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synced 2025-01-09 00:13:33 -08:00
Isolating large macros to their own directory (components/temp). - Plan is to remove them soon with proper generation. Added additional component files, separating the old data_structures header for a set of ast headers. Header_end also had its inlines extracted out. Necessary to complete the macro isolation. ZPL parser dependencies were removed from the core library along with builder, its now generated in bootstrap as pare of making a gen_builder set of files. Singleheader will be changed in next few commits to reflect this as well (By making builder deps and components a conditional option). Tests are most likely all broken for now.
377 lines
6.6 KiB
377 lines
6.6 KiB
#pragma region String
// Constant string with length.
struct StrC
sw Len;
char const* Ptr;
operator char const* () const
return Ptr;
#define txt_StrC( text ) StrC { sizeof( text ) - 1, text }
StrC to_StrC( char const* str )
return { str_len( str ), str };
sw StrC_len( char const* str )
return (sw) ( str - 1 );
// Dynamic String
// This is directly based off the ZPL string api.
// They used a header pattern
// I kept it for simplicty of porting but its not necessary to keep it that way.
struct String
struct Header
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
sw Length;
sw Capacity;
uw grow_formula( uw value )
// Using a very aggressive growth formula to reduce time mem_copying with recursive calls to append in this library.
return 4 * value + 8;
String make( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str )
sw length = str ? str_len( str ) : 0;
return make_length( allocator, str, length );
String make( AllocatorInfo allocator, StrC str )
return make_length( allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len );
String make_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, sw capacity )
constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + capacity + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
mem_set( allocation, 0, alloc_size );
header = rcast(Header*, allocation);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Length = 0;
String result = { (char*)allocation + header_size };
return result;
String make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, sw length )
constexpr sw header_size = sizeof( Header );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + length + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr )
return { nullptr };
header = * rcast(Header*, allocation);
header = { allocator, length, length };
String result = { rcast( char*, allocation) + header_size };
if ( length && str )
mem_copy( result, str, length );
mem_set( result, 0, alloc_size - header_size );
result[ length ] = '\0';
return result;
String fmt( AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, sw buf_size, char const* fmt, ... );
String fmt_buf( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ... );
String join( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, sw num_parts, char const* glue )
String result = make( allocator, "" );
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < num_parts; ++idx )
result.append( parts[ idx ] );
if ( idx < num_parts - 1 )
result.append( glue );
return result;
bool are_equal( String lhs, String rhs )
if ( lhs.length() != rhs.length() )
return false;
for ( sw idx = 0; idx < lhs.length(); ++idx )
if ( lhs[ idx ] != rhs[ idx ] )
return false;
return true;
bool make_space_for( char const* str, sw add_len )
sw available = avail_space();
// NOTE: Return if there is enough space left
if ( available >= add_len )
return true;
sw new_len, old_size, new_size;
void* ptr;
void* new_ptr;
AllocatorInfo allocator = get_header().Allocator;
Header* header = nullptr;
new_len = grow_formula( length() + add_len );
ptr = & get_header();
old_size = size_of( Header ) + length() + 1;
new_size = size_of( Header ) + new_len + 1;
new_ptr = resize( allocator, ptr, old_size, new_size );
if ( new_ptr == nullptr )
return false;
header = zpl_cast( Header* ) new_ptr;
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = new_len;
Data = rcast( char*, header + 1 );
return str;
bool append( char const* str )
return append( str, str_len( str ) );
bool append( char const* str, sw length )
if ( sptr(str) > 0 )
sw curr_len = this->length();
if ( ! make_space_for( str, length ) )
return false;
Header& header = get_header();
mem_copy( Data + curr_len, str, length );
Data[ curr_len + length ] = '\0';
header.Length = curr_len + length;
return str;
bool append( StrC str)
return append( str.Ptr, str.Len );
bool append( const String other )
return append( other.Data, other.length() );;
bool append_fmt( char const* fmt, ... );
sw avail_space() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Capacity - header.Length;
sw capacity() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Capacity;
void clear()
get_header().Length = 0;
String duplicate( AllocatorInfo allocator )
return make_length( allocator, Data, length() );
void free()
if ( ! Data )
Header& header = get_header();
gen::free( header.Allocator, & header );
Header& get_header()
return *(Header*)(Data - sizeof(Header));
sw length() const
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return header.Length;
void trim( char const* cut_set )
sw len = 0;
char* start_pos = Data;
char* end_pos = Data + length() - 1;
while ( start_pos <= end_pos && char_first_occurence( cut_set, *start_pos ) )
while ( end_pos > start_pos && char_first_occurence( cut_set, *end_pos ) )
len = scast( sw, ( start_pos > end_pos ) ? 0 : ( ( end_pos - start_pos ) + 1 ) );
if ( Data != start_pos )
mem_move( Data, start_pos, len );
Data[ len ] = '\0';
get_header().Length = len;
void trim_space()
return trim( " \t\r\n\v\f" );
// For-range support
char* begin()
return Data;
char* end()
Header const&
header = * rcast( Header const*, Data - sizeof( Header ));
return Data + header.Length;
operator bool()
return Data;
operator char* ()
return Data;
operator char const* () const
return Data;
operator StrC() const
// Used with cached strings
// Essentially makes the string a string view.
String const& operator = ( String const& other ) const
if ( this == & other )
return *this;
String& this_ = ccast( String, *this );
this_.Data = other.Data;
return this_;
char& operator [] ( sw index )
return Data[ index ];
char const& operator [] ( sw index ) const
return Data[ index ];
char* Data = nullptr;
struct String_POD
char* Data;
operator String()
return * rcast(String*, this);
static_assert( sizeof( String_POD ) == sizeof( String ), "String is not a POD" );
#pragma endregion String