Ed_ 47c15e7af2 WIP : Design for V1 finalization
There shouldn't be much more changes design wise.

Anything else is based on what needs to be done for it to work.
2023-04-06 02:21:23 -04:00

28 lines
787 B

project( 'test', 'c', 'cpp', default_options : ['buildtype=debug'] )
# add_global_arguments('-E', language : 'cpp')
includes = include_directories(
# get_sources = files('./get_sources.ps1')
# sources = files(run_command('powershell', get_sources, check: true).stdout().strip().split('\n'))
sources = [ '../test.cpp' ]
if get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug')
add_project_arguments('-DBuild_Debug', language : ['c', 'cpp'])
# add_project_arguments('-E', language : ['c', 'cpp'])
# add_project_arguments('-E', language : ['c', 'cpp'])
# add_global_arguments( '-E', language : ['cpp'])
add_project_arguments('-Dgen_time', language : ['c', 'cpp'])
executable( 'gencpp', sources, include_directories : includes )