Ed_ a42e241afb Got rid of the temp compoonent files, they are now generated via bootstrapping.
This isn't the last step though everything in the main project directory that isn't md files needs to be generated only.
Can't do that till testing is robust enough...
2023-08-21 23:28:39 -04:00

584 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include "gen/ecode.hpp"
#include "gen/eoperator.hpp"
#include "gen/especifier.hpp"
struct AST;
struct AST_Body;
struct AST_Attributes;
struct AST_Comment;
struct AST_Constructor;
struct AST_Class;
struct AST_Define;
struct AST_Destructor;
struct AST_Enum;
struct AST_Exec;
struct AST_Extern;
struct AST_Include;
struct AST_Friend;
struct AST_Fn;
struct AST_Module;
struct AST_NS;
struct AST_Operator;
struct AST_OpCast;
struct AST_Param;
struct AST_Pragma;
struct AST_PreprocessCond;
struct AST_Specifiers;
struct AST_Struct;
struct AST_Template;
struct AST_Type;
struct AST_Typedef;
struct AST_Union;
struct AST_Using;
struct AST_Var;
struct Code;
struct CodeBody;
// These are to offer ease of use and optionally strong type safety for the AST.
struct CodeAttributes;
struct CodeComment;
struct CodeConstructor;
struct CodeDestructor;
struct CodeClass;
struct CodeDefine;
struct CodeEnum;
struct CodeExec;
struct CodeExtern;
struct CodeInclude;
struct CodeFriend;
struct CodeFn;
struct CodeModule;
struct CodeNS;
struct CodeOperator;
struct CodeOpCast;
struct CodeParam;
struct CodePreprocessCond;
struct CodePragma;
struct CodeSpecifiers;
struct CodeStruct;
struct CodeTemplate;
struct CodeType;
struct CodeTypedef;
struct CodeUnion;
struct CodeUsing;
struct CodeVar;
AST* wrapper
- Not constantly have to append the '*' as this is written often..
- Allows for implicit conversion to any of the ASTs (raw or filtered).
struct Code
# pragma region Statics
// Used to identify ASTs that should always be duplicated. (Global constant ASTs)
static Code Global;
// Used to identify invalid generated code.
static Code Invalid;
# pragma endregion Statics
#define Using_Code( Typename ) \
char const* debug_str(); \
Code duplicate(); \
bool is_equal( Code other ); \
bool is_valid(); \
void set_global(); \
String to_string(); \
Typename& operator = ( AST* other ); \
Typename& operator = ( Code other ); \
bool operator ==( Code other ); \
bool operator !=( Code other ); \
operator bool();
Using_Code( Code );
template< class Type >
Type cast()
return * rcast( Type*, this );
AST* operator ->()
return ast;
Code& operator ++();
Code& operator*()
return *this;
AST* ast;
# define operator explicit operator
operator CodeAttributes() const;
operator CodeComment() const;
operator CodeConstructor() const;
operator CodeDestructor() const;
operator CodeClass() const;
operator CodeDefine() const;
operator CodeExec() const;
operator CodeEnum() const;
operator CodeExtern() const;
operator CodeInclude() const;
operator CodeFriend() const;
operator CodeFn() const;
operator CodeModule() const;
operator CodeNS() const;
operator CodeOperator() const;
operator CodeOpCast() const;
operator CodeParam() const;
operator CodePragma() const;
operator CodePreprocessCond() const;
operator CodeSpecifiers() const;
operator CodeStruct() const;
operator CodeTemplate() const;
operator CodeType() const;
operator CodeTypedef() const;
operator CodeUnion() const;
operator CodeUsing() const;
operator CodeVar() const;
operator CodeBody() const;
#undef operator
struct Code_POD
AST* ast;
static_assert( sizeof(Code) == sizeof(Code_POD), "ERROR: Code is not POD" );
// Desired width of the AST data structure.
