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synced 2025-01-22 14:43:45 -08:00
Isolating large macros to their own directory (components/temp). - Plan is to remove them soon with proper generation. Added additional component files, separating the old data_structures header for a set of ast headers. Header_end also had its inlines extracted out. Necessary to complete the macro isolation. ZPL parser dependencies were removed from the core library along with builder, its now generated in bootstrap as pare of making a gen_builder set of files. Singleheader will be changed in next few commits to reflect this as well (By making builder deps and components a conditional option). Tests are most likely all broken for now.
488 lines
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488 lines
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#pragma region Memory
#define kilobytes( x ) ( ( x ) * ( s64 )( 1024 ) )
#define megabytes( x ) ( kilobytes( x ) * ( s64 )( 1024 ) )
#define gigabytes( x ) ( megabytes( x ) * ( s64 )( 1024 ) )
#define terabytes( x ) ( gigabytes( x ) * ( s64 )( 1024 ) )
#define GEN__ONES ( zpl_cast( uw ) - 1 / GEN_U8_MAX )
#define GEN__HIGHS ( GEN__ONES * ( GEN_U8_MAX / 2 + 1 ) )
#define GEN__HAS_ZERO( x ) ( ( ( x )-GEN__ONES ) & ~( x )&GEN__HIGHS )
//! Checks if value is power of 2.
GEN_DEF_INLINE b32 is_power_of_two( sw x );
//! Aligns address to specified alignment.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* align_forward( void* ptr, sw alignment );
//! Aligns value to a specified alignment.
GEN_DEF_INLINE s64 align_forward_i64( s64 value, sw alignment );
//! Moves pointer forward by bytes.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* pointer_add( void* ptr, sw bytes );
//! Moves pointer forward by bytes.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void const* pointer_add_const( void const* ptr, sw bytes );
//! Calculates difference between two addresses.
GEN_DEF_INLINE sw pointer_diff( void const* begin, void const* end );
//! Copy non-overlapping memory from source to destination.
void* mem_copy( void* dest, void const* source, sw size );
//! Search for a constant value within the size limit at memory location.
void const* mem_find( void const* data, u8 byte_value, sw size );
//! Copy memory from source to destination.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* mem_move( void* dest, void const* source, sw size );
//! Set constant value at memory location with specified size.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* mem_set( void* data, u8 byte_value, sw size );
//! @param ptr Memory location to clear up.
//! @param size The size to clear up with.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void zero_size( void* ptr, sw size );
//! Clears up an item.
#define zero_item( t ) zero_size( ( t ), size_of( *( t ) ) ) // NOTE: Pass pointer of struct
//! Clears up an array.
#define zero_array( a, count ) zero_size( ( a ), size_of( *( a ) ) * count )
enum AllocType : u8
using AllocatorProc = void* ( void* allocator_data, AllocType type
, sw size, sw alignment
, void* old_memory, sw old_size
, u64 flags );
struct AllocatorInfo
AllocatorProc* Proc;
void* Data;
enum AllocFlag
# define GEN_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT ( 2 * size_of( void* ) )
//! Allocate memory with default alignment.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* alloc( AllocatorInfo a, sw size );
//! Allocate memory with specified alignment.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* alloc_align( AllocatorInfo a, sw size, sw alignment );
//! Free allocated memory.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void free( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr );
//! Free all memory allocated by an allocator.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void free_all( AllocatorInfo a );
//! Resize an allocated memory.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* resize( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size );
//! Resize an allocated memory with specified alignment.
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment );
//! Allocate memory for an item.
#define alloc_item( allocator_, Type ) ( Type* )alloc( allocator_, size_of( Type ) )
//! Allocate memory for an array of items.
#define alloc_array( allocator_, Type, count ) ( Type* )alloc( allocator_, size_of( Type ) * ( count ) )
/* heap memory analysis tools */
/* define GEN_HEAP_ANALYSIS to enable this feature */
/* call zpl_heap_stats_init at the beginning of the entry point */
/* you can call zpl_heap_stats_check near the end of the execution to validate any possible leaks */
void heap_stats_init( void );
sw heap_stats_used_memory( void );
sw heap_stats_alloc_count( void );
void heap_stats_check( void );
//! Allocate/Resize memory using default options.
//! Use this if you don't need a "fancy" resize allocation
GEN_DEF_INLINE void* default_resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment );
void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
//! The heap allocator backed by operating system's memory manager.
constexpr AllocatorInfo heap( void ) { return { heap_allocator_proc, nullptr }; }
//! Helper to allocate memory using heap allocator.
#define malloc( sz ) alloc( heap(), sz )
//! Helper to free memory allocated by heap allocator.
