Initial stuff

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2024-01-21 11:16:12 -05:00
commit 85ac6a1d55
10 changed files with 284 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

.vscode/launch.json vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "lldb",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/<executable file>",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"

Debug.rdbg Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

code/launch.odin Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package sectr
import "core:io"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:mem"
import "core:mem/virtual"
import "core:strings"
import "core:unicode/utf8"
import rl "vendor:raylib"
kilobytes :: proc ( kb : $integer_type ) -> integer_type {
return kb * 1024
megabytes :: proc ( kb : $integer_type ) -> integer_type {
return kb * 1024 * 1024
Frame :: struct {
bounds : rl.Rectangle
// collision_bounds : rl.Rectangle, // Interaction space
// nav_bounds : rl.Rectangle // Navigation space
TextLine :: [dynamic]u8
TextBox :: struct {
using frame : Frame,
text : strings.Builder,
// TODO(Ed) : Make use of the lines view, this will tell use when a line begins or ends
lines : [dynamic]TextLine,
cursor_pos : i32
// TextBlob :: struct {
// buffer : string
// }
Null_Rune : rune = 0
Color_BG :: rl.Color { 41, 41, 45, 255 }
Color_BG_TextBox :: rl.Color { 32, 32, 32, 255 }
Color_Frame_Hover :: rl.Color { 122, 122, 125, 255 }
Color_Frame_Select :: rl.Color { 188, 188, 188, 255 }
Path_Assets :: "../assets/"
main :: proc()
// Rough setup of window with rl stuff
screen_width : i32 = 1280
screen_height : i32 = 1000
win_title : cstring = "Sectr Prototype"
rl.InitWindow( screen_width, screen_height, win_title )
defer {
monitor_id := rl.GetCurrentMonitor()
monitor_refresh_rate := rl.GetMonitorRefreshRate( monitor_id )
rl.SetTargetFPS( monitor_refresh_rate )
font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg : rl.Font; {
path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg := strings.concatenate( { Path_Assets, "RecMonoSemicasual-Regular-1.084.ttf" } )
cstr := strings.clone_to_cstring(path_rec_mono_semicasual_reg)
font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg = rl.LoadFontEx( cstr, 24, nil, 0 )
delete( cstr )
hovered_frame : ^Frame = nil
focused_frame : ^Frame = nil
text_box : TextBox
builder, err := strings.builder_make_len_cap( 0, megabytes( cast(int) 1 ) / 4 )
if err != mem.Allocator_Error.None {
fmt.println( "Failed to allocate text arena!" )
text_box.text = builder
for ; ! rl.WindowShouldClose() ;
mouse_pos := rl.GetMousePosition()
// Logic Update
rect := &text_box.bounds
rect.width = 900
rect.height = 400
rect.x = cast(f32) (screen_width / 2) - rect.width / 2.0
rect.y = cast(f32) (screen_height / 2) - rect.height
if rl.CheckCollisionPointRec( mouse_pos, rect^ ) {
hovered_frame = & text_box
else {
hovered_frame = nil
if rl.IsMouseButtonPressed( rl.MouseButton.LEFT )
if hovered_frame != nil {
focused_frame = hovered_frame
else {
focused_frame = nil
if focused_frame != nil {
for code_point := rl.GetCharPressed();
code_point != Null_Rune;
strings.write_rune( & text_box.text, code_point );
code_point = rl.GetCharPressed()
// Rendering
rl.ClearBackground( Color_BG )
// Text Box
rl.DrawRectangleRec( text_box.bounds, Color_BG_TextBox )
if focused_frame != nil {
rl.DrawRectangleLinesEx( focused_frame.bounds, 2, Color_Frame_Select )
else if hovered_frame != nil {
rl.DrawRectangleLinesEx( hovered_frame.bounds, 2, Color_Frame_Hover )
txt_str := strings.to_string( text_box.text )
runes := utf8.string_to_runes(txt_str)
rl.GuiSetFont( font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg )
if len(txt_str) > 0 {
rl.DrawTextCodepoints( font_rec_mono_semicasual_reg, raw_data( runes ),
cast(i32) len(runes),
rl.Vector2 { text_box.bounds.x + 10, text_box.bounds.y + 10 },
24.0, // font size
0.0, // font spacing

code/sectr.odin Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package sectr

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
2 + 2
4 - 2
6 * 3
4 / 2
+ 2 2
- 4 2
* 6 3
/ 4 2

ols.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"$schema": "",
"collections": [
"name": "core",
"path": "C:\\apps\\Microsoft VS Code\\core"
"enable_document_symbols": true,
"enable_semantic_tokens": true,
"enable_hover": true,
"enable_snippets": true

scripts/build.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_code = join-path $path_root 'code'
$path_build = join-path $path_root 'build'
# Odin Compiler Flags
$flag_build = 'build'
$flag_run = 'run'
$flag_check = 'check'
$flag_query = 'query'
$flag_report = 'report'
$flag_debug = '-debug'
$flag_output_path = '-out='
$flag_optimization_level = '-opt:'
$flag_optimize_none = '-o:none'
$flag_optimize_minimal = '-o:minimal'
$flag_optimize_size = '-o:size'
$flag_optimize_speed = '-o:speed'
$falg_optimize_aggressive = '-o:aggressive'
$flag_show_timings = '-show-timings'
$flag_show_more_timings = '-show-more-timings'
$flag_thread_count = '-thread-count:'
$flag_collection = '-collection:'
$flag_build_mode = '-build-mode:'
$flag_no_bounds_check = '-no-bounds-check'
$flag_disable_assert = '-disable-assert'
$flag_no_thread_local = '-no-thread-local'
$flag_no_thread_checker = '-no-thread-checker'
$flag_vet_all = '-vet'
$flag_vet_unused_entities = '-vet-unused'
$flag_vet_semicolon = '-vet-semicolon'
$flag_vet_shadow_vars = '-vet-shadowing'
$flag_vet_using_stmt = '-vet-using-stmt'
$flag_use_separate_modules = '-use-separate-modules'
$flag_define = '-define:'
$flag_extra_assembler_flags = '-extra_assembler-flags:'
$flag_extra_linker_flags = '-extra-linker-flags:'
$flag_ignore_unknown_attributes = '-ignore-unknown-attributes'
$flag_keep_temp_files = '-keep-temp-files'
$flag_no_crt = '-no-crt'
$flag_no_entrypoint = '-no-entry-point'
$flag_pdb_name = '-pdb-name:'
$flag_sanitize = '-sanitize:'
$flag_subsystem = '-subsystem:'
$flag_target = '-target:'
$flag_use_lld = '-lld'
push-location $path_root
if ( -not( test-path 'build') ) {
new-item -ItemType Directory -Path 'build'
function build-prototype
push-location $path_code
$project_name = 'sectr'
$executable = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '.exe')
$pdb = join-path $path_build ($project_name + '.pdb')
$build_args = @()
$build_args += $flag_build
$build_args += '.'
$build_args += $flag_output_path + $executable
$build_args += $flag_optimize_none
$build_args += $flag_debug
$build_args += $flag_pdb_name + $pdb
$build_args += $flag_subsystem + 'windows'
& odin $build_args

scripts/clean.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_code = join-path $path_root 'code'
$path_build = join-path $path_root 'build'
if ( test-path $path_build ) {
Remove-Item $path_build -Verbose -Force -Recurse