Ed_ 7828e6d2ea More dependency movement from zpl, incremental design improvements.
Made token_fmt more ergonomic, going to have to use a similar behavior with the upfront body constructors.
2023-07-12 01:33:11 -04:00

2077 lines
45 KiB

This contians all definitions not directly related to the project.
#pragma once
// TODO : This will be removed when making the library have zero dependencies.
#pragma region ZPL INCLUDE
#if __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wbraced-scalar-init"
# define ZPL_NO_MATH_H
#include "zpl.h"
#undef alloc_item
#undef alloc_array
#undef Array
#undef heap
#undef malloc
#undef mfree
#undef ZPL_PANIC
using zpl::b32;
using zpl::s8;
using zpl::s16;
using zpl::s32;
using zpl::s64;
using zpl::u8;
using zpl::u16;
using zpl::u32;
using zpl::u64;
using zpl::uw;
using zpl::sw;
using zpl::sptr;
using zpl::uptr;
using zpl::f32;
using zpl::f64;
// using zpl::AllocType;
// using zpl::Arena;
// using zpl::AllocatorInfo;
// using zpl::ArrayHeader;
// using zpl::FileInfo;
// using zpl::FileError;
// using zpl::Pool;
// using zpl::String;
// using zpl::EAllocation_ALLOC;
// using zpl::EAllocation_FREE;
// using zpl::EAllocation_FREE_ALL;
// using zpl::EAllocation_RESIZE;
// using zpl::EFileMode_WRITE;
// using zpl::EFileError_NONE;
// using zpl::align_forward;
// using zpl::align_forward_i64;
// using zpl::alloc;
// using zpl::alloc_align;
// using zpl::arena_allocator;
// using zpl::arena_init_from_memory;
// using zpl::arena_init_from_allocator;
// using zpl::arena_free;
// using zpl::assert_crash;
// using zpl::char_first_occurence;
// using zpl::char_is_alpha;
// using zpl::char_is_alphanumeric;
// using zpl::char_is_digit;
// using zpl::char_is_hex_digit;
// using zpl::char_is_space;
// using zpl::crc32;
// using zpl::free_all;
// using zpl::is_power_of_two;
// using zpl::mem_copy;
// using zpl::mem_move;
// using zpl::mem_set;
// using zpl::pointer_add;
// using zpl::pool_allocator;
// using zpl::pool_init;
// using zpl::pool_free;
// using zpl::process_exit;
// using zpl::str_compare;
// using zpl::str_copy;
// using zpl::str_fmt_buf;
// using zpl::str_fmt_va;
// using zpl::str_fmt_out_va;
using zpl::str_fmt_out_err;
using zpl::str_fmt_out_err_va;
// using zpl::str_len;
using zpl::zero_size;
#if __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#pragma endregion ZPL INCLUDE
#if __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-const-variable"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
/* Platform compiler */
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#elif defined( __GNUC__ )
#elif defined( __clang__ )
#elif defined( __MINGW32__ )
#elif defined( __TINYC__ )
# error Unknown compiler
#ifndef zpl_cast
# define zpl_cast( Type ) ( Type )
#include "Banned.define.hpp"
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
// Supports 0-10 arguments
#define macro_num_args_impl( _0, \
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, \
_11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, \
N, ... \
) N
// _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30, \
// _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40, \
// _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50,
// ## deletes preceding comma if _VA_ARGS__ is empty (GCC, Clang)
#define macro_num_args(...) \
macro_num_args_impl(_, ## __VA_ARGS__, \
20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, \
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, \
0 \
// 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, \
// 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, \
// 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,
// Supports 1-10 arguments
#define macro_num_args_impl( \
_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, \
_11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, \
N, ... \
) N
#define macro_num_args(...) \
macro_num_args_impl( __VA_ARGS__, \
20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, \
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 \
#define macro_expand( Expanded_ ) Expanded_
#define bit( Value_ ) ( 1 << Value_ )
#define bitfield_is_equal( Type_, Field_, Mask_ ) ( (Type_(Mask_) & Type_(Field_)) == Type_(Mask_) )
#define forceinline ZPL_ALWAYS_INLINE
#define ccast( Type_, Value_ ) * const_cast< Type_* >( & (Value_) )
#define scast( Type_, Value_ ) static_cast< Type_ >( Value_ )
#define rcast( Type_, Value_ ) reinterpret_cast< Type_ >( Value_ )
#define pcast( Type_, Value_ ) ( * (Type_*)( & (Value_) ) )
#define GEN_STRINGIZE_VA( ... ) #__VA_ARGS__
#define stringize( ... ) GEN_STRINGIZE_VA( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define do_once() \
do \
{ \
static \
bool Done = false; \
if ( Done ) \
return; \
Done = true; \
} \
#define do_once_start \
do \
{ \
static \
bool Done = false; \
if ( Done ) \
break; \
Done = true;
#define do_once_end \
} \
namespace gen
char const* Msg_Invalid_Value = "INVALID VALUE PROVIDED";
#pragma region Debug
# if defined( _MSC_VER )
# if _MSC_VER < 1300
# define ZPL_DEBUG_TRAP() __asm int 3 /* Trap to debugger! */
# else
# define ZPL_DEBUG_TRAP() __debugbreak()
# endif
# elif defined( ZPL_COMPILER_TINYC )
# define ZPL_DEBUG_TRAP() process_exit( 1 )
# else
# define ZPL_DEBUG_TRAP() __builtin_trap()
# endif
# define ZPL_ASSERT_MSG( cond, msg, ... ) \
do \
{ \
if ( ! ( cond ) ) \
{ \
assert_handler( #cond, __FILE__, zpl_cast( s64 ) __LINE__, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
} \
} while ( 0 )
# define ZPL_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( ptr ) ZPL_ASSERT_MSG( ( ptr ) != NULL, #ptr " must not be NULL" )
// NOTE: Things that shouldn't happen with a message!
