mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:04:39 -07:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "main" and "v0.20-Alpha" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
@ -28,19 +27,8 @@ release/**
! **/Unreal/validate.unreal.cpp
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"configurations": [
"name": "Bootstrap",
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"cStandard": "c11",
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"windowsSdkVersion": "10.0.19041.0",
"compilerPath": "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Professional/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30133/bin/HostX64/x64/cl.exe",
"intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64",
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/tasks.json",
"compilerArgs": [
"name": "Win32 msvc c_library",
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"cppStandard": "c++17",
"windowsSdkVersion": "10.0.19041.0",
"compilerPath": "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Professional/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30133/bin/HostX64/x64/cl.exe",
"intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64",
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/tasks.json"
"name": "Win32 clang",
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"windowsSdkVersion": "10.0.19041.0",
"compilerPath": "clang++.exe",
"intelliSenseMode": "windows-clang-x64",
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/tasks.json"
"version": 4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug base vsdbg",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/base/build/base.exe",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/base/",
"visualizerFile": "${workspaceFolder}/scripts/gencpp.natvis"
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug singleheader vsdbg",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/singleheader/build/singleheader.exe",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/singleheader/",
"visualizerFile": "${workspaceFolder}/scripts/gencpp.natvis"
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Debug unreal vsdbg",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/unreal_engine/build/unreal.exe",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/unreal_engine/",
"visualizerFile": "${workspaceFolder}/scripts/gencpp.natvis"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
"files.associations": {
"*.rmd": "markdown",
"array": "cpp",
"compare": "cpp",
"type_traits": "cpp",
"utility": "cpp",
"xtr1common": "cpp",
"xutility": "cpp",
"initializer_list": "cpp",
"table.h": "c",
"iterator": "cpp",
"memory": "cpp",
"exception": "cpp",
"optional": "cpp",
"tuple": "cpp",
"xmemory": "cpp",
"algorithm": "cpp",
"limits": "cpp",
"concepts": "cpp",
"*.rh": "cpp",
"chrono": "cpp",
"string": "cpp",
"filesystem": "cpp",
"format": "cpp",
"ratio": "cpp",
"xstring": "cpp",
"functional": "cpp",
"vector": "cpp",
"list": "cpp",
"xhash": "cpp",
"glfw3.h": "c",
"stdbool.h": "c",
"objbase.h": "c",
"mmreg.h": "c",
"mmsystem.h": "c",
"propidl.h": "c",
"android_native_app_glue.h": "c",
"raylib.h": "c",
"*.m": "cpp",
"atomic": "cpp",
"gen.h": "c",
"string_ops.hpp": "c",
"assert.h": "c",
"intrin.h": "c",
"bit": "cpp",
"cmath": "cpp",
"cstddef": "cpp",
"cstdint": "cpp",
"cstdio": "cpp",
"cstdlib": "cpp",
"cstring": "cpp",
"ctime": "cpp",
"cwchar": "cpp",
"iosfwd": "cpp",
"new": "cpp",
"typeinfo": "cpp",
"unordered_map": "cpp",
"xstddef": "cpp"
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngineFallback": "disabled",
"mesonbuild.configureOnOpen": true,
"C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "disabled", // This doesn't work well with how the headers are included.
"godot_tools.scene_file_config": "",
"C_Cpp.default.compilerPath": "cl.exe",
"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy": "checkFilesAndFolders",
"C_Cpp.files.exclude": {
"**/.vscode": true,
"**/.vs": true,
"**/sanity.gen.hpp": true,
"autoHide.autoHidePanel": false,
"autoHide.autoHideSideBar": false,
"dimmer.enabled": false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Build Bootstrap",
"type": "shell",
"command": "C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe",
"args": [
"group": "build",
"problemMatcher": {
"owner": "cpp",
"fileLocation": [
"pattern": {
"regexp": "^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*:\\s*(warning|error)\\s*(\\w+)\\s*:\\s*(.*)$",
"file": 1,
"line": 2,
"severity": 3,
"code": 4,
"message": 5
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared",
"clear": true
"label": "Build C Library",
"type": "shell",
"command": "C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe",
"args": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"problemMatcher": {
"owner": "cpp",
"fileLocation": [
"pattern": {
"regexp": "^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*:\\s*(warning|error)\\s*(\\w+)\\s*:\\s*(.*)$",
"file": 1,
"line": 2,
"severity": 3,
"code": 4,
"message": 5
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared",
"clear": true
"label": "Build Singleheader (MSVC)",
"type": "shell",
"command": "C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe",
"args": [
"group": "build",
"problemMatcher": {
"owner": "cpp",
"fileLocation": ["relative", "${workspaceFolder}"],
"pattern": [
"regexp": "^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*:\\s*(error|warning|info|note)\\s+(\\w{1,2}\\d+)\\s*:\\s*(.*)$",
"file": 1,
"line": 2,
"severity": 3,
"code": 4,
"message": 5
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared",
"clear": true
"label": "Build Unreal (MSVC)",
"type": "shell",
"command": "C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7\\pwsh.exe",
"args": [
"group": "build",
"problemMatcher": {
"owner": "cpp",
"fileLocation": ["relative", "${workspaceFolder}"],
"pattern": [
"regexp": "^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)\\s*:\\s*(error|warning|info|note)\\s+(\\w{1,2}\\d+)\\s*:\\s*(.*)$",
"file": 1,
"line": 2,
"severity": 3,
"code": 4,
"message": 5
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared",
"clear": true
Source URL: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp
* The dependencies for gencpp source are derived from the zpl library: https://github.com/zpl-c/zpl
Special thanks to:
* The Handmade Community.
* Casey Muratori, Ginger Bill (Bill Hall), Mr. 4th (Allen Webster), Ryan Fluery: Influnced conceptually how to handle staged metaprograming.
* Jonathan Blow: Jai's metaprogramming influenced the design of this library.
* My friends for putting up with discord spam on this library.
@ -1,52 +1,44 @@
# gencpp
An attempt at simple staged metaprogramming for C/C++. Reflect and generate code for your codebase at runtime!


An attempt at simple staged metaprogramming for C/C++.
The library API is a composition of code element constructors, and a non-standards-compliant single-pass C/C++ parser.
These build up a code AST to then serialize with a file builder, or can be traversed for staged-reflection of C/C++ code.
This code base attempts follow the [handmade philosophy](https://handmade.network/manifesto).
Its not meant to be a black box metaprogramming utility, it should be easy to integrate into a user's project domain.
## Langauge Bindings
* [gencpp-odin](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp-odin): Bindings for the odin programming language.
## Utility Libraries
* [UnrealGencpp](https://github.com/Ed94/UnrealGencpp): Setup as a plugin to integrate into Unreal Engine or Unreal Projects.
Its not meant to be a black box metaprogramming utility, it should be easy to intergrate into a user's project domain.
## Documentation
* [docs - General](./docs/Readme.md): Overview and additional docs
* [AST_Design](./docs/AST_Design.md): Overview of ASTs
* [AST_Design](./docs/AST_Design.md): Overvie of ASTs
* [AST Types](./docs/AST_Types.md): Listing of all AST types along with their Code type interface.
* [Parsing](./docs/Parsing.md): Overview of the parsing interface.
* [Parser Algo](./docs/Parser_Algo.md): In-depth breakdown of the parser's implementation.
* [base](./base/Readme.md): Essential (base) library.
* [gen_c_library](./gen_c_library/): C11 library variant generation (single header and segmented).
* [gen_segmented](./gen_segmented/): Segmented C++ (`gen.<hpp/cpp>`, `gen.dep.<hpp/cpp>`) generation
* [gen_c_library](./gen_c_library/): C11 library variant generation (single header and segmeented).
* [gen_segmented](./gen_segmented/): Segemented C++ (`gen.<hpp/cpp>`, `gen.dep.<hpp/cpp>`) generation
* [gen_singleheader](./gen_singleheader/): Singlehader C++ generation `gen.hpp`
* [gen_unreal_engine](./gen_unreal_engine/): Unreal Engine thirdparty code generation.
## Notes
**On Partial Hiatus: Life has got me tackling other issues..**
I will be passively updating the library with bug fixes and minor improvements as I use it for my personal projects.
There won't be any major reworks or features to this thing for a while.
This project is still in development (very much an alpha state), so expect bugs and missing features.
See [issues](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues) for a list of known bugs or todos.
The library can already be used to generate code just fine, but the parser is where the most work is needed. If your C++ isn't "down to earth" expect issues.
A `natvis` and `natstepfilter` are provided in the scripts directory (its outdated, I'll update this readme when its not).
*Minor update: I've been using [RAD Debugger](https://github.com/EpicGamesExt/raddebugger) with this and the code structures should be easy to debug even without natvis.*
## Usage
A metaprogram is built to generate files before the main program is built. We'll term runtime for this program as `GEN_TIME`. The metaprogram's core implementation are within `gen.hpp` and `gen.cpp` in the project directory.
`gen.cpp` \`s `main()` is defined as `gen_main()` which the user will have to define once for their program. There they may reflect and/or generate code.
`gen.cpp` \`s `main()` is defined as `gen_main()` which the user will have to define once for their program. There they will dictate everything that should be generated.
In order to keep the locality of this code within the same files the following pattern may be used (although this pattern isn't the best to use):
@ -60,11 +52,7 @@ Within `program.cpp` :
u32 gen_main()
gen::Context ctx;
gen::init(& ctx);
gen::deinit(& ctx);
return 0;
@ -87,18 +75,18 @@ Example using each construction interface:
Validation and construction through a functional interface.
CodeTypename t_uw = def_type( name(usize) );
CodeTypename t_allocator = def_type( name(allocator) );
CodeTypename t_string_const = def_type( name(char), def_specifiers( args( ESpecifier::Const, ESpecifier::Ptr ) ));
Code t_uw = def_type( name(usize) );
Code t_allocator = def_type( name(allocator) );
Code t_string_const = def_type( name(char), def_specifiers( args( ESpecifier::Const, ESpecifier::Ptr ) ));
CodeStruct header;
Code header;
CodeVar num = def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) );
CodeVar cap = def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) );
CodeVar mem_alloc = def_variable( t_allocator, name(Allocator) );
CodeBody body = def_struct_body( args( num, cap, mem_alloc ) );
Code num = def_variable( t_uw, name(Num) );
Code cap = def_variable( t_uw, name(Capacity) );
Code mem_alloc = def_variable( t_allocator, name(Allocator) );
Code body = def_struct_body( args( num, cap, mem_alloc ) );
header = def_struct( name(ArrayHeader), { body });
header = def_struct( name(ArrayHeader), __, __, body );
@ -107,11 +95,11 @@ CodeStruct header;
Validation through ast construction.
CodeStruct header = parse_struct( code(
Code header = parse_struct( code(
struct ArrayHeader
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
@ -126,8 +114,8 @@ No validation, just glorified text injection.
Code header = code_str(
struct ArrayHeader
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
@ -136,15 +124,15 @@ Code header = code_str(
`name` is a helper macro for providing a string literal with its size, intended for the name parameter of functions.
`code` is a helper macro for providing a string literal with its size, but intended for code string parameters.
`args` is a helper macro for providing the number of arguments to varadic constructors.
`code_str` is a helper macro for writing `untyped_str( code( <content> ))`
`code_str` is a helper macro for writting `untyped_str( code( <content> ))`
All three construction interfaces will generate the following C code:
All three constrcuton interfaces will generate the following C code:
struct ArrayHeader
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
usize Num;
usize Capacity;
allocator Allocator;
@ -155,13 +143,3 @@ struct ArrayHeader
## Building
See the [scripts directory](scripts/).
## Gallery
### Listing definitions in the Cuik Compiler
### Unreal: Generating a UAttributeSet from a UDataTable
@ -8,32 +8,26 @@
The library is fragmented into a series of headers and source files meant to be scanned in and then generated to a standard target format, or a user's desires.
If using the library's provided build scripts:
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> base
## Content Overview
Standard formats:
* **base**: Files are in granular pieces separated into four directories:
* **dependencies**: Originally from the c-zpl library and modified thereafter.
* **components**: The essential definitions of the library.
* **helpers**: Contains helper functionality used by base and the variant library generators.
* **helpers**: Contains helper functionality used by base and other libraries to regenerate or generate the other library formats.
* `base_codegen.hpp`: Helps with self-hosted code generation of enums, and operator overload inlines of the code types.
* `<push/pop>.<name>.inline.<hpp>`: macros that are meant to be injected at specific locations of the library file/s.
* `<push/pop>.<name>.inline.<hpp>`: macros that are meant to be injected at specific locations of the library.
* `misc.hpp`: Misc functionality used by the library generation metaprograms.
* `undef.macros.h`: Undefines all macros from library.
* **auxiliary**: Non-essential tooling:
* `undef.macros.h`: Undefines all macros from library that original were intended to leak into user code.
* **auxillary**: Non-essential tooling:
* `Builder`: Similar conceptually to Jai programming language's *builder*, just opens a file and prepares a string buffer to serialize code into (`builder_print`, `builder_print_fmt`). Then write & close the file when completed (`builder_write`).
* **`Scanner`**: Interface to load up `Code` from files two basic functions are currently provided.
* **`Scanner`**: Interface to load up `Code` from files two basic funcctions are currently provided.
* `scan_file`: Used mainly by the library format generators to directly scan files into untyped `Code` (raw string content, pre-formatted no AST parsed).
* `parse_file`: Used to read file and then parsed to populate a `CodeBody` AST.
* CSV parsing via one or two columns simplified.
* **gen_segemetned**: Dependencies go into gen.dep.{hpp/cpp} and components into gen.{hpp/cpp}
* **gen_singleheader**: Everything into a single file: gen.hpp
* **gen_unreal_engine**: Like gen_segmented but the library is modified slightly to compile as a thirdparty library within an Unreal Engine plugin or module.
* **gen_c_library**: The library is heavily modifed into C11 compliant code. A segmented and single-header set of variants are generated.
* **gen_unreal_engine**: Like gen_segemented but the library is modified slightly to compile as a thirdparty library within an Unreal Engine plugin or module.
* **gen_c_library**: The library is heavily modifed into C11 compliant code. A segemented and single-header set of variants are generatd.
Code not making up the core library is located in `auxiliary/<auxiliary_name>.<hpp/cpp>`. These are optional extensions or tools for the library.
