The main benefit for using this over alts is its problably more ergonomic and performant for large refactors on libraries you may want to have automated in a script.
* Building for debug provides some nice output with context on a per-line basis.
* Release will only show errors for asserts (that will kill the refactor early).
* If the refactor crashes, the files previously written to will retain their changes.
Make sure to have the code backed up on a VCS or in some other way.
* This was compiled using meson with ninja and clang on windows 11. The ZPL library used however should work fine on the other major os platforms and compiler venders.
* The scripts used for building and otherwise are in the scripts directory and are all in powershell (with exception to the Techncially there should be a powershell package available on other platorms but worst case it should be pretty easy to port these scripts to w/e shell script you'd perfer.
* Directive to ignore comments (with a way to specify the comment signature). Right now comments that meet the signature of words or namespaces are refactored.