ])
// copy( self.data[ : insert_from ], slice[ insert_to : ])
// self.len += num
// return
QueueIterator :: struct( $Type : typeid ) {
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ str_cache_init :: proc( table_allocator, slabs_allocator : Allocator ) -> (cache
@static dbg_name := "StringCache slab"
// TODO(Ed): Is this nessary (essentially is there a perf impact of using vs not using, which is better because thats all that matters)
// Interning should only be handled on a growing arena anyway so it doesn't really need this.
alloc_error : AllocatorError
cache.slab, alloc_error = slab_init( & policy, allocator = slabs_allocator, dbg_name = dbg_name )
verify(alloc_error == .None, "Failed to initialize the string cache" )
@ -123,16 +123,40 @@ setup_memory :: proc( profiler : ^SpallProfiler ) -> ClientMemory
// Setup the static arena for the entire application
alloc_error : AllocatorError
persistent, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Persistent, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Persistent, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Persistent, nil, dbg_name = "persistent" )
persistent, alloc_error = varena_init(
growth_policy = nil,
allow_any_resize = false,
dbg_name = "persistent" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate persistent virtual arena for the sectr module")
frame, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Frame, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Frame, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Frame, nil, allow_any_reize = true, dbg_name = "frame" )
frame, alloc_error = varena_init(
growth_policy = nil,
allow_any_resize = true,
dbg_name = "frame" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate frame virtual arena for the sectr module")
transient, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Transient, sectr.Memory_Reserve_Transient, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Transient, nil, allow_any_reize = true, dbg_name = "transient" )
transient, alloc_error = varena_init(
growth_policy = nil,
allow_any_resize = true,
dbg_name = "transient" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient virtual arena for the sectr module")
files_buffer, alloc_error = varena_init( sectr.Memory_Base_Address_Files_Buffer, sectr.Memory_Reserve_FilesBuffer, sectr.Memory_Commit_Initial_Filebuffer, nil, dbg_name = "files_buffer" )
files_buffer, alloc_error = varena_init(
growth_policy = nil,
allow_any_resize = true,
dbg_name = "files_buffer" )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate files buffer virtual arena for the sectr module")
@ -149,8 +173,8 @@ setup_memory :: proc( profiler : ^SpallProfiler ) -> ClientMemory
file_resize( snapshot_file, sectr.Memory_Chunk_Size )
map_error : MapFileError
map_flags : MapFileFlags = { MapFileFlag.Read, MapFileFlag.Write }
map_error : MapFileError
map_flags : MapFileFlags = { MapFileFlag.Read, MapFileFlag.Write }
sectr_snapshot, map_error = virtual.map_file_from_file_descriptor( uintptr(snapshot_file), map_flags )
verify( map_error == MapFileError.None, "Failed to allocate snapshot memory for the sectr module" )
@ -250,7 +274,7 @@ sync_sectr_api :: proc( sectr_api : ^sectr.ModuleAPI, memory : ^ClientMemory, lo
fmt_backing : [16 * Kilobyte] u8
persistent_backing : [2 * Megabyte] byte
persistent_backing : [2 * Megabyte] byte
transient_backing : [32 * Megabyte] byte
main :: proc()
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
package sectr
import sokol_gfx "thirdparty:sokol/gfx"
import sokol_glue "thirdparty:sokol/glue"
PassActions :: struct {
bg_clear_black : sokol_gfx.Pass_Action,
RenderState :: struct {
pass_actions : PassActions,
// TODO(Ed) : Review this and put into space.odin when ready
ortho :: proc(left: f32, right: f32, bottom: f32, top: f32, near: f32, far: f32) -> [4][4]f32 {
result: [4][4]f32
result[0][0] = 2.0 / (right - left)
result[1][1] = 2.0 / (top - bottom)
result[2][2] = -2.0 / (far - near)
result[3][0] = -(right + left) / (right - left)