@ -108,7 +102,7 @@ Any large macros used implementing the gen interface or parser are going to be p
The vast majority of macros should be single-line subsitutions that either add:
* Improvements to searching
* Intentionality of keyword usage
* Inteniality of keyword usage
* A feature that only the preprocessor has (ex: function name reflection or stringifying)
* Compatibility of statements or expressions bewteen C & C++ that cannot be parsed by gencpp itself.
* Masking highly verbose syntax (the latter is getting phased out).
@ -123,23 +117,15 @@ The vast majority of macros should be single-line subsitutions that either add:
There are ***five*** header files which are automatically generated using [base_codegen.hpp](./helpers/base_codegen.hpp) by [base.cpp](./base.cpp). They are all located in [components/gen](./components/gen/).
* [ecodetypes.hpp](./components/gen/ecode.hpp): `CodeType` enum definition and related implementation. Generation is based off of [ECodeType.csv](./enums/ECodeTypes.csv).
* [especifier.hpp](./components/gen/especifier.hpp): `Specifier` enum definition, etc. Generated using [ESpecifier.csv](./enums/ESpecifier.csv).
* [eoperator.hpp](./components/gen/eoperator.hpp): `Operator` enum definition, etc. Generated using [EOperator.hpp](./enums/EOperator.csv).
* [etoktype.cpp](./components/gen/etoktype.cpp): `TokType` enum defininition, etc. Used by the lexer and parser backend. Uses two csvs:
* [ETokType.csv](./enums/ETokType.csv): Provides the enum entries and their strinng ids.
* [AttributeTokens.csv](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv): Provides tokens entries that should be considered as attributes by the lexer and parser. Sspecfiically macro attributes such as those use for exporting symbols.
* [ast_inlines.hpp](./components/gen/ast_inlines.hpp): Member trivial `operator` definitions for C++ code types. Does not use a csv.
* [`ecodetypes.hpp`](./components/gen/ecode.hpp): `CodeType` enum definition and related implementaiton. Generation is based off of [`ECodeType.csv](./enums/ECodeTypes.csv).
* [`especifier.hpp`](./components/gen/especifier.hpp): `Specifier` enum definition, etc. Generated using [`ESpecifier.csv`](./enums/ESpecifier.csv).
* [`eoperator.hpp`](./components/gen/eoperator.hpp): `Operator` enum definition, etc. Generated using [`EOperator.hpp`](./enums/EOperator.csv).
* [`etoktype.cpp`](./components/gen/etoktype.cpp): `TokType` enum defininition, etc. Used by the lexer and parser backend. Uses two csvs:
* [`ETokType.csv`](./enums/ETokType.csv): Provides the enum entries and their strinng ids.
* [`AttributeTokens.csv`](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv): Provides tokens entries that should be considered as attributes by the lexer and parser. Sspecfiically macro attributes such as those use for exporting symbols.
* [`ast_inlines.hpp`](./components/gen/ast_inlines.hpp): Member trivial `operator` definitions for C++ code types. Does not use a csv.
[misc.hpp](./helpers/misc.hpp): Has shared functions used by the library generation meta-programs throughout this codebase.
If using the library's provided build scripts:
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> base
Will refresh those files.
[`misc.hpp`](./helpers/misc.hpp): Has shared functions used by the library generation meta-programs throughout this codebase.
## On multi-threading
@ -154,59 +140,15 @@ The convention you'll see used throughout the upfront interface of the library i
1. Check name or parameters to make sure they are valid for the construction requested
2. Create a code object using `make_code`.
3. Populate immediate fields (Name, Type, ModuleFlags, etc)
4. Populate sub-entires using `add_entry`. If using the default serialization function `to_strbuilder`, follow the order at which entires are expected to appear (there is a strong ordering expected).
4. Populate sub-entires using `add_entry`. If using the default serialization function `to_string`, follow the order at which entires are expected to appear (there is a strong ordering expected).
Names or Content fields are interned strings and thus showed be cached using `cache_str` if its desired to preserve that behavior.
Names or Content fields are interned strings and thus showed be cached using `get_cached_string` if its desired to preserve that behavior.
`def_operator` is the most sophisticated upfront constructor as it has multiple permutations of definitions that could be created that are not trivial to determine if valid.
The parser is documented under [`docs/Parsing.md`](../docs/Parsing.md) and [`docs/Parser_Algo.md`](../docs/Parser_Algo.md). Read that and the entire library if you want to extend it.
### Attributes
To add additional macro attributes, all that has to be done is modifying [`AttributeTokens.csv`](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv).
### Specifiers
To add additional macro specifiers, the following needs to be done:
1. Adjust [especifier.hpp](./components/gen/especifier.hpp)
2. Adjust [etoktype.cpp](./components/gen/etoktype.cpp)
3. Adjust [parser_case_macros.cpp](./components/parser_case_macros.cpp)
If the specifier is a new trailing specifier on function definitions:
Head into [base_codegen.hpp](./helpers/base_codegen.hpp): `gen_especifier`. There will be an `is_trailing` function that needs to be adjusted with an additional case for the user's new trailing specifier.
### Code Types
These require the following to be handled to the equivalent extent as the other types:
1. Adjust [ECodeTypes.csv](./enums/ECodeTypes.csv) with the new types
2. Define a new `AST_<Name>` and `Code<Name>`. See
* [ast.hpp](./components/ast.hpp): Initial forwards and user defined conversion for Code.
* [ast_types.hpp](./components/ast_types.hpp): Define the `AST_<Name>` struct.
* [code_types.hpp](./components/code_types.hpp): Defne the `CodeType` struct. If its needs an iterator see: `struct CodeBody` & `struct CodeParams`.
3. [ast_case_macros.cpp](./components/ast_case_macros.cpp): Review cases here if the new code type needs to be considered.
4. [ast.cpp](./components/ast.cpp): Need to review
* `code_debug_str`
* `code_is_equal`
* `code_to_strbuilder_ref`
* `code_validate_body`
5. [code_serialization.cpp](./components/code_serialization.cpp): Define serialization here.
6. [inlines.hpp](./components/inlines.hpp): Any inline definitions for the `struct Code<Name>` are defined here.
7. [interface.cpp](./components/interface.hpp): Define the `Code<Name>` upfront and parsing interface.
8. [interface.upfront.cpp](./components/interface.upfront.cpp): Define the upfront constructor implementation.
9. [interface.parsing.cpp](./components/interface.parsing.cpp): Define the parsing interface implementation.
10. [lexer.cpp](./components/lexer.cpp): Adjust the lexer as needed.
11. [parser.cpp](./components/parser.cpp): Adjust the parser as needed.
The parser is documented under [`docs/Parsing.md`](../docs/Parsing.md) and [`docs/Parser_Algo.md`](../docs/Parser_Algo.md). Extending it is more serious.
## A note on compilation and runtime generation speed
The library is designed to be fast to compile and generate code at runtime as fast as possible on a debug build.
The library is designed to be fast to compile and generate code at runtime as fast as resonable possible on a debug build.
Its recommended that your metaprogam be compiled using a single translation unit (unity build).
## Whats with the expression / executions support #ifd and enums?
The library is a *work in progress* and those are unfinished hypotheticals for adding the ability to manage or parse the AST of expresions or execution scope code.
They are entirely untested and not meant to be used yet, futher there is no parsing support or an upfront interface for what CodeTypes are defined so far.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# include "builder.hpp"
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ Builder builder_open( char const* path )
return result;
Context* ctx = get_context();
result.Buffer = strbuilder_make_reserve( ctx->Allocator_Temp, ctx->InitSize_BuilderBuffer );
result.Buffer = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, Builder_StrBufferReserve );
// log_fmt("$Builder - Opened file: %s\n", result.File.filename );
return result;
@ -25,15 +23,15 @@ Builder builder_open( char const* path )
void builder_pad_lines( Builder* builder, s32 num )
strbuilder_append_str( & builder->Buffer, txt("\n") );
string_append_strc( & builder->Buffer, txt("\n") );
void builder_print( Builder* builder, Code code )
StrBuilder str = code_to_strbuilder(code);
String str = code_to_string(code);
// const ssize len = str.length();
// log_fmt( "%s - print: %.*s\n", File.filename, len > 80 ? 80 : len, str.Data );
strbuilder_append_string( & builder->Buffer, str );
string_append_string( & builder->Buffer, str );
void builder_print_fmt_va( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, va_list va )
@ -41,21 +39,21 @@ void builder_print_fmt_va( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, va_list va )
ssize res;
char buf[ GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN ] = { 0 };
res = c_str_fmt_va( buf, count_of( buf ) - 1, fmt, va ) - 1;
res = str_fmt_va( buf, count_of( buf ) - 1, fmt, va ) - 1;
strbuilder_append_c_str_len( (StrBuilder*) & (builder->Buffer), (char const*)buf, res);
string_append_c_str_len( (String*) & (builder->Buffer), (char const*)buf, res);
void builder_write(Builder* builder)
b32 result = file_write( & builder->File, builder->Buffer, strbuilder_length(builder->Buffer) );
b32 result = file_write( & builder->File, builder->Buffer, string_length(builder->Buffer) );
if ( result == false )
log_failure("gen::File::write - Failed to write to file: %s\n", file_name( & builder->File ) );
log_fmt( "Generated: %s\n", builder->File.filename );
file_close( & builder->File );
strbuilder_free(& builder->Buffer);
string_free(& builder->Buffer);
#pragma endregion Builder
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
# include "components/header_start.hpp"
@ -21,23 +21,22 @@ using namespace gen;
struct Builder;
typedef struct Builder Builder;
GEN_API Builder builder_open ( char const* path );
GEN_API void builder_pad_lines ( Builder* builder, s32 num );
GEN_API void builder_print ( Builder* builder, Code code );
GEN_API void builder_print_fmt_va( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, va_list va );
GEN_API void builder_write ( Builder* builder );
forceinline void builder_print_fmt ( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, ... ) {
Builder builder_open ( char const* path );
void builder_pad_lines ( Builder* builder, s32 num );
void builder_print ( Builder* builder, Code code );
void builder_print_fmt_va( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, va_list va );
void builder_print_fmt ( Builder* builder, char const* fmt, ... ) {
va_list va;
va_start( va, fmt );
builder_print_fmt_va( builder, fmt, va );
va_end( va );
void builder_write( Builder* builder );
struct Builder
FileInfo File;
StrBuilder Buffer;
String Buffer;
forceinline static Builder open( char const* path ) { return builder_open(path); }
@ -57,10 +56,10 @@ struct Builder
forceinline void builder_pad_lines( Builder& builder, s32 num ) { return builder_pad_lines(& builder, num); }
forceinline void builder_print ( Builder& builder, Code code ) { return builder_print(& builder, code); }
forceinline void builder_write ( Builder& builder ) { return builder_write(& builder ); }
forceinline void builder_print_fmt( Builder& builder, char const* fmt, ...) {
void builder_pad_lines( Builder& builder, s32 num ) { return builder_pad_lines(& builder, num); }
void builder_print ( Builder& builder, Code code ) { return builder_print(& builder, code); }
void builder_write ( Builder& builder ) { return builder_write(& builder ); }
void builder_print_fmt( Builder& builder, char const* fmt, ...) {
va_list va;
va_start( va, fmt );
builder_print_fmt_va( & builder, fmt, va );
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
# include "components/header_start.hpp"
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ CodeFn gen_func_template( CodeTemplate template, ... );
Code gen_class_struct_template( CodeTemplate template, ... );
Code gen_template( CodeTemplate template, ... );
Code gen_template( Str template, Str instantiation );
Code gen_template( StrC template, StrC instantiation );
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# include "scanner.hpp"
@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
GEN_FATAL("scan_file: %s is empty", path );
StrBuilder str = strbuilder_make_reserve( get_context()->Allocator_Temp, fsize );
String str = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, fsize );
file_read( & file, str, fsize );
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = fsize;
string_get_header(str)->Length = fsize;
// Skip INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES preprocessor blocks
// Skip GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES preprocessor blocks
// Its designed so that the directive should be the first thing in the file.
// Anything that comes before it will also be omitted.
#define current (*scanner)
#define matched 0
#define move_fwd() do { ++ scanner; -- left; } while (0)
const Str directive_start = txt( "ifdef" );
const Str directive_end = txt( "endif" );
const Str def_intellisense = txt("INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES" );
const StrC directive_start = txt( "ifdef" );
const StrC directive_end = txt( "endif" );
const StrC def_intellisense = txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES" );
bool found_directive = false;
char const* scanner = (char const*)str;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
if ( ! found_directive )
if ( left && c_str_compare_len( scanner, directive_start.Ptr, directive_start.Len ) == matched )
if ( left && str_compare_len( scanner, directive_start.Ptr, directive_start.Len ) == matched )
scanner += directive_start.Len;
left -= directive_start.Len;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
while ( left && char_is_space( current ) )
if ( left && c_str_compare_len( scanner, def_intellisense.Ptr, def_intellisense.Len ) == matched )
if ( left && str_compare_len( scanner, def_intellisense.Ptr, def_intellisense.Len ) == matched )
scanner += def_intellisense.Len;
left -= def_intellisense.Len;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
if ( left && c_str_compare_len( scanner, directive_end.Ptr, directive_end.Len ) == matched )
if ( left && str_compare_len( scanner, directive_end.Ptr, directive_end.Len ) == matched )
scanner += directive_end.Len;
left -= directive_end.Len;
@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
if ( (scanner + 2) >= ( (char const*) str + fsize ) )
mem_move( str, scanner, left );
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = left;
string_get_header(str)->Length = left;
mem_move( str, scanner, left );
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = left;
string_get_header(str)->Length = left;
@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ Code scan_file( char const* path )
file_close( & file );
return untyped_str( strbuilder_to_str(str) );
return untyped_str( string_to_strc(str) );
CodeBody parse_file( const char* path ) {
FileContents file = file_read_contents( get_context()->Allocator_Temp, true, path );
Str content = { (char const*)file.data, file.size };
FileContents file = file_read_contents( GlobalAllocator, true, path );
StrC content = { file.size, (char const*)file.data };
CodeBody code = parse_global_body( content );
log_fmt("\nParsed: %s\n", path);
return code;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
# include "components/header_start.hpp"
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
// This is a simple file reader that reads the entire file into memory.
