Dragging! & basic proportional box resize frm cursor distance to box pos
Still need to add resize via 'pulling' to stretch the box out from a side or 2 sides diagonally. Also some general clenaup of code
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Sectr Prototype
This prototype aims to flesh out ideas I've wanted to explore futher when it came to code editing and tools for code in general.
The project is so far in a "codebase boostrapping" phase.
The code is organized into 2 modules sectr_host & sectr.
The host module loads the main module & its memory. Hot-reloading it's dll when it detects a change.
The main module only depends on libraries provided by odin repo's base, core, or vendor related packages, and a ini-parsing library.
@ -80,6 +80,23 @@ startup :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^V
input = & input_data[1]
input_prev = & input_data[0]
// Configuration Load
using config
resolution_width = 1000
resolution_height = 600
refresh_rate = 0
cam_min_zoom = 0.25
cam_max_zoom = 10.0
cam_zoom_mode = .Smooth
cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness = 4.0
cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital = 0.2
cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth = 4.0
ui_resize_border_width = 20
// rl.Odin_SetMalloc( RL_MALLOC )
rl.SetConfigFlags( {
@ -119,15 +136,6 @@ startup :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^V
path_firacode := strings.concatenate( { Path_Assets, "FiraCode-Regular.ttf" }, frame_allocator() )
font_firacode = font_load( path_firacode, 24.0, "FiraCode" )
// font_data, read_succeded : = os.read_entire_file( path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg )
// verify( read_succeded, fmt.tprintf("Failed to read font file for: %v", path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg) )
// cstr := strings.clone_to_cstring( path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg )
// font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg = rl.LoadFontEx( cstr, cast(i32) points_to_pixels(24.0), nil, 0 )
// delete( cstr)
// rl.GuiSetFont( font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg ) // TODO(Ed) : Does this do anything?
default_font = font_firacode
log( "Default font loaded" )
@ -198,8 +206,8 @@ reload :: proc( persistent_mem, frame_mem, transient_mem, files_buffer_mem : ^VA
// Thankfully persistent dynamic allocations are rare, and thus we know exactly which ones they are.
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data
// font_provide_data.font_cache.hashes.allocator = slab_allocator()
// font_provide_data.font_cache.entries.allocator = slab_allocator()
font_provider_data.font_cache.hashes.allocator = general_slab_allocator()
font_provider_data.font_cache.entries.allocator = general_slab_allocator()
ui_reload( & get_state().project.workspace.ui, cache_allocator = general_slab_allocator() )
@ -217,7 +225,9 @@ tick :: proc( delta_time : f64, delta_ns : Duration ) -> b32
context.allocator = frame_allocator()
context.temp_allocator = transient_allocator()
get_state().frametime_delta_ns = delta_ns
state := get_state()
state.frametime_delta_ns = delta_ns
state.frametime_delta_seconds = delta_time
result := update( delta_time )
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Color_White :: rl.WHITE
Color_Transparent :: Color { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Color_BG :: Color { 41, 41, 45, 255 }
Color_BG_TextBox :: Color { 32, 32, 32, 255 }
Color_BG_TextBox :: Color { 32, 32, 32, 180 }
Color_BG_TextBox_Green :: Color { 102, 102, 110, 255 }
Color_Frame_Disabled :: Color { 22, 22, 22, 120 }
Color_Frame_Hover :: Color { 122, 122, 125, 255 }
Color_Frame_Select :: Color { 188, 188, 188, 255 }
Color_Frame_Hover :: Color { 122, 122, 125, 200 }
Color_Frame_Select :: Color { 188, 188, 188, 220 }
Color_GreyRed :: Color { 220, 100, 100, 125 }
Color_White_A125 :: Color { 255, 255, 255, 125 }
@ -118,8 +118,15 @@ AppConfig :: struct {
resolution_width : uint,
resolution_height : uint,
refresh_rate : uint,
min_zoom : uint,
max_zoom : uint,
cam_min_zoom : f32,
cam_max_zoom : f32,
cam_zoom_mode : CameraZoomMode,
cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness : f32,
cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth : f32,
cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital : f32,
ui_resize_border_width : uint,
State :: struct {
@ -144,7 +151,8 @@ State :: struct {
engine_refresh_hz : i32,
engine_refresh_target : i32,
frametime_delta_ns : Duration,
frametime_delta_seconds : f64,
frametime_delta_ns : Duration,
font_firacode : FontID,
font_squidgy_slimes : FontID,
@ -190,7 +198,8 @@ Project :: struct {
Workspace :: struct {
name : string,
cam : Camera,
cam : Camera,
zoom_target : f32,
// TODO(Ed) : The workspace is mainly a 'UI' conceptually...
