Some cleanup, resize handles lifted to ui_resizeable_handles

Fixed some bugs with the handles as well. Old cruft for resizing was removed.
This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-05-10 02:08:36 -04:00
parent a2b6325b5b
commit 1afe74b4b5
15 changed files with 347 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
// profile("Client tick timing processing")
config.engine_refresh_hz = uint(monitor_refresh_hz)
// config.engine_refresh_hz = 10
frametime_target_ms = 1.0 / f64(config.engine_refresh_hz) * S_To_MS
sub_ms_granularity_required := frametime_target_ms <= Frametime_High_Perf_Threshold_MS

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Color_Red :: rl.RED
Color_White :: rl.WHITE
Color_Transparent :: Color { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Color_BG :: Color { 61, 61, 64, 255 }
Color_BG :: Color { 55, 55, 60, 255 }
Color_BG_TextBox :: Color { 32, 32, 32, 180 }
Color_BG_Panel :: Color { 32, 32, 32, 255 }
Color_BG_Panel_Translucent :: Color { 32, 32, 32, 220 }
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Color_GreyRed :: Color { 220, 100, 100, 50 }
Color_White_A125 :: Color { 255, 255, 255, 165 }
Color_Black :: Color { 0, 0, 0, 255 }
Color_Green :: Color { 0, 180, 0, 255 }
Color_ResizeHandle :: Color { 90, 90, 100, 255 }
Color_ResizeHandle :: Color { 20, 40, 50, 80 }
Color_3D_BG :: Color { 188, 182 , 170, 255 }

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import rl "vendor:raylib"
Str_App_State := "App State"
Memory_App : Memory
Memory_Base_Address_Persistent :: Terabyte * 1

View File

@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ StackFixed :: struct ( $ Type : typeid, $ Size : u32 ) {
items : [ Size ] Type,
stack_push :: proc( using stack : ^ StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ), value : Type ) {
stack_push :: #force_inline proc( using stack : ^ StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ), value : Type ) {
verify( idx < len( items ), "Attempted to push on a full stack" )
items[ idx ] = value
idx += 1
stack_pop :: proc( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) {
stack_pop :: #force_inline proc( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) {
verify( idx > 0, "Attempted to pop an empty stack" )
idx -= 1
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ stack_pop :: proc( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) {
stack_peek_ref :: proc( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) -> ( ^Type) {
stack_peek_ref :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) -> ( ^Type) {
last_idx := max( 0, idx - 1 ) if idx > 0 else 0
last := & items[last_idx]
return last
stack_peek :: proc ( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) -> Type {
stack_peek :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( using stack : ^StackFixed( $ Type, $ Size ) ) -> Type {
last := max( 0, idx - 1 ) if idx > 0 else 0
return items[last]

View File

@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ import "core:strings"
StringKey :: distinct u64
RunesCached :: []rune
// TODO(Ed): Should this just track the key instead? (by default)
StrRunesPair :: struct {
str : string,
runes : []rune,
to_str_runes_pair :: proc ( content : string ) -> StrRunesPair {
return { content, to_runes(content) }
StringCache :: struct {
slab : Slab,
@ -65,8 +67,9 @@ str_cache_init :: proc( /*allocator : Allocator*/ ) -> ( cache : StringCache ) {
// str_cache_intern_string :: proc(
// cache : ^StringCache,
str_intern_key :: #force_inline proc( content : string ) -> StringKey { return cast(StringKey) crc32( transmute([]byte) content ) }
str_intern_lookup :: #force_inline proc( key : StringKey ) -> (^StrRunesPair) { return zpl_hmap_get( & get_state().string_cache.table, transmute(u64) key ) }
str_intern :: proc(
content : string
) -> StrRunesPair
@ -74,8 +77,8 @@ str_intern :: proc(
// profile(#procedure)
cache := & get_state().string_cache
key := u64( crc32( transmute([]byte) content ))
result := zpl_hmap_get( & cache.table, key )
key := str_intern_key(content)
result := zpl_hmap_get( & cache.table, transmute(u64) key )
if result != nil {
return (result ^)
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ str_intern :: proc(
slab_validate_pools( get_state().persistent_slab )
// result, alloc_error = zpl_hmap_set( & cache.table, key, StrRunesPair { transmute(string) byte_slice(str_mem, length), runes } )
result, alloc_error = zpl_hmap_set( & cache.table, key, StrRunesPair { transmute(string) str_mem, runes } )
result, alloc_error = zpl_hmap_set( & cache.table, transmute(u64) key, StrRunesPair { transmute(string) str_mem, runes } )
verify( alloc_error == .None, "String cache had a backing allocator error" )
slab_validate_pools( get_state().persistent_slab )

