mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 21:58:37 -08:00
Added spec_auto to constants, finished Array.NonParsed.hpp
Adjusted the generated array to the desired design for now. Moving on to making the next container
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace gen
#pragma region Constants
Code type_ns(auto);
Code type_ns(void);
Code type_ns(int);
Code type_ns(bool);
@ -1089,6 +1090,8 @@ namespace gen
Code::Invalid = make_code();
type_ns(auto) = def_type( name(auto) );
t_void_write = ccast( Code, t_void );
t_void_write = def_type( name(void) );
@ -2905,56 +2908,34 @@ namespace gen
def_body_start( def_params );
if ( num % 3 != 0 )
log_failure("gen::def_params: number of arguments must be a multiple of 3 (Code, s32, char const*) - %d", num);
return Code::Invalid;
result = make_code();
result->Type = Parameters;
va_list va;
va_start(va, num);
Code_POD pod = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
Code type = pcast( Code, pod );
s32 name_length = va_arg(va, s32 );
char const* name = va_arg(va, char const*);
Code_POD pod = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
Code param = pcast( Code, pod );
result->Name = get_cached_string( { name_length, name } );
null_check( def_params, param );
if ( type->Type != Typename )
if ( param->Type != Parameters )
log_failure( "gen::def_params: type of param %d is not a Typename", num - num + 1 );
log_failure( "gen::def_params: param %d is not a Parameters", num - num + 1 );
return Code::Invalid;
result->add_entry( type );
Code result = { param->duplicate() };
while( num -= 3, num && num % 3 == 0 )
while ( -- num )
pod = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
type = pcast( Code, pod );
name_length = va_arg(va, u32);
name = va_arg(va, char const*);
pod = va_arg(va, Code_POD);
param = pcast( Code, pod );
param = make_code();
param->Type = Parameters;
param->Name = get_cached_string( { name_length, name } );
if ( type->Type != Typename )
if ( param->Type != Parameters )
log_failure( "gen::def_params: type of param %d is not a Typename", num - num + 1 );
log_failure( "gen::def_params: param %d is not a Parameters", num - num + 1 );
return Code::Invalid;
param->add_entry( type );
result->add_entry( param );
@ -1067,6 +1067,7 @@ namespace gen
// Predefined Codes. Are set to readonly and are setup during gen::init()
extern Code type_ns( auto );
extern Code type_ns( void );
extern Code type_ns( int );
extern Code type_ns( bool );
@ -8,30 +8,19 @@ using namespace gen;
Code gen__array_base()
Code t_allocator_info = def_type( name(AllocatorInfo) );
Code header;
Code allocator = def_variable( t_allocator_info, name(Allocator) );
Code capacity = def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) );
Code num = def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) );
Code body = def_struct_body( 3, allocator, capacity, num );
header = def_struct( name(Header), body );
Code header = def_struct( name(ArrayHeader), def_struct_body( 3
, def_variable( t_allocator_info, name(Allocator) )
, def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) )
, def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) )
Code grow_formula;
Code params = def_param( t_uw, name(value));
Code body = untyped_str( code( return 2 * value * 8; ));
Code grow_formula = def_function( name(array_grow_formula), def_param( t_uw, name(value)), t_uw
, untyped_str( code( return 2 * value * 8; ) )
, def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Static_Member, ESpecifier::Inline )
Code spec = def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Static_Member, ESpecifier::Inline );
grow_formula = def_function( name(grow_formula), params, t_uw, body, spec );
Code body = def_struct_body( 2, header, grow_formula );
Code array_base = def_struct( name(ArrayBase), body );
return array_base;
return def_global_body( code_args( 2, header, grow_formula ) );
Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
@ -39,26 +28,12 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
static Code t_allocator_info = def_type( name(AllocatorInfo) );
static Code v_nullptr = untyped_str( code(nullptr));
// static Code array_base = def_type( name(ArrayBase) );
static Code header;
Code allocator = def_variable( t_allocator_info, name(Allocator) );
Code capacity = def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) );
Code num = def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) );
static Code spec_ct_member = def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Constexpr, ESpecifier::Static_Member );
static Code spec_static_inline = def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Static_Member, ESpecifier::Inline );
static Code spec_static = def_specifier( ESpecifier::Static_Member );
Code body = def_struct_body( 3, allocator, capacity, num );
header = def_struct( name(Header), body );
static Code grow_formula;
Code params = def_param( t_uw, name(value));
Code body = untyped_str( code( return 2 * value * 8; ));
Code spec = def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Static_Member, ESpecifier::Inline );
grow_formula = def_function( name(grow_formula), params, t_uw, body, spec );
static Code using_header = def_using( name(Header), def_type( name(ArrayHeader) ) );
static Code ct_grow_formula = def_variable( t_auto, name(grow_formula), untyped_str( code( & array_grow_formula )), spec_ct_member );
StrC name;
@ -78,9 +53,6 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
Code t_header_ptr = def_type( name(Header), __, spec_ptr );
Code t_header_ref = def_type( name(Header), __, spec_ref );
static Code spec_static_inline = def_specifiers( 2, ESpecifier::Static_Member, ESpecifier::Inline );
