Ed_ c5afede7b5 Reorganization of files, refactors, doc updates (WIP)
Removing the gen. namespace from the files for components, dependencies, and file_processors.
They are only necessary if the include directory is transparent, and in my case those are not.

Made a docs directory. I'm offloading information from the main readme to there along with additional informationn I end up elaborating on down the line.
Enum tables were moved to their own directory (project/enums).

Library will not compile for now. Major refactor occuring with parsing related components.
2023-07-29 05:52:06 -04:00

76 lines
1.9 KiB

// This is the non-bootstraped version of the EOperator. This will be obsolete once bootstrap is stress tested.
namespace EOperator
# define Define_Operators \
Entry( Invalid, INVALID ) \
Entry( Assign, = ) \
Entry( Assign_Add, += ) \
Entry( Assign_Subtract, -= ) \
Entry( Assign_Multiply, *= ) \
Entry( Assign_Divide, /= ) \
Entry( Assign_Modulo, %= ) \
Entry( Assign_BAnd, &= ) \
Entry( Assign_BOr, |= ) \
Entry( Assign_BXOr, ^= ) \
Entry( Assign_LShift, <<= ) \
Entry( Assign_RShift, >>= ) \
Entry( Increment, ++ ) \
Entry( Decrement, -- ) \
Entry( Unary_Plus, + ) \
Entry( Unary_Minus, - ) \
Entry( UnaryNot, ! ) \
Entry( Add, + ) \
Entry( Subtract, - ) \
Entry( Multiply, * ) \
Entry( Divide, / ) \
Entry( Modulo, % ) \
Entry( BNot, ~ ) \
Entry( BAnd, & ) \
Entry( BOr, | ) \
Entry( BXOr, ^ ) \
Entry( LShift, << ) \
Entry( RShift, >> ) \
Entry( LAnd, && ) \
Entry( LOr, || ) \
Entry( LEqual, == ) \
Entry( LNot, != ) \
Entry( Lesser, < ) \
Entry( Greater, > ) \
Entry( LesserEqual, <= ) \
Entry( GreaterEqual, >= ) \
Entry( Subscript, [] ) \
Entry( Indirection, * ) \
Entry( AddressOf, & ) \
Entry( MemberOfPointer, -> ) \
Entry( PtrToMemOfPtr, ->* ) \
Entry( FunctionCall, () )
enum Type : u32
# define Entry( Type_, Token_ ) Type_,
# undef Entry
char const* to_str( Type op )
char const* lookup[ Num_Ops ] = {
# define Entry( Type_, Token_ ) stringize(Token_),
# undef Entry
return lookup[ op ];
# undef Define_Operators
using OperatorT = EOperator::Type;