// It has an extra option to skip the first few lines for undesired includes.
// This is done so that includes can be kept in dependency and component files so that intellisense works.
GEN_API Code scan_file( char const* path );
Code scan_file( char const* path );
GEN_API CodeBody parse_file( const char* path );
CodeBody parse_file( const char* path );
// The follow is basic support for light csv parsing (use it as an example)
// Make something robust if its more serious.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct CSV_Columns2 {
Array(ADT_Node) Col_2;
GEN_API CSV_Column parse_csv_one_column (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* path);
GEN_API CSV_Columns2 parse_csv_two_columns(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* path);
CSV_Column parse_csv_one_column(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* path);
CSV_Columns2 parse_csv_two_columns(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* path);
#pragma endregion Scanner
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#define GEN_C_LIKE_CPP 1
#include "gen.cpp"
#include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
@ -26,22 +27,20 @@ constexpr char const* generation_notice =
int gen_main()
gen::Context ctx {};
gen::init( & ctx);
CodeBody gen_component_header = def_global_body( args(
def_preprocess_cond( PreprocessCond_IfDef, txt("INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES") ),
def_preprocess_cond( PreprocessCond_IfDef, txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES") ),
untyped_str( to_str_from_c_str(generation_notice) )
untyped_str( to_strc_from_c_str(generation_notice) )
CodeBody ecode = gen_ecode ( "enums/ECodeTypes.csv" );
CodeBody eoperator = gen_eoperator ( "enums/EOperator.csv" );
CodeBody especifier = gen_especifier( "enums/ESpecifier.csv" );
CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype ( "enums/ETokType.csv", "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" );
CodeBody ast_inlines = gen_ast_inlines();
Builder header_ecode = builder_open( "components/gen/ecodetypes.hpp" );
@ -59,16 +58,11 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print( & header_especifier, format(especifier) );
builder_write( & header_especifier);
Builder header_etoktype = builder_open( "components/gen/etoktype.hpp" );
builder_print( & header_etoktype, gen_component_header );
builder_print( & header_etoktype, format(etoktype) );
builder_write( & header_etoktype);
Builder header_ast_inlines = builder_open( "components/gen/ast_inlines.hpp" );
builder_print( & header_ast_inlines, gen_component_header );
builder_print( & header_ast_inlines, format(ast_inlines) );
builder_write( & header_ast_inlines);
gen::deinit(& ctx);
return 0;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include "gen/ecode.hpp"
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ struct AST_Constructor;
// struct AST_BaseClass;
struct AST_Class;
struct AST_Define;
struct AST_DefineParams;
struct AST_Destructor;
struct AST_Enum;
struct AST_Exec;
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ struct AST_Pragma;
struct AST_PreprocessCond;
struct AST_Specifiers;
struct AST_Expr;
struct AST_Expr_Assign;
struct AST_Expr_Alignof;
@ -99,7 +98,6 @@ typedef AST_Comment* CodeComment;
typedef AST_Class* CodeClass;
typedef AST_Constructor* CodeConstructor;
typedef AST_Define* CodeDefine;
typedef AST_DefineParams* CodeDefineParams;
typedef AST_Destructor* CodeDestructor;
typedef AST_Enum* CodeEnum;
typedef AST_Exec* CodeExec;
@ -122,7 +120,6 @@ struct CodeComment;
struct CodeClass;
struct CodeConstructor;
struct CodeDefine;
struct CodeDefineParams;
struct CodeDestructor;
struct CodeEnum;
struct CodeExec;
@ -140,7 +137,7 @@ struct CodePragma;
struct CodeSpecifiers;
typedef AST_Expr* CodeExpr;
@ -193,7 +190,6 @@ typedef AST_Stmt_If* CodeStmt_If;
typedef AST_Stmt_For* CodeStmt_For;
typedef AST_Stmt_Goto* CodeStmt_Goto;
typedef AST_Stmt_Label* CodeStmt_Label;
typedef AST_Stmt_Lambda* CodeStmt_Lambda;
typedef AST_Stmt_Switch* CodeStmt_Switch;
typedef AST_Stmt_While* CodeStmt_While;
@ -209,7 +205,6 @@ struct CodeStmt_If;
struct CodeStmt_For;
struct CodeStmt_Goto;
struct CodeStmt_Label;
struct CodeStmt_Lambda;
struct CodeStmt_Switch;
struct CodeStmt_While;
@ -235,25 +230,40 @@ struct CodeUsing;
struct CodeVar;
struct Token;
// Note(Ed): This is to alleviate an edge case with parsing usings or typedefs where I don't really have it setup
// to parse a 'namespace' macro or a type with a macro.
// I have ideas for ways to pack that into the typedef/using ast, but for now just keeping it like this
#define ParserTokenType GEN_NS_PARSER Token
typedef ParserTokenType Token;
#undef ParserTokenType
template< class Type> forceinline Type tmpl_cast( Code self ) { return * rcast( Type*, & self ); }
#pragma region Code C-Interface
void code_append (Code code, Code other );
GEN_API Str code_debug_str (Code code);
GEN_API Code code_duplicate (Code code);
Code* code_entry (Code code, u32 idx );
bool code_has_entries (Code code);
bool code_is_body (Code code);
GEN_API bool code_is_equal (Code code, Code other);
bool code_is_valid (Code code);
void code_set_global (Code code);
GEN_API StrBuilder code_to_strbuilder (Code self );
GEN_API void code_to_strbuilder_ref(Code self, StrBuilder* result );
Str code_type_str (Code self );
GEN_API bool code_validate_body (Code self );
void code_append (Code code, Code other );
StrC code_debug_str (Code code);
Code code_duplicate (Code code);
Code* code_entry (Code code, u32 idx );
bool code_has_entries (Code code);
bool code_is_body (Code code);
bool code_is_equal (Code code, Code other);
bool code_is_valid (Code code);
void code_set_global (Code code);
String code_to_string (Code self );
void code_to_string_ptr(Code self, String* result );
StrC code_type_str (Code self );
bool code_validate_body(Code self );
#pragma endregion Code C-Interface
@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ struct Code
AST* ast;
# define Using_Code( Typename ) \
forceinline Str debug_str() { return code_debug_str(* this); } \
forceinline StrC debug_str() { return code_debug_str(* this); } \
forceinline Code duplicate() { return code_duplicate(* this); } \
forceinline bool is_equal( Code other ) { return code_is_equal(* this, other); } \
forceinline bool is_body() { return code_is_body(* this); } \
@ -285,17 +295,16 @@ struct Code
Using_Code( Code );
forceinline void append(Code other) { return code_append(* this, other); }
forceinline Code* entry(u32 idx) { return code_entry(* this, idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries() { return code_has_entries(* this); }
forceinline StrBuilder to_strbuilder() { return code_to_strbuilder(* this); }
forceinline void to_strbuilder(StrBuilder& result) { return code_to_strbuilder_ref(* this, & result); }
forceinline Str type_str() { return code_type_str(* this); }
forceinline bool validate_body() { return code_validate_body(*this); }
forceinline void append(Code other) { return code_append(* this, other); }
forceinline Code* entry(u32 idx) { return code_entry(* this, idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries() { return code_has_entries(* this); }
forceinline String to_string() { return code_to_string(* this); }
forceinline void to_string(String& result) { return code_to_string_ptr(* this, & result); }
forceinline StrC type_str() { return code_type_str(* this); }
forceinline bool validate_body() { return code_validate_body(*this); }
Using_CodeOps( Code );
forceinline Code operator *() { return * this; } // Required to support for-range iteration.
forceinline AST* operator ->() { return ast; }
Code& operator ++();
@ -310,7 +319,6 @@ struct Code
operator CodeClass() const;
operator CodeConstructor() const;
operator CodeDefine() const;
operator CodeDefineParams() const;
operator CodeDestructor() const;
operator CodeExec() const;
operator CodeEnum() const;
@ -339,10 +347,10 @@ struct Code
#pragma region Statics
// Used to identify ASTs that should always be duplicated. (Global constant ASTs)
GEN_API extern Code Code_Global;
extern Code Code_Global;
// Used to identify invalid generated code.
GEN_API extern Code Code_Invalid;
extern Code Code_Invalid;
#pragma endregion Statics
struct Code_POD
@ -359,7 +367,7 @@ int AST_ArrSpecs_Cap =
- sizeof(Code)
- sizeof(StrCached)
- sizeof(StringCached)
- sizeof(Code) * 2
- sizeof(Token*)
- sizeof(Code)
@ -371,7 +379,6 @@ int AST_ArrSpecs_Cap =
Simple AST POD with functionality to seralize into C++ syntax.
TODO(Ed): Eventually haven't a transparent AST like this will longer be viable once statements & expressions are in (most likely....)
struct AST
@ -379,8 +386,8 @@ struct AST
Code InlineCmt; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Functon, Operator, OpCast, Struct, Typedef, Using, Variable
Code Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable // TODO(Ed): Parameters can have attributes
Code Specs; // Class, Destructor, Function, Operator, Struct, Typename, Variable
Code Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable
Code Specs; // Destructor, Function, Operator, Typename, Variable
union {
Code InitializerList; // Constructor
Code ParentType; // Class, Struct, ParentType->Next has a possible list of interfaces.
@ -391,28 +398,28 @@ struct AST
union {
Code Macro; // Parameter
Code BitfieldSize; // Variable (Class/Struct Data Member)
Code Params; // Constructor, Define, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
Code Params; // Constructor, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
Code UnderlyingTypeMacro; // Enum
union {
Code ArrExpr; // Typename
Code Body; // Class, Constructor, Define, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
Code Body; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
Code Declaration; // Friend, Template
Code Value; // Parameter, Variable
union {
Code NextVar; // Variable
Code SuffixSpecs; // Typename, Function (Thanks Unreal)
Code NextVar; // Variable; Possible way to handle comma separated variables declarations. ( , NextVar->Specs NextVar->Name NextVar->ArrExpr = NextVar->Value )
Code SuffixSpecs; // Only used with typenames, to store the function suffix if typename is function signature. ( May not be needed )
Code PostNameMacro; // Only used with parameters for specifically UE_REQUIRES (Thanks Unreal)
StrCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
struct {
Specifier ArrSpecs[AST_ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
Code NextSpecs; // Specifiers; If ArrSpecs is full, then NextSpecs is used.
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
union {
Code Prev;
Code Front;
@ -422,7 +429,7 @@ struct AST
Code Next;
Code Back;
Token* Token; // Reference to starting token, only available if it was derived from parsing.
Token* Token; // Reference to starting token, only avaialble if it was derived from parsing.
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
// CodeFlag CodeFlags;
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
// These macros are used in the swtich cases within ast.cpp, inteface.upfront.cpp, parser.cpp
case CT_PlatformAttributes: \
case CT_Class_Body: \
case CT_Enum_Body: \
@ -15,10 +13,10 @@
case CT_Parameters: \
case CT_Specifiers: \
case CT_Struct_Body: \
case CT_Typename
case CT_Typename:
case CT_Access_Public: \
case CT_Access_Protected: \
case CT_Access_Private: \
@ -39,9 +37,9 @@
case CT_Parameters: \
case CT_Specifiers: \
case CT_Struct_Body: \
case CT_Typename
case CT_Typename:
case CT_Access_Public: \
case CT_Access_Protected: \
case CT_Access_Private: \
@ -57,11 +55,11 @@
case CT_Parameters: \
case CT_Specifiers: \
case CT_Struct_Body: \
case CT_Typename
case CT_Typename:
case CT_Access_Public: \
case CT_Access_Protected: \
case CT_Access_Private: \
@ -77,4 +75,4 @@
case CT_Parameters: \
case CT_Specifiers: \
case CT_Struct_Body: \
case CT_Typename
case CT_Typename:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "code_types.hpp"
@ -29,27 +29,26 @@
struct AST_Body
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Front;
Code Back;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
StringCached Name;
Code Front;
Code Back;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Body) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Body is not the same size as AST");
// TODO(Ed): Support chaining attributes (Use parameter linkage pattern)
struct AST_Attributes
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ struct AST_BaseClass
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ struct AST_Comment
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -100,14 +99,14 @@ struct AST_Class
CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs; // Support for final
char _PAD_SPECS_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeTypename ParentType;
char _PAD_PARAMS_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PARAMS_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeTypename Prev;
CodeTypename Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -130,10 +129,10 @@ struct AST_Constructor
Code InitializerList;
CodeParams Params;
Code Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_ [ sizeof(AST*) * 2 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_ [ sizeof(AST*) * 2 ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -147,39 +146,17 @@ struct AST_Define
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_ [ sizeof(AST*) * 4 ];
CodeDefineParams Params;
Code Body; // Should be completely serialized for now to a: StrCached Content.
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_ [ sizeof(AST*) * 1 ];
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Define) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Define is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_DefineParams
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
CodeDefineParams Last;
CodeDefineParams Next;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_DefineParams) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_DefineParams is not the same size as AST");
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Define) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Define is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_Destructor
@ -192,10 +169,10 @@ struct AST_Destructor
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_ [ sizeof(AST*) * 2 ];
Code Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_3_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_3_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -217,17 +194,17 @@ struct AST_Enum
CodeTypename UnderlyingType;
Code UnderlyingTypeMacro;
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Enum) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Enum is not the same size as AST");
@ -235,9 +212,9 @@ struct AST_Exec
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -247,13 +224,13 @@ struct AST_Exec
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Exec) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Exec is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_Expr
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -268,7 +245,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Assign
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -283,7 +260,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Alignof
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -298,7 +275,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Binary
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -313,7 +290,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_CStyleCast
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -328,7 +305,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_FunctionalCast
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -343,7 +320,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_CppCast
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -358,7 +335,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_ProcCall
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -373,7 +350,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Decltype
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -388,7 +365,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Comma
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -403,7 +380,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_AMS
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -418,7 +395,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Sizeof
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -433,7 +410,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Subscript
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -448,7 +425,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Ternary
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -463,7 +440,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_UnaryPrefix
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -478,7 +455,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_UnaryPostfix
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -493,7 +470,7 @@ struct AST_Expr_Element
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -515,13 +492,13 @@ struct AST_Extern
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Extern) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Extern is not the same size as AST");
@ -529,15 +506,15 @@ struct AST_Include
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Include) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Include is not the same size as AST");
@ -550,16 +527,16 @@ struct AST_Friend
CodeComment InlineCmt;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 4 ];
Code Declaration;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Friend) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Friend is not the same size as AST");
@ -573,19 +550,19 @@ struct AST_Fn
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeTypename ReturnType;
CodeParams Params;
CodeParams Params;
CodeBody Body;
Code SuffixSpecs; // Thanks Unreal
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Fn) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Fn is not the same size as AST");
@ -594,14 +571,14 @@ struct AST_Module
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Module) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Module is not the same size as AST");
@ -610,45 +587,45 @@ struct AST_NS
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
struct {
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 5 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 5 ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_NS) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_NS is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_Operator
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeTypename ReturnType;
CodeParams Params;
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeTypename ReturnType;
CodeParams Params;
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
Operator Op;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
Operator Op;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Operator) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Operator is not the same size as AST");
@ -658,22 +635,22 @@ struct AST_OpCast
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeComment InlineCmt;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeTypename ValueType;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_3_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeComment InlineCmt;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeTypename ValueType;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_3_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_OpCast) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_OpCast is not the same size as AST");
@ -683,8 +660,7 @@ struct AST_Params
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
// TODO(Ed): Support attributes for parameters (Some prefix macros can be converted to that...)