result[3][1] = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
result[3][2] = -(far + near) / (far - near)
result[3][3] = 1.0
return result
render :: proc()
Bindings :: sokol_gfx.Bindings
Range :: sokol_gfx.Range
ShaderStage :: sokol_gfx.Shader_Stage
state := get_state(); using state
using render_data
do_nothing : bool
do_nothing = false
// apply_bindings :: sokol_gfx.apply_bindings
// Clear Demo
if false
green_value := debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g + 0.01
debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g = green_value > 1.0 ? 0.0 : green_value
sokol_gfx.begin_pass( sokol_gfx.Pass {
action = debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action,
swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain()
// Triangle Demo
if false
using debug.gfx_tri_demo_state
sokol_gfx.begin_pass(sokol_gfx.Pass { action = pass_action, swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain() })
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( pipeline )
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings( bindings )
sokol_gfx.draw( 0, 3, 1 )
// learnopengl.com/In-Practice/Text-Rendering
when true
using font_provider_data
// green_value := debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g + 0.01
// debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action.colors[0].clear_value.g = green_value > 1.0 ? 0.0 : green_value
// sokol_gfx.begin_pass( sokol_gfx.Pass {
// action = debug.gfx_clear_demo_pass_action,
// swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain()
// })
sokol_gfx.begin_pass(sokol_gfx.Pass { action = pass_actions.bg_clear_black, swapchain = sokol_glue.swapchain() })
sokol_gfx.apply_pipeline( gfx_pipeline )
// sokol_gfx.update_buffer( gfx_vbuffer, sokol_gfx.Range{ , Font_Provider_Ggfx_Buffer_Size } )
projection := ortho( 0, app_window.extent.x * 2, 0, app_window.extent.y * 2, -1, 1 )
sokol_gfx.apply_uniforms( ShaderStage.VS, SLOT_font_glyph_vs_params, sokol_gfx.Range{ & projection[0][0] , size_of(projection) })
text_test_str := str_fmt("frametime: %v", frametime_avg_ms)
def := hmap_chained_get( font_cache, default_font.key )
x : f32 = 0.0
y : f32 = 25.0
scale : f32 = 0.5
next := 0
for codepoint, byte_offset in text_test_str
using def
glyph := & glyphs[ int(codepoint) ]
if glyph.size.x == 0 do continue
// logf("Drawing glyph: %v", codepoint)
bearing : Vec2 = { f32(glyph.bearing.x), f32(glyph.bearing.y) }
size : Vec2 = { f32(glyph.size.x), f32(glyph.size.y) }
pos := vec2(
x + bearing.x * scale,
y - (size.y - bearing.y) * scale
width := size.x * scale
height := size.y * scale
vertices : [6]Vec2 = {
{ pos.x, pos.y + height },
{ pos.x, pos.y },
{ pos.x + width, pos.y },
{ pos.x, pos.y + height },
{ pos.x + width, pos.y },
{ pos.x + width, pos.y + height }
uv_coords : [6]Vec2 = {
0 = { 0.0, 0.0 },
1 = { 0.0, 1.0 },
2 = { 1.0, 1.0 },
3 = { 0.0, 0.0 },
4 = { 1.0, 1.0 },
5 = { 1.0, 0.0 },
color : Vec3 = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
fs_uniform := Font_Glyph_Fs_Params {
glyph_color = color
sokol_gfx.apply_uniforms( sokol_gfx.Shader_Stage.FS, SLOT_font_glyph_fs_params, Range{ & fs_uniform, size_of(fs_uniform) })
vbuf_offset := sokol_gfx.append_buffer( gfx_v_buffer, { & vertices[0], size_of(vertices) })
// sokol_gfx.update_buffer( gfx_uv_buffer, { & uv_coords[0], size_of(uv_coords) })
bindings := Bindings {
vertex_buffers = {
ATTR_font_glyph_vs_vertex = gfx_v_buffer,
ATTR_font_glyph_vs_texture_coord = gfx_uv_buffer,
vertex_buffer_offsets = {
ATTR_font_glyph_vs_vertex = vbuf_offset,
ATTR_font_glyph_vs_texture_coord = 0,
fs = {
images = { SLOT_glyph_bitmap = glyph.texture },
samplers = { SLOT_glyph_bitmap_sampler = gfx_sampler }
sokol_gfx.apply_bindings( bindings )
sokol_gfx.draw( 0, 6, 1 )
next += 6
x += f32(glyph.advance >> 6) * scale
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ sokol_app_log_callback :: proc "c" (
logf( "%-80s %s::%v", cloned_msg, cloned_tag, line_nr, level = odin_level )
// TODO(Ed): This needs to queue to a job stask for a event callback handling thread to deal with.