#ifndef ZPL_PANIC
# define ZPL_PANIC( msg, ... ) ZPL_ASSERT_MSG( 0, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
void assert_handler( char const* condition, char const* file, s32 line, char const* msg, ... );
s32 assert_crash( char const* condition );
void process_exit( u32 code );
#pragma endregion Debug
#pragma region Memory
//! Checks if value is power of 2.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 is_power_of_two( sw x );
//! Aligns address to specified alignment.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* align_forward( void* ptr, sw alignment );
//! Aligns value to a specified alignment.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s64 align_forward_i64( s64 value, sw alignment );
//! Moves pointer forward by bytes.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* pointer_add( void* ptr, sw bytes );
//! Copy non-overlapping memory from source to destination.
void* mem_copy( void* dest, void const* source, sw size );
//! Search for a constant value within the size limit at memory location.
ZPL_DEF void const* mem_find( void const* data, u8 byte_value, sw size );
//! Copy memory from source to destination.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* mem_move( void* dest, void const* source, sw size );
//! Set constant value at memory location with specified size.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* mem_set( void* data, u8 byte_value, sw size );
enum AllocType : u8
using AllocatorProc = void* ( void* allocator_data, AllocType type
, sw size, sw alignment
, void* old_memory, sw old_size
, u64 flags );
struct AllocatorInfo
AllocatorProc* Proc;
void* Data;
enum AllocFlag
//! Allocate memory with default alignment.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* alloc( AllocatorInfo a, sw size );
//! Allocate memory with specified alignment.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* alloc_align( AllocatorInfo a, sw size, sw alignment );
//! Free allocated memory.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void free( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr );
//! Free all memory allocated by an allocator.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void free_all( AllocatorInfo a );
//! Resize an allocated memory.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* resize( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size );
//! Resize an allocated memory with specified alignment.
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment );
#ifndef alloc_item
//! Allocate memory for an item.
# define alloc_item( allocator_, Type ) ( Type* )alloc( allocator_, size_of( Type ) )
//! Allocate memory for an array of items.
# define alloc_array( allocator_, Type, count ) ( Type* )alloc( allocator_, size_of( Type ) * ( count ) )
/* heap memory analysis tools */
/* define ZPL_HEAP_ANALYSIS to enable this feature */
/* call zpl_heap_stats_init at the beginning of the entry point */
/* you can call zpl_heap_stats_check near the end of the execution to validate any possible leaks */
void heap_stats_init( void );
sw heap_stats_used_memory( void );
sw heap_stats_alloc_count( void );
void heap_stats_check( void );
//! Allocate/Resize memory using default options.
//! Use this if you don't need a "fancy" resize allocation
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void* default_resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment );
void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
//! The heap allocator backed by operating system's memory manager.
constexpr AllocatorInfo heap( void ) { return { heap_allocator_proc, nullptr }; }
#ifndef malloc
//! Helper to allocate memory using heap allocator.
# define malloc( sz ) alloc( heap(), sz )
//! Helper to free memory allocated by heap allocator.