static Code spec_static = def_specifier( ESpecifier::Static_Member );
Code array;
Code using_type = def_using( name(Type), t_type );
@ -98,34 +70,29 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
Code init_reserve;
Code params = def_params( 2, (Code[2]){
def_param( t_allocator_info, name(allocator) ),
def_param( t_sw, name(capacity) )
Code params = def_params( 2
, def_param( t_allocator_info, name(allocator) )
, def_param( t_sw, name(capacity) )
char const* tmpl = txt(
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Header* header = rcast( Header*, alloc( allocator, sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Type) ));
if ( header == nullptr )
return (<type>){ nullptr };
return { nullptr };
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Num = 0;
return (<type>){ rcast( Type*, header + 1) };
Code body = untyped_str( token_fmt( tmpl, 1, "type", (char const*)t_array_type->Name) );
return { rcast( Type*, header + 1) };
init_reserve = def_function( name(init_reserve), params, t_array_type, body, spec_static );
Code append;
Code params = def_param( t_type, name(value));
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Code append = def_function( name(append), def_param(t_type, name(value)), t_bool
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Num == header.Capacity )
@ -138,10 +105,8 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
return true;
append = def_function( name(append), params, t_bool, body );
Code back;
@ -153,18 +118,21 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
back = def_function( name(back), __, t_type_ref, body, spec_inline );
Code clear = def_function( name(clear), __, t_void, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
header.Num = 0;
)), spec_inline );
Code clear = def_function( name(clear), __, t_void
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
header.Num = 0;
, spec_inline
Code fill;
Code params = def_params( 3, (Code[3]){
def_param( t_uw, name(begin) ),
def_param( t_uw, name(end) ),
def_param( t_type, name(value) )
Code params = def_params( 3
, def_param( t_uw, name(begin) )
, def_param( t_uw, name(end) )
, def_param( t_type, name(value) )
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
@ -183,25 +151,20 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
fill = def_function( name(fill), params, t_bool, body );
Code free;
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Code free = def_function( name(free), __, t_void
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
::free( header.Allocator, & header );
free = def_function( name(free), __, t_void, body, spec_inline );
zpl::free( header.Allocator, & header );
, spec_inline
Code get_header = def_function( name(get_header), __, t_header_ref, untyped_str( code(
return * ( rcast( Header*, Data ) - 1 );
Code grow;
Code param = def_param( t_uw, name(min_capacity) );
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Code grow = def_function( name(grow), def_param( t_uw, name(min_capacity)), t_bool
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
uw new_capacity = grow_formula( header.Capacity );
@ -210,10 +173,8 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
new_capacity = 8;
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
grow = def_function( name(grow), param, t_bool, body );
Code pop;
@ -227,27 +188,19 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
pop = def_function( name(pop), __, t_bool, body, spec_inline );
Code reserve;
Code param = def_param( t_uw, name(new_capacity) );
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Code reserve = def_function( name(reserve), def_param( t_uw, name(new_capacity)), t_bool
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
if ( header.Capacity < new_capacity )
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
return true;
reserve = def_function( name(reserve), param, t_bool, body );
Code resize;
Code param = def_param( t_uw, name( num ));
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Code resize = def_function( name(resize), def_param( t_uw, name(num)), t_bool
, untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
if ( num > header.Capacity )
@ -258,15 +211,11 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
header.Num = num;
return true;
resize = def_function( name(resize), param, t_bool, body );
Code set_capacity;
Code param = def_param( t_uw, name(new_capacity) );
Code body = untyped_str( code(
Header& header = get_header();
@ -288,20 +237,20 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
new_header->Num = header.Num;
new_header->Capacity = new_capacity;
::free( header.Allocator, & header );
zpl::free( header.Allocator, & header );
Data = (u8*) new_header + 1;
return true;
set_capacity = def_function( name(set_capacity), param, t_bool, body );
set_capacity = def_function( name(set_capacity), def_param( t_uw, name(new_capacity)), t_bool, body );
Code body = def_struct_body( 17
, header
, grow_formula
, using_header
, using_type
, ct_grow_formula
, init
, init_reserve
@ -320,7 +269,6 @@ Code gen__array( StrC type, sw type_size )
, data
array = def_struct( name, body );
@ -353,11 +301,11 @@ u32 gen_array_file()
gen_array_file.open( "array.gen.hpp" );
Code include_zpl = def_include( StrC::from("../../thirdparty/zpl.h") );
Code include_zpl = def_include( StrC::from("Bloat.hpp") );
gen_array_file.print( include_zpl );
// Code array_base = gen__array_base();
// gen_array_file.print( array_base );
Code array_base = gen__array_base();
gen_array_file.print( array_base );
GenArrayRequest* current = GenArrayRequests;
s32 left = array_count( GenArrayRequests );
Reference in New Issue
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