Ed_ a42e241afb Got rid of the temp compoonent files, they are now generated via bootstrapping.
This isn't the last step though everything in the main project directory that isn't md files needs to be generated only.
Can't do that till testing is robust enough...
2023-08-21 23:28:39 -04:00

473 lines
13 KiB

# This build script was written to build on windows, however I did setup some generalization to allow for cross platform building.
# It will most likely need a partial rewrite to segment the build process into separate script invocations based on the OS.
# That or just rewrite it in an sh script and call it a day.
Import-Module ./helpers/target_arch.psm1
$devshell = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/devshell.ps1'
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Push-Location $path_root
#region Arguments
$vendor = $null
$release = $null
[bool] $bootstrap = $false
[bool] $singleheader = $false
[bool] $test = $false
[array] $vendors = @( "clang", "msvc" )
# This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line...
if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_){
{ $_ -in $vendors } { $vendor = $_; break }
"release" { $release = $true }
"debug" { $release = $false }
"bootstrap" { $bootstrap = $true }
"singleheader" { $singleheader = $true }
"test" { $test = $true }
#endregion Arguments
#region Configuration
if ($IsWindows) {
# This library was really designed to only run on 64-bit systems.
# (Its a development tool after all)
& $devshell -arch amd64
if ( $vendor -eq $null ) {
write-host "No vendor specified, assuming clang available"
$compiler = "clang"
if ( $release -eq $null ) {
write-host "No build type specified, assuming debug"
$release = $false
if ( $bootstrap -eq $false -and $singleheader -eq $false -and $test -eq $false ) {
throw "No build target specified. One must be specified, this script will not assume one"
write-host "Building gencpp with $vendor"
write-host "Build Type: $(if ($release) {"Release"} else {"Debug"} )"
function run-compiler
param( $compiler, $unit, $compiler_args )
write-host "`Compiling $unit"
write-host "Compiler config:"
$compiler_args | ForEach-Object {
write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Cyan
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
& $compiler $compiler_args 2>&1 | ForEach-Object {
$color = 'White'
switch ($_){
{ $_ -match "error" } { $color = 'Red' ; break }
{ $_ -match "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break }
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor $color
if ( Test-Path($unit) ) {
write-host "$unit compile finished in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
else {
write-host "Compile failed for $unit" -ForegroundColor Red
function run-linker
param( $linker, $binary, $linker_args )
write-host "`Linking $binary"
write-host "Linker config:"
$linker_args | ForEach-Object {
write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Cyan
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
& $linker $linker_args 2>&1 | ForEach-Object {
$color = 'White'
switch ($_){
{ $_ -match "error" } { $color = 'Red' ; break }
{ $_ -match "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break }
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor $color
if ( Test-Path($binary) ) {
write-host "$binary linking finished in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
else {
write-host "Linking failed for $binary" -ForegroundColor Red
if ( $vendor -match "clang" )
$flag_compile = '-c'
$flag_color_diagnostics = '-fcolor-diagnostics'
$flag_no_color_diagnostics = '-fno-color-diagnostics'
$flag_debug = '-g'
$flag_debug_codeview = '-gcodeview'
$flag_define = '-D'
$flag_preprocess = '-E'
$flag_include = '-I'
$flag_library = '-l'
$flag_library_path = '-L'
$flag_link_win = '-Wl,'
$flag_link_win_subsystem_console = '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
$flag_link_win_machine_32 = '/MACHINE:X86'
$flag_link_win_machine_64 = '/MACHINE:X64'
$flag_link_win_debug = '/DEBUG'
$flag_link_win_pdb = '/PDB:'
$flag_link_win_path_output = '/OUT:'
$flag_no_optimization = '-O0'
$flag_path_output = '-o'
$flag_preprocess_non_intergrated = '-no-integrated-cpp'
$flag_profiling_debug = '-fdebug-info-for-profiling'
$flag_target_arch = '-target'
$flag_wall = '-Wall'
$flag_warning = '-W'
$flag_warning_as_error = '-Werror'
$flag_win_nologo = '/nologo'
$ignore_warning_ms_include = 'no-microsoft-include'
$target_arch = Get-TargetArchClang
$warning_ignores = @(
$libraries = @(
'Kernel32' # For Windows API
# 'msvcrt', # For the C Runtime (Dynamically Linked)
# 'libucrt',
'libcmt' # For the C Runtime (Static Linkage)
function build-simple
param( $includes, $unit, $executable )
Write-Host "build-simple: clang"
$object = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.obj'
$pdb = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.pdb'
$compiler_args = @(
$flag_target_arch, $target_arch,
( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
( $flag_path_output + $object ),
( $flag_include + $includes )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += ( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $flag_debug, $flag_debug_codeview, $flag_profiling_debug
$compiler_args += $flag_no_optimization
$warning_ignores | ForEach-Object {
$compiler_args += $flag_warning + $_
# $compiler_args += $flag_preprocess
$compiler_args += $flag_compile, $unit
run-compiler $compiler $unit $compiler_args
$linker_args = @(
$( $flag_link_win_path_output + $executable )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$linker_args += $flag_link_win_debug
$linker_args += $flag_link_win_pdb + $pdb
else {
$libraries | ForEach-Object {
$linker_args += $_ + '.lib'
$linker_args += $object
run-linker $linker $executable $linker_args
$compiler = 'clang++'
$linker = 'lld-link'
if ( $vendor -match "msvc" )
$flag_compile = '/c'
$flag_debug = '/Zi'
$flag_define = '/D'
$flag_include = '/I'
$flag_full_src_path = '/FC'
