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[string] $format = $false
foreach ( $arg in $args )
if ( $arg -eq "format" )
$format = $true
[string[]] $include = 'gen.*.hpp', 'gen.*.cpp', 'gen.hpp', 'gen.cpp'
[string[]] $exclude
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_project = Join-Path $path_root project
$path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root scripts
2024-12-10 13:57:12 -05:00
$path_helpers = Join-Path $path_scripts helpers
$path_unreal = Join-Path $path_root gen_unreal_engine
$path_unreal_gen = Join-Path $path_unreal gen
2024-12-10 13:57:12 -05:00
$file_spec = Join-Path $path_unreal unreal.refactor
# Gather the files to be formatted.
$targetFiles = @()
$targetFiles += Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_unreal_gen -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
# $targetFiles += Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_project -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
# $targetFiles += Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_singleheader_comp -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
# Format the files.
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
'-style=file:./.clang-format' # Search for a .clang-format file in the parent directory of the source file.
write-host "Beginning refactor...`n"
$refactorParams = @(
# "-debug",
2024-12-10 13:57:12 -05:00
$refactor = join-path $path_helpers refactor.exe
& $refactor $refactorParams
Write-Host "`nRefactoring complete`n`n"
if ( $format -eq $true ) {
Write-Host "Beginning format...`n"
& clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete"