improve layout visibile lag to none for vbox & hbox on the settings menu

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-05-14 21:54:12 -04:00
parent a29632daea
commit fd2552a82f
10 changed files with 302 additions and 218 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ UI_ScreenState :: struct
settings_menu : struct
pos, size, min_size : Vec2,
container : UI_VBox,
vb_container : UI_VBox,
is_open : b32,
is_maximized : b32,
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ ui_screen_menu_bar :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> (should_raise : b32 )
using state := get_state()
using screen_ui
// ui_floating("Menu Bar", No_Captures, proc( captures : rawptr = nil )
using state := get_state();
using screen_ui.menu_bar
@ -74,6 +73,7 @@ ui_screen_menu_bar :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> (should_raise : b32 )
ui_layout( UI_Layout {
flags = {},
anchor = {},
alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 },
text_alignment = {0.5, 0.5},
border_width = 1.0,
font_size = 12,
@ -129,23 +129,35 @@ ui_screen_settings_menu :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> ( should_raise : b
if size.x < min_size.x do size.x = min_size.x
if size.y < min_size.y do size.y = min_size.y
container = ui_vbox_begin( .Top_To_Bottom, "Settings Menu", {.Mouse_Clickable})
resize_box_base := ui_widget("Settings Menu Wrapper", {})
using resize_box_base
layout.flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height, .Origin_At_Anchor_Center, .Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y }
layout.pos = pos
layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
layout.size = range2( size, {})
style.bg_color = Color_3D_BG
if settings_menu.is_maximized {
using resize_box_base
layout.flags = {.Origin_At_Anchor_Center }
layout.pos = {}
ui_resizable_handles( & resize_box_base, & pos, & size)
vb_container = ui_vbox_begin( .Top_To_Bottom, "Settings Menu", {.Mouse_Clickable}, compute_layout = true)
using container
// flags = {}
layout.flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height, .Origin_At_Anchor_Center }
layout.pos = pos
layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
// layout.alignment = {}
layout.size = range2( size, {})
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel_Translucent
using vb_container
flags = {}
style.bg_color = Color_BG_Panel_Translucent
ui_layout( UI_Layout {
font_size = 16,
alignment = {0, 1}
alignment = {0, 0},
ui_style( UI_Style {
bg_color = Color_Transparent,
@ -153,13 +165,20 @@ ui_screen_settings_menu :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> ( should_raise : b
text_color = Color_White,
ui_style_ref().hot.bg_color = Color_Blue
frame_bar := ui_hbox_begin(.Left_To_Right, "Settings Menu: Frame Bar", { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus })
frame_bar : UI_HBox
frame_bar = ui_hbox_begin(.Left_To_Right, "Settings Menu: Frame Bar", { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus })
{ = Color_BG_Panel
frame_bar.layout.flags = {.Fixed_Height}
frame_bar.layout.size.min.y = 50
frame_bar.layout.anchor.ratio.y = 0.25
ui_layout( UI_Layout {
font_size = 16,
// alignment = {1, 0},
// anchor = range2({}, {})
title := ui_text("Settings Menu: Title", str_intern("Settings Menu"), {.Disabled})
using title
@ -176,7 +195,7 @@ ui_screen_settings_menu :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> ( should_raise : b
using maximize_btn
layout.flags = {.Fixed_Width}
layout.size.min = {50, 0}
layout.size.min = {50, 50}
layout.text_alignment = {0.5, 0.5}
layout.anchor.ratio.x = 1.0
if maximize_btn.pressed {
@ -202,24 +221,72 @@ ui_screen_settings_menu :: proc( captures : rawptr = nil ) -> ( should_raise : b
ui_hbox_end(frame_bar, compute_layout = true)
if {
pos +=
should_raise = true
ui_style( UI_Style {
bg_color = Color_Red,
font = default_font,
text_color = Color_White,
// Populate settings with values from config (hardcoded for now)
ui_layout(UI_Layout {
flags = {
// .Origin_At_Anchor_Center,
// .Fixed_Height,
// pos = {0, 50},
// size = range2({100, 100},{}),
// alignment = {0,0},
ui_style( UI_Style {
bg_color = Color_GreyRed
drop_down_bar := ui_hbox_begin(.Left_To_Right, "settings_menu.vbox: config drop_down_bar", {.Mouse_Clickable})
drop_down_bar.layout.anchor.ratio.y = 1.0
// = Color_Red
btn := ui_button("pls")
btn.text = str_intern("Config") = default_font
btn.layout.font_size = 32
btn.layout.size.min.y = 50
btn.layout.text_alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
btn.layout.flags = {.Fixed_Width, .Size_To_Text}
// btn.layout.size.min = {50, 0} = Color_Green
ui_hbox_end(drop_down_bar, compute_layout = false)
// ui_layout(UI_Layout {
// })
// ui_style( UI_Style {
// })
// res_width_hbox := ui_hbox_begin(.Left_To_Right, "settings_menu.vbox: config.resolution_width: hbox", {})
// ui_parent(res_width_hbox)
// ui_layout_ref().default.flags = {.Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height, .Fixed_Position_Y}
// ui_layout_ref().default.size.min = {50, 50}
spacer := ui_spacer("Settings Menu: Spacer")
// = Color_Red
spacer.layout.anchor.ratio.y = 1.0
// spacer.layout.flags = {.Origin_At_Anchor_Center}
// spacer.layout.alignment = {0.5, 0.5}
ui_vbox_end(container, compute_layout = false )
// ui_box_compute_layout(spacer)
ui_vbox_end(vb_container, compute_layout = false )
// ui_box_compute_layout(spacer)
if settings_menu.is_maximized {
using settings_menu.container
layout.flags = {.Origin_At_Anchor_Center }
layout.pos = {}
ui_resizable_handles( & container, & pos, & size)

