Ed_ 5d7dfaf666 Heavy refactor..
Isolating large macros to their own directory (components/temp).
- Plan is to remove them soon with proper generation.

Added additional component files, separating the old data_structures header for a set of ast headers.
Header_end also had its inlines extracted out.
Necessary to complete the macro isolation.

ZPL parser dependencies were removed from the core library along with builder, its now generated in bootstrap as pare of making a gen_builder set of files.

Singleheader will be changed in next few commits to reflect this as well (By making builder deps and components a conditional option).

Tests are most likely all broken for now.
2023-08-03 11:01:43 -04:00

173 lines
7.3 KiB

#pragma region Gen Interface
// Initialize the library.
// This currently just initializes the CodePool.
void init();
// Currently manually free's the arenas, code for checking for leaks.
// However on Windows at least, it doesn't need to occur as the OS will clean up after the process.
void deinit();
// Clears the allocations, but doesn't return to the heap, the calls init() again.
// Ease of use.
void reset();
// Used internally to retrive or make string allocations.
// Strings are stored in a series of string arenas of fixed size (SizePer_StringArena)
StringCached get_cached_string( StrC str );
This provides a fresh Code AST.
The gen interface use this as their method from getting a new AST object from the CodePool.
Use this if you want to make your own API for formatting the supported Code Types.
Code make_code();
// Set these before calling gen's init() procedure.
// Data
void set_allocator_data_arrays ( AllocatorInfo data_array_allocator );
void set_allocator_code_pool ( AllocatorInfo pool_allocator );
void set_allocator_lexer ( AllocatorInfo lex_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_arena( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_table( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_type_table ( AllocatorInfo type_reg_allocator );
#pragma region Upfront
CodeAttributes def_attributes( StrC content );
CodeComment def_comment ( StrC content );
CodeClass def_class( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode
, CodeType parent = NoCode, AccessSpec access = AccessSpec::Default
, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None
, CodeType* interfaces = nullptr, s32 num_interfaces = 0 );
CodeDefine def_define( StrC name, StrC content );
CodeEnum def_enum( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode, CodeType type = NoCode
, EnumT specifier = EnumRegular, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeExec def_execution ( StrC content );
CodeExtern def_extern_link( StrC name, Code body );
CodeFriend def_friend ( Code symbol );
CodeFn def_function( StrC name
, CodeParam params = NoCode, CodeType ret_type = NoCode, Code body = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeInclude def_include ( StrC content );
CodeModule def_module ( StrC name, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeNamespace def_namespace( StrC name, Code body, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeOperator def_operator( OperatorT op, StrC nspace
, CodeParam params = NoCode, CodeType ret_type = NoCode, Code body = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeOpCast def_operator_cast( CodeType type, Code body = NoCode, CodeSpecifiers specs = NoCode );
CodeParam def_param ( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value = NoCode );
CodePragma def_pragma( StrC directive );
CodePreprocessCond def_preprocess_cond( EPreprocessCond type, StrC content );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifier( SpecifierT specifier );
CodeStruct def_struct( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode
, CodeType parent = NoCode, AccessSpec access = AccessSpec::Default
, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None
, CodeType* interfaces = nullptr, s32 num_interfaces = 0 );
CodeTemplate def_template( CodeParam params, Code definition, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeType def_type ( StrC name, Code arrayexpr = NoCode, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode );
CodeTypedef def_typedef( StrC name, Code type, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUnion def_union( StrC name, Code body, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUsing def_using( StrC name, CodeType type = NoCode
, CodeAttributes attributess = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUsing def_using_namespace( StrC name );
CodeVar def_variable( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
// Constructs an empty body. Use AST::validate_body() to check if the body is was has valid entries.
CodeBody def_body( CodeT type );
// There are two options for defining a struct body, either varadically provided with the args macro to auto-deduce the arg num,
/// or provide as an array of Code objects.
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, Code* codes);
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeParam def_params ( s32 num, ... );
CodeParam def_params ( s32 num, CodeParam* params );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, ... );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, SpecifierT* specs );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
#pragma endregion Upfront
#pragma region Parsing
CodeClass parse_class ( StrC class_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( StrC enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( StrC export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( StrC exten_link_def);
CodeFriend parse_friend ( StrC friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( StrC fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( StrC body_def );
CodeNamespace parse_namespace ( StrC namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( StrC operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( StrC struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( StrC template_def );
CodeType parse_type ( StrC type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( StrC typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( StrC union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( StrC using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( StrC var_def );
#pragma endregion Parsing
#pragma region Untyped text
sw token_fmt_va( char* buf, uw buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va );
//! Do not use directly. Use the token_fmt macro instead.
StrC token_fmt_impl( sw, ... );
Code untyped_str ( StrC content);
Code untyped_fmt ( char const* fmt, ... );
Code untyped_token_fmt( char const* fmt, s32 num_tokens, ... );
#pragma endregion Untyped text
#pragma endregion Gen Interface