got the sokol_app library starting up and ticking!

Now I just need to get the events and rendering and fonts and... all hooked up
This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-05-22 03:44:14 -04:00
parent 9cd0692e56
commit 8130faa6ad
3 changed files with 8 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ State :: struct {
// The camera is considered the "context" for coodrinate space operations in rendering
cam_context : Camera,
// sokol_relay : SokolRelay,
sokol_context : runtime.Context,

View File

@ -170,6 +170,13 @@ startup :: proc( prof : ^SpallProfiler, persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem
// if config.engine_refresh_hz == 0 {
// config.engine_refresh_hz = sokol_app.frame_duration()
// }
if config.engine_refresh_hz == 0 {
config.engine_refresh_hz = 165
// rl.Odin_SetMalloc( RL_MALLOC )
// rl.SetConfigFlags( {
@ -440,7 +447,7 @@ tick :: proc( host_delta_time : f64, host_delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
return should_close
return ! should_close

View File

@ -5,27 +5,9 @@ import str "core:strings"
import sokol_app "thirdparty:sokol/app"
// SokolLogEntry :: struct {
// tag: cstring,
// log_level: u32,
// log_item_id: u32,
// message_or_null: cstring,
// line_nr: u32,
// filename_or_null : cstring,
// }
// SokolRelay :: struct {
// logs : StackFixed(SokolLogEntry, 512),
// }
// sokol_relay :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> ^SokolRelay {
// return & get_state().sokol_relay
// }
sokol_app_init_callback :: proc "c" () {
context = get_state().sokol_context
log("sokol_app: Confirmed initialization")
// stack_push_contextless( & sokol_relay().logs, { "", 3, 0, "sokol_app: Confirmed initialization", 29, #file })
// This is being filled in but we're directly controlling the lifetime of sokol_app's execution.
@ -33,13 +15,11 @@ sokol_app_init_callback :: proc "c" () {
sokol_app_frame_callback :: proc "c" () {
context = get_state().sokol_context
// stack_push_contextless( & sokol_relay().logs, { "", 3, 0, "sokol_app: SHOULD NOT HAVE CALLED THE FRAME CALLBACK", 29, #file })
sokol_app_cleanup_callback :: proc "c" () {
context = get_state().sokol_context
log("sokol_app: Confirmed cleanup")
// stack_push_contextless( & sokol_relay().logs, { "", 3, 0, "sokol_app: Confirmed cleanup", 29, #file })
sokol_app_alloc :: proc "c" ( size : u64, user_data : rawptr ) -> rawptr {
@ -82,34 +62,8 @@ sokol_app_log_callback :: proc "c" (
logf( "%-80s %v : %s::%s", cloned_msg, cloned_fname, str.clone_from_cstring(tag), level = odin_level )
// push( & sokol_relay().logs, {tag, log_level, log_item_id, message_or_null, line_nr, filename_or_null, user_data })
// sokol_app_relay_update :: proc()
// {
// logs := & sokol_relay().logs
// for ; logs.idx != 0; pop( logs ) {
// odin_level : LogLevel
// switch log_level {
// case 0: odin_level = .Fatal
// case 1: odin_level = .Error
// case 2: odin_level = .Warning
// case 3: odin_level = .Info
// }
// cloned_msg : string = ""
// if message != nil {
// cloned_msg = str.clone_from_cstring(message, context.temp_allocator)
// }
// cloned_fname : string = ""
// if filename_or_null {
// cloned_fname = str.clone_from_cstring(filename_or_null, context.temp_allocator)
// }
// logf( "%-80s %v : %s::%s", cloned_msg, cloned_fname, str.clone_from_cstring(tag), level = odin_level )
// }
// }
sokol_app_event_callback :: proc "c" (event : ^sokol_app.Event) {