View File

@ -122,5 +122,6 @@ log :: proc( msg : string, level := LogLevel.Info, loc := #caller_location ) {
logf :: proc( fmt : string, args : ..any, level := LogLevel.Info, loc := #caller_location ) {
// context.allocator = transient_allocator()
core_log.logf( level, fmt, args, location = loc )

View File

@ -180,28 +180,6 @@ render_mode_2d_workspace :: proc()
// profile_end()
if .Mouse_Resizable in current.flags
// profile("Resize Bounds")
resize_border_width := cast(f32) get_state().config.ui_resize_border_width
resize_percent_width := computed_size * (resize_border_width * 1.0/ 200.0)
resize_border_non_range := add(current.computed.bounds, range2(
{ resize_percent_width.x, -resize_percent_width.x },
{ -resize_percent_width.x, resize_percent_width.x }))
render_resize := range2(
rect_resize := rl.Rectangle {
render_resize.max.x - render_resize.min.x,
render_resize.max.y - render_resize.min.y,
draw_rectangle_lines( rect_padding, style, Color_Red, line_thickness )
point_radius := 3 * cam_zoom_ratio
// profile_begin("circles")
@ -216,7 +194,7 @@ render_mode_2d_workspace :: proc()
// profile_end()
if len(current.text.str) > 0 {
ws_view_draw_text( current.text, ws_view_to_render_pos(computed.text_pos * {1, -1}), style.font_size, style.text_color )
ws_view_draw_text( current.text, ws_view_to_render_pos(computed.text_pos * {1, -1}), style.layout.font_size, style.text_color )
@ -290,6 +268,7 @@ render_mode_screenspace :: proc ()
if debug.mouse_vis {
debug_text("Mouse Vertical Wheel: %v", input.mouse.vertical_wheel )
debug_text("Mouse Delta : %v", )
debug_text("Mouse Position (Render) : %v", input.mouse.raw_pos )
debug_text("Mouse Position (Surface) : %v", input.mouse.pos )
debug_text("Mouse Position (Workspace View): %v", surface_to_ws_view_pos(input.mouse.pos) )
@ -299,18 +278,31 @@ render_mode_screenspace :: proc ()
ui := & project.workspace.ui
// debug_text("Box Count: %v", ui.built_box_count )
debug_text("Box Count: %v", ui.built_box_count )
hot_box := ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
active_box := ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
if hot_box != nil {
debug_text("Hot Box : %v", hot_box.label.str )
// debug_text("Hot Range2: %v", hot_box.computed.bounds.pts)
debug_text("Worksapce Hot Box : %v", hot_box.label.str )
debug_text("Workspace Hot Range2: %v", hot_box.computed.bounds.pts)
if active_box != nil{
// debug_text("Active Box: %v", active_box.label.str )
debug_text("Workspace Active Box: %v", active_box.label.str )
ui = & app_ui
debug_text("Box Count: %v", ui.built_box_count )
hot_box = ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
active_box = ui_box_from_key( ui.curr_cache, )
if hot_box != nil {
debug_text("Hot Box : %v", hot_box.label.str )
debug_text("Hot Range2: %v", hot_box.computed.bounds.pts)
if active_box != nil{
debug_text("Active Box: %v", active_box.label.str )
// debug_text("Active Resizing: %v", ui.active_start_signal.resizing)
view := view_get_bounds()
// debug_text("View Bounds (World): %v", view.pts )
@ -432,7 +424,7 @@ render_app_ui :: proc()
// profile_end()
if len(current.text.str) > 0 {
draw_text_screenspace( current.text, surface_to_render_pos(computed.text_pos), style.font_size, style.text_color )
draw_text_screenspace( current.text, surface_to_render_pos(computed.text_pos), style.layout.font_size, style.text_color )

