Switched frametime_delta32 to frametime_avg_ms.
I'll problably rename it and keept delta32 for actual delta. Reading over the sokol_app code I noticed it uses the avg frametime and definitely want to do that for spike alleviation...
I'm sticking with not supporting the top-left alignment for default and instead going with bottom left.
This allows for 0,0 alignment to the "bottom left pivot" for a box and 1,1 to the "top-right pivot" of a box.
These naturally coincide with where the actual min-max points that define the box are for the coodrindate convention I decided to go with. I'll write docs to migitate confusion.
Now I just need to fix the layout presets I have for the currently existing constructions...
Got an initial variant of the drop down widget, not completely set on it..
I put some more time to figuring out how I'm going to be ideomatically constructing the widgets. screen.odin I think its getting pretty close to what it will be like.
I'm ready to start lifting the input box. I'll be adding the constraints when I lift it.
Added the option to toggle the debug text in screenspace
Added the fixes from the ui_layout_children_horizontally for margins to ui_layout_children_vertically
Known issue:
There is a bug with test_whitespace that forced me todo a null check on a box. Not sure why.
It needs to be redone anyway.. (compose it with the h/vboxes instead)
There is some sublime files added in, started to use it.
Going to get sokol_gp soonish
Need to look into figuring out text rendering...
I'm preemtively getting this stuff now but I problably won't be swapping raylib impl anytime soon.
Renamed KeyboardKey to KeyCode, redid the encoding layout (preemtively getting ready for SDL later as well)
I got the input box working but it has no constraints and needs to be lifted. The scroll box construction does as well.
Moved core ui to its own folder.
Worked on theming (proper light and dark theme)
Began to work on the scroll box widget and input box constructions
I added back a script for flattening the codebase: gen_flattened_codebase.ps1
I now generate the layout the compiler wants, eventually I'll just have a custom policy so that the compiler can accept the non-idiomatic layout
See scripts/build.ps1 & gen_staged_compiler_codebase.ps1 for how this is handled.
Still need to add support for centered resize of boxes with the handles. (Will need a different alignment configuration)
Theme manipulation is getting cleaned up iteratively code is slowly looking less nosiy
Going with dark mode at first,
I'll also be making a lightmode, but I want to have a post-processing shader for tonemapping the app screen's tone by the user before doing so.
Text is athe biggest bottleneck right now. Raylib as a renderer fails for this prototype in that front.
I'll eventually need to look into other solutions such as SDL2 + something that renders UI boxes & text very fast...
Saw that layout really should be separated from the style struct, so went ahead and pulled the trigger...
A bunch of other refactors have also been done
* Lifted layout out of style, its not separate in UI_Box and in UI_State there is not a UI_LayoutCombo stack.
* UI_StyleTheme renamed to UI_StyleCombo
* UI_Theme has both UI_StyleCombo & UI_LayoutCombo
* Made files for the "project" related code
* ui_layout_compute moved to its own file, ui_layout now used for layout related data structures and interfacing
* Impovements to horizontal & vertical box impl
* UI_Box now keeps track of how many ancestors it has
Biggest win was getting the intial fixes for overlapping boxes.
Eventually I'll need to add support for sorting actives of top-most ancestors
(pretty much just remove from linked list and add to last position (adjust indices of adjacent and new top most, etc)
This hashtable is not tolerant over going 'over capacity'. I have to eventually swap to another solution similar to Ryans linear probing for string caching.
For now I'll just abuse ram with an oversized table.
* Moved all mapped procedure overloads to grime.odin
* Removed extraneous entity_box related procedures
* Major refactor to grime_array its header is now allocated as part of its initialization