Setup testing and library for getting the parse api done.

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2023-07-08 14:11:41 -04:00
parent a0250d1109
commit b360cf3024
8 changed files with 358 additions and 198 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
// ReSharper disable CppClangTidyClangDiagnosticSwitchEnum
#ifdef gen_time
#include "Bloat.hpp"
#include "gen.hpp"
#ifdef gen_time
namespace gen
ZPL_TABLE_DEFINE( StringTable, str_tbl_, String );
@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ namespace gen
String AST::to_string()
# define ProcessModuleFlags() \
# define ProcessModuleFlags() \
if ( bitfield_is_equal( u32, ModuleFlags, ModuleFlag::Export )) \
result.append( "export " ); \
@ -992,10 +994,6 @@ namespace gen
str_tbl_init ( & StringMap, Allocator_StringTable );
if ( StringMap.entries == nullptr )
fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringMap");
//type_tbl_init( & TypeMap, Allocator_TypeTable );
//if ( TypeMap.entries == nullptr )
// fatal( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the TypeMap" );
Code::Global = make_code();
@ -2886,6 +2884,35 @@ namespace gen
return result;
Code def_specifiers( s32 num, SpecifierT* specs )
if ( num <= 0 )
log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num cannot be zero or less");
return Code::Invalid;
if ( num > AST::ArrSpecs_Cap )
log_failure("gen::def_specifiers: num of speciifers to define AST larger than AST specicifier capacity - %d", num);
return Code::Invalid;
result = make_code();
result->Type = ECode::Specifiers;
s32 idx = 0;
result->add_specifier( specs[idx] );
while ( --num, num );
return result;
Code def_struct_body( s32 num, ... )
def_body_start( def_struct_body );
@ -3027,6 +3054,7 @@ namespace gen
Entry( Comma, "," ) \
Entry( Decl_Class, "class" ) \
Entry( Decl_Enum, "enum" ) \
Entry( Decl_Extern_Linkage, "extern" ) \
Entry( Decl_Friend, "friend" ) \
Entry( Decl_Module, "module" ) \
Entry( Decl_Namespace, "namespace" ) \
@ -3040,13 +3068,14 @@ namespace gen
Entry( Number, "number" ) \
Entry( Operator, "operator" ) \
Entry( Spec_Alignas, "alignas" ) \
Entry( Spec_CLinkage, "extern \"C\"" ) \
Entry( Spec_Const, "const" ) \
Entry( Spec_Consteval, "consteval" ) \
Entry( Spec_Constexpr, "constexpr" ) \
Entry( Spec_Constinit, "constinit" ) \
Entry( Spec_Extern, "extern" ) \
Entry( Spec_Inline, "inline" ) \
Entry( Spec_LocalPersist, "local_persist" ) \
Entry( Spec_Mutable, "mutable" ) \
Entry( Spec_Static, "static" ) \
Entry( Spec_ThreadLocal, "thread_local" ) \
Entry( Spec_Volatile, "volatile") \
@ -3130,8 +3159,7 @@ namespace gen
bool tok_is_specifier( Token const& tok )
return tok.Type <= TokType::Star
|| tok.Type >= TokType::Spec_Alignas
return (tok.Type <= TokType::Star && tok.Type >= TokType::Spec_Alignas)
|| tok.Type == TokType::Ampersand
|| tok.Type == TokType::Ampersand_DBL
@ -3175,6 +3203,7 @@ namespace gen
return true;
@ -3790,14 +3819,11 @@ namespace gen
if ( value )
param->add_entry( value );
result->add_entry( param );
eat( TokType::Comma );
eat( TokType::Capture_End );
return result;
# undef context
@ -3911,6 +3937,7 @@ namespace gen
case TokType::Spec_Static:
case TokType::Spec_ThreadLocal:
case TokType::Spec_Volatile:
Code specifiers = Code::Invalid;
SpecifierT specs_found[16] { ESpecifier::Num_Specifiers };
@ -3946,7 +3973,7 @@ namespace gen
specifiers = def_specifiers( num_specifiers, specs_found );
case TokType::Identifier:
case TokType::Spec_Const:
case TokType::Type_Unsigned:
@ -3954,6 +3981,8 @@ namespace gen
case TokType::Type_Short:
case TokType::Type_Long:
Code specifiers = Code::Invalid;
Code type = parse_type( toks, context );
if ( type == Code::Invalid )
return Code::Invalid;
@ -4203,7 +4232,7 @@ namespace gen
// Parse alignment
Token name = parse_identifier( toks, context );
name = parse_identifier( toks, context );
if ( check( TokType::Assign_Classifer ) )
@ -4324,7 +4353,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( type )
result->add_entry( type );
return result;
@ -4394,8 +4422,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( params )
function->add_entry( params );
eat( TokType::Statement_End );
@ -4410,7 +4436,6 @@ namespace gen
result->add_entry( type );
return result;
@ -4548,7 +4573,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( params )
result->add_entry( params );
return result;
@ -4588,7 +4612,6 @@ namespace gen
// }
return result;
@ -4715,7 +4738,7 @@ namespace gen
if (num_specifiers)
Code specifiers = def_specifiers( num_specifiers, specs_found );
Code specifiers = def_specifiers( num_specifiers, (SpecifierT*)specs_found );
result->add_entry( specifiers );
@ -4734,7 +4757,6 @@ namespace gen
Code result = parse_type( toks, txt(parse_type) );
return result;
@ -4775,7 +4797,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( array_expr )
type->add_entry( array_expr );
return result;
@ -4853,7 +4874,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( array_expr )
type->add_entry( array_expr );
return result;
@ -5013,7 +5033,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( expr )
result->add_entry( expr );
return result;
@ -5139,7 +5158,6 @@ namespace gen
tokmap_clear( & tok_map );
sw result = buf_size - remaining;
// buf[ result ] = '\0';
return result;
@ -5236,7 +5254,6 @@ namespace gen
if ( result == false )
log_failure("gen::File::write - Failed to write to file: %s", file_name( & File ) );
// file_seek( & File, 0 );
file_close( & File );
#pragma endregion Builder

