The library is fragmented into a series of headers and source files meant to be scanned in and then generated to a standard target format, or a user's desires.
*`Builder`: Similar conceptually to Jai programming language's *builder*, just opens a file and prepares a string buffer to serialize code into (`builder_print`, `builder_print_fmt`). Then write & close the file when completed (`builder_write`).
* **`Scanner`**: Interface to load up `Code` from files two basic funcctions are currently provided.
*`scan_file`: Used mainly by the library format generators to directly scan files into untyped `Code` (raw string content, pre-formatted no AST parsed).
*`parse_file`: Used to read file and then parsed to populate a `CodeBody` AST.
* **gen_segemetned**: Dependencies go into gen.dep.{hpp/cpp} and components into gen.{hpp/cpp}
* **gen_singleheader**: Everything into a single file: gen.hpp
* **gen_unreal_engine**: Like gen_segemented but the library is modified slightly to compile as a thirdparty library within an Unreal Engine plugin or module.
There are only 4 template definitions in the entire library (C++ versions). (`Array<Type>`, `Hashtable<Type>`, `swap<Type>`, and `tmpl_cast<CodeT>(CodeT code)`)
Two generic templated containers are used throughout the library:
*`template< class Type> struct Array`
*`template< class Type> struct HashTable`
`tmpl_cast<CodeT>(CodeT code)` is just an alternative way to explicitly cast to code. Its usage is wrapped in a macro called `cast` for the base library (needed for interoperability with C).
`template< class Type> swap( Type& a, Type& b)` is used over a macro.
Otherwise the library is free of any templates.
## Macro usage
Since this is a meta-programming library, it was desired to keep both templates and macros (especially macros) usage very limited.
Most macros are defined within [macros.hpp](./dependencies/macros.hpp).
The most advanced macro usage is `num_args` which is a helper for counting the number of arguments of another macro.
Any large macros used implementing the gen interface or parser are going to be phased out in favor of just forcinlined functions.
*(Unless there is a hot-path that requires them)*
The vast majority of macros should be single-line subsitutions that either add:
* Improvements to searching
* Inteniality of keyword usage
* A feature that only the preprocessor has (ex: function name reflection or stringifying)
* Compatibility of statements or expressions bewteen C & C++ that cannot be parsed by gencpp itself.
* Masking highly verbose syntax (the latter is getting phased out).
[gen_c_library](../gen_c_library/) has the most advanced set of macros for c11's generic selection.
* A significant amount of explicit code geneeration is utilized to keep abuse of the preprocessor to the absolute minimum.
* There is a heavy set of documentation inlined wth them; their naming is also highly verbose and explicit.
There are ***five*** header files which are automatically generated using [base_codegen.hpp](./helpers/base_codegen.hpp) by [base.cpp](./base.cpp). They are all located in [components/gen](./components/gen/).
* [ecodetypes.hpp](./components/gen/ecode.hpp): `CodeType` enum definition and related implementaiton. Generation is based off of [ECodeType.csv](./enums/ECodeTypes.csv).
* [especifier.hpp](./components/gen/especifier.hpp): `Specifier` enum definition, etc. Generated using [ESpecifier.csv](./enums/ESpecifier.csv).
* [eoperator.hpp](./components/gen/eoperator.hpp): `Operator` enum definition, etc. Generated using [EOperator.hpp](./enums/EOperator.csv).
* [etoktype.cpp](./components/gen/etoktype.cpp): `TokType` enum defininition, etc. Used by the lexer and parser backend. Uses two csvs:
* [ETokType.csv](./enums/ETokType.csv): Provides the enum entries and their strinng ids.
* [AttributeTokens.csv](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv): Provides tokens entries that should be considered as attributes by the lexer and parser. Sspecfiically macro attributes such as those use for exporting symbols.
* [ast_inlines.hpp](./components/gen/ast_inlines.hpp): Member trivial `operator` definitions for C++ code types. Does not use a csv.
Currently unsupported. I want the library to be *stable* and *correct*, with the addition of exhausting all basic single-threaded optimizations before I consider multi-threading.
## Extending the library
This library is relatively very small (for parsing C++), and can be extended without much hassle.
4. Populate sub-entires using `add_entry`. If using the default serialization function `to_strbuilder`, follow the order at which entires are expected to appear (there is a strong ordering expected).
`def_operator` is the most sophisticated upfront constructor as it has multiple permutations of definitions that could be created that are not trivial to determine if valid.
The parser is documented under [`docs/`](../docs/ and [`docs/`](../docs/ Read that and the entire library if you want to extend it.
### Attributes
To add additional macro attributes, all that has to be done is modifying [`AttributeTokens.csv`](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv).
### Specifiers
To add additional macro specifiers, the following needs to be done:
If the specifier is a new trailing specifier on function definitions:
Head into [base_codegen.hpp](./helpers/base_codegen.hpp): `gen_especifier`. There will be an `is_trailing` function that needs to be adjusted with an additional case for the user's new trailing specifier.
### Code Types
These require the following to be handled to the equivalent extent as the other types:
1. Adjust [ECodeTypes.csv](./enums/ECodeTypes.csv) with the new types
2. Define a new `AST_<Name>` and `Code<Name>`. See
* [ast.hpp](./components/ast.hpp): Initial forwards and user defined conversion for Code.
* [ast_types.hpp](./components/ast_types.hpp): Define the `AST_<Name>` struct.
* [code_types.hpp](./components/code_types.hpp): Defne the `CodeType` struct. If its needs an iterator see: `struct CodeBody`&`struct CodeParams`.
3. [ast_case_macros.cpp](./components/ast_case_macros.cpp): Review cases here if the new code type needs to be considered.
4. [ast.cpp](./components/ast.cpp): Need to review
## Whats with the expression / executions support #ifd and enums?
The library is a *work in progress* and those are unfinished hypotheticals for adding the ability to manage or parse the AST of expresions or execution scope code.
They are entirely untested and not meant to be used yet, futher there is no parsing support or an upfront interface for what CodeTypes are defined so far.