
419 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include "../project/gen.hpp"
using namespace gen;
// Used to know what slot the array will be for generic selection
global s32 Array_DefinitionCounter = 0;
CodeBody gen_array_base()
CodeTypedef td_header = parse_typedef( code( typedef struct ArrayHeader ArrayHeader; ));
CodeStruct header = parse_struct( code(
struct ArrayHeader
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
usize Capacity;
usize Num;
Code grow_formula = untyped_str( txt( "#define array_grow_formula( value ) ( 2 * value + 8 )\n" ));
Code get_header = untyped_str( txt( "#define array_get_header( self ) ( (ArrayHeader*)( self ) - 1)\n" ));
Code type_define = untyped_str( txt( "#define Array(Type) Array_##Type\n"));
return def_global_body( args( fmt_newline, td_header, header, type_define, grow_formula, get_header, fmt_newline ) );
CodeBody gen_array( StrC type, StrC array_name )
String array_type = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
String fn = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
// str_to_lower(fn.Data);
#pragma push_macro( "GEN_ASSERT" )
#pragma push_macro( "rcast" )
#pragma push_macro( "cast" )
#pragma push_macro( "typeof" )
#pragma push_macro( "forceinline" )
#undef rcast
#undef cast
#undef typeof
#undef forceinline
CodeBody result = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "array_type", (StrC)array_type, "fn", (StrC)fn, "type", (StrC)type
, stringize(
typedef <type>* <array_type>;
<array_type> <fn>_init ( AllocatorInfo allocator );
<array_type> <fn>_init_reserve ( AllocatorInfo allocator, usize capacity );
bool <fn>_append_array ( <array_type>* self, <array_type> other );
bool <fn>_append ( <array_type>* self, <type> value );
bool <fn>_append_items ( <array_type>* self, <type>* items, usize item_num );
bool <fn>_append_at ( <array_type>* self, <type> item, usize idx );
bool <fn>_append_items_at( <array_type>* self, <type>* items, usize item_num, usize idx );
<type>* <fn>_back ( <array_type> self );
void <fn>_clear ( <array_type> self );
bool <fn>_fill ( <array_type> self, usize begin, usize end, <type> value );
void <fn>_free ( <array_type>* self );
bool <fn>_grow ( <array_type>* self, usize min_capacity );
usize <fn>_num ( <array_type> self );
<type> <fn>_pop ( <array_type> self );
void <fn>_remove_at ( <array_type> self, usize idx );
bool <fn>_reserve ( <array_type>* self, usize new_capacity );
bool <fn>_resize ( <array_type>* self, usize num );
bool <fn>_set_capacity ( <array_type>* self, usize new_capacity );
<array_type> <fn>_init( AllocatorInfo allocator )
size_t initial_size = array_grow_formula(0);
return array_init_reserve( <type>, allocator, initial_size );
<array_type> <fn>_init_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, usize capacity )
GEN_ASSERT(capacity > 0);
ArrayHeader* header = rcast(ArrayHeader*, alloc(allocator, sizeof(ArrayHeader) + sizeof(<type>) * capacity));
if (header == nullptr)
return nullptr;
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Num = 0;
return rcast(<type>*, header + 1);
bool <fn>_append_array( <array_type>* self, <array_type> other )
return array_append_items( * self, (<array_type>)other, <fn>_num(other));
bool <fn>_append( <array_type>* self, <type> value )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( header->Num == header->Capacity )
if ( ! array_grow( self, header->Capacity))
return false;
header = array_get_header( * self );
(* self)[ header->Num ] = value;
return true;
bool <fn>_append_items( <array_type>* self, <type>* items, usize item_num )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(items != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(item_num > 0);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( header->Num + item_num > header->Capacity )
if ( ! array_grow( self, header->Capacity + item_num ))
return false;
header = array_get_header( * self );
mem_copy( (* self) + header->Num, items, sizeof(<type>) * item_num );
header->Num += item_num;
return true;
bool <fn>_append_at( <array_type>* self, <type> item, usize idx )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( idx >= header->Num )
idx = header->Num - 1;
if ( idx < 0 )
idx = 0;
if ( header->Capacity < header->Num + 1 )
if ( ! array_grow( self, header->Capacity + 1 ) )
return false;
header = array_get_header( * self );
<array_type> target = (* self) + idx;
mem_move( target + 1, target, (header->Num - idx) * sizeof(<type>) );
return true;
bool <fn>_append_items_at( <array_type>* self, <type>* items, usize item_num, usize idx )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( idx >= header->Num )
return array_append_items( * self, items, item_num );
if ( item_num > header->Capacity )
if ( ! array_grow( self, item_num + header->Capacity ) )
return false;
header = array_get_header( * self );
<type>* target = (* self) + idx + item_num;
<type>* src = (* self) + idx;
mem_move( target, src, (header->Num - idx) * sizeof(<type>) );
mem_copy( src, items, item_num * sizeof(<type>) );
header->Num += item_num;
return true;
<type>* <fn>_back( <array_type> self )
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
if ( header->Num == 0 )
return NULL;
return self + header->Num - 1;
void <fn>_clear( <array_type> self )
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
header->Num = 0;
bool <fn>_fill( <array_type> self, usize begin, usize end, <type> value )
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(begin <= end);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
if ( begin < 0 || end >= header->Num )
return false;
for ( ssize idx = begin; idx < end; idx ++ )
self[ idx ] = value;
return true;
void <fn>_free( <array_type>* self )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
allocator_free( header->Allocator, header );
self = NULL;
bool <fn>_grow( <array_type>* self, usize min_capacity )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT( min_capacity > 0 );