// TODO(Ed): Does this need to be queued to a separate thread?
sokol_app_event_callback :: proc "c" (sokol_event : ^sokol_app.Event)
state := get_state(); using state
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ render_mode_screenspace :: proc()
content := str_fmt_buffer( draw_text_scratch[:], format, ..args )
debug_draw_text( content, position, 12.0 )
debug.draw_debug_text_y += 14
debug.draw_debug_text_y += 12
debug.debug_text_vis = true
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
package sectr
import fstash "codebase:font/fontstash"
@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
package sectr
import "core:os"
import "core:strings"
import "core:unicode"
import sokol_gfx "thirdparty:sokol/gfx"
import "thirdparty:freetype"
Font_Provider_Use_Freetype :: true
Font_Largest_Px_Size :: 32
Font_Size_Interval :: 2
// Font_Default :: ""
Font_Default :: FontID { 0, "" }
Font_Default_Point_Size :: 18.0
Font_TTF_Default_Chars_Padding :: 4
Font_Load_Use_Default_Size :: -1
Font_Load_Gen_ID :: ""
FontID :: struct {
key : u64,
label : string,
FontTag :: struct {
key : FontID,
point_size : f32
when Font_Provider_Use_Freetype
FontParserFontData :: struct {
using face : freetype.Face,
FontParserData :: struct {
lib : freetype.Library,
FontGlyph :: struct {
size : Vec2i,
bearing : Vec2i,
advance : u32,
texture : sokol_gfx.Image,
FontDef :: struct {
path_file : string,
parser_info : FontParserFontData,
glyphs : [256]FontGlyph,
FontProviderData :: struct {
font_cache : HMapChained(FontDef),
parser : FontParserData,
glyph_shader : sokol_gfx.Shader,
gfx_bindings : sokol_gfx.Bindings,
gfx_pipeline : sokol_gfx.Pipeline,
gfx_v_buffer : sokol_gfx.Buffer,
gfx_uv_buffer : sokol_gfx.Buffer,
gfx_sampler : sokol_gfx.Sampler,
Font_Quad_Vert_Size :: size_of(Vec2) * 6
Font_Provider_Gfx_vBuffer_Size :: Font_Quad_Vert_Size * Kilo * 64
font_provider_startup :: proc()
state := get_state()
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_cache_alloc_error : AllocatorError
font_cache, font_cache_alloc_error = make( HMapChained(FontDef), hmap_closest_prime(1 * Kilo), persistent_allocator() /*dbg_name = "font_cache"*/ )
verify( font_cache_alloc_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to allocate font_cache" )
log("font_cache created")
when Font_Provider_Use_Freetype
result := freetype.init_free_type( & font_provider_data.parser.lib )
if result != freetype.Error.Ok {
fatal( "font_provider_setup: Failed to initialize freetype" )
// Setup Graphics Pipeline
BlendFactor :: sokol_gfx.Blend_Factor
BlendOp :: sokol_gfx.Blend_Op
BlendState :: sokol_gfx.Blend_State
BorderColor :: sokol_gfx.Border_Color
BufferDesciption :: sokol_gfx.Buffer_Desc
BufferUsage :: sokol_gfx.Usage
BufferType :: sokol_gfx.Buffer_Type
ColorTargetState :: sokol_gfx.Color_Target_State
Filter :: sokol_gfx.Filter
Range :: sokol_gfx.Range
SamplerDescription :: sokol_gfx.Sampler_Desc
Wrap :: sokol_gfx.Wrap
VertexAttributeState :: sokol_gfx.Vertex_Attr_State
VertexBufferLayoutState :: sokol_gfx.Vertex_Buffer_Layout_State
VertexIndexType :: sokol_gfx.Index_Type
VertexFormat :: sokol_gfx.Vertex_Format
VertexLayoutState :: sokol_gfx.Vertex_Layout_State
VertexStep :: sokol_gfx.Vertex_Step
using font_provider_data
backend := sokol_gfx.query_backend()
glyph_shader = sokol_gfx.make_shader(font_glyph_shader_desc(backend))
// Glyphs append to a large vertex buffer that must be able to hold all verts per frame, the budget is fixed.
// TODO(Ed): Add a way to relase and remake the buffer when an overflow is detected for a frame.
gfx_v_buffer = sokol_gfx.make_buffer( BufferDesciption {
size = Font_Provider_Gfx_vBuffer_Size,
usage = BufferUsage.DYNAMIC,
type = BufferType.VERTEXBUFFER,
verify( sokol_gfx.query_buffer_state(gfx_v_buffer) != sokol_gfx.Resource_State.INVALID,
"Failed to make font provider's gfx_v_buffer" )
uv_coords : [6]Vec2 = {
0 = { 0.0, 0.0 },
1 = { 0.0, 1.0 },
2 = { 1.0, 1.0 },
3 = { 0.0, 0.0 },
4 = { 1.0, 1.0 },
5 = { 1.0, 0.0 },
// All quads will use the same vertex buffer for texture coordinates.
