Ed_ c5afede7b5 Reorganization of files, refactors, doc updates (WIP)
Removing the gen. namespace from the files for components, dependencies, and file_processors.
They are only necessary if the include directory is transparent, and in my case those are not.

Made a docs directory. I'm offloading information from the main readme to there along with additional informationn I end up elaborating on down the line.
Enum tables were moved to their own directory (project/enums).

Library will not compile for now. Major refactor occuring with parsing related components.
2023-07-29 05:52:06 -04:00

44 lines
934 B

Invalid, INVALID
Assign, "="
Assign_Add, "+="
Assign_Subtract, "-="
Assign_Multiply, "*="
Assign_Divide, "/="
Assign_Modulo, "%="
Assign_BAnd, "&="
Assign_BOr, "|="
Assign_BXOr, "^="
Assign_LShift, "<<="
Assign_RShift, ">>="
Increment, "++"
Decrement, "--"
Unary_Plus, "+"
Unary_Minus, "-"
UnaryNot, "!"
Add, "+"
Subtract, "-"
Multiply, "*"
Divide, "/"
Modulo, "%"
BNot, "~"
BAnd, "&"
BOr, "|"
BXOr, "^"
LShift, "<<"
RShift, ">>"
LAnd, "&&"
LOr, "||"
LEqual, "=="
LNot, "!="
Lesser, "<"
Greater, ">"
LesserEqual, "<="
GreaterEqual, ">="
Subscript, "[]"
Indirection, "*"
AddressOf, "&"
MemberOfPointer, "->"
PtrToMemOfPtr, "->*"
FunctionCall, "()"
Comma, ","