View File

@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
debug.draw_ui_box_bounds_points = false
debug.draw_UI_padding_bounds = false
debug.draw_ui_content_bounds = false
debug.draw_ui_box_bounds_points = true
debug.draw_UI_padding_bounds = true
debug.draw_ui_content_bounds = true
should_close = update( host_delta_time )
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
// profile("Client tick timing processing")
// config.engine_refresh_hz = uint(monitor_refresh_hz)
config.engine_refresh_hz = 120
config.engine_refresh_hz = 6
frametime_target_ms = 1.0 / f64(config.engine_refresh_hz) * S_To_MS
sub_ms_granularity_required := frametime_target_ms <= Frametime_High_Perf_Threshold_MS
@ -398,3 +398,4 @@ clean_frame :: proc()
verify( alloc_error == .None, "Failed to allocate transient slab" )

View File

@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ hmap_chained_remove :: proc( self : HMapChainedPtr($Type), key : u64 ) -> b32
// Will preemptively allocate the next slot in the hashtable if its null for the slot.
hmap_chained_set :: proc( using self : HMapChainedPtr($Type), key : u64, value : Type ) -> (^ Type, AllocatorError)
// profile(#procedure)
hash_index := hmap_chained_lookup_id(self, key)
surface_slot := lookup[hash_index]
set_slot :: #force_inline proc( using self : HMapChainedPtr(Type),

View File

@ -210,17 +210,17 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
frame_style_flags : UI_LayoutFlags = {
.Fixed_Position_X, .Fixed_Position_Y,
.Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
// .Origin_At_Anchor_Center,
default_layout := UI_Layout {
flags = frame_style_flags,
anchor = {},
alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 },
// alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 },
font_size = 30,
text_alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 },
// corner_radii = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 },
pos = { 0, 0 },
size = range2( { 1000, 1000 }, {}),
// size = range2( { 1000, 1000 }, {}),
// padding = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
ui_layout( default_layout )