constexpr u32 AST_POD_Size = 128;
Simple AST POD with functionality to seralize into C++ syntax.
struct AST
# pragma region Member Functions
void append ( AST* other );
char const* debug_str ();
AST* duplicate ();
Code& entry ( u32 idx );
bool has_entries();
bool is_equal ( AST* other );
char const* type_str();
bool validate_body();
neverinline String to_string();
template< class Type >
Type cast()
return * this;
operator Code();
operator CodeBody();
operator CodeAttributes();
operator CodeComment();
operator CodeConstructor();
operator CodeDestructor();
operator CodeClass();
operator CodeDefine();
operator CodeEnum();
operator CodeExec();
operator CodeExtern();
operator CodeInclude();
operator CodeFriend();
operator CodeFn();
operator CodeModule();
operator CodeNS();
operator CodeOperator();
operator CodeOpCast();
operator CodeParam();
operator CodePragma();
operator CodePreprocessCond();
operator CodeSpecifiers();
operator CodeStruct();
operator CodeTemplate();
operator CodeType();
operator CodeTypedef();
operator CodeUnion();
operator CodeUsing();
operator CodeVar();
# pragma endregion Member Functions
constexpr static
uw ArrSpecs_Cap =
- sizeof(AST*) * 3
- sizeof(StringCached)
- sizeof(CodeT)
- sizeof(ModuleFlag)
- sizeof(u32)
/ sizeof(SpecifierT) - 1; // -1 for 4 extra bytes
union {
AST* Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable
AST* Specs; // Function, Operator, Type symbol, Variable
union {
AST* InitializerList; // Constructor, Destructor
AST* ParentType; // Class, Struct
AST* ReturnType; // Function, Operator
AST* UnderlyingType; // Enum, Typedef
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* BitfieldSize; // Varaiable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Function, Operator, Template
union {
AST* ArrExpr; // Type Symbol
AST* Body; // Class, Constructr, Destructor, Enum, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
AST* Declaration; // Friend, Template
AST* Value; // Parameter, Variable
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[AST::ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
union {
AST* Prev;
AST* Front;
AST* Last;
union {
AST* Next;
AST* Back;
AST* Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
union {
b32 IsFunction; // Used by typedef to not serialize the name field.
OperatorT Op;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
s32 NumEntries;
struct AST_POD
union {
AST* Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typename, Union, Using, Variable
AST* Specs; // Function, Operator, Type symbol, Variable
union {
AST* InitializerList; // Constructor, Destructor
AST* ParentType; // Class, Struct
AST* ReturnType; // Function, Operator
AST* UnderlyingType; // Enum, Typedef
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* BitfieldSize; // Varaiable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Function, Operator, Template
union {
AST* ArrExpr; // Type Symbol
AST* Body; // Class, Constructr, Destructor, Enum, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
AST* Declaration; // Friend, Template
AST* Value; // Parameter, Variable
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[AST::ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
union {
AST* Prev;
AST* Front;
AST* Last;
union {
AST* Next;
AST* Back;
AST* Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
union {
b32 IsFunction; // Used by typedef to not serialize the name field.
OperatorT Op;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
s32 NumEntries;
// Its intended for the AST to have equivalent size to its POD.
// All extra functionality within the AST namespace should just be syntatic sugar.
static_assert( sizeof(AST) == sizeof(AST_POD), "ERROR: AST IS NOT POD" );
static_assert( sizeof(AST_POD) == AST_POD_Size, "ERROR: AST POD is not size of AST_POD_Size" );
// Used when the its desired when omission is allowed in a definition.
#define NoCode { nullptr }
#define CodeInvalid (* Code::Invalid.ast) // Uses an implicitly overloaded cast from the AST to the desired code type.