ui : UI_State,
@ -207,7 +216,15 @@ DebugData :: struct {
mouse_vis : b32,
last_mouse_pos : Vec2,
zoom_target : f32,
// Test First
frame_2_created : b32,
// Test Draggable
draggable_box_pos : Vec2,
draggable_box_size : Vec2,
box_original_size : Vec2,
box_resize_started : b32,
ui_drag_delta : Vec2,
ui_drag_start : Vec2,
@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ FontGlyphsRender :: struct {
FontDef :: struct {
path_file : string,
data : [] u8,
// TODO(Ed) : you may have to store font data in the future if we render on demand
// data : []u8,
default_size : i32,
size_table : [Font_Largest_Px_Size / 2] FontGlyphsRender,
@ -62,8 +65,7 @@ font_provider_startup :: proc()
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_cache_alloc_error : AllocatorError
font_cache, font_cache_alloc_error = zpl_hmap_init_reserve( FontDef, general_slab_allocator(), 8 )
font_cache, font_cache_alloc_error = zpl_hmap_init_reserve( FontDef, general_slab_allocator(), 2 )
verify( font_cache_alloc_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to allocate font_cache" )
log("font_cache created")
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ font_load :: proc( path_file : string,
font_provider_data := & get_state().font_provider_data; using font_provider_data
font_data, read_succeded : = os.read_entire_file( path_file, general_slab_allocator() )
font_data, read_succeded : = os.read_entire_file( path_file, context.temp_allocator )
verify( b32(read_succeded), str_fmt_tmp("Failed to read font file for: %v", path_file) )
font_data_size := cast(i32) len(font_data)
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ font_load :: proc( path_file : string,
verify( set_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to add new font entry to cache" )
def.path_file = path_file
def.data = font_data
// def.data = font_data
def.default_size = i32(points_to_pixels(default_size))
// TODO(Ed): this is slow & eats quite a bit of memory early on. Setup a more on demand load for a specific size.
@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ OS_Type :: type_of(ODIN_OS)
// Proc Name Overloads Alias table
// This has to be done on a per-module basis.
add :: proc {
cm_to_pixels :: proc {
@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ zpl_hmap_set :: proc( using self : ^ HMapZPL( $ Type), key : u64, value : Type )
entries.data[id].value = value
if zpl_hmap_full( self ) {
return & entries.data[id].value, zpl_hmap_grow( self )
alloc_error := zpl_hmap_grow( self )
return & entries.data[id].value, alloc_error
return & entries.data[id].value, AllocatorError.None
@ -280,6 +280,8 @@ main :: proc()
verify( sectr_api.lib_version != 0, "Failed to initially load the sectr module" )
free_all( context.temp_allocator )
running = true;
sectr_api = sectr_api
@ -273,6 +273,12 @@ MouseState :: struct {
vertical_wheel, horizontal_wheel : AnalogAxis
mouse_world_delta :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> Vec2 {
using state := get_state()
cam := & state.project.workspace.cam
return { input.mouse.delta.x, -input.mouse.delta.y } * ( 1 / cam.zoom )
InputState :: struct {
keyboard : KeyboardState,
mouse : MouseState
@ -33,6 +33,19 @@ Range2 :: struct #raw_union{
range2 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( a, b : Vec2 ) -> Range2 {
result := Range2 { pts = { a, b } }
return result
Rect :: struct {
top_left, bottom_right : Vec2
add_range2 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( a, b : Range2 ) -> Range2 {
result := Range2 { pts = {
a.p0 + b.p0,
a.p1 + b.p1,
return result
@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ range2_pixels_to_cm :: proc( range : Range2 ) -> Range2 {
Camera :: rl.Camera2D
CameraZoomMode :: enum u32 {
// TODO(Ed) : I'm not sure making the size and extent types distinct has made things easier or more difficult in Odin..
