Ed_ ad41867dc5 WIP: Boostrapping NetSlime
- Just a old name for a set of changes to make the game framework hardened for multiplayer as well as some ease of use functionality.
2024-04-23 01:10:02 -04:00

279 lines
6.9 KiB

#include "GasaNetLibrary.h"
#include "GasaObject.h"
#include "Engine/NetDriver.h"
#include "Game/GasaGameMode.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h"
namespace Gasa
// TODO(Ed): Profile these...
void DrawNetCullingSphere(const UObject* Context, float Duration, float Thickness)
const AActor* actor = nullptr;
if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
else if (Context->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
if (actor)
, actor->GetActorLocation()
, UKismetMathLibrary::Sqrt(actor->NetCullDistanceSquared) * 2
, 12
, FLinearColor(FColor::Emerald)
, Duration
, Thickness);
ENetworkMode GetNetworkMode(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr)
Log("Context is null...", ELogV::Error);
return scast(ENetworkMode, ENetMode::NM_MAX);
UWorld* World = Context->GetWorld();
if (World == nullptr) {
Log("World is null... are you running in a proper context?", ELogV::Error);
return scast(ENetworkMode, ENetMode::NM_MAX);
if (IsValid(World) == false)
return ENetworkMode::Standalone;
ENetworkMode NetMode = scast(ENetworkMode, World->GetNetMode());
return NetMode;
FString GetNetworkModeStr(UObject const* Context)
FString Str;
if (Context == nullptr)
return Str;
switch (GetNetworkMode(Context))
case ENetworkMode::Standalone:
Str = TEXT("Standalone");
case ENetworkMode::ListenServer:
Str = TEXT("ListenServer");
case ENetworkMode::DedicatedServer:
Str = TEXT("DedicatedServer");
case ENetworkMode::Client:
Str = TEXT("Client");
return Str;
bool IsClient(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
UNetDriver* NetDriver = Context->GetWorld()->NetDriver;
bool Result = NetDriver && ! NetDriver->IsServer();
return Result;
bool IsListenServer(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
UNetDriver* NetDriver = Context->GetWorld()->NetDriver;
bool Result = NetDriver && NetDriver->GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_ListenServer;
return Result;
bool IsNetOwner(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = nullptr;
if (Context->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
else if (Context->GetClass()->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<UActorComponent>(Context)->GetOwner();
// Its assumed that all GasaObjects have an outer actor
else if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
UObject const* Outermost = Context->GetOutermostObject();
if (Outermost->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Outermost);
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasLocalNetOwner();
return Result;
bool IsNetOwner(UGasaObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasLocalNetOwner();
return Result;
bool IsNetOwner(AActor const* Actor)
if (Actor == nullptr || Actor->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasLocalNetOwner();
return Result;
bool IsServer(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
UNetDriver* NetDriver = Context->GetWorld()->NetDriver;
bool Result = NetDriver && NetDriver->IsServer();
return Result;
bool IsSimulatedProxy(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = nullptr;
if (Context->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
else if (Context->GetClass()->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<UActorComponent>(Context)->GetOwner();
// Its assumed that all GasaObjects have an outer actor
else if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
UObject const* Outermost = Context->GetOutermostObject();
if (Outermost->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Outermost);
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->GetLocalRole() == ENetRole::ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
return Result;
bool IsSimulatedProxy(UGasaObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->GetLocalRole() == ENetRole::ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
return Result;
bool IsSimulatedProxy(AActor const* Actor)
if (Actor == nullptr || Actor->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
bool Result = Actor->GetLocalRole() == ENetRole::ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
return Result;
bool ServerAuthorized(UObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = nullptr;
if (Context->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context);
else if (Context->GetClass()->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<UActorComponent>(Context)->GetOwner();
// Its assumed that all GasaObjects have an outer actor
else if (Context->IsA(UGasaObject::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
UObject const* Outermost = Context->GetOutermostObject();
if (Outermost->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()))
Actor = Cast<AActor>(Outermost);
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasAuthority();
return Result;
bool ServerAuthorized(UGasaObject const* Context)
if (Context == nullptr || Context->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
AActor const* Actor = Cast<AActor>(Context->GetOuter());
if (Actor == nullptr)
Log("Could not get actor reference", ELogV::Warning, LogGasaNet);
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasAuthority();
return Result;
bool ServerAuthorized(AActor const* Actor)
if (Actor == nullptr || Actor->GetWorld() == nullptr)
return false;
bool Result = Actor->HasAuthority();
return Result;