View File

@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ frametime_delta32 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> f32 {
return cast(f32) get_state().frametime_delta_seconds
update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
fmt :: str_fmt_alloc
@static bar_pos := Vec2{}
@static bar_pos := Vec2{0, 100}
bar_size := vec2( 400, 40 )
menu_bar : UI_Widget
@ -218,28 +217,28 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
theme := UI_Style {
flags = {
bg_color = { 0, 0, 0, 30 },
bg_color = { 0, 0, 0, 30 },
border_color = { 0, 0, 0, 200 },
font = default_font,
font_size = 12,
text_color = Color_White,
layout = UI_Layout {
anchor = {},
border_width = 1.0,
font_size = 12,
pos = bar_pos,
size = range2( bar_size, {}),
// padding = { 10, 10, 10, 10 },
menu_bar = ui_widget("App Menu Bar", UI_BoxFlags {} )
menu_bar.text = { fmt("%v", bar_pos), {} }
menu_bar.text.runes = to_runes(menu_bar.text.str)
menu_bar = ui_widget("App Menu Bar", {} )
menu_bar.text = to_str_runes_pair( fmt("%v", bar_pos))
if (menu_bar.first_frame) {
bar_pos = screen_get_corners().top_right - vec2(0, app_window.extent.y * 0.5)
// bar_pos = screen_get_corners().top_right - vec2(0, app_window.extent.y * 0.5)
// Setup Children
@ -255,49 +254,43 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled,
font = default_font,
font_size = 18,
text_color = Color_White,
layout = UI_Layout {
anchor = range2( {0, 0}, {0.0, 0} ),
alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 },
font_size = 18,
text_alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 },
pos = { 0, 0 },
size = range2( {25, bar_size.y}, {0, 0})
theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
theme := to_ui_styletheme(style)
theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled = Color_White = Color_Red = Color_Frame_Select
move_box : UI_Widget
move_box = ui_button("Move Box")
if move_box.dragging {
if {
bar_pos +=
// bar_pos = {0, 400}
move_settings_spacer := ui_widget("Move-Settings Spacer", {})
move_settings_spacer.text = str_intern("spacer") = 10 = Color_Transparent
// settings_btn : UI_Widget
settings_btn = ui_button("Settings Btn")
settings_btn.text = str_intern("Settings") = {
using move_settings_spacer
text = str_intern("spacer")
style.bg_color = Color_Transparent
style.layout.font_size = 10
settings_btn = ui_button("Settings Btn")
settings_btn.text = str_intern("Settings") = {
// HBox layout calculation?
@ -319,175 +312,80 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
@static settings_open := true
if settings_btn.left_clicked || settings_open
if settings_btn.pressed || settings_open
settings_open = true
@static pos := Vec2 {0, 0}
@static size := Vec2 { 600, 800 }
resize_border_width : f32 = 10
// Prototype for a resize box
// Will surround one box with a resize borders
// All sides can have their borders toggled
resize_box := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Box", {})
using resize_box
style.pos = pos
style.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
style.bg_color = {}
style.size = range2( size, {})
resize_border_width : f32 = 20
@static pos := Vec2 {0, 0}
@static size := Vec2 { 200, 200 }
if size.x < 200 {
size.x = 200
// Resize handles and corners
flags := UI_BoxFlags { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable }
style_resize_width := UI_Style {
flags = { .Fixed_Width },
size = range2({resize_border_width, 0}, {}),
bg_color = Color_ResizeHandle,
alignment = {0, 1},
margins = { resize_border_width, resize_border_width, 0, 0 },
style_resize_height := style_resize_width
style_resize_height.flags = {.Fixed_Height}
style_resize_height.size.min = {0, resize_border_width}
style_resize_height.margins = { 0, 0, resize_border_width, resize_border_width }
left := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Left Border", flags )
right := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Right Border", flags) = 1 = {1, 1}
top := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Top Border", flags )
bottom := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Bottom Border", flags) = 1 = {0, 0}
style_corner := UI_Style {
flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height },
size = range2({resize_border_width, resize_border_width}, {}),
bg_color = Color_Blue,
alignment = {0, 1}
corner_tl := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TL", flags)
corner_tr := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {}) = {1, 1}