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
CodeTypename ValueType;
Code Macro;
Code Value;
@ -692,14 +668,14 @@ struct AST_Params
// char _PAD_PROPERTIES_3_[sizeof( AST* )];
StrCached Name;
CodeParams Last;
CodeParams Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
StringCached Name;
CodeParams Last;
CodeParams Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Params) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Params is not the same size as AST");
@ -707,15 +683,15 @@ struct AST_Pragma
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Pragma) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Pragma is not the same size as AST");
@ -723,40 +699,40 @@ struct AST_PreprocessCond
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Content;
StringCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) + sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_PreprocessCond) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_PreprocessCond is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_Specifiers
Specifier ArrSpecs[ AST_ArrSpecs_Cap ];
CodeSpecifiers NextSpecs;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
Specifier ArrSpecs[ AST_ArrSpecs_Cap ];
StringCached Name;
CodeSpecifiers NextSpecs;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
s32 NumEntries;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Specifiers) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Specifier is not the same size as AST");
struct AST_Stmt
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -771,7 +747,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Break
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -786,7 +762,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Case
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -801,7 +777,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Continue
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -816,7 +792,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Decl
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -831,7 +807,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Do
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -846,7 +822,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Expr
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -861,7 +837,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Else
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -876,7 +852,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_If
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -891,7 +867,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_For
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -906,7 +882,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Goto
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -921,7 +897,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Label
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -936,7 +912,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_Switch
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -951,7 +927,7 @@ struct AST_Stmt_While
union {
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeExpr Prev;
CodeExpr Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -970,14 +946,14 @@ struct AST_Struct
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeSpecifiers Specs; // Support for final
char _PAD_SPECS_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeTypename ParentType;
char _PAD_PARAMS_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PARAMS_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeTypename Prev;
CodeTypename Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -994,20 +970,20 @@ struct AST_Template
char _PAD_[ sizeof(Specifier) * AST_ArrSpecs_Cap + sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 4 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 4 ];
CodeParams Params;
Code Declaration;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Template) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Template is not the same size as AST");
@ -1029,13 +1005,13 @@ struct AST_Type
// CodeSpecifiers SpecsFuncSuffix; // Only used for function signatures
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
b32 IsParamPack;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Type) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Type is not the same size as AST");
@ -1056,13 +1032,13 @@ struct AST_Typename
CodeSpecifiers SpecsFuncSuffix; // Only used for function signatures
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(ModuleFlag) ];
struct {
b16 IsParamPack; // Used by typename to know if type should be considered a parameter pack.
ETypenameTag TypeTag; // Used by typename to keep track of explicitly declared tags for the identifier (enum, struct, union)
@ -1077,12 +1053,12 @@ struct AST_Typedef
CodeComment InlineCmt;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 2 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 2 ];
Code UnderlyingType;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
@ -1101,19 +1077,19 @@ struct AST_Union
char _PAD_INLINE_CMT_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeAttributes Attributes;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
CodeBody Body;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_2_[ sizeof(AST*) ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Union) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Union is not the same size as AST");
@ -1125,19 +1101,19 @@ struct AST_Using
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
char _PAD_SPECS_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
char _PAD_SPECS_ [ sizeof(AST*) ];
CodeTypename UnderlyingType;
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
char _PAD_PROPERTIES_[ sizeof(AST*) * 3 ];
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
char _PAD_UNUSED_[ sizeof(u32) ];
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Using) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Using is not the same size as AST");
@ -1153,17 +1129,17 @@ struct AST_Var
CodeTypename ValueType;
Code BitfieldSize;
Code Value;
CodeVar NextVar;
CodeVar NextVar;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
s32 VarParenthesizedInit;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
s32 VarParenthesizedInit;
static_assert( sizeof(AST_Var) == sizeof(AST), "ERROR: AST_Var is not the same size as AST");
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# pragma once
# include "interface.hpp"
#pragma region Constants
// Predefined typename codes. Are set to readonly and are setup during gen::init()
GEN_API extern Macro enum_underlying_macro;
GEN_API extern Code access_public;
GEN_API extern Code access_protected;
GEN_API extern Code access_private;
GEN_API extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
GEN_API extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
GEN_API extern Code module_global_fragment;
GEN_API extern Code module_private_fragment;
GEN_API extern Code fmt_newline;
GEN_API extern CodePragma pragma_once;
GEN_API extern CodeParams param_varadic;
GEN_API extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
GEN_API extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
GEN_API extern CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_empty; // Used with varaidc parameters. (Exposing just in case its useful for another circumstance)
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_auto;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_void;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_int;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_bool;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_char;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_wchar_t;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_class;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_typename;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_b32;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_s8;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_s16;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_s32;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_s64;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_u8;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_u16;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_u32;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_u64;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_ssize;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_usize;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_f32;
GEN_API extern CodeTypename t_f64;
#pragma endregion Constants
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
#pragma region generated code inline implementation
inline Code& Code::operator=(Code other)
inline Code& Code::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ inline Code::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeBody& CodeBody::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeBody& CodeBody::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ inline CodeBody::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeAttributes& CodeAttributes::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeAttributes& CodeAttributes::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -57,27 +57,27 @@ inline CodeAttributes::operator bool()
inline CodeAttributes::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Attributes* CodeAttributes::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeComment& CodeComment::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeComment& CodeComment::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -88,27 +88,27 @@ inline CodeComment::operator bool()
inline CodeComment::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Comment* CodeComment::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeConstructor& CodeConstructor::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeConstructor& CodeConstructor::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -119,27 +119,27 @@ inline CodeConstructor::operator bool()
inline CodeConstructor::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Constructor* CodeConstructor::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeClass& CodeClass::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeClass& CodeClass::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ inline CodeClass::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeDefine& CodeDefine::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeDefine& CodeDefine::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -166,43 +166,27 @@ inline CodeDefine::operator bool()
inline CodeDefine::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Define* CodeDefine::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeDefineParams& CodeDefineParams::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeDestructor& CodeDestructor::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
return *this;
inline CodeDefineParams::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeDestructor& CodeDestructor::operator=(Code other)
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -213,27 +197,27 @@ inline CodeDestructor::operator bool()
inline CodeDestructor::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Destructor* CodeDestructor::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeEnum& CodeEnum::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeEnum& CodeEnum::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -244,27 +228,27 @@ inline CodeEnum::operator bool()
inline CodeEnum::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Enum* CodeEnum::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeExec& CodeExec::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeExec& CodeExec::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -275,27 +259,27 @@ inline CodeExec::operator bool()
inline CodeExec::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Exec* CodeExec::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeExtern& CodeExtern::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeExtern& CodeExtern::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -306,27 +290,27 @@ inline CodeExtern::operator bool()
inline CodeExtern::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Extern* CodeExtern::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeFriend& CodeFriend::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeFriend& CodeFriend::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -337,27 +321,27 @@ inline CodeFriend::operator bool()
inline CodeFriend::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Friend* CodeFriend::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeFn& CodeFn::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeFn& CodeFn::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -368,27 +352,27 @@ inline CodeFn::operator bool()
inline CodeFn::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Fn* CodeFn::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeInclude& CodeInclude::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeInclude& CodeInclude::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -399,27 +383,27 @@ inline CodeInclude::operator bool()
inline CodeInclude::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Include* CodeInclude::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeModule& CodeModule::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeModule& CodeModule::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -430,27 +414,27 @@ inline CodeModule::operator bool()
inline CodeModule::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Module* CodeModule::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeNS& CodeNS::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeNS& CodeNS::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -461,27 +445,27 @@ inline CodeNS::operator bool()
inline CodeNS::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_NS* CodeNS::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeOperator& CodeOperator::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeOperator& CodeOperator::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -492,27 +476,27 @@ inline CodeOperator::operator bool()
inline CodeOperator::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Operator* CodeOperator::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeOpCast& CodeOpCast::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeOpCast& CodeOpCast::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -523,27 +507,27 @@ inline CodeOpCast::operator bool()
inline CodeOpCast::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_OpCast* CodeOpCast::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeParams& CodeParams::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeParams& CodeParams::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -552,14 +536,14 @@ inline CodeParams::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodePragma& CodePragma::operator=(Code other)
inline CodePragma& CodePragma::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -570,27 +554,27 @@ inline CodePragma::operator bool()
inline CodePragma::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Pragma* CodePragma::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodePreprocessCond& CodePreprocessCond::operator=(Code other)
inline CodePreprocessCond& CodePreprocessCond::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -601,27 +585,27 @@ inline CodePreprocessCond::operator bool()