# define mfree( ptr ) free( heap(), ptr )
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 is_power_of_two( sw x )
if ( x <= 0 )
return false;
return ! ( x & ( x - 1 ) );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* align_forward( void* ptr, sw alignment )
uptr p;
ZPL_ASSERT( is_power_of_two( alignment ) );
p = zpl_cast( uptr ) ptr;
return zpl_cast( void* )( ( p + ( alignment - 1 ) ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s64 align_forward_i64( s64 value, sw alignment )
return value + ( alignment - value % alignment ) % alignment;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* pointer_add( void* ptr, sw bytes )
return zpl_cast( void* )( zpl_cast( u8* ) ptr + bytes );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* mem_move( void* dest, void const* source, sw n )
if ( dest == NULL )
return NULL;
u8* d = zpl_cast( u8* ) dest;
u8 const* s = zpl_cast( u8 const* ) source;
if ( d == s )
return d;
if ( s + n <= d || d + n <= s ) // NOTE: Non-overlapping
return mem_copy( d, s, n );
if ( d < s )
if ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s % size_of( sw ) == zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) )
while ( zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) )
if ( ! n-- )
return dest;
*d++ = *s++;
while ( n >= size_of( sw ) )
*zpl_cast( sw* ) d = *zpl_cast( sw* ) s;
n -= size_of( sw );
d += size_of( sw );
s += size_of( sw );
for ( ; n; n-- )
*d++ = *s++;
if ( ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s % size_of( sw ) ) == ( zpl_cast( uptr ) d % size_of( sw ) ) )
while ( zpl_cast( uptr )( d + n ) % size_of( sw ) )
if ( ! n-- )
return dest;
d[ n ] = s[ n ];
while ( n >= size_of( sw ) )
n -= size_of( sw );
*zpl_cast( sw* )( d + n ) = *zpl_cast( sw* )( s + n );
while ( n )
n--, d[ n ] = s[ n ];
return dest;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* mem_set( void* dest, u8 c, sw n )
if ( dest == NULL )
return NULL;
u8* s = zpl_cast( u8* ) dest;
sw k;
u32 c32 = ( ( u32 )-1 ) / 255 * c;
if ( n == 0 )
return dest;
s[ 0 ] = s[ n - 1 ] = c;
if ( n < 3 )
return dest;
s[ 1 ] = s[ n - 2 ] = c;
s[ 2 ] = s[ n - 3 ] = c;
if ( n < 7 )
return dest;
s[ 3 ] = s[ n - 4 ] = c;
if ( n < 9 )
return dest;
k = -zpl_cast( sptr ) s & 3;
s += k;
n -= k;
n &= -4;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 0 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 4 ) = c32;
if ( n < 9 )
return dest;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 4 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 8 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 12 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 8 ) = c32;
if ( n < 25 )
return dest;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 12 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 16 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 20 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + 24 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 28 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 24 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 20 ) = c32;
*zpl_cast( u32* )( s + n - 16 ) = c32;
k = 24 + ( zpl_cast( uptr ) s & 4 );
s += k;
n -= k;
u64 c64 = ( zpl_cast( u64 ) c32 << 32 ) | c32;
while ( n > 31 )
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 0 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 8 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 16 ) = c64;
*zpl_cast( u64* )( s + 24 ) = c64;
n -= 32;
s += 32;
return dest;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* alloc_align( AllocatorInfo a, sw size, sw alignment )
return a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_ALLOC, size, alignment, nullptr, 0, ZPL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* alloc( AllocatorInfo a, sw size )
return alloc_align( a, size, ZPL_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void free( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr )
if ( ptr != nullptr )
a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_FREE, 0, 0, ptr, 0, ZPL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void free_all( AllocatorInfo a )
a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_FREE_ALL, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, ZPL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* resize( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size )
return resize_align( a, ptr, old_size, new_size, ZPL_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment )
return a.Proc( a.Data, EAllocation_RESIZE, new_size, alignment, ptr, old_size, ZPL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void* default_resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* old_memory, sw old_size, sw new_size, sw alignment )
if ( ! old_memory )
return alloc_align( a, new_size, alignment );
if ( new_size == 0 )
free( a, old_memory );
return nullptr;
if ( new_size < old_size )
new_size = old_size;
if ( old_size == new_size )
return old_memory;
void* new_memory = alloc_align( a, new_size, alignment );
if ( ! new_memory )
return nullptr;
mem_move( new_memory, old_memory, min( new_size, old_size ) );
free( a, old_memory );
return new_memory;
struct Arena
void* allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
Arena init_from_memory( void* start, sw size )
{ nullptr, nullptr },
Arena init_from_allocator( AllocatorInfo backing, sw size )