$flag_nologo = '/nologo'
$flag_dll = '/LD'
$flag_dll_debug = '/LDd'
$flag_linker = '/link'
$flag_link_debug = '/DEBUG'
$flag_link_pdb = '/PDB:'
$flag_link_machine_32 = '/MACHINE:X86'
$flag_link_machine_64 = '/MACHINE:X64'
$flag_link_path_output = '/OUT:'
$flag_link_rt_dll = '/MD'
$flag_link_rt_dll_debug = '/MDd'
$flag_link_rt_static = '/MT'
$flag_link_rt_static_debug = '/MTd'
$flag_link_subsystem_console = '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
$flag_link_subsystem_windows = '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS'
$flag_no_optimization = '/Od'
$flag_out_name = '/OUT:'
$flag_path_interm = '/Fo'
$flag_path_debug = '/Fd'
$flag_path_output = '/Fe'
$flag_preprocess_conform = '/Zc:preprocessor'
# This works because this project uses a single unit to build
function build-simple
param( $includes, $unit, $executable )
Write-Host "build-simple: msvc"
$object = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.obj'
$pdb = $executable -replace '\.exe', '.pdb'
$compiler_args = @(
( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
( $flag_path_interm + $path_build + '\' ),
( $flag_path_output + $path_build + '\' )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += ( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += ( $flag_path_debug + $path_build + '\' )
$compiler_args += $flag_link_rt_static_debug
$compiler_args += $flag_no_optimization
else {
$compiler_args += $flag_link_rt_static
$compiler_args += $includes | ForEach-Object { $flag_include + $_ }
$compiler_args += $flag_compile, $unit
run-compiler $compiler $unit $compiler_args
$linker_args = @(
( $flag_link_path_output + $executable )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$linker_args += $flag_link_debug
$linker_args += $flag_link_pdb + $pdb
else {
$linker_args += $object
run-linker $linker $executable $linker_args
$compiler = 'cl'
$linker = 'link'
#endregion Configuration
#region Building
$path_build = Join-Path $path_root build
$path_project = Join-Path $path_root project
$path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root scripts
$path_singleheader = Join-Path $path_root singleheader
$path_test = Join-Path $path_root test
if ( $bootstrap )
$path_build = join-path $path_project build
$path_gen = join-path $path_project gen
$path_comp_gen = join-path $path_project components/gen
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_build) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_build
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_gen
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_comp_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_comp_gen
$includes = @( $path_project)
$unit = join-path $path_project "bootstrap.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "bootstrap.exe"
build-simple $includes $unit $executable
Push-Location $path_project
if ( Test-Path( $executable ) ) {
write-host "`nRunning bootstrap"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nBootstrap completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $singleheader )
$path_build = join-path $path_singleheader build
$path_gen = join-path $path_singleheader gen
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_build) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_build
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_gen
$includes = @( $path_project )
$unit = join-path $path_singleheader "singleheader.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "singleheader.exe"
build-simple $includes $unit $executable
Push-Location $path_singleheader
if ( Test-Path( $executable ) ) {
write-host "`nRunning singleheader generator"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nSingleheader generator completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $test )
$path_gen = join-path $path_test gen
$path_gen_build = join-path $path_gen build
$path_build = join-path $path_test build
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_build) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_build
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_gen
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_gen_build) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_gen_build
$path_bootstrap = join-path $path_project gen
$includes = @( $path_bootstrap )
$unit = join-path $path_test "test.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "test.exe"
build-simple $includes $unit $executable
Push-Location $path_test
if ( Test-Path( $executable ) ) {
write-host "`nRunning test generator"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nTest generator completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
#endregion Building
#region Formatting
function format-cpp
param( $path, $include, $exclude )
# Format generated gencpp
Write-Host "`nBeginning format"
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
$targetFiles = @(
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path -Include $include -Exclude $exclude
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $bootstrap -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $path_project "gen/gen.hpp")) )
$path_gen = join-path $path_project gen
$path_comp_gen = join-path $path_project components/gen
$include = @(
'gen.hpp', 'gen.cpp',
'gen.dep.hpp', 'gen.dep.cpp',
'gen.builder.hpp', 'gen.builder.cpp'
'gen.scanner.hpp', 'gen.scanner.cpp'
$exclude = $null
format-cpp $path_gen $include $exclude
format-cpp $path_comp_gen @( 'ast_inlines.hpp', 'ecode.hpp', 'especifier.hpp', 'eoperator.hpp', 'etoktype.cpp' ) $null
if ( $singleheader -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $path_singleheader "gen/gen.hpp")) )
$path_gen = join-path $path_singleheader gen
$include = @(
$exclude = $null
# format-cpp $path_gen $include $exclude
if ( $test )
$path_gen = join-path $path_test gen
$include = @(
$exclude = $null
format-cpp $path_gen $include $exclude
#endregion Formatting
Pop-Location # $path_root