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synced 2025-02-24 14:18:35 -08:00
487 lines
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487 lines
12 KiB
#pragma once
#include "gen.hpp"
#include "Array.Upfront.hpp"
using namespace gen;
Code gen__hashtable_base()
CodeVar hashIndex = def_variable( t_sw, name(HashIndex) );
CodeVar entry_prev = def_variable( t_sw, name(PrevIndex) );
CodeVar entry_index = def_variable( t_sw, name(EntryIndex) );
CodeStruct find_result = def_struct( name(HashTable_FindResult), def_struct_body( 3
, hashIndex
, entry_prev
, entry_index
return find_result;
Code gen__hashtable( StrC type )
static CodeType t_allocator_info = def_type( name(AllocatorInfo) );
CodeType t_find_result = def_type( name(HashTable_FindResult) );
StringCached name;
char const* name_str = str_fmt_buf( "HashTable_%s", type.Ptr );
s32 len = str_len( name_str );
name = get_cached_string({ len, name_str });
CodeType t_ht_type = def_type( name );
CodeType t_type = def_type( type );
CodeType t_type_ptr = def_type( type, __, spec_ptr );
CodeType t_type_ref = def_type( type, __, spec_ref );
// Hash table depends on array container for its entry structure.
CodeType t_ht_entry, t_array_ht_entry;
CodeStruct ht_entry, array_ht_entry;
char const* name_str = str_fmt_buf( "HashTable_%s_Entry", type.Ptr );
s32 len = str_len( name_str );
StringCached ht_entry_name = get_cached_string({ len, name_str });
t_ht_entry = def_type( ht_entry_name );
ht_entry = def_struct( ht_entry_name, def_struct_body( args(
def_variable( t_u64, name(Key))
, def_variable( t_sw, name(Next))
, def_variable( t_type, name(Value))
array_ht_entry = gen__array( ht_entry_name );
t_array_ht_entry = def_type( array_ht_entry->Name );
CodeStruct hashtable = {0};
CodeUsing using_entry = def_using( name(Entry), t_ht_entry );
CodeUsing using_array_entry = def_using( name(Array_Entry), t_array_ht_entry );
CodeUsing using_find_result = def_using( name(FindResult), t_find_result );
CodeType t_array_sw = def_type( name(Array_sw) );
CodeType t_array_entry = def_type( name(Array_Entry) );
CodeVar hashes = def_variable( t_array_sw, name(Hashes) );
CodeVar entries = def_variable( t_array_entry, name(Entries));
CodeFn init;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
<type> result = { 0 };
result.Hashes = Array_sw ::init( allocator );
result.Entries = Array_Entry::init( allocator );
return result;
Code body = def_execution( token_fmt( "type", (StrC)name, tmpl ) );
init = def_function( name(init), def_param( t_allocator_info, name(allocator)), t_ht_type, body, spec_static_member );
CodeFn init_reserve;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
<type> result = { { nullptr }, { nullptr } };
result.Hashes = Array_sw::init_reserve( allocator, num );
result.Hashes.get_header()->Num = num;
result.Entries = Array_Entry::init_reserve( allocator, num );
return result;
Code body = def_execution( token_fmt( "type", (StrC)name, tmpl ) );
CodeParam params = def_params( args( def_param( t_allocator_info, name(allocator)), def_param( t_sw, name(num))));
init_reserve = def_function( name(init_reserve), params, t_ht_type, body, spec_static_member );
CodeFn clear = def_function( name(clear), __, t_void
, def_execution( code(
for ( s32 idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ )
Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
CodeFn destroy = def_function( name(destroy), __, t_void
, def_execution( code(
if ( Hashes && Hashes.get_header()->Capacity )
if ( Entries && Hashes.get_header()->Capacity )
CodeFn get = def_function( name(get), def_param( t_u64, name(key)), t_type_ptr
, def_execution( code(
sw idx = find( key ).EntryIndex;
if ( idx >= 0 )
return & Entries[ idx ].Value;
return nullptr;
CodeUsing using_map_proc;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
void (*) ( u64 key, <type> value )
CodeType value = def_type( token_fmt( "type", (StrC)t_type.to_string(), tmpl ) );
using_map_proc = def_using ( name(MapProc), value);
CodeFn map;
CodeType t_map_proc = def_type( name(MapProc) );
Code body = def_execution( code(
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
map_proc( Entries[ idx ].Key, Entries[ idx ].Value );
map = def_function( name(map), def_param( t_map_proc, name(map_proc) ), t_void, body );
CodeUsing using_map_mut_proc;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
void (*) ( u64 key, <type> value )
CodeType value = def_type( token_fmt( "type", (StrC)t_type_ptr.to_string(), tmpl ) );
using_map_mut_proc = def_using ( name(MapMutProc), value);
CodeFn map_mut;
CodeType t_map_mut_proc = def_type( name(MapMutProc));
Code body = def_execution( code(
GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
map_proc( Entries[ idx ].Key, & Entries[ idx ].Value );
map_mut = def_function( name(map_mut), def_param( t_map_mut_proc, name(map_proc)), t_void, body );
CodeFn grow = def_function( name(grow), __, t_void
, def_execution( code(
sw new_num = array_grow_formula( Entries.num() );
rehash( new_num );
CodeFn rehash;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
sw idx;
sw last_added_index;
<type> new_ht = init_reserve( Hashes.get_header()->Allocator, new_num );
Array_sw::Header* hash_header = new_ht.Hashes.get_header();
for ( idx = 0; idx < new_ht.Hashes.num(); ++idx )