Arena result =
alloc( backing, size),
return result;
Arena init_sub( Arena& parent, sw size )
return init_from_allocator( parent.Backing, size );
sw alignment_of( sw alignment )
sw alignment_offset, result_pointer, mask;
ZPL_ASSERT( is_power_of_two( alignment ) );
alignment_offset = 0;
result_pointer = (sw) PhysicalStart + TotalUsed;
mask = alignment - 1;
if ( result_pointer & mask )
alignment_offset = alignment - ( result_pointer & mask );
return alignment_offset;
void check()
ZPL_ASSERT( TempCount == 0 );
void free()
if ( Backing.Proc )
gen::free( Backing, PhysicalStart );
PhysicalStart = nullptr;
sw size_remaining( sw alignment )
sw result = TotalSize - ( TotalUsed + alignment_of( alignment ) );
return result;
AllocatorInfo Backing;
void* PhysicalStart;
sw TotalSize;
sw TotalUsed;
sw TempCount;
operator AllocatorInfo()
return { allocator_proc, this };
struct Pool
void* allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, sw size, sw alignment, void* old_memory, sw old_size, u64 flags );
Pool init( AllocatorInfo backing, sw num_blocks, sw block_size )
return init_align( backing, num_blocks, block_size, ZPL_DEFAULT_MEMORY_ALIGNMENT );
Pool init_align( AllocatorInfo backing, sw num_blocks, sw block_size, sw block_align );
void free()
if ( Backing.Proc )
gen::free( Backing, PhysicalStart );
AllocatorInfo Backing;
void* PhysicalStart;
void* FreeList;
sw BlockSize;
sw BlockAlign;
sw TotalSize;
sw NumBlocks;
operator AllocatorInfo()
return { allocator_proc, this };
#pragma endregion Memory
#pragma region String Ops
ZPL_DEF_INLINE const char* char_first_occurence( const char* str, char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 char_is_alpha( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 char_is_alphanumeric( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 char_is_digit( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 char_is_hex_digit( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 char_is_space( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE char char_to_lower( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE char char_to_upper( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s32 digit_to_int( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s32 hex_digit_to_int( char c );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2, sw len );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE char* str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, sw len );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE sw str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, sw len );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE sw str_len( const char* str );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE sw str_len( const char* str, sw max_len );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE char* str_reverse( char* str ); // NOTE: ASCII only
// NOTE: ASCII only
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void str_to_lower( char* str );
ZPL_DEF_INLINE void str_to_upper( char* str );
s64 str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base ); // TODO : Support more than just decimal and hexadecimal
void i64_to_str( s64 value, char* string, s32 base );
void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE const char* char_first_occurence( const char* s, char c )
char ch = c;
for ( ; *s != ch; s++ )
if ( *s == '\0' )
return NULL;
return s;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 char_is_alpha( char c )
if ( ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) || ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) )
return true;
return false;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 char_is_alphanumeric( char c )
return char_is_alpha( c ) || char_is_digit( c );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 char_is_digit( char c )
if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
return true;
return false;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 char_is_hex_digit( char c )
if ( char_is_digit( c ) || ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) )
return true;
return false;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 char_is_space( char c )
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f' || c == '\v' )
return true;
return false;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE char char_to_lower( char c )
if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' )
return 'a' + ( c - 'A' );
return c;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE char char_to_upper( char c )
if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )
return 'A' + ( c - 'a' );
return c;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s32 digit_to_int( char c )
return char_is_digit( c ) ? c - '0' : c - 'W';
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s32 hex_digit_to_int( char c )
if ( char_is_digit( c ) )
return digit_to_int( c );
else if ( is_between( c, 'a', 'f' ) )
return c - 'a' + 10;
else if ( is_between( c, 'A', 'F' ) )
return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 )
while ( *s1 && ( *s1 == *s2 ) )
s1++, s2++;
return *( u8* )s1 - *( u8* )s2;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2, sw len )
for ( ; len > 0; s1++, s2++, len-- )
if ( *s1 != *s2 )
return ( ( s1 < s2 ) ? -1 : +1 );
else if ( *s1 == '\0' )
return 0;