inline CodePreprocessCond::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_PreprocessCond* CodePreprocessCond::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeSpecifiers& CodeSpecifiers::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeSpecifiers& CodeSpecifiers::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -630,14 +614,14 @@ inline CodeSpecifiers::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeStruct& CodeStruct::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeStruct& CodeStruct::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -646,14 +630,14 @@ inline CodeStruct::operator bool()
return ast != nullptr;
inline CodeTemplate& CodeTemplate::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeTemplate& CodeTemplate::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -664,27 +648,27 @@ inline CodeTemplate::operator bool()
inline CodeTemplate::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Template* CodeTemplate::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeTypename& CodeTypename::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeTypename& CodeTypename::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -695,27 +679,27 @@ inline CodeTypename::operator bool()
inline CodeTypename::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Typename* CodeTypename::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeTypedef& CodeTypedef::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeTypedef& CodeTypedef::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -726,27 +710,27 @@ inline CodeTypedef::operator bool()
inline CodeTypedef::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Typedef* CodeTypedef::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeUnion& CodeUnion::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeUnion& CodeUnion::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -757,27 +741,27 @@ inline CodeUnion::operator bool()
inline CodeUnion::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Union* CodeUnion::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeUsing& CodeUsing::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeUsing& CodeUsing::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -788,27 +772,27 @@ inline CodeUsing::operator bool()
inline CodeUsing::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Using* CodeUsing::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
inline CodeVar& CodeVar::operator=(Code other)
inline CodeVar& CodeVar::operator=( Code other )
if (other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr)
if ( other.ast != nullptr && other->Parent != nullptr )
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), code_duplicate(other).ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), code_duplicate( other ).ast );
ast->Parent = { nullptr };
ast = rcast(decltype(ast), other.ast);
ast = rcast( decltype( ast ), other.ast );
return *this;
@ -819,14 +803,14 @@ inline CodeVar::operator bool()
inline CodeVar::operator Code()
return *rcast(Code*, this);
return *rcast( Code*, this );
inline AST_Var* CodeVar::operator->()
if (ast == nullptr)
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure("Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n");
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
@ -867,11 +851,6 @@ forceinline Code::operator CodeDefine() const
return { (AST_Define*)ast };
forceinline Code::operator CodeDefineParams() const
return { (AST_DefineParams*)ast };
forceinline Code::operator CodeDestructor() const
return { (AST_Destructor*)ast };
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ enum CodeType : u32
@ -73,150 +72,148 @@ enum CodeType : u32
CT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX
inline Str codetype_to_str(CodeType type)
inline StrC codetype_to_str( CodeType type )
local_persist Str lookup[] = {
{ "Invalid", sizeof("Invalid") - 1 },
{ "Untyped", sizeof("Untyped") - 1 },
{ "NewLine", sizeof("NewLine") - 1 },
{ "Comment", sizeof("Comment") - 1 },
{ "Access_Private", sizeof("Access_Private") - 1 },
{ "Access_Protected", sizeof("Access_Protected") - 1 },
{ "Access_Public", sizeof("Access_Public") - 1 },
{ "PlatformAttributes", sizeof("PlatformAttributes") - 1 },
{ "Class", sizeof("Class") - 1 },
{ "Class_Fwd", sizeof("Class_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Class_Body", sizeof("Class_Body") - 1 },
{ "Constructor", sizeof("Constructor") - 1 },
{ "Constructor_Fwd", sizeof("Constructor_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Destructor", sizeof("Destructor") - 1 },
{ "Destructor_Fwd", sizeof("Destructor_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Enum", sizeof("Enum") - 1 },
{ "Enum_Fwd", sizeof("Enum_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Enum_Body", sizeof("Enum_Body") - 1 },
{ "Enum_Class", sizeof("Enum_Class") - 1 },
{ "Enum_Class_Fwd", sizeof("Enum_Class_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Execution", sizeof("Execution") - 1 },
{ "Export_Body", sizeof("Export_Body") - 1 },
{ "Extern_Linkage", sizeof("Extern_Linkage") - 1 },
{ "Extern_Linkage_Body", sizeof("Extern_Linkage_Body") - 1 },
{ "Friend", sizeof("Friend") - 1 },
{ "Function", sizeof("Function") - 1 },
{ "Function_Fwd", sizeof("Function_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Function_Body", sizeof("Function_Body") - 1 },
{ "Global_Body", sizeof("Global_Body") - 1 },
{ "Module", sizeof("Module") - 1 },
{ "Namespace", sizeof("Namespace") - 1 },
{ "Namespace_Body", sizeof("Namespace_Body") - 1 },
{ "Operator", sizeof("Operator") - 1 },
{ "Operator_Fwd", sizeof("Operator_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Operator_Member", sizeof("Operator_Member") - 1 },
{ "Operator_Member_Fwd", sizeof("Operator_Member_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Operator_Cast", sizeof("Operator_Cast") - 1 },
{ "Operator_Cast_Fwd", sizeof("Operator_Cast_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Parameters", sizeof("Parameters") - 1 },
{ "Parameters_Define", sizeof("Parameters_Define") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_Define", sizeof("Preprocess_Define") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_Include", sizeof("Preprocess_Include") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_If", sizeof("Preprocess_If") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_IfDef", sizeof("Preprocess_IfDef") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_IfNotDef", sizeof("Preprocess_IfNotDef") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_ElIf", sizeof("Preprocess_ElIf") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_Else", sizeof("Preprocess_Else") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_EndIf", sizeof("Preprocess_EndIf") - 1 },
{ "Preprocess_Pragma", sizeof("Preprocess_Pragma") - 1 },
{ "Specifiers", sizeof("Specifiers") - 1 },
{ "Struct", sizeof("Struct") - 1 },
{ "Struct_Fwd", sizeof("Struct_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Struct_Body", sizeof("Struct_Body") - 1 },
{ "Template", sizeof("Template") - 1 },
{ "Typedef", sizeof("Typedef") - 1 },
{ "Typename", sizeof("Typename") - 1 },
{ "Union", sizeof("Union") - 1 },
{ "Union_Fwd", sizeof("Union_Fwd") - 1 },
{ "Union_Body", sizeof("Union_Body") - 1 },
{ "Using", sizeof("Using") - 1 },
{ "Using_Namespace", sizeof("Using_Namespace") - 1 },
{ "Variable", sizeof("Variable") - 1 },
local_persist StrC lookup[61] = {
{ sizeof( "Invalid" ), "Invalid" },
{ sizeof( "Untyped" ), "Untyped" },
{ sizeof( "NewLine" ), "NewLine" },
{ sizeof( "Comment" ), "Comment" },
{ sizeof( "Access_Private" ), "Access_Private" },
{ sizeof( "Access_Protected" ), "Access_Protected" },
{ sizeof( "Access_Public" ), "Access_Public" },
{ sizeof( "PlatformAttributes" ), "PlatformAttributes" },
{ sizeof( "Class" ), "Class" },
{ sizeof( "Class_Fwd" ), "Class_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Class_Body" ), "Class_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Constructor" ), "Constructor" },
{ sizeof( "Constructor_Fwd" ), "Constructor_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Destructor" ), "Destructor" },
{ sizeof( "Destructor_Fwd" ), "Destructor_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Enum" ), "Enum" },
{ sizeof( "Enum_Fwd" ), "Enum_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Enum_Body" ), "Enum_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Enum_Class" ), "Enum_Class" },
{ sizeof( "Enum_Class_Fwd" ), "Enum_Class_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Execution" ), "Execution" },
{ sizeof( "Export_Body" ), "Export_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Extern_Linkage" ), "Extern_Linkage" },
{ sizeof( "Extern_Linkage_Body" ), "Extern_Linkage_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Friend" ), "Friend" },
{ sizeof( "Function" ), "Function" },
{ sizeof( "Function_Fwd" ), "Function_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Function_Body" ), "Function_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Global_Body" ), "Global_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Module" ), "Module" },
{ sizeof( "Namespace" ), "Namespace" },
{ sizeof( "Namespace_Body" ), "Namespace_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Operator" ), "Operator" },
{ sizeof( "Operator_Fwd" ), "Operator_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Operator_Member" ), "Operator_Member" },
{ sizeof( "Operator_Member_Fwd" ), "Operator_Member_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Operator_Cast" ), "Operator_Cast" },
{ sizeof( "Operator_Cast_Fwd" ), "Operator_Cast_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Parameters" ), "Parameters" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_Define" ), "Preprocess_Define" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_Include" ), "Preprocess_Include" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_If" ), "Preprocess_If" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_IfDef" ), "Preprocess_IfDef" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_IfNotDef" ), "Preprocess_IfNotDef" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_ElIf" ), "Preprocess_ElIf" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_Else" ), "Preprocess_Else" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_EndIf" ), "Preprocess_EndIf" },
{ sizeof( "Preprocess_Pragma" ), "Preprocess_Pragma" },
{ sizeof( "Specifiers" ), "Specifiers" },
{ sizeof( "Struct" ), "Struct" },
{ sizeof( "Struct_Fwd" ), "Struct_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Struct_Body" ), "Struct_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Template" ), "Template" },
{ sizeof( "Typedef" ), "Typedef" },
{ sizeof( "Typename" ), "Typename" },
{ sizeof( "Union" ), "Union" },
{ sizeof( "Union_Fwd" ), "Union_Fwd" },
{ sizeof( "Union_Body" ), "Union_Body" },
{ sizeof( "Using" ), "Using" },
{ sizeof( "Using_Namespace" ), "Using_Namespace" },
{ sizeof( "Variable" ), "Variable" },
return lookup[type];
inline Str codetype_to_keyword_str(CodeType type)
inline StrC codetype_to_keyword_str( CodeType type )
local_persist Str lookup[] = {
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "//", sizeof("//") - 1 },
{ "private", sizeof("private") - 1 },
{ "protected", sizeof("protected") - 1 },
{ "public", sizeof("public") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "class", sizeof("class") - 1 },
{ "clsss", sizeof("clsss") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "enum", sizeof("enum") - 1 },
{ "enum", sizeof("enum") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "enum class", sizeof("enum class") - 1 },
{ "enum class", sizeof("enum class") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "extern", sizeof("extern") - 1 },
{ "extern", sizeof("extern") - 1 },
{ "friend", sizeof("friend") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "module", sizeof("module") - 1 },
{ "namespace", sizeof("namespace") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "define", sizeof("define") - 1 },
{ "include", sizeof("include") - 1 },
{ "if", sizeof("if") - 1 },
{ "ifdef", sizeof("ifdef") - 1 },
{ "ifndef", sizeof("ifndef") - 1 },
{ "elif", sizeof("elif") - 1 },
{ "else", sizeof("else") - 1 },
{ "endif", sizeof("endif") - 1 },
{ "pragma", sizeof("pragma") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "struct", sizeof("struct") - 1 },
{ "struct", sizeof("struct") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "template", sizeof("template") - 1 },
{ "typedef", sizeof("typedef") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "union", sizeof("union") - 1 },
{ "union", sizeof("union") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
{ "using", sizeof("using") - 1 },
{ "using namespace", sizeof("using namespace") - 1 },
{ "__NA__", sizeof("__NA__") - 1 },
local_persist StrC lookup[61] = {
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "//" ) - 1, "//" },
{ sizeof( "private" ) - 1, "private" },
{ sizeof( "protected" ) - 1, "protected" },
{ sizeof( "public" ) - 1, "public" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "class" ) - 1, "class" },
{ sizeof( "clsss" ) - 1, "clsss" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "enum" ) - 1, "enum" },
{ sizeof( "enum" ) - 1, "enum" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "enum class" ) - 1, "enum class" },
{ sizeof( "enum class" ) - 1, "enum class" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "extern" ) - 1, "extern" },
{ sizeof( "extern" ) - 1, "extern" },
{ sizeof( "friend" ) - 1, "friend" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "module" ) - 1, "module" },
{ sizeof( "namespace" ) - 1, "namespace" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ) - 1, "operator" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "define" ) - 1, "define" },
{ sizeof( "include" ) - 1, "include" },
{ sizeof( "if" ) - 1, "if" },
{ sizeof( "ifdef" ) - 1, "ifdef" },
{ sizeof( "ifndef" ) - 1, "ifndef" },
{ sizeof( "elif" ) - 1, "elif" },
{ sizeof( "else" ) - 1, "else" },
{ sizeof( "endif" ) - 1, "endif" },
{ sizeof( "pragma" ) - 1, "pragma" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "struct" ) - 1, "struct" },
{ sizeof( "struct" ) - 1, "struct" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "template" ) - 1, "template" },
{ sizeof( "typedef" ) - 1, "typedef" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "union" ) - 1, "union" },
{ sizeof( "union" ) - 1, "union" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
{ sizeof( "using" ) - 1, "using" },
{ sizeof( "using namespace" ) - 1, "using namespace" },
{ sizeof( "__NA__" ) - 1, "__NA__" },
return lookup[type];
forceinline Str to_str(CodeType type)
forceinline StrC to_str( CodeType type )
return codetype_to_str(type);
return codetype_to_str( type );
forceinline Str to_keyword_str(CodeType type)
forceinline StrC to_keyword_str( CodeType type )
return codetype_to_keyword_str(type);
return codetype_to_keyword_str( type );
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
@ -58,61 +58,61 @@ enum Operator : u32
Op_UnderlyingType = 0xffffffffu
inline Str operator_to_str(Operator op)
inline StrC operator_to_str( Operator op )
local_persist Str lookup[] = {
{ "INVALID", sizeof("INVALID") - 1 },
{ "=", sizeof("=") - 1 },
{ "+=", sizeof("+=") - 1 },
{ "-=", sizeof("-=") - 1 },
{ "*=", sizeof("*=") - 1 },
{ "/=", sizeof("/=") - 1 },
{ "%=", sizeof("%=") - 1 },
{ "&=", sizeof("&=") - 1 },
{ "|=", sizeof("|=") - 1 },
{ "^=", sizeof("^=") - 1 },
{ "<<=", sizeof("<<=") - 1 },
{ ">>=", sizeof(">>=") - 1 },
{ "++", sizeof("++") - 1 },
{ "--", sizeof("--") - 1 },
{ "+", sizeof("+") - 1 },
{ "-", sizeof("-") - 1 },
{ "!", sizeof("!") - 1 },
{ "+", sizeof("+") - 1 },
{ "-", sizeof("-") - 1 },
{ "*", sizeof("*") - 1 },
{ "/", sizeof("/") - 1 },
{ "%", sizeof("%") - 1 },
{ "~", sizeof("~") - 1 },
{ "&", sizeof("&") - 1 },
{ "|", sizeof("|") - 1 },