corner_bl := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BL", flags) = range2({}, {0, 1}) = {}
corner_br := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {0, 1}) = {1, 0}
process_handle_drag :: #force_inline proc ( handle : ^UI_Widget,
side_scalar : f32,
size_axis : ^f32,
size_delta_axis : f32,
pos_axis : ^f32,
alignment_axis : ^f32,
alignment_while_dragging : f32 )
if get_state().ui_context.last_pressed_key != handle.key { return }
@static was_dragging := false
@static within_drag := false
using handle.signal
if dragging
if ! was_dragging {
was_dragging = true
(pos_axis ^) += size_axis^ * 0.5 * side_scalar
(size_axis ^) += size_delta_axis * -side_scalar
(alignment_axis ^) = alignment_while_dragging
else if was_dragging && released
(pos_axis ^) += size_axis^ * 0.5 * -side_scalar
was_dragging = false
process_handle_drag( & right , -1.0, & size.x,, & pos.x, &, 0)
process_handle_drag( & left, 1.0, & size.x,, & pos.x, &, 1)
process_handle_drag( & top, -1.0, & size.y,, & pos.y, &, 0)
process_handle_drag( & bottom, 1.0, & size.y,, & pos.y, &, 1)
// process_corner_drag :: #force_inline proc()
if size.y < 200 {
size.y = 200
settings_menu := ui_widget("Settings Menu", {})
settings_menu := ui_widget("Settings Menu", {.Mouse_Clickable})
using settings_menu
style.alignment = { 0.0, 1.0 }
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel_Translucent
// style.border_width = 1.0
// style.border_color = Color_Blue
style.margins = {
resize_border_width, }
style.flags = {
// .Origin_At_Anchor_Center
style.pos = pos
style.alignment = { 1.0, 0.5 }
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel_Translucent
style.size = range2( size, {})
bg_color = Color_Transparent,
font = default_font,
font_size = 16,
bg_color = Color_Transparent,
font = default_font,
text_color = Color_White,
size = range2({0, 40}, {0, 40}) // TODO(Ed): Implment ratio scaling for height
size = range2({0, 40}, {0, 40}), // TODO(Ed): Implment ratio scaling for height
layout = { font_size = 16 },
ui_style_theme_ref().hot.bg_color = Color_Blue
frame_bar := ui_widget("Settings Menu: Frame Bar", { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus })
using frame_bar
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel
style.flags = {}
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel
style.flags = {}
style.alignment = { 0, 1 }
// style.size = {}
style.anchor = range2( {0, 0.95}, {0, 0} )
if dragging {
pos +=
if {
pos +=
title := ui_text("Settings Menu: Title", str_intern("Settings Menu"))
using title
style.alignment = {0, 1}
style.margins = { 0, 0, 15, 0}
style.text_alignment = {0.0 , 0.5}
title := ui_text("Settings Menu: Title", str_intern("Settings Menu"), {.Disabled})
using title
style.alignment = {0, 1}
style.margins = { 0, 0, 15, 0}
style.text_alignment = {0 , 0.5}
close_btn := ui_button("Settings Menu: Close Btn")
using close_btn
text = str_intern("close")
style.bg_color = Color_GreyRed
style.size.min = {50, 0}
style.anchor = range2( {1.0, 0}, {})
style.alignment = {1, 1}
style.text_alignment = {0.5, 0.5}
if close_btn.pressed {
settings_open = false
ui_style_theme_ref().default.bg_color = Color_GreyRed
ui_style_theme_ref().hot. bg_color = Color_Red
close_btn := ui_button("Settings Menu: Close Btn")
using close_btn
text = str_intern("close")
// style.bg_color = Color_GreyRed
style.size.min = {50, 0}
style.anchor = range2( {1.0, 0}, {})
style.alignment = {1, 1}
style.text_alignment = {0.5, 0.5}
if close_btn.pressed {
settings_open = false
ui_resizable_handles( & settings_menu, & pos, & size )
@ -508,6 +406,7 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
default_layout := UI_Layout {
anchor = {},
alignment = { 0., 0.0 },
font_size = 30,
text_alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 },
// corner_radii = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 },
pos = { 0, 0 },
@ -516,25 +415,18 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
frame_style_default := UI_Style {
flags = frame_style_flags,
bg_color = Color_BG_TextBox,
flags = frame_style_flags,
bg_color = Color_BG_TextBox,
font = default_font,
font_size = 30,
text_color = Color_White,
layout = default_layout,
frame_theme := UI_StyleTheme { styles = {
frame_theme := to_ui_styletheme(frame_style_default)
frame_theme.disabled.bg_color = Color_Frame_Disabled = Color_Frame_Hover = Color_Frame_Select bg_color = Color_Frame_Hover bg_color = Color_Frame_Select
ui_style_theme( frame_theme )
config.ui_resize_border_width = 2.5

