Still need a spacial indexing method to prevent redundant enqueues to the drawlist (esp for text)
I'm in the process of trying to see if I can keep getting vefontcache even more performant... Making it multi-threaded can help but there might be some single-thread per still possible..
* Added clear_atlas_region_caches & clear_shape_cache to VEFontCache (Used on hot-reload by the pototype's font provider)
* Made glyph_draw's over_sample a vec2 for initialization (incase user wants to do some float value multiple of 4x4)
* ADVANCE_SNAP_SMALLFONT_SIZE made a runtime option: Shaper_Context.adv_snap_small_font_threshold
* Large imporvement to text hinting and general rendering of text
* draw_text_string_pos_extent_zoomed can now oversample text futher (if desired)
* render_ui_via_box_tree has a rudimentary render pass layering optimization
Add support for the slab allocator to accept arbitrary alignments (odin's map container needs it)
Messing around with 64-byte alignment as the default for the allocator...
* VEFontCache needs to get fixed up (possibly bring back ELFHash)
* Problably going to do conversion early to odin's array and map usage
* Need get the quad tree setup for the ui so that I can do fast and efficient traversal for the layer based rendering.
I'm enforcing aprintf it as the default formatter.
I changed up the context allocator assignment to reflect how I've been intending to allocation in startup & platform events vs tick.
Tick uses the frame slab's by default with transient on temp. Startup & platform events use the transient by default & for temp, with any use of the persistent allocator being explicit.
I'm sticking with not supporting the top-left alignment for default and instead going with bottom left.
This allows for 0,0 alignment to the "bottom left pivot" for a box and 1,1 to the "top-right pivot" of a box.
These naturally coincide with where the actual min-max points that define the box are for the coodrindate convention I decided to go with. I'll write docs to migitate confusion.
Now I just need to fix the layout presets I have for the currently existing constructions...
Got an initial variant of the drop down widget, not completely set on it..
I put some more time to figuring out how I'm going to be ideomatically constructing the widgets. screen.odin I think its getting pretty close to what it will be like.
I'm ready to start lifting the input box. I'll be adding the constraints when I lift it.
Added the option to toggle the debug text in screenspace
Added the fixes from the ui_layout_children_horizontally for margins to ui_layout_children_vertically
Known issue:
There is a bug with test_whitespace that forced me todo a null check on a box. Not sure why.
It needs to be redone anyway.. (compose it with the h/vboxes instead)
There is some sublime files added in, started to use it.