Ed_ 050b00f28a WIP - Broken Compile : Added pragma once and includes to all files + Parser fixes, and String improvements
Adding the pragma once and includes the files broke compilation, still diagnosing why.

- Some string functions were moved to the cpp, still need to do some more evaluation of it and the containers...
- Added support for forceinline and neverinline to parsing (untested)
- Added support for specifiers in operator cast such as explicit, inline/forceinline/neverinline, etc.
    - Before it only support const.
    - Still need to support volatile.
- Forceinline was not supported at all for tokenization, fixed that.
2023-08-21 20:30:13 -04:00

26 lines
649 B

Invalid, INVALID
Consteval, consteval
Constexpr, constexpr
Constinit, constinit
Explicit, explicit
External_Linkage, extern
ForceInline, forceinline
Global, global
Inline, inline
Internal_Linkage, internal
Local_Persist, local_persist
Mutable, mutable
NeverInline, neverinline
Ptr, *
Ref, &
Register, register
RValue, &&
Static, static
Thread_Local, thread_local
Volatile, volatile
Virtual, virtual
Const, const
Final, final
Override, override
Pure, = 0