View File

@ -114,24 +114,6 @@ UI_ScalarConstraint :: struct {
UI_Scalar2 :: [Axis2.Count]UI_Scalar
UI_Signal :: struct {
cursor_pos : Vec2,
drag_delta : Vec2,
scroll : Vec2,
left_clicked : b8,
right_clicked : b8,
double_clicked : b8,
keyboard_clicked : b8,
pressed : b8,
released : b8,
dragging : b8,
resizing : b8,
cursor_over : b8,
commit : b8,
UI_Box :: struct {
// Cache ID
key : UI_Key,
@ -192,7 +174,6 @@ UI_State :: struct {
// flag_stack : Stack( UI_BoxFlags, UI_BoxFlags_Stack_Size ),
hot : UI_Key,
hot_resizable : b32,
hot_start_style : UI_Style,
active_mouse : [MouseBtn.count] UI_Key,
@ -330,7 +311,7 @@ ui_cursor_pos :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> Vec2 {
return surface_to_ws_view_pos( input.mouse.pos )
else {
return input.mouse.pos
return input.mouse.pos
@ -355,9 +336,6 @@ ui_graph_build_begin :: proc( ui : ^ UI_State, bounds : Vec2 = {} )
// = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_start_signal = {}
if == UI_Key(0) {
ui.hot_resizable = false
ui.built_box_count = 0
root = ui_box_make( {}, "root#001" )
@ -419,6 +397,4 @@ ui_parent_pop :: proc() {
@(deferred_none = ui_parent_pop)
ui_parent :: proc( ui : ^UI_Box) {
ui_parent_push( ui )
ui_parent :: #force_inline proc( ui : ^UI_Box) { ui_parent_push( ui ) }

View File

@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ ui_compute_layout :: proc( ui : ^UI_State )
text_size : Vec2
if style.font_size == computed.text_size.y {
if style.layout.font_size == computed.text_size.y {
text_size = computed.text_size
else {
text_size = cast(Vec2) measure_text_size( current.text.str, style.font, style.font_size, 0 )
text_size = cast(Vec2) measure_text_size( current.text.str, style.font, style.layout.font_size, 0 )
if size_to_text {
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ ui_compute_layout :: proc( ui : ^UI_State )
// Determine Content Bounds
content_bounds := range2(
bounds.min + { layout.padding.left, layout.padding.bottom } + border_offset,
bounds.max - { layout.padding.right, } - border_offset,
bounds.max - { layout.padding.right, } - border_offset,
computed.anchors = anchored_bounds

View File

@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
package sectr
UI_Signal :: struct {
cursor_pos : Vec2,
drag_delta : Vec2,
scroll : Vec2,
left_clicked : b8,
right_clicked : b8,
double_clicked : b8,
keyboard_clicked : b8,
active : b8,
was_active : b8,
pressed : b8,
released : b8,
cursor_over : b8,
commit : b8,
ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
@ -15,18 +33,6 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
// profile_begin( "Cursor collision")
signal.cursor_pos = ui_cursor_pos()
signal.cursor_over = cast(b8) pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, box.computed.bounds )
computed_size := box.computed.bounds.p1 - box.computed.bounds.p0
resize_border_width := cast(f32) get_state().config.ui_resize_border_width
resize_percent_width := computed_size * (resize_border_width * 1.0/ 200.0)
resize_border_non_range := add(box.computed.bounds, range2(
{ resize_percent_width.x, -resize_percent_width.x },
{ -resize_percent_width.x, resize_percent_width.x }))
within_resize_range := cast(b8) ! pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, resize_border_non_range )
within_resize_range &= signal.cursor_over
within_resize_range &= .Mouse_Resizable in box.flags
// profile_end()
// profile_begin("misc")
@ -46,29 +52,17 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal = box.key
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = box.key
ui.last_pressed_key = box.key
ui.active_start_style =
ui.last_pressed_key = box.key
ui.active_start_style =
signal.pressed = true
// TODO(Ed) : Support double-click detection
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && left_released
{ = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
signal.left_clicked = true
ui.last_clicked = box.key
if mouse_clickable && ! signal.cursor_over && left_released
box.hot_delta = 0 = UI_Key(0) = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
@ -100,14 +94,14 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
is_disabled := UI_BoxFlag.Disabled in box.flags
is_hot := == box.key
is_active := == box.key
is_rooted := ui.root == box.parent
if signal.cursor_over
if signal.cursor_over && ! is_disabled
hot_vacant := == UI_Key(0)
active_vacant := == UI_Key(0)
if (hot_vacant || is_hot) &&
(active_vacant || is_active)
// (active_vacant is_active)
if (hot_vacant && signal.cursor_over || is_hot)
// prev_hot := zpl_hmap_get( ui.prev_cache, u64( )
// prev_hot_label := prev_hot != nil ? prev_hot.label.str : ""
@ -125,10 +119,20 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal = UI_Key(0)
// profile_end()
signal.resizing = cast(b8) is_active && (within_resize_range || ui.active_start_signal.resizing)
ui.hot_resizable = cast(b32) (is_hot && within_resize_range) || signal.resizing
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && left_released
{ = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
if was_active {
signal.left_clicked = true
ui.last_clicked = box.key
// profile_end()
// State Deltas update
// profile_begin( "state deltas upate")
@ -164,7 +168,9 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
// profile_end()
signal.dragging = cast(b8) is_active && ( ! within_resize_range && ! ui.active_start_signal.resizing) = cast(b8) is_active
signal.was_active = cast(b8) was_active
// logf("was_active: %v", was_active)
// Update style if not in default state
@ -210,5 +216,6 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
if is_active && ! was_active {
ui.active_start_signal = signal
return signal

