2024-03-04 01:17:44 -05:00

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# IMGUI_Notes
Just a place I'm sharing all the notes and research I have on immediate mode user interfaces
## Sean Barret
The Inner Product column on Immediate Mode GUIs:
[Game Developer - September 2005 (Page 34-36)](assets/GDM_September_2005.pdf)
[Sample Implementation](
## Casey Muratori
[Immediate-Mode Graphical User Interfaces - 2005](
[Original Molly Rocket IMGUI forum](
## Handmade
[Podcast Episode 3: Micha Mettke](
[January Meetup - Writing an IMGUI](
* [PPT](
* [vui](
## Johannes Norneby
[Imgui Article](
* [PPT](
[Trygve Reenskaug vs IMGUI](
## Jonathan Blow
[Improving Our Immediate-Mode UI Stuff (Part 1)](
[Improving Our Immediate-Mode UI Stuff (Part 2)](
## nakst
[Writing a toy UI library](
## Ryan Fleury
[UI Series -- Table of Contents](
[The RAD Debugger Project](
* Specifically see the `ui` & `df_gfx` modules. There are problably more important ones to see but these are the first to reference.
## Tscoding's Related Content:
[Immediate UI for My Game in C++](
[Improving Immediate UI for My Game](
[Making Reactive GUI From Scratch with Just Rectangles](
[OpenGL Text Rendering for My Immediate UI Library — Offline Stream #02](
[We Need to Bring GUI Libraries Back! — Offline Stream #09](
[When UI Library is Bad — Offline Stream #13](
## Other
[DPI-aware IMGUI](
[Imgui PPT](
[Jari Komppa's Article](
[Unity Blog - Going deep with IMGUI and Editor customization](
[Zero Memory Widget](
## Relevant Libraries:
[Dear Imgui](
[Kiss SDL](
[microui - Odin](
[zeroxer's IMGUI](
## Layout Related
[CSS Flexible Box Layout](
[CSS Grid Layout](