// The lack of operator overloads is going to make any sort of nice typesystem
// for doing lots of math or phyiscs more error prone or filled with proc wrappers
@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ view_get_corners :: proc() -> BoundsCorners2 {
return { top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right }
screen_to_world :: proc(pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
screen_to_world :: #force_inline proc "contextless" (pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam := & project.workspace.cam
result := Vec2 { cam.target.x, -cam.target.y} + Vec2 { pos.x, -pos.y } * (1 / cam.zoom)
@ -60,12 +60,20 @@ render :: proc()
debug_text("Zoom Target: %v", project.workspace.zoom_target)
if debug.mouse_vis {
debug_text( "Mouse Vertical Wheel: %v", input.mouse.vertical_wheel )
debug_text( "Mouse Position (Screen): %v", input.mouse.pos )
debug_text("Mouse Position (World): %v", screen_to_world(input.mouse.pos) )
cursor_pos := transmute(Vec2) state.app_window.extent + input.mouse.pos
rl.DrawCircleV( cursor_pos, 10, Color_White_A125 )
debug_text( "ui_drag_start : %v", debug.ui_drag_start )
debug_text( "ui_drag_delta : %v", debug.ui_drag_delta )
debug_text( "Draggable Box Pos: %v", debug.draggable_box_pos )
debug.draw_debug_text_y = 50
//endregion Render Screenspace
@ -81,6 +89,8 @@ render_mode_2d :: proc()
rl.BeginMode2D( project.workspace.cam )
debug_draw_text_world( "This is text in world space", { 0, 200 }, 16.0 )
ui := & state.project.workspace.ui
@ -118,7 +128,6 @@ render_mode_2d :: proc()
//endregion Imgui Render
debug_draw_text_world( "This is text in world space", { 0, 200 }, 16.0 )
if debug.mouse_vis {
cursor_world_pos := screen_to_world(input.mouse.pos)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package sectr
import "base:runtime"
import "core:math"
import "core:math/linalg"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
@ -56,10 +57,16 @@ poll_debug_actions :: proc( actions : ^ DebugActions, input : ^ InputState )
cam_mouse_pan = mouse.right.ended_down && ! pressed(mouse.right)
frametime_delta32 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> f32 {
return cast(f32) get_state().frametime_delta_seconds
update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
state := get_state(); using state
replay := & Memory_App.replay
workspace := & project.workspace
cam := & workspace.cam
if rl.IsWindowResized() {
window := & state.app_window
@ -138,25 +145,30 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
//region Camera Manual Nav
cam := & project.workspace.cam
digital_move_speed : f32 = 200.0
// zoom_sensitivity : f32 = 0.2 // Digital
zoom_sensitivity : f32 = 4.0 // Smooth
if debug.zoom_target == 0.0 {
debug.zoom_target = cam.zoom
if workspace.zoom_target == 0.0 {
workspace.zoom_target = cam.zoom
// Adjust zoom_target based on input, not the actual zoom
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * zoom_sensitivity
debug.zoom_target *= 1 + zoom_delta * f32(delta_time)
debug.zoom_target = clamp(debug.zoom_target, 0.25, 10.0)
config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness = 10.0
config.cam_zoom_mode = .Smooth
switch config.cam_zoom_mode
case .Smooth:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_smooth
workspace.zoom_target *= 1 + zoom_delta * f32(delta_time)
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target, 0.25, 10.0)
// Linearly interpolate cam.zoom towards zoom_target