View File

@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ UI_Layout :: struct {
alignment : Vec2,
text_alignment : Vec2,
border_width : UI_Scalar,
font_size : f32,
margins : UI_LayoutSide,
padding : UI_LayoutSide,
// TODO(Ed): We cannot support individual corners unless we add it to raylib (or finally change the rendering backend)
corner_radii : [Corner.Count]f32,
border_width : UI_Scalar,
// Position in relative coordinate space.
// If the box's flags has Fixed_Position, then this will be its aboslute position in the relative coordinate space
pos : Vec2,
pos : Vec2,
size : Range2,
// TODO(Ed) : Should thsi just always be WS_Pos for workspace UI?
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ UI_Layout :: struct {
// tile_pos : WS_Pos,
// TODO(Ed): Change this to layout flags? Everything so far is just related to auto-layout
UI_StyleFlag :: enum u32 {
// Will perform scissor pass on children to their parent's bounds
@ -65,8 +66,14 @@ UI_StyleFlag :: enum u32 {
// By Default, the origin is at the top left of the anchor's bounds
// Will size the box to its text. (Padding & Margins will thicken )
// TODO(Ed): Implement this!
// For this to work, the children must have a minimum size set & their size overall must be greater than the parent's minimum size
// Will size the box to its text.
// TODO(Ed): Implement this!
@ -92,11 +99,14 @@ UI_Style :: struct {
font : FontID,
// TODO(Ed): Should this get moved to the layout struct? Techncially font-size is mainly
font_size : f32,
text_color : Color,
cursor : UI_Cursor,
// TODO(Ed): Should layout be separate from style?
// It technically entirely makes up style flags
// and the only thing shared I guess is the font determining the measured text size + transition time
// Technically we can provide a separate transition time option just for layout...
using layout : UI_Layout,
// Used with style, prev_style, and style_delta to produce a simple interpolated animation
@ -118,43 +128,28 @@ UI_TextAlign :: enum u32 {
ui_layout_padding :: proc( pixels : f32 ) -> UI_LayoutSide {
return { pixels, pixels, pixels, pixels }
to_ui_layoutside :: #force_inline proc( pixels : f32 ) -> UI_LayoutSide { return { pixels, pixels, pixels, pixels } }
ui_style_peek :: proc( box_state : UI_StylePreset ) -> UI_Style {
return stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state]
to_ui_styletheme :: #force_inline proc( style : UI_Style ) -> UI_StyleTheme { return { styles = {style, style, style, style} } }
ui_style_ref :: proc( box_state : UI_StylePreset ) -> (^ UI_Style) {
return & stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state]
ui_style_peek :: #force_inline proc( box_state : UI_StylePreset ) -> UI_Style { return stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state] }
ui_style_ref :: #force_inline proc( box_state : UI_StylePreset ) -> (^ UI_Style) { return & stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state] }
ui_style_set :: proc ( style : UI_Style, box_state : UI_StylePreset ) {
stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state] = style
ui_style_set :: #force_inline proc ( style : UI_Style, box_state : UI_StylePreset ) { stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[box_state] = style }
ui_style_set_layout :: proc ( layout : UI_Layout, preset : UI_StylePreset ) {
stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[preset].layout = layout
ui_style_set_layout :: #force_inline proc ( layout : UI_Layout, preset : UI_StylePreset ) { stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array[preset].layout = layout }
ui_style_theme_push :: proc( preset : UI_StyleTheme ) {
push( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack, preset )
ui_style_theme_pop :: proc() {
pop( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack )
ui_style_theme_push :: #force_inline proc( preset : UI_StyleTheme ) { push( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack, preset ) }
ui_style_theme_pop :: #force_inline proc() { pop( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ) }
@(deferred_none = ui_style_theme_pop)
ui_style_theme :: proc( preset : UI_StyleTheme ) {
ui_style_theme_push( preset )
ui_style_theme :: #force_inline proc( preset : UI_StyleTheme ) { ui_style_theme_push( preset ) }
ui_style_theme_peek :: #force_inline proc() -> UI_StyleTheme { return stack_peek( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ) }
ui_style_theme_ref :: #force_inline proc() -> (^ UI_StyleTheme) { return stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ) }
@(deferred_none = ui_style_theme_pop)
ui_theme_via_style :: proc ( style : UI_Style ) {
ui_style_theme_push( UI_StyleTheme { styles = { style, style, style, style } })
ui_theme_via_style :: #force_inline proc ( style : UI_Style ) { ui_style_theme_push( UI_StyleTheme { styles = { style, style, style, style } }) }
ui_style_theme_set_layout :: proc ( layout : UI_Layout ) {
for & preset in stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.theme_stack ).array {
@ -169,6 +164,4 @@ ui_style_theme_layout_push :: proc ( layout : UI_Layout ) {
@(deferred_none = ui_style_theme_pop)
ui_style_theme_layout :: proc( layout : UI_Layout ) {
ui_style_theme_layout :: #force_inline proc( layout : UI_Layout ) { ui_style_theme_layout_push(layout) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package sectr
ui_theme_btn_default : proc( ) -> UI_StyleTheme