new_ht.Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); ++idx )
Entry& entry = Entries[ idx ];
FindResult find_result;
if ( new_ht.Hashes.num() == 0 )
entry = Entries[ idx ];
find_result = new_ht.find( entry.Key );
last_added_index = new_ht.add_entry( entry.Key );
if ( find_result.PrevIndex < 0 )
new_ht.Hashes[ find_result.HashIndex ] = last_added_index;
new_ht.Entries[ find_result.PrevIndex ].Next = last_added_index;
new_ht.Entries[ last_added_index ].Next = find_result.EntryIndex;
new_ht.Entries[ last_added_index ].Value = entry.Value;
*this = new_ht;
Code body = def_execution( token_fmt( "type", (StrC)name, tmpl ) );
rehash = def_function( name(rehash), def_param( t_sw, name(new_num)), t_void, body );
CodeFn rehash_fast;
char const* tmpl = stringize(
sw idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
Entries[ idx ].Next = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ )
Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
Entry* entry;
FindResult find_result;
Code body = def_execution( token_fmt( "type", name, tmpl ) );
rehash_fast = def_function( name(rehash_fast), __, t_void, body );
CodeFn remove = def_function( name(remove), def_param( t_u64, name(key)), t_void
, def_execution( code(
FindResult find_result = find( key);
if ( find_result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
Entries.remove_at( find_result.EntryIndex );
CodeFn remove_entry = def_function( name(remove_entry), def_param( t_sw, name(idx)), t_void
, def_execution( code(
Entries.remove_at( idx );
CodeFn set;
CodeParam params = def_params( args(
def_param( t_u64, name(key))
, def_param( t_type, name(value))
Code body = def_execution( code(
sw idx;
FindResult find_result;
if ( Hashes.num() == 0 )
find_result = find( key );
if ( find_result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
idx = find_result.EntryIndex;
idx = add_entry( key );
if ( find_result.PrevIndex >= 0 )
Entries[ find_result.PrevIndex ].Next = idx;
Hashes[ find_result.HashIndex ] = idx;
Entries[ idx ].Value = value;
if ( full() )
set = def_function( name(set), params, t_void, body );
CodeFn slot = def_function( name(slot), def_param( t_u64, name(key)), t_sw
, def_execution( code(
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); ++idx )
if ( Hashes[ idx ] == key )
return idx;
return -1;
CodeFn add_entry = def_function( name(add_entry), def_param( t_u64, name(key)), t_sw
, def_execution( code(
sw idx;
Entry entry = { key, -1 };
idx = Entries.num();
Entries.append( entry );
return idx;
CodeFn find = def_function( name(find), def_param( t_u64, name(key)), t_find_result
, def_execution( code(
FindResult result = { -1, -1, -1 };
if ( Hashes.num() > 0 )
result.HashIndex = key % Hashes.num();
result.EntryIndex = Hashes[ result.HashIndex ];
while ( result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
if ( Entries[ result.EntryIndex ].Key == key )
result.PrevIndex = result.EntryIndex;
result.EntryIndex = Entries[ result.EntryIndex ].Next;
return result;
CodeFn full = def_function( name(full), __, t_b32
, def_execution( code(
return 0.75f * Hashes.num() < Entries.num();
hashtable = def_struct( name, def_struct_body( args(
, using_array_entry
, using_find_result
, using_map_proc
, using_map_mut_proc
, init
, init_reserve
, clear
, destroy
, get
, grow
, map
, map_mut
, rehash
, rehash_fast
, remove
, remove_entry
, set
, slot
, hashes
, entries
, access_protected
, add_entry
, find
, full
return def_global_body( args( ht_entry, array_ht_entry, hashtable ));
struct GenHashTableRequest
StrC Dependency;
StrC Type;
Array<GenHashTableRequest> GenHashTableRequests;
void gen__hashtable_request( StrC type, StrC dep = {} )
GenHashTableRequests = Array<GenHashTableRequest>::init( Memory::GlobalAllocator );
gen_array( sw );
// Make sure we don't already have a request for the type.
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < GenHashTableRequests.num(); ++idx )
StrC const reqest_type = GenHashTableRequests[ idx ].Type;
if ( reqest_type.Len != type.Len )
if ( str_compare( reqest_type.Ptr, type.Ptr, reqest_type.Len ) == 0 )
GenHashTableRequest request = { dep, type };
GenHashTableRequests.append( request );
#define gen_hashtable( type ) gen__hashtable_request( code(type))
u32 gen_hashtable_file()
gen_hashtable_file.open( "hashtable.Upfront.gen.hpp" );
gen_hashtable_file.print( def_include( txt_StrC("gen.hpp")) );
gen_hashtable_file.print( def_include( txt_StrC("Array.Upfront.hpp")) );
gen_hashtable_file.print( def_include( txt_StrC("array.Upfront.gen.hpp")) );
gen_hashtable_file.print( def_using_namespace( name(gen)));
gen_hashtable_file.print( gen__hashtable_base());
GenHashTableRequest* current = GenHashTableRequests;
s32 left = GenHashTableRequests.num();
while (left--)
GenHashTableRequest const& request = * current;
Code generated_buffer = gen__hashtable( current->Type );
if ( request.Dependency )
char const* cmt_str = str_fmt_buf( "// Dependency for %s type", request.Type );
s32 cmt_len = str_len( cmt_str );
Code cmt = def_comment( { cmt_len, cmt_str } );
Code include = def_include( request.Dependency );
gen_hashtable_file.print( cmt );
gen_hashtable_file.print( include );
gen_hashtable_file.print( generated_buffer );
return 0;
#endif // GEN_TIME