View File

@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
#pragma once
#ifdef gen_time
#include "Bloat.hpp"
// Temporarily here for debugging purposes.
#ifdef gen_time
namespace gen
using LogFailType = sw(*)(char const*, ...);
@ -583,11 +583,6 @@ namespace gen
AST* typedef as to not constantly have to add the '*' as this is written often..
If GEN_ENFORCE_READONLY_AST is defined, readonly assertions will be done on any member dreference,
and the 'gen API' related functions. will set their created ASTs to readonly before returning.
Casting to AST* will bypass.
struct Code
@ -615,14 +610,6 @@ namespace gen
return Invalid;
if ( ast->Readonly )
log_failure("Attempted to a body AST from a readonly AST!");
return Invalid;
return * (Code*)( ast->body() );

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ $path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root scripts
& ninja $args_ninja
if ($true) {
# Test NonParsed
if ($false) {
$gencpp = Join-Path $path_gen_build gencpp.exe
Push-location $path_gen
@ -74,6 +75,32 @@ $path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root scripts
# Test Parsed
if ($true) {
$gencpp = Join-Path $path_gen_build gencpp_parsed.exe
Push-location $path_gen
Write-Host `nGenerating files -- using Parse API...
& $gencpp
Write-Host `nBeginning format...
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
'-style=file' # Search for a .clang-format file in the parent directory of the source file.
$include = @('*.gen.hpp', '*.gen.cpp')
$exclude = $null
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_gen -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete"
# Build the program depending on generated files.
# if ( -not( Test-Path $path_test_build ) )k