View File

@ -43,24 +43,11 @@ test_draggable :: proc()
// Dragging
if draggable.dragging {
if {
debug.draggable_box_pos += mouse_world_delta()
// Resize
if draggable.resizing
og_layout := ui_context.active_start_style.layout
center := debug.draggable_box_pos
original_distance := linalg.distance(ui.active_start_signal.cursor_pos, center)
cursor_distance := linalg.distance(draggable.cursor_pos, center)
scale_factor := cursor_distance * (1 / original_distance)
debug.draggable_box_size = og_layout.size.min * scale_factor
if ( == draggable.key) && (ui.hot_resizable || ui.active_start_signal.resizing) {
if ( == draggable.key) { = Color_Blue
@ -100,21 +87,10 @@ test_parenting :: proc( default_layout : ^UI_Layout, frame_style_default : ^UI_S
debug.draggable_box_pos =
debug.draggable_box_size =
if parent.dragging {
if {
debug.draggable_box_pos += mouse_world_delta()
if parent.resizing
og_layout := ui_context.active_start_style.layout
center := debug.draggable_box_pos
original_distance := linalg.distance(ui.active_start_signal.cursor_pos, center)
cursor_distance := linalg.distance(parent.cursor_pos, center)
scale_factor := cursor_distance * (1 / original_distance)
debug.draggable_box_size = og_layout.size.min * scale_factor
if ( == parent.key) && (ui.hot_resizable || ui.active_start_signal.resizing) {
if ( == parent.key) { = Color_Blue
} = debug.draggable_box_pos
@ -150,7 +126,7 @@ test_text_box :: proc()
style.text_alignment = { 1.0, 1.0 }
// style.flags = { .Size_To_Text }
style.padding = { 10, 10, 10, 10 }
style.font_size = 32
style.layout.font_size = 32
ui_style_theme( { styles = { style, style, style, style, }} )
text := str_intern( "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
@ -160,7 +136,7 @@ test_text_box :: proc()
pos =
if text_box.dragging {
if {
pos += mouse_world_delta()