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ UI_FloatingBuilder :: #type proc( captures : rawptr ) -> (became_active : b32)
UI_FloatingManager :: struct {
using links : DLL_NodeFL(UI_Floating),
build_queue : Array(UI_Floating),
tracked : HMapZPL(UI_Floating),
tracked : HMapChainedPtr(UI_Floating),
// tracked : HMapZPL(UI_Floating),
ui_floating_startup :: proc( self : ^UI_FloatingManager, allocator : Allocator, build_queue_cap, tracked_cap : u64, dbg_name : string = "" ) -> AllocatorError
@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ ui_floating_startup :: proc( self : ^UI_FloatingManager, allocator : Allocator,
tracked_dbg_name := str_intern(str_fmt_tmp("%s: tracked", dbg_name))
self.tracked, error = zpl_hmap_init_reserve( UI_Floating, allocator, tracked_cap, dbg_name = tracked_dbg_name.str )
// self.tracked, error = zpl_hmap_init_reserve( UI_Floating, allocator, tracked_cap, dbg_name = tracked_dbg_name.str )
self.tracked, error = hmap_chained_init(UI_Floating, uint(tracked_cap), allocator, dbg_name = tracked_dbg_name.str )
if error != AllocatorError.None
ensure(false, "Failed to allocate tracking table")
@ -43,8 +45,7 @@ ui_floating_reload :: proc( self : ^UI_FloatingManager, allocator : Allocator )
using self
build_queue.backing = allocator
tracked.entries.backing = allocator
tracked.table.backing = allocator
hmap_chained_reload(tracked, allocator)
ui_floating_just_builder :: #force_inline proc( label : string, builder : UI_FloatingBuilder ) -> ^UI_Floating
@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ ui_floating_build :: proc()
for to_enqueue in array_to_slice( build_queue)
key := ui_key_from_string(to_enqueue.label)
lookup := zpl_hmap_get( & tracked, transmute(u64) key )
// lookup := zpl_hmap_get( & tracked, transmute(u64) key )
lookup := hmap_chained_get( tracked, transmute(u64) key )
// Check if entry is already present
if lookup != nil && lookup.prev != nil && != nil {
@ -107,28 +109,13 @@ ui_floating_build :: proc()
if lookup == nil {
error : AllocatorError
lookup, error = zpl_hmap_set( & tracked, transmute(u64) key, to_enqueue )
// lookup, error = zpl_hmap_set( & tracked, transmute(u64) key, to_enqueue )
lookup, error = hmap_chained_set( tracked, transmute(u64) key, to_enqueue )
if error != AllocatorError.None {
ensure(false, "Failed to allocate entry to hashtable")
lookup.queued = true
if first == nil {
first = lookup
else if last == nil { = lookup
last = lookup
last.prev = first
else { = lookup
last = lookup
else {
lookup.captures = to_enqueue.captures
@ -136,6 +123,14 @@ ui_floating_build :: proc()
lookup.queued = true
if first == nil {
first = lookup
last = lookup
} = lookup
last = lookup