return 0;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE char* str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, sw len )
if ( source )
char* str = dest;
while ( len > 0 && *source )
*str++ = *source++;
while ( len > 0 )
*str++ = '\0';
return dest;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE sw str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, sw len )
sw result = 0;
if ( source )
const char* source_start = source;
char* str = dest;
while ( len > 0 && *source )
*str++ = *source++;
while ( len > 0 )
*str++ = '\0';
result = source - source_start;
return result;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE sw str_len( const char* str )
if ( str == NULL )
return 0;
const char* p = str;
while ( *str )
return str - p;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE sw str_len( const char* str, sw max_len )
const char* end = zpl_cast( const char* ) mem_find( str, 0, max_len );
if ( end )
return end - str;
return max_len;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE char* str_reverse( char* str )
sw len = str_len( str );
char* a = str + 0;
char* b = str + len - 1;
len /= 2;
while ( len-- )
swap( char, *a, *b );
a++, b--;
return str;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void str_to_lower( char* str )
if ( ! str )
while ( *str )
*str = char_to_lower( *str );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE void str_to_upper( char* str )
if ( ! str )
while ( *str )
*str = char_to_upper( *str );
#pragma endregion String Ops
#pragma region Containers
#pragma push_macro("template")
#undef template
template<class Type>
struct Array
struct Header
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
uw Capacity;
uw Num;
Array init( AllocatorInfo allocator )
return init_reserve( allocator, grow_formula(0) );
Array init_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw capacity )
Header* header = rcast( Header*, alloc( allocator, sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Type) * capacity ));
if ( header == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Num = 0;
return { rcast( Type*, header + 1) };
uw grow_formula( uw value )
return 2 * value + 8;
bool append( Type value )
Header* header = get_header();
if ( header->Num == header->Capacity )
if ( ! grow( header->Capacity ))
return false;
header = get_header();
Data[ header->Num ] = value;
return true;
Type& back( void )
Header& header = * get_header();
return Data[ header.Num - 1 ];
void clear( void )
Header& header = * get_header();
header.Num = 0;
bool fill( uw begin, uw end, Type value )
Header& header = * get_header();
if ( begin < 0 || end >= header.Num )
return false;
for ( sw idx = begin; idx < end; idx++ )
Data[ idx ] = value;
return true;
void free( void )
Header& header = * get_header();
gen::free( header.Allocator, &header );
Header* get_header( void )
return rcast( Header*, Data ) - 1 ;
bool grow( uw min_capacity )
Header& header = * get_header();
uw new_capacity = grow_formula( header.Capacity );
if ( new_capacity < min_capacity )
new_capacity = min_capacity;
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
uw num( void )
return get_header()->Num;
bool pop( void )
Header& header = * get_header();
ZPL_ASSERT( header.Num > 0 );
void remove_at( uw idx )
Header* header = get_header();
ZPL_ASSERT( idx < header->Num );
mem_move( header + idx, header + idx + 1, sizeof( Type ) * ( header->Num - idx - 1 ) );
bool reserve( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = * get_header();
if ( header.Capacity < new_capacity )
return set_capacity( new_capacity );
return true;
bool resize( uw num )
Header* header = get_header();
if ( header->Capacity < num )
if ( ! grow( num ) )
return false;
header = get_header();
header->Num = num;
return true;
bool set_capacity( uw new_capacity )
Header& header = * get_header();
if ( new_capacity == header.Capacity )
return true;
if ( new_capacity < header.Num )
header.Num = new_capacity;
sw size = sizeof( Header ) + sizeof( Type ) * new_capacity;
Header* new_header = rcast( Header*, alloc( header.Allocator, size ) );
if ( new_header == nullptr )
return false;
mem_move( new_header, &header, sizeof( Header ) + sizeof( Type ) * header.Num );
new_header->Capacity = new_capacity;
gen::free( header.Allocator, &header );
Data = rcast( Type*, new_header + 1);
return true;
Type* Data;
operator Type*()
return Data;
operator Type const*() const
return Data;
// For-range based support
Type* begin()
return Data;
Type* end()
return Data + get_header()->Num;
template<typename Type>
struct HashTable
struct FindResult
sw HashIndex;
sw PrevIndex;
sw EntryIndex;
struct Entry
u64 Key;
sw Next;
Type Value;
HashTable init( AllocatorInfo allocator )
HashTable<Type> result = { { nullptr }, { nullptr } };
result.Hashes = Array<sw>::init( allocator );
result.Entries = Array<Entry>::init( allocator );
return result;
HashTable init_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw num )
HashTable<Type> result = { { nullptr }, { nullptr } };
result.Hashes = Array<sw>::init_reserve( allocator, num );
result.Hashes.get_header()->Num = num;
result.Entries = Array<Entry>::init_reserve( allocator, num );
return result;
void clear( void )
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ )
Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
void destroy( void )
if ( Hashes && Hashes.get_header()->Capacity );
if ( Entries && Hashes.get_header()->Capacity );