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ ui_hbox_begin :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {}
widget.signal = ui_signal_from_box( )
ui_hbox_end :: proc( hbox : UI_Widget ) -> UI_Widget {
hbox_width := hbox.computed.content.max.y - hbox.computed.content.min.y
@ -73,12 +74,11 @@ ui_hbox_end :: proc( hbox : UI_Widget ) -> UI_Widget {
size_req_children += size.min.x
availble_flexible_space := hbox_width - size_req_children
return hbox
ui_hbox_auto_end :: proc( vbox : UI_Widget ) {
@ -90,9 +90,150 @@ ui_hbox :: #force_inline proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> (wi
//endregion Horizontal Box
// Adds resizable handles to a widget
ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget,
pos, size : ^Vec2,
handle_width : f32 = 15,
handle_color_non_default : Color = Color_ResizeHandle,
handle_color_default : Color = Color_Transparent,
left := true,
right := true,
top := true,
bottom := true,
corner_tr := true,
corner_tl := true,
corner_br := true,
corner_bl := true, )
handle_left : UI_Widget
handle_right : UI_Widget
handle_top : UI_Widget
handle_bottom : UI_Widget
handle_corner_tr : UI_Widget
handle_corner_tl : UI_Widget
handle_corner_br : UI_Widget
handle_corner_bl : UI_Widget
flags := UI_BoxFlags { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable }
style_bar := UI_Style {
flags = { .Fixed_Width },
size = range2({handle_width, 0}, {}),
bg_color = Color_ResizeHandle,
alignment = {1, 1},
margins = { handle_width, handle_width, 0, 0 },
corner_radii = { 5, 0, 0, 0 }
theme_bar := to_ui_styletheme(style_bar)
theme_bar.default.bg_color = handle_color_default
theme_bar.default.corner_radii[0] = 0
style_resize_height := style_bar
style_resize_height.flags = {.Fixed_Height}
style_resize_height.size.min = {0, handle_width}
style_resize_height.margins = { 0, 0, handle_width, handle_width }
style_resize_height.alignment = {0, 0}
context.user_ptr = & parent.label
name :: proc( ) -> StrRunesPair {
parent_label := (transmute(^string) context.user_ptr) ^
return str_intern(str_fmt_tmp("%v: %v", ))
if left do handle_left = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Left Border", flags )
if right {
handle_right = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Right Border", flags) = 1 = { 0, 1 }
ui_style_theme_ref().default.bg_color = handle_color_default
if top do handle_top = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Top Border", flags )
if bottom {
handle_bottom = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Bottom Border", flags) = 1 = { 0, 1 }
style_corner := UI_Style {
flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height },
size = range2({handle_width, handle_width}, {}),
bg_color = Color_ResizeHandle,
alignment = {1, 0},
corner_radii = { 5, 0, 0, 0 },
ui_style_theme_ref().default.bg_color = handle_color_default
if corner_tl do handle_corner_tl = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TL", flags)
if corner_tr {
handle_corner_tr = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {}) = {0, 0}
if corner_bl {
handle_corner_bl = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BL", flags) = range2({}, {0, 1}) = { 1, 1 }
if corner_br {
handle_corner_br = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BR", flags) = range2({1, 0}, {0, 1}) = {0, 1}
process_handle_drag :: #force_inline proc ( handle : ^UI_Widget,
direction : Vec2,
size_delta : Vec2,
target_alignment : Vec2,
pos : ^Vec2,
size : ^Vec2,
alignment : ^Vec2, )
ui := get_state().ui_context
if ui.last_pressed_key != handle.key { return }
size_delta := size_delta
pos_adjust := size^ * (alignment^ - target_alignment)
@static was_dragging := false
using handle
if active
size^ += size_delta * direction
if pressed {
pos^ -= pos_adjust
else {
alignment^ = target_alignment
was_dragging = true
else if released && was_dragging
pos^ += pos_adjust
alignment^ = target_alignment
was_dragging = false
delta := get_state()
alignment := &
if right do process_handle_drag( & handle_right, { 1, 0 }, delta, {0, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if left do process_handle_drag( & handle_left, { -1, 0 }, delta, {1, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if top do process_handle_drag( & handle_top, { 0, 1 }, delta, {0, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if bottom do process_handle_drag( & handle_bottom, { 0, -1 }, delta, {0, 1}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_tr do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_tr, { 1, 1 }, delta, {0, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_tl do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_tl, { -1, 1 }, delta, {1, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_br do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_br, { 1, -1 }, delta, {0, 1}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_bl do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_bl, { -1, -1 }, delta, {1, 1}, pos, size, alignment )
ui_text :: proc( label : string, content : StrRunesPair, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
// profile(#procedure)
@ -135,6 +276,7 @@ ui_text_tabs :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> UI_Widget
return { box, signal }
//region Vertical Box
ui_vbox_begin :: proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> (widget : UI_Widget) {
// profile(#procedure)
@ -159,3 +301,4 @@ ui_vbox :: #force_inline proc( label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> (wi
//endregion Vertical Box