Ed_ 3e249d9bc5 Reorganization of parser, refactor of parse_type( bool* ) and progression of parser docs
Wanted to make parser implementation easier to sift through, so I emphasized alphabetical order more.

Since I couldn't just strip whitespace from typenames I decided to make the parse_type more aware of the typename's components if it was a function signature.
This ofc lead to the dark & damp hell that is parsing typenames.

Also made initial implementation to support parsing decltype within a typename signature..

The test failure for the singleheader is still a thing, these changes have not addressed that.
2023-09-05 01:48:11 -04:00

3.2 KiB

Parser's Algorithim

gencpp uses a hand-written recursive descent parser. Both the lexer and parser handle a full C/C++ file in a single pass.

Notable implementation background


The lex procedure does the lexical pass of content provided as a StrC type. The tokens are stored (for now) in gen::Parser::Tokens.


Array<Token> Arr;
s32          Idx;

What token types are supported can be found in ETokType.csv you can also find the token types in ETokType.h , which is the generated enum from the csv file.

Tokens are defined with the struct gen::Parser::Token:


char const* Text;
sptr        Length;
TokType     Type;
s32         Line;
s32         Column;
bool 	    IsAssign;

IsAssign is a flag that is set when the token is an assignment operator. Which is used for various purposes:

  • Using statment assignment
  • Parameter argument default value assignment
  • Variable declaration initialization assignment

I plan to replace IsAssign with a general flags field and properly keep track of all operator types instead of abstracting it away to ETokType::Operator.

Traversing the tokens is done with the following interface macros:

Macro Description
currtok_noskip Get the current token without skipping whitespace
currtok Get the current token, skip any whitespace tokens
prevtok Get the previous token (does not skip whitespace)
nexttok Get the next token (does not skip whitespace)
eat( Token Type ) Check to see if the current token is of the given type, if so, advance Token's index to the next token
left Get the number of tokens left in the token array
check_noskip Check to see if the current token is of the given type, without skipping whitespace
check Check to see if the current token is of the given type, skip any whitespace tokens


The parser has a limited user interface, only specific types of definitions or statements are expected to be provided by the user directly when using to construct an AST dynamically (See SOA for example). It however does attempt to provide capability to parse a full C/C++ from production codebases.

Each public user interface procedure has the following format:

CodeStruct parse_<definition type>( StrC def )
    check_parse_args( def );
    using namespace Parser;

    TokArray toks = lex( def );
    if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
        return CodeInvalid;

    // Parse the tokens and return a constructed AST using internal procedures

The most top-level parsing procedure used for C/C++ file parsing is parse_global_body:

It uses a helper procedure called parse_global_nspace.

Each internal procedure will be


  1. Make sure the type provided to the helper function is a Namespace_Body, Global_Body, Export_Body, Extern_Linkage_body.
  2. If its not a Global_Body eat the opening brace for the scope.


This is the worst part of the parser. Because other than actual expression values in C++, typenames are the second worst thing to parse in the langauge.