Got an initial variant of the drop down widget, not completely set on it..
I put some more time to figuring out how I'm going to be ideomatically constructing the widgets. screen.odin I think its getting pretty close to what it will be like.
I'm ready to start lifting the input box. I'll be adding the constraints when I lift it.
Added the option to toggle the debug text in screenspace
Added the fixes from the ui_layout_children_horizontally for margins to ui_layout_children_vertically
Known issue:
There is a bug with test_whitespace that forced me todo a null check on a box. Not sure why.
It needs to be redone anyway.. (compose it with the h/vboxes instead)
There is some sublime files added in, started to use it.
Moved core ui to its own folder.
Worked on theming (proper light and dark theme)
Began to work on the scroll box widget and input box constructions
I added back a script for flattening the codebase: gen_flattened_codebase.ps1
Renamed HashTable to HMapZPL, with procs having the zpl_ namespace prefix.
(I want to eventually get away from using it)
Started to use the grime pattern for library aliasing better.