lerp_factor := cast(f32) 4.0 // Adjust this value to control the interpolation speed
cam.zoom += (debug.zoom_target - cam.zoom) * lerp_factor * f32(delta_time)
cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, 0.25, 10.0) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds
// Linearly interpolate cam.zoom towards zoom_target
lerp_factor := config.cam_zoom_smooth_snappiness // Adjust this value to control the interpolation speed
cam.zoom += (workspace.zoom_target - cam.zoom) * lerp_factor * f32(delta_time)
cam.zoom = clamp(cam.zoom, 0.25, 10.0) // Ensure cam.zoom stays within bounds
case .Digital:
zoom_delta := input.mouse.vertical_wheel * config.cam_zoom_sensitivity_digital
workspace.zoom_target = clamp(workspace.zoom_target + zoom_delta, 0.25, 10.0)
cam.zoom = workspace.zoom_target
move_velocity : Vec2 = {
- cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_left) + cast(f32) i32(debug_actions.cam_move_right),
@ -168,7 +180,7 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
if debug_actions.cam_mouse_pan
if is_within_screenspace(input.mouse.pos) {
pan_velocity := input.mouse.delta * (1/cam.zoom)
pan_velocity := input.mouse.delta * ( 1 / cam.zoom )
cam.target -= pan_velocity
@ -208,7 +220,7 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
ui_style_theme( frame_theme )
first_layout := UI_Layout {
default_layout := UI_Layout {
anchor = {},
// alignment = { 0.0, 0.0 },
alignment = { 0.5, 0.5 },
@ -216,26 +228,71 @@ update :: proc( delta_time : f64 ) -> b32
pos = { 0, 0 },
size = { 200, 200 },
ui_set_layout( first_layout )
ui_set_layout( default_layout )
// First Demo
when true
Test_HoverNClick :: false
Test_Draggable :: true
when Test_HoverNClick
first_flags : UI_BoxFlags = { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus }
first_box := ui_box_make( first_flags, "FIRST BOX BOIS" )
first_box := ui_box_make( first_flags, "FIRST BOX!" )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( first_box )
if signal.left_clicked || debug.frame_2_created {
second_layout := first_layout
second_layout := default_layout
second_layout.pos = { 250, 0 }
ui_set_layout( second_layout )
second_box := ui_box_make( first_flags, "SECOND BOX BOIS" )
second_box := ui_box_make( first_flags, "SECOND BOX!" )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( second_box )
debug.frame_2_created = true
config.ui_resize_border_width = 50
when Test_Draggable
draggable_flags := UI_BoxFlags { .Mouse_Clickable, .Focusable, .Click_To_Focus }
draggable_box := ui_box_make( draggable_flags, "Draggable Box!" )
signal := ui_signal_from_box( draggable_box )
if draggable_box.first_frame {
debug.draggable_box_pos = draggable_box.style.layout.pos
debug.draggable_box_size = draggable_box.style.layout.size
// Dragging
if signal.dragging {
debug.draggable_box_pos += mouse_world_delta()
// Resize
if signal.resizing
if ! debug.box_resize_started {
debug.box_original_size = debug.draggable_box_size
center := debug.draggable_box_pos
original_distance := linalg.distance(ui_context.cursor_active_start, center)
cursor_distance := linalg.distance(signal.cursor_pos, center)
scale_factor := cursor_distance * (1 / original_distance)
debug.draggable_box_size = debug.box_original_size * scale_factor
debug.box_resize_started = cast(b32) signal.resizing
if workspace.ui.hot_resizable || workspace.ui.active_resizing {
draggable_box.style.bg_color = Color_Blue
// Note(Ed): Don't necessarily need a layout if its simple...