#define mfree( ptr ) free( heap(), ptr )
GEN_IMPL_INLINE b32 is_power_of_two( sw x )
if ( x <= 0 )
return false;
return ! ( x & ( x - 1 ) );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* align_forward( void* ptr, sw alignment )
uptr p;
GEN_ASSERT( is_power_of_two( alignment ) );
p = zpl_cast( uptr ) ptr;
return zpl_cast( void* )( ( p + ( alignment - 1 ) ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE s64 align_forward_i64( s64 value, sw alignment )
return value + ( alignment - value % alignment ) % alignment;
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* pointer_add( void* ptr, sw bytes )
return zpl_cast( void* )( zpl_cast( u8* ) ptr + bytes );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void const* pointer_add_const( void const* ptr, sw bytes )
return zpl_cast( void const* )( zpl_cast( u8 const* ) ptr + bytes );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE sw pointer_diff( void const* begin, void const* end )
return zpl_cast( sw )( zpl_cast( u8 const* ) end - zpl_cast( u8 const* ) begin );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* mem_move( void* dest, void const* source, sw n )
if ( dest == NULL )
return NULL;
u8* d = zpl_cast( u8* ) dest;
u8 const* s = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) source;
if ( d == s )
return d;
if ( s + n <= d || d + n <= s ) // NOTE: Non-overlapping
return mem_copy( d, s, n );
if ( d < s )
if ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s % size_of( sw ) == zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) )
while ( zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) )
if ( ! n-- )
return dest;
*d++ = *s++;
while ( n >= size_of( sw ) )
*zpl_cast( sw* ) d = *zpl_cast( sw* ) s;
n -= size_of( sw );
d += size_of( sw );
s += size_of( sw );
for ( ; n; n-- )
*d++ = *s++;
if ( ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s % size_of( sw ) ) == ( zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) ) )
while ( zpl_cast( uptr )( d + n ) % size_of( sw ) )
if ( ! n-- )
return dest;
d[ n ] = s[ n ];
while ( n >= size_of( sw ) )
n -= size_of( sw );
*zpl_cast( sw* )( d + n ) = *zpl_cast( sw* )( s + n );
while ( n )
n--, d[ n ] = s[ n ];
return dest;
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* mem_set( void* dest, u8 c, sw n )
if ( dest == NULL )
return NULL;
u8* s = zpl_cast( u8* ) dest;
sw k;
u32 c32 = ( ( u32 )-1 ) / 255 * c;
if ( n == 0 )
return dest;
s[ 0 ] = s[ n - 1 ] = c;
if ( n < 3 )
return dest;
s[ 1 ] = s[ n - 2 ] = c;
s[ 2 ] = s[ n - 3 ] = c;
if ( n < 7 )
return dest;
s[ 3 ] = s[ n - 4 ] = c;
if ( n < 9 )
return dest;
k = -zpl_cast( sptr ) s & 3;
s += k;
n -= k;
n &= -4;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 0 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 4 ) = c32;
if ( n < 9 )
return dest;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 4 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 8 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 12 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 8 ) = c32;
if ( n < 25 )
return dest;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 12 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 16 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 20 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 24 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 28 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 24 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 20 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 16 ) = c32;
k = 24 + ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s & 4 );
s += k;
n -= k;
u64 c64 = ( zpl_cast( u64 ) c32 << 32 ) | c32;
while ( n > 31 )
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 0 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 8 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 16 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 24 ) = c64;
n -= 32;
s += 32;
return dest;
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* alloc_align( AllocatorInfo a, sw size, sw alignment )
return a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_ALLOC, size, alignment, nullptr, 0, GEN_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* alloc( AllocatorInfo a, sw size )
return alloc_align( a, size, GEN_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void free( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr )
if ( ptr != nullptr )
a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_FREE, 0, 0, ptr, 0, GEN_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void free_all( AllocatorInfo a )
a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_FREE_ALL, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, GEN_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* resize( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size )
return resize_align( a, ptr, old_size, new_size, GEN_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment )
return a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_RESIZE, new_size, alignment, ptr, old_size, GEN_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void* default_resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* old_memory, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment )
if ( ! old_memory )
return alloc_align( a, new_size, alignment );
if ( new_size == 0 )
free( a, old_memory );
return nullptr;
if ( new_size < old_size )
new_size = old_size;
if ( old_size == new_size )
return old_memory;
void* new_memory = alloc_align( a, new_size, alignment );
if ( ! new_memory )
return nullptr;
mem_move( new_memory, old_memory, min( new_size, old_size ) );
free( a, old_memory );
return new_memory;
GEN_IMPL_INLINE void zero_size( void* ptr, sw size )
mem_set( ptr, 0, size );
struct Arena
void* allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
Arena init_from_memory( void* start, sw size )
{ nullptr, nullptr },
Arena init_from_allocator( AllocatorInfo backing, sw size )
Arena result =
alloc( backing, size),
return result;
Arena init_sub( Arena& parent, sw size )
return init_from_allocator( parent.Backing, size );
sw alignment_of( sw alignment )
sw alignment_offset, result_pointer, mask;
GEN_ASSERT( is_power_of_two( alignment ) );
alignment_offset = 0;
result_pointer = (sw) PhysicalStart + TotalUsed;
mask = alignment - 1;
if ( result_pointer & mask )
alignment_offset = alignment - ( result_pointer & mask );
return alignment_offset;
void check()
GEN_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 );
void free()
if ( Backing.Proc )
gen::free( Backing, PhysicalStart );
PhysicalStart = nullptr;
sw size_remaining( sw alignment )
sw result = TotalSize - ( TotalUsed + alignment_of( alignment ) );
return result;
AllocatorInfo Backing;
void* PhysicalStart;
sw TotalSize;
sw TotalUsed;
sw TempCount;
operator AllocatorInfo()
return { allocator_proc, this };
struct Pool
void* allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
Pool init( AllocatorInfo backing, sw num_blocks, sw block_size )
return init_align( backing, num_blocks, block_size, GEN_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
Pool init_align( AllocatorInfo backing, sw num_blocks, sw block_size, sw block_align );
void clear();
void free()
if ( Backing.Proc )
gen::free( Backing, PhysicalStart );
AllocatorInfo Backing;
void* PhysicalStart;
void* FreeList;
sw BlockSize;
sw BlockAlign;
sw TotalSize;
sw NumBlocks;
operator AllocatorInfo()
return { allocator_proc, this };
#pragma endregion Memory