Ed_ 772db608be Added support for predefining preprocessor defines before parsing strings of code.
This prevents issues for preprocessor defines not getting treated properly for specific circumstances (such as macro wrappers for specifiers).
2023-11-21 20:09:14 -05:00

184 lines
5.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "inlines.hpp"
#include "gen/ast_inlines.hpp"
#pragma region Constants
# define GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE megabytes(8)
# define GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS kilobytes(16)
# define GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA megabytes(1)
# define GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128
# define GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH megabytes(1)
# define GEN_TOKEN_FMT_TOKEN_MAP_MEM_SIZE kilobytes(4)
# define GEN_LEX_ALLOCATOR_SIZE megabytes(4)
# define GEN_BUILDER_STR_BUFFER_RESERVE megabytes(2)
// These constexprs are used for allocation behavior of data structures
// or string handling while constructing or serializing.
// Change them to suit your needs.
constexpr s32 InitSize_DataArrays = 16;
// NOTE: This limits the maximum size of an allocation
// If you are generating a string larger than this, increase the size of the bucket here.
constexpr uw Global_BucketSize = GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE;
constexpr s32 CodePool_NumBlocks = GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS;
constexpr s32 SizePer_StringArena = GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA;
constexpr s32 MaxCommentLineLength = GEN_MAX_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH;
constexpr s32 MaxNameLength = GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
constexpr s32 MaxUntypedStrLength = GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH;
constexpr s32 TokenFmt_TokenMap_MemSize = GEN_TOKEN_FMT_TOKEN_MAP_MEM_SIZE;
constexpr s32 LexAllocator_Size = GEN_LEX_ALLOCATOR_SIZE;
constexpr s32 Builder_StrBufferReserve = GEN_BUILDER_STR_BUFFER_RESERVE;
extern Code access_public;
extern Code access_protected;
extern Code access_private;
extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
extern Code module_global_fragment;
extern Code module_private_fragment;
// Exposed, but this is really used for parsing.
extern Code fmt_newline;
extern CodePragma pragma_once;
extern CodeParam param_varadic;
extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
extern CodeType t_empty; // Used with varaidc parameters. (Exposing just in case its useful for another circumstance)
extern CodeType t_auto;
extern CodeType t_void;
extern CodeType t_int;
extern CodeType t_bool;
extern CodeType t_char;
extern CodeType t_wchar_t;
extern CodeType t_class;
extern CodeType t_typename;
// Predefined typename codes. Are set to readonly and are setup during gen::init()
extern CodeType t_b32;
extern CodeType t_s8;
extern CodeType t_s16;
extern CodeType t_s32;
extern CodeType t_s64;
extern CodeType t_u8;
extern CodeType t_u16;
extern CodeType t_u32;
extern CodeType t_u64;
extern CodeType t_sw;
extern CodeType t_uw;
extern CodeType t_f32;
extern CodeType t_f64;
#pragma endregion Constants
#pragma region Macros
# define gen_main main
# define __ NoCode
// Convienence for defining any name used with the gen api.
// Lets you provide the length and string literal to the functions without the need for the DSL.
# define name( Id_ ) { sizeof(stringize( Id_ )) - 1, stringize(Id_) }
// Same as name just used to indicate intention of literal for code instead of names.
# define code( ... ) { sizeof(stringize(__VA_ARGS__)) - 1, stringize( __VA_ARGS__ ) }
# define args( ... ) num_args( __VA_ARGS__ ), __VA_ARGS__
# define code_str( ... ) GEN_NS untyped_str( code( __VA_ARGS__ ) )
# define code_fmt( ... ) GEN_NS untyped_str( token_fmt( __VA_ARGS__ ) )
// Takes a format string (char const*) and a list of tokens (StrC) and returns a StrC of the formatted string.
# define token_fmt( ... ) GEN_NS token_fmt_impl( (num_args( __VA_ARGS__ ) + 1) / 2, __VA_ARGS__ )
#pragma endregion Macros
// Used by the lexer to persistently treat all these identifiers as preprocessor defines.
// Populate with strings via gen::get_cached_string.
// Functional defines must have format: id( ;at minimum to indicate that the define is only valid with arguments.
extern Array< StringCached > PreprocessorDefines;
// Global allocator used for data with process lifetime.
extern AllocatorInfo GlobalAllocator;
extern Array< Arena > Global_AllocatorBuckets;
extern Array< Pool > CodePools;
extern Array< Arena > StringArenas;
extern StringTable StringCache;
extern Arena LexArena;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_DataArrays;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodePool;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_Lexer;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringArena;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringTable;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_TypeTable;