draggable_box.style.pos = debug.draggable_box_pos
draggable_box.style.layout.size = debug.draggable_box_size
//endregion Imgui Tick
@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ UI_Signal :: struct {
pressed : b8,
released : b8,
dragging : b8,
resizing : b8,
hovering : b8,
cursor_over : b8,
commit : b8,
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ UI_Style :: struct {
cursor : UI_Cursor,
layout : UI_Layout,
using layout : UI_Layout,
transition_time : f32,
@ -228,16 +229,20 @@ UI_Box :: struct {
// Regenerated per frame.
using links : DLL_NodeFull( UI_Box ), // first, last, prev, next
parent : ^ UI_Box,
parent : ^UI_Box,
num_children : i32,
flags : UI_BoxFlags,
computed : UI_Computed,
theme : UI_StyleTheme,
style : ^ UI_Style,
style : ^UI_Style,
// Persistent Data
style_delta : f32,
first_frame : b8,
hot_delta : f32,
active_delta : f32,
style_delta : f32,
// prev_computed : UI_Computed,
// prev_style : UI_Style,v
mouse : UI_InteractState,
@ -248,7 +253,7 @@ UI_Box :: struct {
UI_Layout_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Style_Stack_Size :: 512
UI_Parent_Stack_Size :: 1024
UI_Built_Boxes_Array_Size :: 128
UI_Built_Boxes_Array_Size :: 1024
UI_State :: struct {
// TODO(Ed) : Use these
@ -258,11 +263,11 @@ UI_State :: struct {
built_box_count : i32,
caches : [2] HMapZPL( UI_Box ),
prev_cache : ^ HMapZPL( UI_Box ),
curr_cache : ^ HMapZPL( UI_Box ),
prev_cache : ^HMapZPL( UI_Box ),
curr_cache : ^HMapZPL( UI_Box ),
null_box : ^ UI_Box, // Ryan had this, I don't know why yet.
root : ^ UI_Box,
null_box : ^UI_Box, // Ryan had this, I don't know why yet.
root : ^UI_Box,
// Do we need to recompute the layout?
layout_dirty : b32,
@ -272,13 +277,17 @@ UI_State :: struct {
parent_stack : StackFixed( ^UI_Box, UI_Parent_Stack_Size ),
// flag_stack : Stack( UI_BoxFlags, UI_BoxFlags_Stack_Size ),
hot : UI_Key,
active_mouse : [MouseBtn.count] UI_Key,
active : UI_Key,
hot : UI_Key,
active_mouse : [MouseBtn.count] UI_Key,
active : UI_Key,
hot_resizable : b32,
active_resizing : b32, // Locks the user into a resizing state for the active box until they release the active key
clipboard_copy : UI_Key,
last_clicked : UI_Key,
drag_start_mouse : Vec2,
cursor_active_start : Vec2,
// cursor_resize_start : Vec2,
// drag_state_arena : ^ Arena,
// drag_state data : string,
@ -347,6 +356,8 @@ ui_box_make :: proc( flags : UI_BoxFlags, label : string ) -> (^ UI_Box)
verify( set_error == AllocatorError.None, "Failed to set zpl_hmap due to allocator error" )
curr_box = set_result
curr_box.first_frame = prev_box == nil
// TODO(Ed) : Review this when we learn layouts more...