#pragma region Code Types
struct CodeBody
Using_Code( CodeBody );
void append( Code other )
raw()->append( other.ast );
void append( CodeBody body )
for ( Code entry : body )
append( entry );
bool has_entries()
return rcast( AST*, ast )->has_entries();
AST* raw()
return rcast( AST*, ast );
AST_Body* operator->()
return ast;
operator Code()
return * rcast( Code*, this );
#pragma region Iterator
Code begin()
if ( ast )
return { rcast( AST*, ast)->Front };
return { nullptr };
Code end()
return { rcast(AST*, ast)->Back->Next };
#pragma endregion Iterator
AST_Body* ast;
struct CodeClass
Using_Code( CodeClass );
void add_interface( CodeType interface );
AST* raw()
return rcast( AST*, ast );
operator Code()
return * rcast( Code*, this );
AST_Class* operator->()
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr");
return nullptr;
return ast;
AST_Class* ast;
struct CodeParam
Using_Code( CodeParam );
void append( CodeParam other );
CodeParam get( s32 idx );
bool has_entries();
AST* raw()
return rcast( AST*, ast );
AST_Param* operator->()
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!");
return nullptr;
return ast;
operator Code()
return { (AST*)ast };
#pragma region Iterator
CodeParam begin()
if ( ast )
return { ast };
return { nullptr };
CodeParam end()
return { (AST_Param*) rcast( AST*, ast)->Last };
CodeParam& operator++();
CodeParam operator*()
return * this;
#pragma endregion Iterator
AST_Param* ast;
struct CodeSpecifiers
Using_Code( CodeSpecifiers );
bool append( SpecifierT spec )
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("CodeSpecifiers: Attempted to append to a null specifiers AST!");
return false;
if ( raw()->NumEntries == AST::ArrSpecs_Cap )
log_failure("CodeSpecifiers: Attempted to append over %d specifiers to a specifiers AST!", AST::ArrSpecs_Cap );
return false;
raw()->ArrSpecs[ raw()->NumEntries ] = spec;
return true;
s32 has( SpecifierT spec )
for ( s32 idx = 0; idx < raw()->NumEntries; idx++ )
if ( raw()->ArrSpecs[ raw()->NumEntries ] == spec )
return idx;
return -1;
AST* raw()
return rcast( AST*, ast );
AST_Specifiers* operator->()
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!");
return nullptr;
return ast;
operator Code()
return { (AST*) ast };
#pragma region Iterator
SpecifierT* begin()
if ( ast )
return & raw()->ArrSpecs[0];
return nullptr;
SpecifierT* end()
return raw()->ArrSpecs + raw()->NumEntries;
#pragma endregion Iterator
AST_Specifiers* ast;
struct CodeStruct
Using_Code( CodeStruct );
void add_interface( CodeType interface );
AST* raw()
return rcast( AST*, ast );
operator Code()
return * rcast( Code*, this );
AST_Struct* operator->()
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr");
return nullptr;
return ast;
AST_Struct* ast;
#define Define_CodeType( Typename ) \
struct Code##Typename \
{ \
Using_Code( Code ## Typename ); \
AST* raw(); \
operator Code(); \
AST_##Typename* operator->(); \
AST_##Typename* ast; \
Define_CodeType( Attributes );
Define_CodeType( Comment );
Define_CodeType( Constructor );
Define_CodeType( Define );
Define_CodeType( Destructor );
Define_CodeType( Enum );
Define_CodeType( Exec );
Define_CodeType( Extern );
Define_CodeType( Include );
Define_CodeType( Friend );
Define_CodeType( Fn );
Define_CodeType( Module );
Define_CodeType( NS );
Define_CodeType( Operator );
Define_CodeType( OpCast );
Define_CodeType( Pragma );
Define_CodeType( PreprocessCond );
Define_CodeType( Template );
Define_CodeType( Type );
Define_CodeType( Typedef );
Define_CodeType( Union );
Define_CodeType( Using );
Define_CodeType( Var );
#undef Define_CodeType
#undef Using_Code
#pragma endregion Code Types