{ "^", sizeof("^") - 1 },
{ "<<", sizeof("<<") - 1 },
{ ">>", sizeof(">>") - 1 },
{ "&&", sizeof("&&") - 1 },
{ "||", sizeof("||") - 1 },
{ "==", sizeof("==") - 1 },
{ "!=", sizeof("!=") - 1 },
{ "<", sizeof("<") - 1 },
{ ">", sizeof(">") - 1 },
{ "<=", sizeof("<=") - 1 },
{ ">=", sizeof(">=") - 1 },
{ "[]", sizeof("[]") - 1 },
{ "*", sizeof("*") - 1 },
{ "&", sizeof("&") - 1 },
{ "->", sizeof("->") - 1 },
{ "->*", sizeof("->*") - 1 },
{ "()", sizeof("()") - 1 },
{ ",", sizeof(",") - 1 },
{ "new", sizeof("new") - 1 },
{ "new[]", sizeof("new[]") - 1 },
{ "delete", sizeof("delete") - 1 },
{ "delete[]", sizeof("delete[]") - 1 },
local_persist StrC lookup[47] = {
{ sizeof( "INVALID" ), "INVALID" },
{ sizeof( "=" ), "=" },
{ sizeof( "+=" ), "+=" },
{ sizeof( "-=" ), "-=" },
{ sizeof( "*=" ), "*=" },
{ sizeof( "/=" ), "/=" },
{ sizeof( "%=" ), "%=" },
{ sizeof( "&=" ), "&=" },
{ sizeof( "|=" ), "|=" },
{ sizeof( "^=" ), "^=" },
{ sizeof( "<<=" ), "<<=" },
{ sizeof( ">>=" ), ">>=" },
{ sizeof( "++" ), "++" },
{ sizeof( "--" ), "--" },
{ sizeof( "+" ), "+" },
{ sizeof( "-" ), "-" },
{ sizeof( "!" ), "!" },
{ sizeof( "+" ), "+" },
{ sizeof( "-" ), "-" },
{ sizeof( "*" ), "*" },
{ sizeof( "/" ), "/" },
{ sizeof( "%" ), "%" },
{ sizeof( "~" ), "~" },
{ sizeof( "&" ), "&" },
{ sizeof( "|" ), "|" },
{ sizeof( "^" ), "^" },
{ sizeof( "<<" ), "<<" },
{ sizeof( ">>" ), ">>" },
{ sizeof( "&&" ), "&&" },
{ sizeof( "||" ), "||" },
{ sizeof( "==" ), "==" },
{ sizeof( "!=" ), "!=" },
{ sizeof( "<" ), "<" },
{ sizeof( ">" ), ">" },
{ sizeof( "<=" ), "<=" },
{ sizeof( ">=" ), ">=" },
{ sizeof( "[]" ), "[]" },
{ sizeof( "*" ), "*" },
{ sizeof( "&" ), "&" },
{ sizeof( "->" ), "->" },
{ sizeof( "->*" ), "->*" },
{ sizeof( "()" ), "()" },
{ sizeof( "," ), "," },
{ sizeof( "new" ), "new" },
{ sizeof( "new[]" ), "new[]" },
{ sizeof( "delete" ), "delete" },
{ sizeof( "delete[]" ), "delete[]" },
return lookup[op];
forceinline Str to_str(Operator op)
forceinline StrC to_str( Operator op )
return operator_to_str(op);
return operator_to_str( op );
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ enum Specifier : u32
@ -33,92 +32,77 @@ enum Specifier : u32
Spec_UnderlyingType = 0xffffffffu
inline Str spec_to_str(Specifier type)
inline StrC spec_to_str( Specifier type )
local_persist Str lookup[] = {
{ "INVALID", sizeof("INVALID") - 1 },
{ "consteval", sizeof("consteval") - 1 },
{ "constexpr", sizeof("constexpr") - 1 },
{ "constinit", sizeof("constinit") - 1 },
{ "explicit", sizeof("explicit") - 1 },
{ "extern", sizeof("extern") - 1 },
{ "forceinline", sizeof("forceinline") - 1 },
{ "global", sizeof("global") - 1 },
{ "inline", sizeof("inline") - 1 },
{ "internal", sizeof("internal") - 1 },
{ "local_persist", sizeof("local_persist") - 1 },
{ "mutable", sizeof("mutable") - 1 },
{ "neverinline", sizeof("neverinline") - 1 },
{ "*", sizeof("*") - 1 },
{ "&", sizeof("&") - 1 },
{ "register", sizeof("register") - 1 },
{ "restrict", sizeof("restrict") - 1 },
{ "&&", sizeof("&&") - 1 },
{ "static", sizeof("static") - 1 },
{ "thread_local", sizeof("thread_local") - 1 },
{ "virtual", sizeof("virtual") - 1 },
{ "const", sizeof("const") - 1 },
{ "final", sizeof("final") - 1 },
{ "noexcept", sizeof("noexcept") - 1 },
{ "override", sizeof("override") - 1 },
{ "= 0", sizeof("= 0") - 1 },
{ "= delete", sizeof("= delete") - 1 },
{ "volatile", sizeof("volatile") - 1 },
local_persist StrC lookup[26] = {
{ sizeof( "INVALID" ), "INVALID" },
{ sizeof( "consteval" ), "consteval" },
{ sizeof( "constexpr" ), "constexpr" },
{ sizeof( "constinit" ), "constinit" },
{ sizeof( "explicit" ), "explicit" },
{ sizeof( "extern" ), "extern" },
{ sizeof( "forceinline" ), "forceinline" },
{ sizeof( "global" ), "global" },
{ sizeof( "inline" ), "inline" },
{ sizeof( "internal" ), "internal" },
{ sizeof( "local_persist" ), "local_persist" },
{ sizeof( "mutable" ), "mutable" },
{ sizeof( "neverinline" ), "neverinline" },
{ sizeof( "*" ), "*" },
{ sizeof( "&" ), "&" },
{ sizeof( "register" ), "register" },
{ sizeof( "&&" ), "&&" },
{ sizeof( "static" ), "static" },
{ sizeof( "thread_local" ), "thread_local" },
{ sizeof( "virtual" ), "virtual" },
{ sizeof( "const" ), "const" },
{ sizeof( "final" ), "final" },
{ sizeof( "noexcept" ), "noexcept" },
{ sizeof( "override" ), "override" },
{ sizeof( "= 0" ), "= 0" },
{ sizeof( "volatile" ), "volatile" },
return lookup[type];
inline bool spec_is_trailing(Specifier specifier)
inline bool spec_is_trailing( Specifier specifier )
switch (specifier)
case Spec_Const:
case Spec_Final:
case Spec_NoExceptions:
case Spec_Override:
case Spec_Pure:
case Spec_Delete:
case Spec_Volatile:
return true;
return false;
return specifier > Spec_Virtual;
inline Specifier str_to_specifier(Str str)
inline Specifier strc_to_specifier( StrC str )
local_persist u32 keymap[Spec_NumSpecifiers];
do_once_start for (u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++)
do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++ )
Str enum_str = spec_to_str((Specifier)index);
keymap[index] = crc32(enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len);
StrC enum_str = spec_to_str( (Specifier)index );
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len - 1 );
do_once_end u32 hash = crc32(str.Ptr, str.Len);
for (u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++)
do_once_end u32 hash = crc32( str.Ptr, str.Len );
for ( u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++ )
if (keymap[index] == hash)
if ( keymap[index] == hash )
return (Specifier)index;
return Spec_Invalid;
forceinline Str to_str(Specifier spec)
forceinline StrC to_str( Specifier spec )
return spec_to_str(spec);
return spec_to_str( spec );
forceinline Specifier to_type(Str str)
forceinline Specifier to_type( StrC str )
return str_to_specifier(str);
return strc_to_specifier( str );
forceinline bool is_trailing(Specifier specifier)
forceinline bool is_trailing( Specifier specifier )
return spec_is_trailing(specifier);
return spec_is_trailing( specifier );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
#define GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS Entry( Tok_Attribute_API_Export, "GEN_API_Export_Code" ) Entry( Tok_Attribute_API_Import, "GEN_API_Import_Code" )
enum TokType : u32
inline StrC toktype_to_str( TokType type )
local_persist StrC lookup[] = {
{ sizeof( "__invalid__" ), "__invalid__" },
{ sizeof( "private" ), "private" },
{ sizeof( "protected" ), "protected" },
{ sizeof( "public" ), "public" },
{ sizeof( "." ), "." },
{ sizeof( "::" ), "::" },
{ sizeof( "&" ), "&" },
{ sizeof( "&&" ), "&&" },
{ sizeof( ":" ), ":" },
{ sizeof( "[[" ), "[[" },
{ sizeof( "]]" ), "]]" },
{ sizeof( "{" ), "{" },
{ sizeof( "}" ), "}" },
{ sizeof( "[" ), "[" },
{ sizeof( "]" ), "]" },
{ sizeof( "(" ), "(" },
{ sizeof( ")" ), ")" },
{ sizeof( "__comment__" ), "__comment__" },
{ sizeof( "__comment_end__" ), "__comment_end__" },
{ sizeof( "__comment_start__" ), "__comment_start__" },
{ sizeof( "__character__" ), "__character__" },
{ sizeof( "," ), "," },
{ sizeof( "class" ), "class" },
{ sizeof( "__attribute__" ), "__attribute__" },
{ sizeof( "__declspec" ), "__declspec" },
{ sizeof( "enum" ), "enum" },
{ sizeof( "extern" ), "extern" },
{ sizeof( "friend" ), "friend" },
{ sizeof( "module" ), "module" },
{ sizeof( "namespace" ), "namespace" },
{ sizeof( "operator" ), "operator" },
{ sizeof( "struct" ), "struct" },
{ sizeof( "template" ), "template" },
{ sizeof( "typedef" ), "typedef" },
{ sizeof( "using" ), "using" },
{ sizeof( "union" ), "union" },
{ sizeof( "__identifier__" ), "__identifier__" },
{ sizeof( "import" ), "import" },
{ sizeof( "export" ), "export" },
{ sizeof( "__new_line__" ), "__new_line__" },
{ sizeof( "__number__" ), "__number__" },
{ sizeof( "__operator__" ), "__operator__" },
{ sizeof( "#" ), "#" },
{ sizeof( "define" ), "define" },
{ sizeof( "if" ), "if" },
{ sizeof( "ifdef" ), "ifdef" },
{ sizeof( "ifndef" ), "ifndef" },
{ sizeof( "elif" ), "elif" },
{ sizeof( "else" ), "else" },
{ sizeof( "endif" ), "endif" },
{ sizeof( "include" ), "include" },
{ sizeof( "pragma" ), "pragma" },
{ sizeof( "__macro_content__" ), "__macro_content__" },
{ sizeof( "__macro__" ), "__macro__" },
{ sizeof( "__unsupported__" ), "__unsupported__" },
{ sizeof( "alignas" ), "alignas" },
{ sizeof( "const" ), "const" },
{ sizeof( "consteval" ), "consteval" },
{ sizeof( "constexpr" ), "constexpr" },
{ sizeof( "constinit" ), "constinit" },
{ sizeof( "explicit" ), "explicit" },
{ sizeof( "extern" ), "extern" },
{ sizeof( "final" ), "final" },
{ sizeof( "forceinline" ), "forceinline" },
{ sizeof( "global" ), "global" },
{ sizeof( "inline" ), "inline" },
{ sizeof( "internal" ), "internal" },
{ sizeof( "local_persist" ), "local_persist" },
{ sizeof( "mutable" ), "mutable" },
{ sizeof( "neverinline" ), "neverinline" },
{ sizeof( "override" ), "override" },
{ sizeof( "static" ), "static" },
{ sizeof( "thread_local" ), "thread_local" },
{ sizeof( "volatile" ), "volatile" },
{ sizeof( "virtual" ), "virtual" },
{ sizeof( "*" ), "*" },
{ sizeof( ";" ), ";" },
{ sizeof( "static_assert" ), "static_assert" },
{ sizeof( "__string__" ), "__string__" },
{ sizeof( "typename" ), "typename" },
{ sizeof( "unsigned" ), "unsigned" },
{ sizeof( "signed" ), "signed" },
{ sizeof( "short" ), "short" },
{ sizeof( "long" ), "long" },
{ sizeof( "bool" ), "bool" },
{ sizeof( "char" ), "char" },
{ sizeof( "int" ), "int" },
{ sizeof( "double" ), "double" },
{ sizeof( "__int8" ), "__int8" },
{ sizeof( "__int16" ), "__int16" },
{ sizeof( "__int32" ), "__int32" },
{ sizeof( "__int64" ), "__int64" },
{ sizeof( "_W64" ), "_W64" },
{ sizeof( "..." ), "..." },
{ sizeof( "__attrib_start__" ), "__attrib_start__" },
{ sizeof( "GEN_API_Export_Code" ), "GEN_API_Export_Code" },
{ sizeof( "GEN_API_Import_Code" ), "GEN_API_Import_Code" },
return lookup[type];
inline TokType strc_to_toktype( StrC str )
local_persist u32 keymap[Tok_NumTokens];
do_once_start for ( u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++ )
StrC enum_str = toktype_to_str( (TokType)index );
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len - 1 );
do_once_end u32 hash = crc32( str.Ptr, str.Len );
for ( u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++ )
if ( keymap[index] == hash )
return (TokType)index;
return Tok_Invalid;
@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "components/types.hpp"
// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's bootstrap.cpp (See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)
enum TokType : u32
inline Str toktype_to_str(TokType type)
local_persist Str lookup[] = {
{ "__invalid__", sizeof("__invalid__") - 1 },
{ "private", sizeof("private") - 1 },
{ "protected", sizeof("protected") - 1 },
{ "public", sizeof("public") - 1 },
{ ".", sizeof(".") - 1 },
{ "::", sizeof("::") - 1 },
{ "&", sizeof("&") - 1 },
{ "&&", sizeof("&&") - 1 },
{ ":", sizeof(":") - 1 },
{ "[[", sizeof("[[") - 1 },
{ "]]", sizeof("]]") - 1 },
{ "{", sizeof("{") - 1 },
{ "}", sizeof("}") - 1 },
{ "[", sizeof("[") - 1 },
{ "]", sizeof("]") - 1 },
{ "(", sizeof("(") - 1 },
{ ")", sizeof(")") - 1 },
{ "__comment__", sizeof("__comment__") - 1 },
{ "__comment_end__", sizeof("__comment_end__") - 1 },
{ "__comment_start__", sizeof("__comment_start__") - 1 },
{ "__character__", sizeof("__character__") - 1 },
{ ",", sizeof(",") - 1 },
{ "class", sizeof("class") - 1 },
{ "__attribute__", sizeof("__attribute__") - 1 },
{ "__declspec", sizeof("__declspec") - 1 },
{ "enum", sizeof("enum") - 1 },
{ "extern", sizeof("extern") - 1 },
{ "friend", sizeof("friend") - 1 },
{ "module", sizeof("module") - 1 },
{ "namespace", sizeof("namespace") - 1 },
{ "operator", sizeof("operator") - 1 },
{ "struct", sizeof("struct") - 1 },
{ "template", sizeof("template") - 1 },
{ "typedef", sizeof("typedef") - 1 },
{ "using", sizeof("using") - 1 },
{ "union", sizeof("union") - 1 },
{ "__identifier__", sizeof("__identifier__") - 1 },
{ "import", sizeof("import") - 1 },
{ "export", sizeof("export") - 1 },
{ "__new_line__", sizeof("__new_line__") - 1 },
{ "__number__", sizeof("__number__") - 1 },
{ "__operator__", sizeof("__operator__") - 1 },
{ "#", sizeof("#") - 1 },
{ "define", sizeof("define") - 1 },
{ "__define_param__", sizeof("__define_param__") - 1 },
{ "if", sizeof("if") - 1 },
{ "ifdef", sizeof("ifdef") - 1 },
{ "ifndef", sizeof("ifndef") - 1 },
{ "elif", sizeof("elif") - 1 },
{ "else", sizeof("else") - 1 },
{ "endif", sizeof("endif") - 1 },
{ "include", sizeof("include") - 1 },
{ "pragma", sizeof("pragma") - 1 },
{ "__macro_content__", sizeof("__macro_content__") - 1 },
{ "__macro_expression__", sizeof("__macro_expression__") - 1 },
{ "__macro_statment__", sizeof("__macro_statment__") - 1 },
{ "__macro_typename__", sizeof("__macro_typename__") - 1 },
{ "__unsupported__", sizeof("__unsupported__") - 1 },
{ "alignas", sizeof("alignas") - 1 },
{ "const", sizeof("const") - 1 },
{ "consteval", sizeof("consteval") - 1 },
{ "constexpr", sizeof("constexpr") - 1 },
{ "constinit", sizeof("constinit") - 1 },
{ "explicit", sizeof("explicit") - 1 },
{ "extern", sizeof("extern") - 1 },
{ "final", sizeof("final") - 1 },
{ "forceinline", sizeof("forceinline") - 1 },
{ "global", sizeof("global") - 1 },
{ "inline", sizeof("inline") - 1 },
{ "internal", sizeof("internal") - 1 },
{ "local_persist", sizeof("local_persist") - 1 },
{ "mutable", sizeof("mutable") - 1 },
{ "neverinline", sizeof("neverinline") - 1 },
{ "override", sizeof("override") - 1 },
{ "restrict", sizeof("restrict") - 1 },
{ "static", sizeof("static") - 1 },
{ "thread_local", sizeof("thread_local") - 1 },
{ "volatile", sizeof("volatile") - 1 },
{ "virtual", sizeof("virtual") - 1 },
{ "*", sizeof("*") - 1 },
{ ";", sizeof(";") - 1 },
{ "static_assert", sizeof("static_assert") - 1 },
{ "__string__", sizeof("__string__") - 1 },
{ "typename", sizeof("typename") - 1 },
{ "unsigned", sizeof("unsigned") - 1 },
{ "signed", sizeof("signed") - 1 },
{ "short", sizeof("short") - 1 },
{ "long", sizeof("long") - 1 },
{ "bool", sizeof("bool") - 1 },
{ "char", sizeof("char") - 1 },
{ "int", sizeof("int") - 1 },
{ "double", sizeof("double") - 1 },
{ "__int8", sizeof("__int8") - 1 },
{ "__int16", sizeof("__int16") - 1 },
{ "__int32", sizeof("__int32") - 1 },
{ "__int64", sizeof("__int64") - 1 },
{ "_W64", sizeof("_W64") - 1 },
{ "...", sizeof("...") - 1 },
{ "__attrib_start__", sizeof("__attrib_start__") - 1 },
{ "GEN_API", sizeof("GEN_API") - 1 },
return lookup[type];
inline TokType str_to_toktype(Str str)
local_persist u32 keymap[Tok_NumTokens];
do_once_start for (u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++)
Str enum_str = toktype_to_str((TokType)index);
keymap[index] = crc32(enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len);
do_once_end u32 hash = crc32(str.Ptr, str.Len);
for (u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++)
if (keymap[index] == hash)
return (TokType)index;
return Tok_Invalid;
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#pragma once
#include "inlines.hpp"
#include "gen/ast_inlines.hpp"
#pragma region Constants
# define GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE megabytes(8)
# define GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS kilobytes(16)
# define GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA megabytes(1)
# define GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128
# define GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH megabytes(1)
#ifndef TokenMap_FixedArena
# define TokenMap_FixedArena FixedArena_8KB
# define GEN_LEX_ALLOCATOR_SIZE megabytes(4)
# define GEN_BUILDER_STR_BUFFER_RESERVE megabytes(2)
// These constexprs are used for allocation behavior of data structures
// or string handling while constructing or serializing.