Type* get( u64 key )
sw idx = find( key ).EntryIndex;
if ( idx >= 0 )
return & Entries[ idx ].Value;
return nullptr;
using MapProc = void (*)( u64 key, Type value );
void map( MapProc map_proc )
ZPL_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
map_proc( Entries[ idx ].Key, Entries[ idx ].Value );
using MapMutProc = void (*)( u64 key, Type* value );
void map_mut( MapMutProc map_proc )
ZPL_ASSERT_NOT_NULL( map_proc );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
map_proc( Entries[ idx ].Key, & Entries[ idx ].Value );
void grow()
sw new_num = Array<Entry>::grow_formula( Entries.num() );
rehash( new_num );
void rehash( sw new_num )
sw idx;
sw last_added_index;
HashTable<Type> new_ht = init_reserve( Hashes.get_header()->Allocator, new_num );
Array<sw>::Header* hash_header = new_ht.Hashes.get_header();
for ( idx = 0; idx < new_ht.Hashes.num(); ++idx )
new_ht.Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); ++idx )
Entry& entry = Entries[ idx ];
FindResult find_result;
if ( new_ht.Hashes.num() == 0 )
entry = Entries[ idx ];
find_result = new_ht.find( entry.Key );
last_added_index = new_ht.add_entry( entry.Key );
if ( find_result.PrevIndex < 0 )
new_ht.Hashes[ find_result.HashIndex ] = last_added_index;
new_ht.Entries[ find_result.PrevIndex ].Next = last_added_index;
new_ht.Entries[ last_added_index ].Next = find_result.EntryIndex;
new_ht.Entries[ last_added_index ].Value = entry.Value;
*this = new_ht;
void rehash_fast()
sw idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
Entries[ idx ].Next = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); idx++ )
Hashes[ idx ] = -1;
for ( idx = 0; idx < Entries.num(); idx++ )
Entry* entry;
FindResult find_result;
void remove( u64 key )
FindResult find_result = find( key);
if ( find_result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
Entries.remove_at( find_result.EntryIndex );
void remove_entry( sw idx )
Entries.remove_at( idx );
void set( u64 key, Type value )
sw idx;
FindResult find_result;
if ( Hashes.num() == 0 )
find_result = find( key );
if ( find_result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
idx = find_result.EntryIndex;
idx = add_entry( key );
if ( find_result.PrevIndex >= 0 )
Entries[ find_result.PrevIndex ].Next = idx;
Hashes[ find_result.HashIndex ] = idx;
Entries[ idx ].Value = value;
if ( full() )
sw slot( u64 key )
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < Hashes.num(); ++idx )
if ( Hashes[ idx ] == key )
return idx;
return -1;
Array< sw> Hashes;
Array< Entry> Entries;
sw add_entry( u64 key )
sw idx;
Entry entry = { key, -1 };
idx = Entries.num();
Entries.append( entry );
return idx;
FindResult find( u64 key )
FindResult result = { -1, -1, -1 };
if ( Hashes.num() > 0 )
result.HashIndex = key % Hashes.num();
result.EntryIndex = Hashes[ result.HashIndex ];
while ( result.EntryIndex >= 0 )
if ( Entries[ result.EntryIndex ].Key == key )
result.PrevIndex = result.EntryIndex;
result.EntryIndex = Entries[ result.EntryIndex ].Next;
return result;
b32 full()
return 0.75f * Hashes.num() < Entries.num();
#pragma pop_macro("template")
#pragma endregion Containers
#pragma region Hashing
u32 crc32( void const* data, sw len );
#pragma endregion Hashing
#pragma region String
// Constant string with length.
struct StrC
sw Len;
char const* Ptr;
operator char const* () const
return Ptr;
#define txt_StrC( text ) \
(StrC){ sizeof( text ) - 1, text }
StrC to_StrC( char const* str )
return { str_len( str ), str };
// Dynamic String
// This is directly based off the ZPL string api.
// They used a header pattern
// I kept it for simplicty of porting but its not necessary to keep it that way.
struct String
struct Header
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
sw Length;
sw Capacity;
String make( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str )
sw length = str ? str_len( str ) : 0;
return make_length( allocator, str, length );
String make( AllocatorInfo allocator, StrC str )
return make_length( allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len );
String make_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw capacity )
constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + capacity + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
mem_set( allocation, 0, alloc_size );
header = rcast(Header*, allocation);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Length = 0;
String result = { (char*)allocation + header_size };
return result;
String make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, sw length )
constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + length + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
if ( ! str )
mem_set( allocation, 0, alloc_size );
header = * rcast(Header*, allocation);
header = { allocator, length, length };
String result = { rcast( char*, allocation) + header_size };
if ( length && str )
mem_copy( result, str, length );
result[ length ] = '\0';
return result;
String fmt( AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, sw buf_size, char const* fmt, ... );
String fmt_buf( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ... );
String join( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, sw num_parts, char const* glue )
String result = make( allocator, "" );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < num_parts; ++idx )
result.append( parts[ idx ] );