@ -396,6 +407,21 @@ ui_box_tranverse_next :: proc( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> (^ UI_Box) {
return box.next
ui_cursor_pos :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> Vec2 {
using state := get_state()
if ui_context == & state.project.workspace.ui {
return screen_to_world( input.mouse.pos )
else {
return input.mouse.pos
ui_drag_delta :: #force_inline proc "contextless" () -> Vec2 {
using state := get_state()
return ui_cursor_pos() - state.ui_context.cursor_active_start
ui_graph_build_begin :: proc( ui : ^ UI_State, bounds : Vec2 = {} )
get_state().ui_context = ui
@ -457,15 +483,21 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
ui := get_state().ui_context
input := get_state().input
frame_delta := frametime_delta32()
signal := UI_Signal { box = box }
if ui == & get_state().project.workspace.ui {
signal.cursor_pos = screen_to_world( input.mouse.pos )
else {
signal.cursor_pos = input.mouse.pos
signal.cursor_over = cast(b8) pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, box.computed.bounds )
// Cursor Collision
signal.cursor_pos = ui_cursor_pos()
signal.cursor_over = cast(b8) pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, box.computed.bounds )
resize_border_width := cast(f32) get_state().config.ui_resize_border_width
resize_border_non_range := add(box.computed.bounds, range2(
{ resize_border_width, -resize_border_width },
{ -resize_border_width, resize_border_width }))
within_resize_range := cast(b8) ! pos_within_range2( signal.cursor_pos, resize_border_non_range )
within_resize_range &= signal.cursor_over
left_pressed := pressed( input.mouse.left )
left_released := released( input.mouse.left )
@ -478,7 +510,7 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
ui.hot = box.key
ui.active = box.key
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = box.key
ui.drag_start_mouse = signal.cursor_pos
ui.cursor_active_start = signal.cursor_pos
ui.last_pressed_key = box.key
signal.pressed = true
@ -487,18 +519,24 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
if mouse_clickable && signal.cursor_over && left_released
ui.active = UI_Key(0)
box.active_delta = 0
ui.active = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
signal.left_clicked = true
ui.last_clicked = box.key
if mouse_clickable && ! signal.cursor_over && left_released {
if mouse_clickable && ! signal.cursor_over && left_released
box.hot_delta = 0
ui.hot = UI_Key(0)
ui.active = UI_Key(0)
ui.active_mouse[MouseBtn.Left] = UI_Key(0)
signal.released = true
signal.left_clicked = false
@ -523,22 +561,45 @@ ui_signal_from_box :: proc ( box : ^ UI_Box ) -> UI_Signal
is_hot := ui.hot == box.key
is_active := ui.active == box.key
if signal.cursor_over &&
ui.hot == UI_Key(0) || ui.hot == box.key &&
ui.active == UI_Key(0) || ui.active == box.key
ui.hot == UI_Key(0) || is_hot &&
ui.active == UI_Key(0) || is_active
ui.hot = box.key
is_hot = true
if ! is_active {
ui.hot_resizable = cast(b32) within_resize_range
signal.resizing = cast(b8) is_active && (within_resize_range || ui.active_resizing)
if is_hot {
box.hot_delta += frame_delta
if is_active {
box.active_delta += frame_delta
ui.active_resizing = cast(b32) is_active && signal.resizing
signal.dragging = cast(b8) is_active && ( ! within_resize_range && ! ui.active_resizing)
style_preset := UI_StylePreset.Default
// box.style = stack_peek( & ui.them_stack ).default
if box.key == ui.hot {
style_preset = UI_StylePreset.Hovered
// box.stye = stack_peek( & ui.theme_stack ).hovered
if box.key == ui.active {
style_preset = UI_StylePreset.Focused
// box.stye = stack_peek( & ui.theme_stack ).focused
if UI_BoxFlag.Disabled in box.flags {
style_preset = UI_StylePreset.Disabled
// box.style = stack_peek( & ui.theme.stack ).disabled
box.style = & box.theme.array[style_preset]
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
"odin_command": "C:/projects/SectrPrototype/thirdparty/Odin/odin.exe",
"enable_document_symbols": true,
"enable_fake_methods": true,
"enable_fake_methods": false,
"enable_format": false,
"enable_hover": true,
"enable_semantic_tokens": true,
"enable_snippets": true,
"enable_references": true,
"enable_semantic_tokens": false,
"enable_snippets": false,
"enable_references": false,
"thread_pool_count": 10
Reference in New Issue
Block a user