Ed_ 772db608be Added support for predefining preprocessor defines before parsing strings of code.
This prevents issues for preprocessor defines not getting treated properly for specific circumstances (such as macro wrappers for specifiers).
2023-11-21 20:09:14 -05:00

107 lines
2.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "gen.hpp"
#pragma region StaticData
// TODO : Convert global allocation strategy to use a slab allocation strategy.
global AllocatorInfo GlobalAllocator;
global Array<Arena> Global_AllocatorBuckets;
global Array< Pool > CodePools = { nullptr };
global Array< Arena > StringArenas = { nullptr };
global StringTable StringCache;
global Arena LexArena;
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_DataArrays = heap();
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodePool = heap();
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_Lexer = heap();
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringArena = heap();
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringTable = heap();
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_TypeTable = heap();
#pragma endregion StaticData
#pragma region Constants
global Code access_public;
global Code access_protected;
global Code access_private;
global CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
global CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
global Code module_global_fragment;
global Code module_private_fragment;
global Code fmt_newline;
global CodeParam param_varadic;
global CodePragma pragma_once;
global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
global CodeType t_empty;
global CodeType t_auto;
global CodeType t_void;
global CodeType t_int;
global CodeType t_bool;
global CodeType t_char;
global CodeType t_wchar_t;
global CodeType t_class;
global CodeType t_typename;
global Array< StringCached > PreprocessorDefines;
global CodeType t_b32;
global CodeType t_s8;
global CodeType t_s16;
global CodeType t_s32;
global CodeType t_s64;
global CodeType t_u8;
global CodeType t_u16;
global CodeType t_u32;
global CodeType t_u64;
global CodeType t_sw;
global CodeType t_uw;
global CodeType t_f32;
global CodeType t_f64;
#pragma endregion Constants