gfx_uv_buffer = sokol_gfx.make_buffer( BufferDesciption {
size = 0,
usage = BufferUsage.IMMUTABLE,
type = BufferType.VERTEXBUFFER,
data = Range { & uv_coords[0], size_of(uv_coords) },
verify( sokol_gfx.query_buffer_state(gfx_uv_buffer) != sokol_gfx.Resource_State.INVALID,
"Failed to make font provider's gfx_uv_buffer" )
gfx_sampler = sokol_gfx.make_sampler( SamplerDescription {
min_filter = Filter.NEAREST,
mag_filter = Filter.NEAREST,
mipmap_filter = Filter.NONE,
wrap_u = Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
wrap_v = Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
border_color = BorderColor.OPAQUE_BLACK,
glyph_vs_layout : VertexLayoutState
using glyph_vs_layout
attrs[ATTR_font_glyph_vs_vertex] = VertexAttributeState {
format = VertexFormat.FLOAT2,
offset = 0,
buffer_index = ATTR_font_glyph_vs_vertex,
buffers[ATTR_font_glyph_vs_vertex] = VertexBufferLayoutState {
stride = size_of(Vec2),
step_func = VertexStep.PER_VERTEX,
attrs[ATTR_font_glyph_vs_texture_coord] = VertexAttributeState {
format = VertexFormat.FLOAT2,
offset = 0,
buffer_index = ATTR_font_glyph_vs_texture_coord,
buffers[ATTR_font_glyph_vs_texture_coord] = VertexBufferLayoutState {
stride = size_of(Vec2),
step_func = VertexStep.PER_VERTEX,
gfx_pipeline = sokol_gfx.make_pipeline(
shader = glyph_shader,
layout = glyph_vs_layout,
index_type = VertexIndexType.NONE,
colors = {
0 = ColorTargetState \
blend = BlendState {
enabled = true,
src_factor_rgb = BlendFactor.SRC_ALPHA,
dst_factor_rgb = BlendFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
op_rgb = BlendOp.ADD,
src_factor_alpha = BlendFactor.ONE,
dst_factor_alpha = BlendFactor.ZERO,
op_alpha = BlendOp.ADD,
color_count = 1,
sample_count = 1,
log("font_provider initialized")
font_provider_reload :: proc()
font_provider_shutdown :: proc()
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
for & entry in font_cache.lookup
if entry == nil do continue
def := entry.value
// TODO(Ed): Free entry resources.
when Font_Provider_Use_Freetype
font_load :: proc(path_file : string,
default_size : f32 = Font_Load_Use_Default_Size,
desired_id : string = Font_Load_Gen_ID
) -> FontID
logf("Loading font: %v", path_file)
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_data, read_succeded : = os.read_entire_file( path_file )
verify( b32(read_succeded), str_fmt("Failed to read font file for: %v", path_file) )
font_data_size := cast(i32) len(font_data)
desired_id := desired_id
// Use file name as key
if len(desired_id) == 0 {
// NOTE(Ed): This should never be used except for laziness so I'll be throwing a warning everytime.
log("desired_key not provided, using file name. Give it a proper name!", LogLevel.Warning)
// desired_id = cast(FontID) file_name_from_path(path_file)
desired_id = file_name_from_path(path_file)
key := cast(u64) crc32( transmute([]byte) desired_id )
def, set_error := hmap_chained_set(font_cache, key, FontDef{})
verify( set_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to add new font entry to cache" )
def.path_file = path_file
face_index :: 0
freetype.new_memory_face( font_provider_data.parser.lib, raw_data(font_data), font_data_size, face_index, & def.parser_info.face )
// Hardcoding to 24 pt for testing (until we have a proper cached atlas)
freetype.set_pixel_sizes( def.parser_info.face, 0, 72 )
for ascii_code in 0 ..< 128
load_error := freetype.load_char(def.parser_info.face, u32(ascii_code), {freetype.Load_Flag.Render})
verify( load_error == .Ok, "Failed to load character using freetype" )
// using def.parser_info
using def
// glyph := parser_info.face.glyph
// bitmap := & glyph.bitmap
using parser_info.face.glyph
codepoint := rune(ascii_code)
if ! unicode.is_print(codepoint) || bitmap.width <= 0 do continue
ImageDescription :: sokol_gfx.Image_Desc