View File

@ -3,6 +3,23 @@ package sectr
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
// Anchor_
// Alignment presets
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_TopLeft :: Vec2{ 0, 1}
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_TopRight :: Vec2{-1, 1}
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_Centered :: Vec2{ 0, 1}
LayoutAlign_OriginTL_BottomLeft :: Vec2{ 0, 1}
Layout_OriginCenter_Centered :: Vec2{0.5, 0.5}
// The UI_Box's actual positioning and sizing
// There is an excess of rectangles here for debug puproses.
UI_Computed :: struct {
@ -138,148 +155,3 @@ ui_layout_pop :: #force_inline proc() { pop( &
@(deferred_none = ui_layout_pop) ui_layout_via_combo :: #force_inline proc( combo : UI_LayoutCombo ) { ui_layout_push( combo) }
ui_set_layout :: #force_inline proc( layout : UI_Layout, preset : UI_StylePreset ) { stack_peek_ref( & get_state().ui_context.layout_combo_stack).array[preset] = layout }
Widget Layout Ops
ui_layout_children_horizontally :: proc( container : ^UI_Box, direction : UI_LayoutDirectionX, width_ref : ^f32 )
container_width : f32
if width_ref != nil {
container_width = width_ref ^
else {
container_width = container.computed.content.max.x - container.computed.content.min.x
// do layout calculations for the children
total_stretch_ratio : f32 = 0.0
size_req_children : f32 = 0
for child := container.first; child != nil; child =
using child.layout
scaled_width_by_height : b32 = b32(.Scale_Width_By_Height_Ratio in flags)
if .Fixed_Width in flags
if scaled_width_by_height {
height := size.max.y != 0 ? size.max.y : container_width
width := height * size.min.x
size_req_children += width
size_req_children += size.min.x
total_stretch_ratio += anchor.ratio.x
avail_flex_space := container_width - size_req_children
allocate_space :: proc( child : ^UI_Box, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space : f32 )
using child.layout
if ! (.Fixed_Width in flags) {
size.min.x = anchor.ratio.x * (1 / total_stretch_ratio) * avail_flex_space
flags |= {.Fixed_Width}
space_used : f32 = 0.0
switch direction{
case .Right_To_Left:
for child := container.last; child != nil; child = child.prev {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
alignment = { 0, 1 }// - hbox.layout.alignment
pos.x = space_used
space_used += size.min.x
size.min.y = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
case .Left_To_Right:
for child := container.first; child != nil; child = {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
alignment = { 0, 1 }
pos.x = space_used
space_used += size.min.x
size.min.y = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
ui_layout_children_vertically :: proc( container : ^UI_Box, direction : UI_LayoutDirectionY, height_ref : ^f32 )
container_height : f32
if height_ref != nil {
container_height = height_ref ^
else {
container_height = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
// do layout calculations for the children
total_stretch_ratio : f32 = 0.0
size_req_children : f32 = 0
for child := container.first; child != nil; child =
using child.layout
scaled_width_by_height : b32 = b32(.Scale_Width_By_Height_Ratio in flags)
if .Fixed_Height in flags
if scaled_width_by_height {
width := size.max.x != 0 ? size.max.x : container_height
height := width * size.min.y
size_req_children += height
size_req_children += size.min.y
total_stretch_ratio += anchor.ratio.y
avail_flex_space := container_height - size_req_children
allocate_space :: proc( child : ^UI_Box, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space : f32 )
using child.layout
if ! (.Fixed_Height in flags) {
size.min.y = anchor.ratio.y * (1 / total_stretch_ratio) * avail_flex_space
flags |= {.Fixed_Height}
alignment = {0, 0}
space_used : f32 = 0.0
switch direction {
case .Top_To_Bottom:
for child := container.last; child != nil; child = child.prev {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 1})
// alignment = {0, 1}
pos.y = space_used
space_used += size.min.y
size.min.x = container.computed.content.max.x - container.computed.content.min.x
case .Bottom_To_Top:
for child := container.first; child != nil; child = {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 1})
// alignment = {0, 1}
pos.y = space_used
space_used += size.min.y
size.min.x = container.computed.content.max.x - container.computed.content.min.x

View File

@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ ui_box_compute_layout :: proc( box : ^UI_Box,
rel_pos - adjusted_size * alignment,
rel_pos + adjusted_size * (vec2_one - alignment),
if ! (.Origin_At_Anchor_Center in layout.flags) {
bounds.min -= { 0, adjusted_size.y }
bounds.max -= { 0, adjusted_size.y }
// Determine Padding's outer bounds
border_offset := Vec2 { layout.border_width, layout.border_width }
@ -166,8 +170,8 @@ ui_box_compute_layout_children :: proc( box : ^UI_Box )
for current := box.first; current != nil; current = ui_box_tranverse_next( current )
if current == box do return
if current.computed.fresh do continue
// if current == box do return
// if current.computed.fresh do continue
ui_box_compute_layout( current )