if ( idx < num_parts - 1 )
result.append( glue );
return result;
bool are_equal( String lhs, String rhs )
if ( lhs.length() != rhs.length() )
return false;
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx )
if ( lhs[ idx ] != rhs[ idx ] )
return false;
return true;
bool make_space_for( char const* str, sw add_len )
sw available = avail_space();
// NOTE: Return if there is enough space left
if ( available >= add_len )
return true;
sw new_len, old_size, new_size;
void* ptr;
void* new_ptr;
AllocatorInfo allocator = get_header().Allocator;
Header* header = nullptr;
new_len = length() + add_len;
ptr = & get_header();
old_size = size_of( Header ) + length() + 1;
new_size = size_of( Header ) + new_len + 1;
new_ptr = resize( allocator, ptr, old_size, new_size );
if ( new_ptr == nullptr )
return false;
header = zpl_cast( Header* ) new_ptr;
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = new_len;
Data = rcast( char*, header + 1 );
return str;
bool append( char const* str )
return append( str, str_len( str ) );
bool append( char const* str, sw length )
if ( sptr(str) > 0 )
sw curr_len = this->length();
if ( ! make_space_for( str, length ) )
return false;
Header& header = get_header();
mem_copy( Data + curr_len, str, length );
Data[ curr_len + length ] = '\0';
header.Length = curr_len + length;
return str;
bool append( StrC str)
return append( str.Ptr, str.Len );
bool append( const String other )
return append( other.Data, other.length() );
bool append_fmt( char const* fmt, ... );
sw avail_space() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Capacity - header.Length;
sw capacity() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Capacity;
void clear()
get_header().Length = 0;
String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator )
return make_length( allocator, Data, length() );
void free()
if ( ! Data )
Header& header = get_header();
gen::free( header.Allocator, & header );
Header& get_header()
return *(Header*)(Data - sizeof(Header));
sw length() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Length;
void trim( char const* cut_set )
sw len = 0;
char* start_pos = Data;
char* end_pos = Data + length() - 1;
while ( start_pos <= end_pos && char_first_occurence( cut_set, *start_pos ) )
while ( end_pos > start_pos && char_first_occurence( cut_set, *end_pos ) )
len = scast( sw, ( start_pos > end_pos ) ? 0 : ( ( end_pos - start_pos ) + 1 ) );
if ( Data != start_pos )
mem_move( Data, start_pos, len );
Data[ len ] = '\0';
get_header().Length = len;
void trim_space()
return trim( " \t\r\n\v\f" );
// For-range support
char* begin()
return Data;
char* end()
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return Data + header.Length;
operator bool()
return Data;
operator char* ()
return Data;
operator char const* () const
return Data;
operator StrC() const
// Used with cached strings
// Essentially makes the string a string view.
String const& operator = ( String const& other ) const
if ( this == & other )
return *this;
String& this_ = ccast( String, *this );
this_.Data = other.Data;
return this_;
char& operator [] ( sw index )
return Data[ index ];
char const& operator [] ( sw index ) const
return Data[ index ];
char* Data = nullptr;
struct String_POD
char* Data;
operator String()
return * rcast(String*, this);
static_assert( sizeof( String_POD ) == sizeof( String ), "String is not a POD" );
#pragma endregion String
#pragma region File Handling
typedef u32 FileMode;
enum FileModeFlag
EFileMode_READ = bit( 0 ),
EFileMode_WRITE = bit( 1 ),
EFileMode_APPEND = bit( 2 ),
EFileMode_RW = bit( 3 ),
ZPL_FILE_MODES = EFileMode_READ | EFileMode_WRITE | EFileMode_APPEND | EFileMode_RW,
// NOTE: Only used internally and for the file operations
enum SeekWhenceType
ESeekWhence_BEGIN = 0,
ESeekWhence_CURRENT = 1,
ESeekWhence_END = 2,
enum FileError
union FileDescriptor
void* p;
sptr i;
uptr u;
typedef struct FileOperations FileOperations;
#define ZPL_FILE_OPEN_PROC( name ) FileError name( FileDescriptor* fd, FileOperations* ops, FileMode mode, char const* filename )
#define ZPL_FILE_READ_AT_PROC( name ) b32 name( FileDescriptor fd, void* buffer, sw size, s64 offset, sw* bytes_read, b32 stop_at_newline )
#define ZPL_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( name ) b32 name( FileDescriptor fd, void const* buffer, sw size, s64 offset, sw* bytes_written )
#define ZPL_FILE_SEEK_PROC( name ) b32 name( FileDescriptor fd, s64 offset, SeekWhenceType whence, s64* new_offset )
#define ZPL_FILE_CLOSE_PROC( name ) void name( FileDescriptor fd )
typedef ZPL_FILE_OPEN_PROC( file_open_proc );
typedef ZPL_FILE_READ_AT_PROC( FileReadProc );
typedef ZPL_FILE_WRITE_AT_PROC( FileWriteProc );
typedef ZPL_FILE_SEEK_PROC( FileSeekProc );
typedef ZPL_FILE_CLOSE_PROC( FileCloseProc );
struct FileOperations
FileReadProc* read_at;
FileWriteProc* write_at;
FileSeekProc* seek;
FileCloseProc* close;
extern FileOperations const default_file_operations;
typedef u64 FileTime;
enum DirType
struct DirInfo;
struct DirEntry
char const* FileName;
DirInfo* Info;
u8 Type;
struct DirInfo
char const* FullPath;
DirEntry* Entries; // zpl_array
// Internals
char** Filenames; // zpl_array
String Buffer;
struct FileInfo
FileOperations Ops;
FileDescriptor FD;
b32 IsTemp;
char const* Filename;
FileTime LastWriteTime;
DirEntry* Dir;
enum FileStandardType
* Get standard file I/O.