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( *self );
usize new_capacity = array_grow_formula( header->Capacity );
if ( new_capacity < min_capacity )
new_capacity = min_capacity;
return array_set_capacity( self, new_capacity );
usize <fn>_num( <array_type> self )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
return array_get_header(self)->Num;
<type> <fn>_pop( <array_type> self )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
GEN_ASSERT( header->Num > 0 );
<type> result = self[ header->Num - 1 ];
return result;
void <fn>_remove_at( <array_type> self, usize idx )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
GEN_ASSERT( idx < header->Num );
mem_move( self + idx, self + idx + 1, sizeof( <type> ) * ( header->Num - idx - 1 ) );
bool <fn>_reserve( <array_type>* self, usize new_capacity )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(new_capacity > 0);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( header->Capacity < new_capacity )
return array_set_capacity( self, new_capacity );
return true;
bool <fn>_resize( <array_type>* self, usize num )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( header->Capacity < num )
if ( ! array_grow( self, num ) )
return false;
header = array_get_header( * self );
header->Num = num;
return true;
bool <fn>_set_capacity( <array_type>* self, usize new_capacity )
GEN_ASSERT( self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* self != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT( new_capacity > 0 );
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( * self );
if ( new_capacity == header->Capacity )
return true;
if ( new_capacity < header->Num )
header->Num = new_capacity;
return true;
usize size = sizeof( ArrayHeader ) + sizeof( <type> ) * new_capacity;
ArrayHeader* new_header = cast( ArrayHeader*, alloc( header->Allocator, size ));
if ( new_header == NULL )
return false;
mem_move( new_header, header, sizeof( ArrayHeader ) + sizeof( <type> ) * header->Num );
new_header->Capacity = new_capacity;
allocator_free( header->Allocator, & header );
* self = cast( <type>*, new_header + 1 );
return true;
#pragma pop_macro( "GEN_ASSERT" )
#pragma pop_macro( "rcast" )
#pragma pop_macro( "cast" )
#pragma pop_macro( "typeof" )
#pragma pop_macro( "forceinline" )
++ Array_DefinitionCounter;
StrC slot_str = String::fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", Array_DefinitionCounter).to_strc();
Code generic_interface_slot = untyped_str(token_fmt( "type", type, "array_type", (StrC)array_type, "slot", (StrC)slot_str,
R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_init <type>, <array_type>_init
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_init_reserve <type>, <array_type>_init_reserve
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_append <array_type>, <array_type>_append
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_append_items <array_type>, <array_type>_append_items
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_append_at <array_type>, <array_type>_append_at
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_append_items_at <array_type>, <array_type>_append_items_at
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_back <array_type>, <array_type>_back
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_clear <array_type>, <array_type>_clear
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_fill <array_type>, <array_type>_fill
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_free <array_type>, <array_type>_free
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_grow <array_type>*, <array_type>_grow
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_num <array_type>, <array_type>_num
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_pop <array_type>, <array_type>_pop
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_remove_at <array_type>, <array_type>_remove_at
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_reserve <array_type>, <array_type>_reserve
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_resize <array_type>, <array_type>_resize
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_set_capacity <array_type>*, <array_type>_set_capacity
return def_global_body( args(
def_pragma( string_to_strc( string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "region %S", array_type ))),
def_pragma( string_to_strc(string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "endregion %S", array_type ))),
CodeBody gen_array_generic_selection_interface()
CodeBody interface_defines = def_body(CT_Global_Body);
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_init"), GenericSel_Direct_Type ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_init_reserve"), GenericSel_Direct_Type ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_append"), GenericSel_By_Ref ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_append_items"), GenericSel_By_Ref ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_back"), GenericSel_Default, GenericSel_One_Arg ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_clear"), GenericSel_Default, GenericSel_One_Arg ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_fill")) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_free"), GenericSel_By_Ref, GenericSel_One_Arg ) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_grow")) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_num"), GenericSel_Default, GenericSel_One_Arg ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_pop"), GenericSel_Default, GenericSel_One_Arg ));
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_remove_at")) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_reserve"), GenericSel_By_Ref) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_resize"), GenericSel_By_Ref) );
interface_defines.append( gen_generic_selection_function_macro( Array_DefinitionCounter, txt("array_set_capacity")) );
return interface_defines;