Ed_ 5d7dfaf666 Heavy refactor..
Isolating large macros to their own directory (components/temp).
- Plan is to remove them soon with proper generation.

Added additional component files, separating the old data_structures header for a set of ast headers.
Header_end also had its inlines extracted out.
Necessary to complete the macro isolation.

ZPL parser dependencies were removed from the core library along with builder, its now generated in bootstrap as pare of making a gen_builder set of files.

Singleheader will be changed in next few commits to reflect this as well (By making builder deps and components a conditional option).

Tests are most likely all broken for now.
2023-08-03 11:01:43 -04:00

74 lines
1.6 KiB

[string] $type = $null
[string] $test = $false
foreach ( $arg in $args )
if ( $arg -eq "test" )
$test = $true
$type = $arg
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_singleheader = Join-Path $path_root singleheader
$path_singleheader_build = Join-Path $path_singleheader build
$path_singleheader_gen = Join-Path $path_singleheader gen
write-host "`n`nBuilding gencpp singleheader`n"
if ( -not( Test-Path $path_singleheader_build) )
# Generate build files for meta-program
Push-Location $path_singleheader
$args_meson = @()
$args_meson += "setup"
$args_meson += $path_singleheader_build
& meson $args_meson
# Compile meta-program
Push-Location $path_root
$args_ninja = @()
$args_ninja += "-C"
$args_ninja += $path_singleheader_build
& ninja $args_ninja
Push-location $path_singleheader
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_singleheader_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_singleheader_gen
# Run meta-program
$gencpp_singleheader = Join-Path $path_singleheader_build gencpp_singleheader.exe
Write-Host `nRunning gencpp singleheader...
& $gencpp_singleheader
# Format generated files
Write-Host `nBeginning format...
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
$include = @('gen.hpp')
$exclude = $null
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_project -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete"
# Build and run validation