// Change them to suit your needs.
constexpr s32 InitSize_DataArrays = 16;
// NOTE: This limits the maximum size of an allocation
// If you are generating a string larger than this, increase the size of the bucket here.
constexpr usize Global_BucketSize = GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE;
constexpr s32 CodePool_NumBlocks = GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS;
constexpr s32 SizePer_StringArena = GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA;
constexpr s32 MaxCommentLineLength = GEN_MAX_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH;
constexpr s32 MaxNameLength = GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
constexpr s32 MaxUntypedStrLength = GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH;
// constexpr s32 TokenFmt_TokenMap_MemSize = GEN_TOKEN_FMT_TOKEN_MAP_MEM_SIZE;
constexpr s32 LexAllocator_Size = GEN_LEX_ALLOCATOR_SIZE;
constexpr s32 Builder_StrBufferReserve = GEN_BUILDER_STR_BUFFER_RESERVE;
extern StrC enum_underlying_sig;
extern Code access_public;
extern Code access_protected;
extern Code access_private;
extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
extern CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
extern Code module_global_fragment;
extern Code module_private_fragment;
extern Code fmt_newline;
extern CodePragma pragma_once;
extern CodeParams param_varadic;
extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
extern CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
extern CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
extern CodeTypename t_empty; // Used with varaidc parameters. (Exposing just in case its useful for another circumstance)
extern CodeTypename t_auto;
extern CodeTypename t_void;
extern CodeTypename t_int;
extern CodeTypename t_bool;
extern CodeTypename t_char;
extern CodeTypename t_wchar_t;
extern CodeTypename t_class;
extern CodeTypename t_typename;
// Predefined typename codes. Are set to readonly and are setup during gen::init()
extern CodeTypename t_b32;
extern CodeTypename t_s8;
extern CodeTypename t_s16;
extern CodeTypename t_s32;
extern CodeTypename t_s64;
extern CodeTypename t_u8;
extern CodeTypename t_u16;
extern CodeTypename t_u32;
extern CodeTypename t_u64;
extern CodeTypename t_ssize;
extern CodeTypename t_usize;
extern CodeTypename t_f32;
extern CodeTypename t_f64;
#pragma endregion Constants
// Used by the lexer to persistently treat all these identifiers as preprocessor defines.
// Populate with strings via gen::get_cached_string.
// Functional defines must have format: id( ;at minimum to indicate that the define is only valid with arguments.
extern Array(StringCached) PreprocessorDefines;
// Global allocator used for data with process lifetime.
extern AllocatorInfo GlobalAllocator;
extern Array(Arena) Global_AllocatorBuckets;
extern Array(Pool) CodePools;
extern Array(Arena) StringArenas;
extern StringTable StringCache;
extern Arena LexArena;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_DataArrays;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodePool;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_Lexer;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringArena;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringTable;
extern AllocatorInfo Allocator_TypeTable;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
| \_____|\___}_l |_|\___} ,__/| ,__/ (_____/ \__\__/_|\__, |\___}\__,_l |
| | | | | __} | |
| l_l l_l {___/ |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.25-Alpha |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.20-Alpha |
! ============================================================================================ |
@ -1,318 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
#include "interface.hpp"
#pragma region Serialization
StrBuilder attributes_to_strbuilder(CodeAttributes attributes) {
char* raw = ccast(char*, str_duplicate( attributes->Content, get_context()->Allocator_Temp ).Ptr);
StrBuilder result = { raw };
return result;
void attributes_to_strbuilder_ref(CodeAttributes attributes, StrBuilder* result) {
strbuilder_append_str(result, attributes->Content);
StrBuilder comment_to_strbuilder(CodeComment comment) {
char* raw = ccast(char*, str_duplicate( comment->Content, get_context()->Allocator_Temp ).Ptr);
StrBuilder result = { raw };
return result;
void body_to_strbuilder_ref( CodeBody body, StrBuilder* result )
GEN_ASSERT(body != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(result != nullptr);
Code curr = body->Front;
s32 left = body->NumEntries;
while ( left -- )
code_to_strbuilder_ref(curr, result);
// strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "%SB", code_to_strbuilder(curr) );
void comment_to_strbuilder_ref(CodeComment comment, StrBuilder* result) {
strbuilder_append_str(result, comment->Content);
StrBuilder define_to_strbuilder(CodeDefine define)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 512 );
define_to_strbuilder_ref(define, & result);
return result;
StrBuilder define_params_to_strbuilder(CodeDefineParams params)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 128 );
define_params_to_strbuilder_ref( params, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder exec_to_strbuilder(CodeExec exec)
char* raw = ccast(char*, str_duplicate( exec->Content, _ctx->Allocator_Temp ).Ptr);
StrBuilder result = { raw };
return result;
void exec_to_strbuilder_ref(CodeExec exec, StrBuilder* result) {
strbuilder_append_str(result, exec->Content);
void extern_to_strbuilder(CodeExtern self, StrBuilder* result )
if ( self->Body )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "extern \"%S\"\n{\n%SB\n}\n", self->Name, body_to_strbuilder(self->Body) );
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "extern \"%S\"\n{}\n", self->Name );
StrBuilder friend_to_strbuilder(CodeFriend self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 256 );
friend_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
void friend_to_strbuilder_ref(CodeFriend self, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "friend %SB", code_to_strbuilder(self->Declaration) );
if ( self->Declaration->Type != CT_Function && self->Declaration->Type != CT_Operator && (* result)[ strbuilder_length(* result) - 1 ] != ';' )
strbuilder_append_str( result, txt(";") );
if ( self->InlineCmt )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, " %S", self->InlineCmt->Content );
strbuilder_append_str( result, txt("\n"));
StrBuilder include_to_strbuilder(CodeInclude include)
return strbuilder_fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "#include %S\n", include->Content );
void include_to_strbuilder_ref( CodeInclude include, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#include %S\n", include->Content );
StrBuilder module_to_strbuilder(CodeModule self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 64 );
module_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder namespace_to_strbuilder(CodeNS self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 512 );
namespace_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
void namespace_to_strbuilder_ref(CodeNS self, StrBuilder* result )
if ( bitfield_is_set( u32, self->ModuleFlags, ModuleFlag_Export ))
strbuilder_append_str( result, txt("export ") );
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "namespace %S\n{\n%SB\n}\n", self->Name, body_to_strbuilder(self->Body) );
StrBuilder params_to_strbuilder(CodeParams self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 128 );
params_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder pragma_to_strbuilder(CodePragma self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 256 );
pragma_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
void pragma_to_strbuilder_ref(CodePragma self, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#pragma %S\n", self->Content );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_if(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#if %S", cond->Content );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_ifdef(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#ifdef %S\n", cond->Content );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_ifndef(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#ifndef %S", cond->Content );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_elif(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "#elif %S\n", cond->Content );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_else(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_str( result, txt("#else\n") );
void preprocess_to_strbuilder_endif(CodePreprocessCond cond, StrBuilder* result )
strbuilder_append_str( result, txt("#endif\n") );
StrBuilder specifiers_to_strbuilder(CodeSpecifiers self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 64 );
specifiers_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder template_to_strbuilder(CodeTemplate self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 1024 );
template_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder typedef_to_strbuilder(CodeTypedef self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 128 );
typedef_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder typename_to_strbuilder(CodeTypename self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_str( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, txt("") );
typename_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
StrBuilder using_to_strbuilder(CodeUsing self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 128 );
switch ( self->Type )
case CT_Using:
using_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
case CT_Using_Namespace:
using_to_strbuilder_ns( self, & result );
return result;
void using_to_strbuilder_ns(CodeUsing self, StrBuilder* result )
if ( self->InlineCmt )
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "using namespace $S; %S", self->Name, self->InlineCmt->Content );
strbuilder_append_fmt( result, "using namespace %S;\n", self->Name );
StrBuilder var_to_strbuilder(CodeVar self)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve( get_context()->Allocator_Temp, 256 );
var_to_strbuilder_ref( self, & result );
return result;
#pragma endregion Serialization
#pragma region Code
void code_append( Code self, Code other )
@ -384,7 +74,7 @@ bool code_is_valid(Code self)
return self != nullptr && self->Type != CT_Invalid;
bool code_has_entries(Code self)
bool code_has_entries(AST* self)
return self->NumEntries > 0;
@ -411,7 +101,7 @@ Code& Code::operator ++()
Str code_type_str(Code self)
StrC code_type_str(Code self)
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
return codetype_to_str( self->Type );
@ -479,12 +169,12 @@ void class_add_interface( CodeClass self, CodeTypename type )
// then you'll need to move this over to ParentType->next and update ParentAccess accordingly.
while ( possible_slot->Next != nullptr )
while ( possible_slot != nullptr )
possible_slot = cast(CodeTypename, possible_slot->Next);
possible_slot->Next = cast(Code, type);
possible_slot = type;
#pragma endregion CodeClass
@ -567,25 +257,6 @@ CodeParams next_CodeParams(CodeParams params, CodeParams param_iter)
#pragma endregion CodeParams
#pragma region CodeDefineParams
forceinline void define_params_append (CodeDefineParams appendee, CodeDefineParams other ) { params_append( cast(CodeParams, appendee), cast(CodeParams, other) ); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams define_params_get (CodeDefineParams self, s32 idx ) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) params_get( cast(CodeParams, self), idx); }
forceinline bool define_params_has_entries(CodeDefineParams self) { return params_has_entries( cast(CodeParams, self)); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams begin_CodeDefineParams(CodeDefineParams params) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) begin_CodeParams( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params)); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams end_CodeDefineParams (CodeDefineParams params) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) end_CodeParams ( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params)); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams next_CodeDefineParams (CodeDefineParams params, CodeDefineParams entry_iter) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) next_CodeParams ( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params), cast(CodeParams, (Code)entry_iter)); }
CodeDefineParams& CodeDefineParams::operator ++()
* this = ast->Next;
return * this;
#pragma endregion CodeDefineParams
#pragma region CodeSpecifiers
bool specifiers_append(CodeSpecifiers self, Specifier spec )
@ -606,17 +277,7 @@ bool specifiers_append(CodeSpecifiers self, Specifier spec )
return true;
bool specifiers_has(CodeSpecifiers self, Specifier spec)
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
for ( s32 idx = 0; idx < self->NumEntries; idx++ ) {
if ( self->ArrSpecs[ idx ] == spec )
return true;
return false;
s32 specifiers_index_of(CodeSpecifiers self, Specifier spec)
s32 specifiers_has(CodeSpecifiers self, Specifier spec)
GEN_ASSERT(self != nullptr);
for ( s32 idx = 0; idx < self->NumEntries; idx++ ) {
@ -698,12 +359,12 @@ void struct_add_interface(CodeStruct self, CodeTypename type )
// then you'll need to move this over to ParentType->next and update ParentAccess accordingly.
while ( possible_slot->Next != nullptr )
while ( possible_slot != nullptr )
possible_slot = cast(CodeTypename, possible_slot->Next);
possible_slot->Next = cast(Code, type);
possible_slot = type;
#pragma endregion Code
@ -736,7 +397,7 @@ CodeBody def_body( CodeType type )
Str token_fmt_impl( ssize num, ... )
StrC token_fmt_impl( ssize num, ... )
local_persist thread_local
char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
@ -747,7 +408,7 @@ Str token_fmt_impl( ssize num, ... )
ssize result = token_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, num, va);
Str str = { buf, result };
StrC str = { result, buf };
return str;
#pragma endregion Interface
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include "code_serialization.cpp"
internal void parser_init();
internal void parser_deinit();
void* fallback_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags )
void* Global_Allocator_Proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags )
Arena* last = array_back(_ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets);
Arena* last = array_back(Global_AllocatorBuckets);
switch ( type )
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ void* fallback_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size,
if ( ( last->TotalUsed + size ) > last->TotalSize )
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), _ctx->InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size );
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), Global_BucketSize );
if ( bucket.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create bucket for Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create bucket for Global_AllocatorBuckets");
if ( ! array_append( _ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets, bucket ) )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to append bucket to Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
if ( ! array_append( Global_AllocatorBuckets, bucket ) )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to append bucket to Global_AllocatorBuckets");
last = array_back(_ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets);
last = array_back(Global_AllocatorBuckets);
return alloc_align( arena_allocator_info(last), size, alignment );
@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ void* fallback_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size,
if ( last->TotalUsed + size > last->TotalSize )
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), _ctx->InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size );
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), Global_BucketSize );
if ( bucket.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create bucket for Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create bucket for Global_AllocatorBuckets");
if ( ! array_append( _ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets, bucket ) )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to append bucket to Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
if ( ! array_append( Global_AllocatorBuckets, bucket ) )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to append bucket to Global_AllocatorBuckets");
last = array_back( _ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets);
last = array_back(Global_AllocatorBuckets);
void* result = alloc_align( last->Backing, size, alignment );
@ -74,12 +74,8 @@ void* fallback_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size,
void define_constants()
// We only initalize these if there is no base context.