ImageUsage :: sokol_gfx.Usage
Range :: sokol_gfx.Range
PixelFormat :: sokol_gfx.Pixel_Format
glyph_data : sokol_gfx.Image_Data
glyph_data.subimage[0][0] = Range { bitmap.buffer, u64(bitmap.width * bitmap.rows) }
desc := sokol_gfx.Image_Desc {
type = sokol_gfx.Image_Type._2D,
render_target = false,
width = i32(bitmap.width),
height = i32(bitmap.rows),
num_slices = 1,
num_mipmaps = 1,
usage = ImageUsage.IMMUTABLE,
pixel_format = PixelFormat.R8,
sample_count = 0,
data = glyph_data,
label = strings.clone_to_cstring(str_fmt("font_ascii %v", ascii_code))
// width := i32(bitmap.width)
// rows := i32(bitmap.rows)
// logf("font_ascii : %v", ascii_code )
// logf("font_ascii glyph: %v", rune(ascii_code) )
sokol_img := sokol_gfx.make_image( desc )
verify( sokol_gfx.query_image_state(sokol_img) != sokol_gfx.Resource_State.INVALID,
"Failed to create image on sokol gfx" );
def.glyphs[ascii_code] = FontGlyph {
size = { i32(bitmap.width), i32(bitmap.rows) },
bearing = { bitmap_left, bitmap_top },
texture = sokol_img,
advance = u32(advance.x),
freetype.done_face( def.parser_info.face )
fid := FontID { key, desired_id }
return fid
@ -191,6 +191,9 @@ poll_input_events :: proc( input, prev_input : ^InputState, input_events : Input
input.mouse.btns[id].ended_down = prev_btn.ended_down
input.mouse.raw_pos = prev_input.mouse.raw_pos
input.mouse.pos = prev_input.mouse.pos
input_events := input_events
using input_events
@ -266,11 +269,12 @@ poll_input_events :: proc( input, prev_input : ^InputState, input_events : Input
case .Mouse_Move:
case .Mouse_Enter:
case .Mouse_Leave:
// Handled elsewhere
// Handled below
input.mouse.pos = event.pos
input.mouse.delta = event.delta
input.mouse.raw_pos = event.pos
input.mouse.pos = render_to_screen_pos( event.pos )
input.mouse.delta = event.delta
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ PWS_LineArray_ReserveSize :: 32 * Kilobyte
PWS_ParseResult :: struct {
content : string,
tokens : Array(PWS_Token),
nodes : Array(PWS_AST), // Nodes should be dumped in a pool.
nodes : Array(PWS_AST), // Nodes should be dumped in a pool?
lines : Array( ^PWS_AST),
errors : [PWS_ParseError_Max] PWS_ParseError,
@ -32,26 +32,6 @@ Side :: enum i32 {
// Count,
// }
// UI_AnchorPresets :: enum u32 {
// Top_Left,
// Top_Right,
// Bottom_Right,
// Bottom_Left,
// Center_Left,
// Center_Top,
// Center_Right,
// Center_Bottom,
// Center,
// Left_Wide,
// Top_Wide,
// Right_Wide,
// Bottom_Wide,
// VCenter_Wide,
// HCenter_Wide,
// Full,
// Count,
// }
UI_Cursor :: struct {
placeholder : int,
@ -78,7 +58,6 @@ UI_ScalarConstraint :: struct {
UI_Scalar2 :: [Axis2.Count]UI_Scalar
// UI_BoxFlags_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Layout_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Style_Stack_Size :: 512
@ -88,7 +67,7 @@ UI_Built_Boxes_Array_Size :: 128 * Kilobyte
// TODO(Ed): Rename to UI_Context
UI_State :: struct {
// TODO(Ed) : Use these
// TODO(Ed) : Use these?
// build_arenas : [2]Arena,
// build_arena : ^ Arena,
@ -3,6 +3,25 @@ package sectr
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
// UI_AnchorPresets :: enum u32 {
// Top_Left,
// Top_Right,
// Bottom_Right,
// Bottom_Left,
// Center_Left,
// Center_Top,
// Center_Right,
// Center_Bottom,
// Center,
// Left_Wide,
// Top_Wide,
// Right_Wide,
// Bottom_Wide,
// VCenter_Wide,
// HCenter_Wide,
// Full,
// Count,
// }
// Anchor_
@ -16,7 +35,6 @@ LayoutAlign_OriginTL_Bottom :: Vec2{0.5, 1}
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_BottomLeft :: Vec2{ 0, 1}
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_BottomRight :: Vec2{ 1, 1}
Layout_OriginCenter_Centered :: Vec2{0.5, 0.5}
UI_Align_Presets_Struct :: struct {
Reference in New Issue
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