View File

@ -7,206 +7,251 @@ using namespace gen;
Code gen__array_base()
Code array_base = parse_struct( code(
struct ArrayBase
return parse_global_body( code(
struct ArrayHeader
struct Header
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
uw Capacity;
uw Num;
static inline
sw grow_formula( sw value )
return 2 * value * 8;
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
uw Capacity;
uw Num;
return array_base;
static inline uw array_grow_formula( uw value )
return 2 * value * 8;
Code gen__array( s32 length, char const* type_str, sw type_size )
Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
StrC tmpl = code(
struct Array_{type} : ArrayBase
using Type = {type};
StrC name;
char const* name_str = str_fmt_buf( "Array_%s\0", type.Ptr );
s32 name_len = str_len( name_str );
Type* Data;
name = { name_len, name_str };
static Array_{type} init( AllocatorInfo allocator )
Code array = parse_struct( token_fmt(
struct <ArrayType>
return init_reserve( allocator, grow_formula(0) );
using Header = ArrayHeader;
using Type = <type>;
static Array_{type} init_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, uw capacity )
Header* header = rcast( Header*, alloc( allocator, sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Type) ));
constexpr auto grow_formula = &array_glow_formula;
if ( header == nullptr )
return false;
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Num = 0;
Array_{type} array;
array.Data = rcast( Type*, header + 1 );
return array;
bool append( Type const& value )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Num == header.Capacity )
<ArrayType> init( AllocatorInfo allocator )
if ( ! grow( header.Allocator ))
return false;
return init_reserve( allocator, grow_formula(0) );
data[ header.Num ] = value;
<ArrayType> init_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw capacity )
Header* header = rcast( Header*, alloc( allocator, sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Type) ));
return true;
if ( header == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
Type& back()
Header& header = get_header();
return data[ header.Num - 1 ];
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Num = 0;
void clear()
Header& header = get_header();
header.Num = 0;
return { rcast( Type*, header + 1) };
bool fill( uw begin, uw end, Type const& value )
Header& header = get_header();
bool append( Type value )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( begin < 0 || end >= header.Num )
return false;
if ( header.Num == header.Capacity )
if ( ! grow( header.Capacity ))
return false;
for ( uw idx = begin; idx < end; idx++ )
data[ idx ] = value;
Data[ header.Num ] = value;
return true;
return true;
void free()
Header& header = get_header();
::free( header.Allocator, & header );
inline Type& back( void )
Header& header = get_header();
return Data[ header.Num - 1 ];
Header& get_header()
return pcast( Header, Data - 1 );
inline void clear( void )
Header& header = get_header();
header.Num = 0;
bool grow( uw min_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
bool fill( uw begin, uw end, Type value )
Header& header = get_header();
uw new_capacity = grow_formula( header.Capacity );
if ( new_capacity < min_capacity )
new_capacity = min_capacity;
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
void pop()
Header& header = get_header();
assert_crash( header.Num > 0 );
bool reserve( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Capacity < new_capacity )
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
return true;
bool resize( uw num )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Capacity < num )
if ( ! grow( num ))
if ( begin < 0 || end >= header.Num )
return false;
header.Num = num;
return true;
for ( sw idx = begin; idx < end; idx++ )
Data[ idx ] = value;
bool set_capacity( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( new_capacity == header.Capacity )
return true;
if ( new_capacity < header.Num )
header.Num = new_capacity;
inline void free( void )
Header& header = get_header();
zpl::free( header.Allocator, &header );
sw size = sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Type) * new_capacity;
Header* new_header = rcast( Header*, alloc( header.Allocator, size ));
inline Header& get_header( void )
return *( reinterpret_cast< Header* >( Data ) - 1 );
if ( new_header == nullptr )
return false;
bool grow( uw min_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
uw new_capacity = grow_formula( header.Capacity );
mem_move( new_header, & header, sizeof( Header ) + sizeof(Type) * header.Num );
if ( new_capacity < min_capacity )
new_capacity = 8;
new_header->Allocator = header.Allocator;
new_header->Num = header.Num;
new_header->Capacity = new_capacity;
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
::free( header );
inline uw num( void )
return get_header().Num;
*Data = new_header + 1;
inline bool pop( void )
Header& header = get_header();
return true;
ZPL_ASSERT( header.Num > 0 );
inline void remove_at( uw idx )
Header* header = &get_header();
ZPL_ASSERT( idx < header->Num );
mem_move( header + idx, header + idx + 1, sizeof( Type ) * ( header->Num - idx - 1 ) );
bool reserve( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Capacity < new_capacity )
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
return true;
bool resize( uw num )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( num > header.Capacity )
if ( ! grow( header.Capacity ) )
return false;
header.Num = num;
return true;
bool set_capacity( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = get_header();
if ( new_capacity == header.Capacity )
return true;
if ( new_capacity < header.Num )
header.Num = new_capacity;
sw size = sizeof( Header ) + sizeof( Type ) * new_capacity;
Header* new_header = reinterpret_cast< Header* >( alloc( header.Allocator, size ) );
if ( new_header == nullptr )
return false;
mem_move( new_header, &header, sizeof( Header ) + sizeof( Type ) * header.Num );
new_header->Allocator = header.Allocator;
new_header->Num = header.Num;
new_header->Capacity = new_capacity;
zpl::free( header.Allocator, &header );
Data = ( Type* )new_header + 1;
return true;
Type* Data;
// Tokens
, "ArrayType", name
, "type", type
Code op_ptr = untyped_str( code(
operator Type*()
return Data;
array.body()->add_entry( op_ptr );
char const* gen_from_tmpl = token_fmt( tmpl.Ptr, 1, "type", type_str );
s32 gen_from_tmpl_len = str_len( gen_from_tmpl );
Code array = parse_struct( { gen_from_tmpl_len, gen_from_tmpl } );
return array;
struct GenArrayRequest
s32 TypeLength;
char const* Type;
sw Size;
s32 DependencyLength;
char const* Dependency;
StrC Dependency;
StrC Type;
sw Size;
Array(GenArrayRequest) GenArrayRequests;
void gen__array_request( s32 type_len, char const* type_str, sw type_size, s32 dep_len, char const* dep )
void gen__array_request( StrC type, sw size, StrC dep = {} )
GenArrayRequest request = { type_len, type_str, type_size, dep_len, dep };
array_init( GenArrayRequests, g_allocator );
// Make sure we don't already have a request for the type.
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < array_count( GenArrayRequests ); ++idx )
StrC const reqest_type = GenArrayRequests[ idx ].Type;
if ( reqest_type.Len != type.Len )
if ( str_compare( reqest_type.Ptr, type.Ptr, reqest_type.Len ) == 0 )
GenArrayRequest request = { dep, type, size };
array_append( GenArrayRequests, request );
#define Gen_Array( type ) gen__array_request( txt_n_len( type ), sizeof(type) )
#define gen_array( type ) gen__array_request( { txt_n_len(type) }, sizeof(type) )
u32 gen_array_file()
@ -214,6 +259,11 @@ u32 gen_array_file()
gen_array_file; "array.gen.hpp" );
Code include_zpl = def_include( StrC::from("Bloat.hpp") );
gen_array_file.print( include_zpl );
Code array_base = gen__array_base();
gen_array_file.print( array_base );
GenArrayRequest* current = GenArrayRequests;
s32 left = array_count( GenArrayRequests );
@ -221,7 +271,7 @@ u32 gen_array_file()
GenArrayRequest const& request = * current;
Code generated_array = gen__array( request.TypeLength, request.Type, request.Size );
Code generated_array = gen__array( request.Type, request.Size );
if ( request.Dependency )
@ -229,7 +279,7 @@ u32 gen_array_file()
s32 cmt_len = str_len( cmt_str );
Code cmt = def_comment( { cmt_len, cmt_str } );
Code include = def_include( { request.DependencyLength, request.Dependency } );
Code include = def_include( request.Dependency );
gen_array_file.print( cmt );
gen_array_file.print( include );

