
107 lines
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$target_arch = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/target_arch.psm1'
$devshell = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/devshell.ps1'
$format_cpp = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/format_cpp.psm1'
$incremental_checks = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/incremental_checks.ps1'
$vendor_toolchain = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/vendor_toolchain.ps1'
$update_deps = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'update_deps.ps1'
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Import-Module $target_arch
Import-Module $format_cpp
#region Arguments
$vendor = $null
$release = $null
$verbose = $false
[bool] $bootstrap = $false
[bool] $singleheader = $false
[bool] $test = $false
[array] $vendors = @( "clang", "msvc" )
# This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line...
if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_){
{ $_ -in $vendors } { $vendor = $_; break }
"verbose" { $verbose = $true }
"release" { $release = $true }
"debug" { $release = $false }
#endregion Arguments
#region Configuration
if ($IsWindows) {
# This library was really designed to only run on 64-bit systems.
# (Its a development tool after all)
& $devshell -arch amd64
if ( $vendor -eq $null ) {
write-host "No vendor specified, assuming clang available"
$compiler = "clang"
if ( $release -eq $null ) {
write-host "No build type specified, assuming debug"
$release = $false
elseif ( $release -eq $false ) {
$debug = $true
else {
$optimize = $true
#endregion Configuration
. $vendor_toolchain
. $incremental_checks
write-host "Building GasaGen with $vendor"
write-host "Build Type: $(if ($release) {"Release"} else {"Debug"} )"
#region Building
$path_project = Join-Path $path_root 'Project'
$path_binaries = Join-Path $path_project 'Binaries'
$path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root 'scripts'
$path_source = Join-Path $path_project 'Source'
$path_gasa = join-path $path_source 'Gasa'
$path_gasagen = join-path $path_source 'GasaGen'
$exe_gasagen = join-path $path_binaries 'GasaGen.exe'
function build-gengasa
$includes = @( $path_gasagen )
$unit = join-path $path_gasagen 'GasaGen.cpp'
$compiler_args = @()
$compiler_args += ($flag_define + 'GEN_TIME')
2024-04-22 00:30:29 -04:00
$compiler_args += ($flag_cpp_version + 'c++17')
$linker_args = @()
$linker_args += $flag_link_win_subsystem_console
build-simple $path_binaries $includes $compiler_args $linker_args $unit $exe_gasagen
function run-gengasa
Push-Location $path_root
if ( Test-Path( $exe_gasagen ) ) {
write-host "`nRunning GasaGen"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $exe_gasagen
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`GasaGen completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
#endregion Building