View File

@ -1,3 +1,145 @@
package sectr
Widget Layout Ops
ui_layout_children_horizontally :: proc( container : ^UI_Box, direction : UI_LayoutDirectionX, width_ref : ^f32 )
container_width : f32
if width_ref != nil {
container_width = width_ref ^
else {
container_width = container.computed.content.max.x - container.computed.content.min.x
// do layout calculations for the children
total_stretch_ratio : f32 = 0.0
size_req_children : f32 = 0
for child := container.first; child != nil; child =
using child.layout
scaled_width_by_height : b32 = b32(.Scale_Width_By_Height_Ratio in flags)
if .Fixed_Width in flags
if scaled_width_by_height {
height := size.max.y != 0 ? size.max.y : container_width
width := height * size.min.x
size_req_children += width
size_req_children += size.min.x
total_stretch_ratio += anchor.ratio.x
avail_flex_space := container_width - size_req_children
allocate_space :: proc( child : ^UI_Box, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space : f32 )
using child.layout
if ! (.Fixed_Width in flags) {
size.min.x = anchor.ratio.x * (1 / total_stretch_ratio) * avail_flex_space
flags |= {.Fixed_Width}
space_used : f32 = 0.0
switch direction{
case .Right_To_Left:
for child := container.last; child != nil; child = child.prev {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
// alignment = { 0, 0 }// - hbox.layout.alignment
pos.x = space_used
space_used += size.min.x
// size.min.y = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
case .Left_To_Right:
for child := container.first; child != nil; child = {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
// alignment = { 0, 0 }
pos.x = space_used
space_used += size.min.x
// size.min.y = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
ui_layout_children_vertically :: proc( container : ^UI_Box, direction : UI_LayoutDirectionY, height_ref : ^f32 )
container_height : f32
if height_ref != nil {
container_height = height_ref ^
else {
container_height = container.computed.content.max.y - container.computed.content.min.y
// do layout calculations for the children
total_stretch_ratio : f32 = 0.0
size_req_children : f32 = 0
for child := container.first; child != nil; child =
using child.layout
scaled_width_by_height : b32 = b32(.Scale_Width_By_Height_Ratio in flags)
if .Fixed_Height in flags
if scaled_width_by_height {
width := size.max.x != 0 ? size.max.x : container_height
height := width * size.min.y
size_req_children += height
size_req_children += size.min.y
total_stretch_ratio += anchor.ratio.y
avail_flex_space := container_height - size_req_children
allocate_space :: proc( child : ^UI_Box, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space : f32 )
using child.layout
if ! (.Fixed_Height in flags) {
size.min.y = anchor.ratio.y * (1 / total_stretch_ratio) * avail_flex_space
flags |= {.Fixed_Height}
space_used : f32 = 0.0
switch direction {
case .Bottom_To_Top:
for child := container.last; child != nil; child = child.prev {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
// alignment = {0, 0}
pos.y = -space_used
space_used += size.min.y
size.min.x = container.computed.content.max.x + container.computed.content.min.x
case .Top_To_Bottom:
for child := container.first; child != nil; child = {
allocate_space(child, total_stretch_ratio, avail_flex_space)
using child.layout
anchor = range2({0, 0}, {0, 0})
// alignment = {0, 0}
pos.y = -space_used
space_used += size.min.y
size.min.x = container.computed.content.max.x - container.computed.content.min.x

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ test_parenting :: proc( default_layout : ^UI_Layout, frame_style_default : ^UI_S
parent_layout := default_layout ^
parent_layout.size = range2( { 300, 300 }, {} )
parent_layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
parent_layout.margins = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }
// parent_layout.margins = { 100, 100, 100, 100 }
parent_layout.padding = { 5, 10, 5, 5 }
parent_layout.pos = { 0, 0 }
parent_layout.flags = {
@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ test_parenting :: proc( default_layout : ^UI_Layout, frame_style_default : ^UI_S
child_layout := default_layout ^
child_layout.size = range2({ 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 })
child_layout.alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 }
child_layout.margins = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
child_layout.size = range2({ 100, 100 }, { 0, 0 })
child_layout.alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 }
// child_layout.margins = { 20, 20, 20, 20 }
child_layout.padding = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
child_layout.anchor = range2({ 0.2, 0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.15 })
// child_layout.anchor = range2({ 0.2, 0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.15 })
child_layout.pos = { 0, 0 }
child_layout.flags = {
// .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
.Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height,
// .Origin_At_Anchor_Center
child_style := frame_style_default ^