* @param std Check zpl_file_standard_type
* @return File handle to standard I/O
FileInfo* file_get_standard( FileStandardType std );
* Closes the file
* @param file
FileError file_close( FileInfo* file );
* Returns the currently opened file's name
* @param file
char const* file_name( FileInfo* file )
return file->Filename ? file->Filename : "";
* Opens a file using a specified mode
* @param file
* @param mode Access mode to use
* @param filename
FileError file_open_mode( FileInfo* file, FileMode mode, char const* filename );
* Seeks the file cursor from the beginning of file to a specific position
* @param file
* @param offset Offset to seek to
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s64 file_seek( FileInfo* file, s64 offset );
* Returns the length from the beginning of the file we've read so far
* @param file
* @return Our current position in file
ZPL_DEF_INLINE s64 file_tell( FileInfo* file );
* Writes to a file
* @param file
* @param buffer Buffer to read from
* @param size Size to read
b32 file_write( FileInfo* file, void const* buffer, sw size );
* Writes to file at a specific offset
* @param file
* @param buffer Buffer to read from
* @param size Size to write
* @param offset Offset to write to
* @param bytes_written How much data we've actually written
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 file_write_at( FileInfo* file, void const* buffer, sw size, s64 offset );
* Writes to file safely
* @param file
* @param buffer Buffer to read from
* @param size Size to write
* @param offset Offset to write to
* @param bytes_written How much data we've actually written
ZPL_DEF_INLINE b32 file_write_at_check( FileInfo* file, void const* buffer, sw size, s64 offset, sw* bytes_written );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s64 file_seek( FileInfo* f, s64 offset )
s64 new_offset = 0;
if ( ! f->Ops.read_at )
f->Ops = default_file_operations;
f-> f->FD, offset, ESeekWhence_BEGIN, &new_offset );
return new_offset;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE s64 file_tell( FileInfo* f )
s64 new_offset = 0;
if ( ! f->Ops.read_at )
f->Ops = default_file_operations;
f-> f->FD, 0, ESeekWhence_CURRENT, &new_offset );
return new_offset;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 file_write( FileInfo* f, void const* buffer, sw size )
s64 cur_offset = file_tell( f );
b32 result = file_write_at( f, buffer, size, file_tell( f ) );
file_seek( f, cur_offset + size );
return result;
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 file_write_at( FileInfo* f, void const* buffer, sw size, s64 offset )
return file_write_at_check( f, buffer, size, offset, NULL );
ZPL_IMPL_INLINE b32 file_write_at_check( FileInfo* f, void const* buffer, sw size, s64 offset, sw* bytes_written )
if ( ! f->Ops.read_at )
f->Ops = default_file_operations;
return f->Ops.write_at( f->FD, buffer, size, offset, bytes_written );
void dirinfo_free( DirInfo* dir );
#pragma endregion File Handling
#pragma region Printing
// NOTE: A locally persisting buffer is used internally
char* str_fmt_buf( char const* fmt, ... );
char* str_fmt_buf_va( char const* fmt, va_list va );
sw str_fmt_va( char* str, sw n, char const* fmt, va_list va );
sw str_fmt_out_va( char const* fmt, va_list va );
sw str_fmt_file_va( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va );
#pragma endregion Printing
namespace Memory
// NOTE: This limits the size of the string that can be read from a file or generated to 10 megs.
// If you are generating a string larger than this, increase the size of the bucket here.
constexpr uw BucketSize = megabytes(10);
// Global allocator used for data with process lifetime.
extern AllocatorInfo GlobalAllocator;
// Heap allocator is being used for now to isolate errors from being memory related (tech debt till ready to address)
// #define g_allocator heap()
void setup();
void cleanup();
sw log_fmt(char const* fmt, ...)
sw res;
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
res = str_fmt_out_va(fmt, va);
return res;
sw fatal(char const* fmt, ...)
local_persist thread_local
char buf[ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
va_list va;
#if Build_Debug
va_start(va, fmt);
str_fmt_va(buf, ZPL_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va);
return -1;
va_start(va, fmt);
str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va);
return -1;
// gen namespace