Ed_ 3319bfcaa9 Updates to test and workspace
Added a more granular test using the original library files. Already helped me identify a bug.
2023-11-21 20:03:51 -05:00

160 lines
4.9 KiB

#include "gen.hpp"
#include "gen.builder.hpp"
#include "gen.scanner.hpp"
using namespace gen;
#include <process.h>
#define path_root "../"
#define path_project path_root "project/"
#define path_scripts path_root "scripts/"
#define path_components path_project "components/"
#define path_generated path_components "gen/"
#define path_dependencies path_project "dependencies/"
#define path_helpers path_project "helpers/"
void validate_file_ast( char const* path, char const* path_gen )
log_fmt( "\nValidating: %s", path );
FileContents file = file_read_contents( GlobalAllocator, true, path );
u64 time_start = time_rel_ms();
CodeBody ast = parse_global_body( { file.size, (char const*) } );
log_fmt("\n\tAst generated. Time taken: %llu ms", time_rel_ms() - time_start);
log_fmt("\n\tSerializng ast:\n");
time_start = time_rel_ms();
builder = Builder::open( path_gen );
builder.print( ast );
log_fmt("\tSerialized. Time taken: %llu ms", time_rel_ms() - time_start);
// Need to execute clang format on the generated file to get it to match the original.
#define clang_format "clang-format "
#define cf_format_inplace "-i "
#define cf_style "-style=file:" "C:/projects/gencpp/scripts/.clang-format "
#define cf_verbose "-verbose "
String command = String::make( GlobalAllocator, clang_format );
command.append( cf_format_inplace );
command.append( cf_style );
command.append( cf_verbose );
command.append( path_gen );
log_fmt("\n\tRunning clang-format on generated file:\n");
system( command );
log_fmt("\tclang-format finished reformatting.");
#undef cf_cmd
#undef cf_format_inplace
#undef cf_style
#undef cf_verbse
FileContents file_gen = file_read_contents( GlobalAllocator, true, path_gen );
log_fmt("\n\tReconstructing from generated file:");
time_start = time_rel_ms();
CodeBody ast_gen = parse_global_body( { file_gen.size, (char const*) } );
log_fmt("\n\tAst generated. Time taken: %llu ms", time_rel_ms() - time_start);
time_start = time_rel_ms();
if ( ast.is_equal( ast_gen ) )
log_fmt( "\n\tPassed!: AST passed validation! " );
log_fmt( "\nFailed: AST did not pass validation " );
log_fmt( "Time taken: %llu ms\n", time_rel_ms() - time_start );
void validate_original_files_ast()
PreprocessorDefines.append( get_cached_string( txt("GEN_DEF_INLINE") ));
PreprocessorDefines.append( get_cached_string( txt("GEN_IMPL_INLINE") ));
// Helpers
#define validate( path ) validate_file_ast( path_helpers path, "gen/original/helpers/" path );
validate( "push_ignores.inline.hpp" );
validate( "pop_ignores.inline.hpp" );
#undef validate
// Dependencies
#define validate( path ) validate_file_ast( path_dependencies path, "gen/original/dependencies/" path )
validate( "header_start.hpp" );
validate( "macros.hpp" );
validate( "basic_types.hpp" );
validate( "debug.hpp" );
validate( "memory.hpp" );
validate( "string_ops.hpp" );
validate( "printing.hpp" );
validate( "containers.hpp" );
validate( "hashing.hpp" );
validate( "strings.hpp" );
validate( "filesystem.hpp" );
validate( "timing.hpp" );
validate( "src_start.cpp" );
validate( "debug.cpp" );
validate( "string_ops.cpp" );
validate( "printing.cpp" );
validate( "memory.cpp" );
validate( "hashing.cpp" );
validate( "strings.cpp" );
validate( "filesystem.cpp" );
validate( "timing.cpp" );
validate( "parsing.cpp" );
validate( "parisng.hpp" );
#undef validate
// Components
#define validate( path ) validate_file_ast( path_components path, "gen/original/components/" path )
validate( "header_start.hpp" );
validate( "types.hpp" );
validate( "gen/ecode.hpp" );
validate( "gen/eoperator.hpp" );
validate( "gen/especifier.hpp" );
validate( "ast.hpp" );
validate( "code_types.hpp" );
validate( "ast_types.hpp" );
validate( "interface.hpp" );
validate( "inlines.hpp" );
validate( "gen/ast_inlines.hpp" );
validate( "header_end.hpp" );
validate( "static_data.cpp" );
validate( "ast_case_macros.cpp" );
validate( "ast.cpp" );
validate( "code_serialization.cpp" );
validate( "interface.cpp" );
validate( "interface.upfront.cpp" );
validate( "gen/etoktype.cpp" );
validate( "lexer.cpp" );
validate( "parser.cpp" );
validate( "interface.parsing.cpp" );
validate( "interface.untyped.cpp" );
#undef validate
#undef path_root
#undef path_project
#undef path_scripts
#undef path_components
#undef path_generated
#undef path_dependencies