test/Parsed/Sanity.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#pragma once
#ifdef gen_time
#include "gen.hpp"
using namespace gen;
void gen_sanity()
gen_sanity_file.print( def_comment( StrC::from(
"The following will show a series of base cases for the gen parsed api.\n"
// Typedef
Code u8_typedef = parse_typedef( code(
typedef unsigned char u8;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ includes = include_directories(
# get_sources = files('./get_sources.ps1')
# sources = files(run_command('powershell', get_sources, check: true).stdout().strip().split('\n'))
sources = [ '../test.cpp' ]
sources = [ '../test.NonParsed.cpp' ]
sources_parsed = [ '../test.Parsed.cpp' ]
if get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug')
@ -24,4 +25,5 @@ endif
add_project_arguments('-Dgen_time', language : ['c', 'cpp'])
executable( 'gencpp', sources, include_directories : includes )
# executable( 'gencpp', sources, include_directories : includes )
executable( 'gencpp_parsed', sources_parsed, include_directories : includes )

test/test.Parsed.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include "Bloat.cpp"
// #include "Parsed\Array.Parsed.hpp"
// #include "Parsed\Buffer.Parsed.hpp"
// #include "Parsed\HashTable.Parsed.hpp"
// #include "Parsed\Ring.Parsed.hpp"
#include "Parsed\Sanity.hpp"
#ifdef gen_time
#include "gen.cpp"
using namespace gen;
int gen_main()
// gen_array( u8 );
// gen_array( sw );
// gen_buffer( u8 );
// gen_hashtable( u32 );
// gen_ring( s16 );
// gen_array_file();
// gen_buffer_file();
// gen_hashtable_file();
// gen_ring_file();
return 0;
#ifdef runtime
int main()
return 0;