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ ui_hbox_begin :: proc( direction : UI_LayoutDirectionX, label : string, flags :
hbox.direction = direction = ui_box_make( flags, label )
hbox.signal = ui_signal_from_box(
// ui_box_compute_layout(hbox)
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
layout_bar_width := UI_Layout {
flags = { .Fixed_Width },
alignment = {1, 1},
alignment = {1, 0},
margins = { handle_width, handle_width, 0, 0 },
size = range2({handle_width, 0}, {}),
@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
layout_bar_height.flags = {.Fixed_Height}
layout_bar_height.size.min = {0, handle_width}
layout_bar_height.margins = { 0, 0, handle_width, handle_width }
layout_bar_height.alignment = {0, 0}
layout_bar_height.alignment = {0, -1}
context.user_ptr = & parent.label
name :: proc( ) -> StrRunesPair {
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
if right {
handle_right = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Right Handle", flags)
handle_right.layout.anchor.left = 1
handle_right.layout.alignment = { 0, 1 }
handle_right.layout.alignment = { 0, 0 }
@ -220,12 +221,12 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
handle_bottom = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Resize Bottom Border", flags)
using handle_bottom.layout = 1
alignment = { 0, 1 }
alignment = { 0, 0 }
layout_corner := UI_Layout {
flags = { .Fixed_Width, .Fixed_Height },
alignment = {1, 0},
alignment = {1, -1},
size = range2({handle_width, handle_width}, {}),
style_corner := UI_Style {
@ -238,18 +239,18 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
if corner_tr {
handle_corner_tr = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner TR", flags)
handle_corner_tr.layout.anchor = range2({1, 0}, {})
handle_corner_tr.layout.alignment = {0, 0}
handle_corner_tr.layout.alignment = {0, -1}
if corner_bl {
handle_corner_bl = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BL", flags)
handle_corner_bl.layout.anchor = range2({}, {0, 1})
handle_corner_bl.layout.alignment = { 1, 1 }
handle_corner_bl.layout.alignment = { 1, 0 }
if corner_br {
handle_corner_br = ui_widget("Settings Menu: Corner BR", flags)
handle_corner_br.layout.anchor = range2({1, 0}, {0, 1})
handle_corner_br.layout.alignment = {0, 1}
handle_corner_br.layout.alignment = {0, 0}
process_handle_drag :: #force_inline proc ( handle : ^UI_Widget,
@ -291,8 +292,6 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
delta := get_state()
alignment := & parent.layout.alignment
if compute_layout do ui_box_compute_layout_children(parent)
if right do process_handle_drag( & handle_right, { 1, 0 }, delta, {0, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if left do process_handle_drag( & handle_left, { -1, 0 }, delta, {1, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if top do process_handle_drag( & handle_top, { 0, 1 }, delta, {0, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
@ -301,6 +300,8 @@ ui_resizable_handles :: proc( parent : ^UI_Widget, pos : ^Vec2, size : ^Vec2,
if corner_tl do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_tl, { -1, 1 }, delta, {1, 0}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_br do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_br, { 1, -1 }, delta, {0, 1}, pos, size, alignment )
if corner_bl do process_handle_drag( & handle_corner_bl, { -1, -1 }, delta, {1, 1}, pos, size, alignment )
@ -379,11 +380,12 @@ UI_VBox :: struct {
// Boilerplate creation
ui_vbox_begin :: proc( direction : UI_LayoutDirectionY, label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {} ) -> (vbox : UI_VBox) {
ui_vbox_begin :: proc( direction : UI_LayoutDirectionY, label : string, flags : UI_BoxFlags = {}, compute_layout := false ) -> (vbox : UI_VBox) {
// profile(#procedure)
vbox.direction = direction = ui_box_make( flags, label )
vbox.signal = ui_signal_from_box( )
if compute_layout do ui_box_compute_layout(vbox)