if ( context_counter > 0 )
Code_Global = make_code();
Code_Global->Name = cache_str( txt("Global Code") );
Code_Global->Name = get_cached_string( txt("Global Code") );
Code_Global->Content = Code_Global->Name;
Code_Invalid = make_code();
@ -87,41 +83,41 @@ void define_constants()
t_empty = (CodeTypename) make_code();
t_empty->Type = CT_Typename;
t_empty->Name = cache_str( txt("") );
t_empty->Name = get_cached_string( txt("") );
code_set_global(cast(Code, t_empty));
access_private = make_code();
access_private->Type = CT_Access_Private;
access_private->Name = cache_str( txt("private:\n") );
access_private->Name = get_cached_string( txt("private:\n") );
code_set_global(cast(Code, access_private));
access_protected = make_code();
access_protected->Type = CT_Access_Protected;
access_protected->Name = cache_str( txt("protected:\n") );
access_protected->Name = get_cached_string( txt("protected:\n") );
access_public = make_code();
access_public->Type = CT_Access_Public;
access_public->Name = cache_str( txt("public:\n") );
access_public->Name = get_cached_string( txt("public:\n") );
Str api_export_str = code(GEN_API_Export_Code);
StrC api_export_str = code(GEN_API_Export_Code);
attrib_api_export = def_attributes( api_export_str );
code_set_global(cast(Code, attrib_api_export));
Str api_import_str = code(GEN_API_Import_Code);
StrC api_import_str = code(GEN_API_Import_Code);
attrib_api_import = def_attributes( api_import_str );
code_set_global(cast(Code, attrib_api_import));
module_global_fragment = make_code();
module_global_fragment->Type = CT_Untyped;
module_global_fragment->Name = cache_str( txt("module;") );
module_global_fragment->Name = get_cached_string( txt("module;") );
module_global_fragment->Content = module_global_fragment->Name;
code_set_global(cast(Code, module_global_fragment));
module_private_fragment = make_code();
module_private_fragment->Type = CT_Untyped;
module_private_fragment->Name = cache_str( txt("module : private;") );
module_private_fragment->Name = get_cached_string( txt("module : private;") );
module_private_fragment->Content = module_private_fragment->Name;
code_set_global(cast(Code, module_private_fragment));
@ -131,13 +127,13 @@ void define_constants()
pragma_once = (CodePragma) make_code();
pragma_once->Type = CT_Preprocess_Pragma;
pragma_once->Name = cache_str( txt("once") );
pragma_once->Name = get_cached_string( txt("once") );
pragma_once->Content = pragma_once->Name;
param_varadic = (CodeParams) make_code();
param_varadic->Type = CT_Parameters;
param_varadic->Name = cache_str( txt("...") );
param_varadic->Name = get_cached_string( txt("...") );
param_varadic->ValueType = t_empty;
@ -149,373 +145,318 @@ void define_constants()
preprocess_endif->Type = CT_Preprocess_EndIf;
Str auto_str = txt("auto"); t_auto = def_type( auto_str ); code_set_global( t_auto );
Str void_str = txt("void"); t_void = def_type( void_str ); code_set_global( t_void );
Str int_str = txt("int"); t_int = def_type( int_str ); code_set_global( t_int );
Str bool_str = txt("bool"); t_bool = def_type( bool_str ); code_set_global( t_bool );
Str char_str = txt("char"); t_char = def_type( char_str ); code_set_global( t_char );
Str wchar_str = txt("wchar_t"); t_wchar_t = def_type( wchar_str ); code_set_global( t_wchar_t );
Str class_str = txt("class"); t_class = def_type( class_str ); code_set_global( t_class );
Str typename_str = txt("typename"); t_typename = def_type( typename_str ); code_set_global( t_typename );
# define def_constant_code_type( Type_ ) \
do \
{ \
StrC name_str = name(Type_); \
t_##Type_ = def_type( name_str ); \
code_set_global( cast(Code, t_##Type_)); \
} while(0)
def_constant_code_type( auto );
def_constant_code_type( void );
def_constant_code_type( int );
def_constant_code_type( bool );
def_constant_code_type( char );
def_constant_code_type( wchar_t );
def_constant_code_type( class );
def_constant_code_type( typename );
t_b32 = def_type( name(b32) ); code_set_global( t_b32 );
t_b32 = def_type( name(b32) );
Str s8_str = txt("s8"); t_s8 = def_type( s8_str ); code_set_global( t_s8 );
Str s16_str = txt("s16"); t_s16 = def_type( s16_str ); code_set_global( t_s16 );
Str s32_str = txt("s32"); t_s32 = def_type( s32_str ); code_set_global( t_s32 );
Str s64_str = txt("s64"); t_s64 = def_type( s64_str ); code_set_global( t_s64 );
def_constant_code_type( s8 );
def_constant_code_type( s16 );
def_constant_code_type( s32 );
def_constant_code_type( s64 );
Str u8_str = txt("u8"); t_u8 = def_type( u8_str ); code_set_global( t_u8 );
Str u16_str = txt("u16"); t_u16 = def_type( u16_str ); code_set_global( t_u16 );
Str u32_str = txt("u32"); t_u32 = def_type( u32_str ); code_set_global( t_u32 );
Str u64_str = txt("u64"); t_u64 = def_type( u64_str ); code_set_global( t_u64 );
def_constant_code_type( u8 );
def_constant_code_type( u16 );
def_constant_code_type( u32 );
def_constant_code_type( u64 );
Str ssize_str = txt("ssize"); t_ssize = def_type( ssize_str ); code_set_global( t_ssize );
Str usize_str = txt("usize"); t_usize = def_type( usize_str ); code_set_global( t_usize );
def_constant_code_type( ssize );
def_constant_code_type( usize );
Str f32_str = txt("f32"); t_f32 = def_type( f32_str ); code_set_global( t_f32 );
Str f64_str = txt("f64"); t_f64 = def_type( f64_str ); code_set_global( t_f64 );
def_constant_code_type( f32 );
def_constant_code_type( f64 );
# undef def_constant_code_type
spec_const = def_specifier( Spec_Const); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_const ));
spec_consteval = def_specifier( Spec_Consteval); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_consteval ));
spec_constexpr = def_specifier( Spec_Constexpr); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_constexpr ));
spec_constinit = def_specifier( Spec_Constinit); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_constinit ));
spec_extern_linkage = def_specifier( Spec_External_Linkage); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_extern_linkage ));
spec_final = def_specifier( Spec_Final); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_final ));
spec_forceinline = def_specifier( Spec_ForceInline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_forceinline ));
spec_global = def_specifier( Spec_Global); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_global ));
spec_inline = def_specifier( Spec_Inline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_inline ));
spec_internal_linkage = def_specifier( Spec_Internal_Linkage); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_internal_linkage ));
spec_local_persist = def_specifier( Spec_Local_Persist); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_local_persist ));
spec_mutable = def_specifier( Spec_Mutable); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_mutable ));
spec_neverinline = def_specifier( Spec_NeverInline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_neverinline ));
spec_noexcept = def_specifier( Spec_NoExceptions); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_noexcept ));
spec_override = def_specifier( Spec_Override); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_override ));
spec_ptr = def_specifier( Spec_Ptr); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_ptr ));
spec_consteval = def_specifier( Spec_Consteval); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_consteval ));;
spec_constexpr = def_specifier( Spec_Constexpr); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_constexpr ));;
spec_constinit = def_specifier( Spec_Constinit); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_constinit ));;
spec_extern_linkage = def_specifier( Spec_External_Linkage); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_extern_linkage ));;
spec_final = def_specifier( Spec_Final); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_final ));;
spec_forceinline = def_specifier( Spec_ForceInline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_forceinline ));;
spec_global = def_specifier( Spec_Global); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_global ));;
spec_inline = def_specifier( Spec_Inline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_inline ));;
spec_internal_linkage = def_specifier( Spec_Internal_Linkage); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_internal_linkage ));;
spec_local_persist = def_specifier( Spec_Local_Persist); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_local_persist ));;
spec_mutable = def_specifier( Spec_Mutable); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_mutable ));;
spec_neverinline = def_specifier( Spec_NeverInline); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_neverinline ));;
spec_noexcept = def_specifier( Spec_NoExceptions); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_noexcept ));;
spec_override = def_specifier( Spec_Override); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_override ));;
spec_ptr = def_specifier( Spec_Ptr); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_ptr ));;
spec_pure = def_specifier( Spec_Pure); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_pure ));
spec_ref = def_specifier( Spec_Ref); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_ref ));
spec_register = def_specifier( Spec_Register); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_register ));
spec_rvalue = def_specifier( Spec_RValue); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_rvalue ));
spec_static_member = def_specifier( Spec_Static); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_static_member ));
spec_thread_local = def_specifier( Spec_Thread_Local); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_thread_local ));
spec_virtual = def_specifier( Spec_Virtual); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_virtual ));
spec_ref = def_specifier( Spec_Ref); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_ref ));;
spec_register = def_specifier( Spec_Register); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_register ));;
spec_rvalue = def_specifier( Spec_RValue); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_rvalue ));;
spec_static_member = def_specifier( Spec_Static); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_static_member ));;
spec_thread_local = def_specifier( Spec_Thread_Local); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_thread_local ));;
spec_virtual = def_specifier( Spec_Virtual); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_virtual ));;
spec_volatile = def_specifier( Spec_Volatile); code_set_global( cast(Code, spec_volatile ));
spec_local_persist = def_specifiers( 1, Spec_Local_Persist );
code_set_global(cast(Code, spec_local_persist));
if (enum_underlying_macro.Name.Len == 0) {
enum_underlying_macro.Name = txt("enum_underlying");
enum_underlying_macro.Type = MT_Expression;
enum_underlying_macro.Flags = MF_Functional;
if (enum_underlying_sig.Len == 0) {
enum_underlying_sig = txt("enum_underlying(");
array_append(PreprocessorDefines, enum_underlying_sig);
# undef def_constant_spec
void init(Context* ctx)
void init()
do_once() {
context_counter = 0;
AllocatorInfo fallback_allocator = { & fallback_allocator_proc, nullptr };
b32 using_fallback_allocator = false;
if (ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers.Proc == nullptr) {
ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers = fallback_allocator;
using_fallback_allocator = true;
if (ctx->Allocator_Pool.Proc == nullptr ) {
ctx->Allocator_Pool = fallback_allocator;
using_fallback_allocator = true;
if (ctx->Allocator_StrCache.Proc == nullptr) {
ctx->Allocator_StrCache = fallback_allocator;
using_fallback_allocator = true;
if (ctx->Allocator_Temp.Proc == nullptr) {
ctx->Allocator_Temp = fallback_allocator;
using_fallback_allocator = true;
// Setup fallback allocator
if (using_fallback_allocator)
// Setup global allocator
ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets = array_init_reserve(Arena, heap(), 128 );
if ( ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to reserve memory for Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
AllocatorInfo becasue_C = { & Global_Allocator_Proc, nullptr };
GlobalAllocator = becasue_C;
Global_AllocatorBuckets = array_init_reserve(Arena, heap(), 128 );
if ( Global_AllocatorBuckets == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to reserve memory for Global_AllocatorBuckets");
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), Global_BucketSize );
Arena bucket = arena_init_from_allocator( heap(), ctx->InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size );
if ( bucket.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create first bucket for Fallback_AllocatorBuckets");
GEN_FATAL( "Failed to create first bucket for Global_AllocatorBuckets");
array_append( ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets, bucket );
array_append( Global_AllocatorBuckets, bucket );
if (ctx->Max_CommentLineLength == 0) {
ctx->Max_CommentLineLength = 1024;
if (Allocator_DataArrays.Proc == nullptr) {
Allocator_DataArrays = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->Max_StrCacheLength == 0) {
ctx->Max_StrCacheLength = kilobytes(512);
if (Allocator_CodePool.Proc == nullptr ) {
Allocator_CodePool = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->InitSize_BuilderBuffer == 0) {
ctx->InitSize_BuilderBuffer = megabytes(2);
if (Allocator_Lexer.Proc == nullptr) {
Allocator_Lexer = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->InitSize_CodePoolsArray == 0) {
ctx->InitSize_CodePoolsArray = 16;
if (Allocator_StringArena.Proc == nullptr) {
Allocator_StringArena = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->InitSize_StringArenasArray == 0) {
ctx->InitSize_StringArenasArray = 16;
if (Allocator_StringTable.Proc == nullptr) {
Allocator_StringTable = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->CodePool_NumBlocks == 0) {
ctx->CodePool_NumBlocks = kilobytes(16);
if (Allocator_TypeTable.Proc == nullptr) {
Allocator_TypeTable = GlobalAllocator;
if (ctx->InitSize_LexerTokens == 0 ) {
ctx->InitSize_LexerTokens = kilobytes(64);
if (ctx->SizePer_StringArena == 0) {
ctx->SizePer_StringArena = megabytes(1);
if (ctx->InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size == 0) {
ctx->InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size = megabytes(8);
// Override the current context (user has to put it back if unwanted).
_ctx = ctx;
// Setup the arrays
ctx->CodePools = array_init_reserve(Pool, ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers, ctx->InitSize_CodePoolsArray );
if ( ctx->CodePools == nullptr )
CodePools = array_init_reserve(Pool, Allocator_DataArrays, InitSize_DataArrays );
if ( CodePools == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the CodePools array" );
ctx->StringArenas = array_init_reserve(Arena, ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers, ctx->InitSize_StringArenasArray );
if ( ctx->StringArenas == nullptr )
StringArenas = array_init_reserve(Arena, Allocator_DataArrays, InitSize_DataArrays );
if ( StringArenas == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringArenas array" );
// Setup the code pool and code entries arena.
Pool code_pool = pool_init( ctx->Allocator_Pool, ctx->CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) );
Pool code_pool = pool_init( Allocator_CodePool, CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) );
if ( code_pool.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the code pool" );
array_append( ctx->CodePools, code_pool );
// TODO(Ed): Eventually the string arenas needs to be phased out for a dedicated string slab allocator
Arena strbuilder_arena = arena_init_from_allocator( ctx->Allocator_StrCache, ctx->SizePer_StringArena );
if ( strbuilder_arena.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
array_append( CodePools, code_pool );
LexArena = arena_init_from_allocator( Allocator_Lexer, LexAllocator_Size );
Arena string_arena = arena_init_from_allocator( Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena );
if ( string_arena.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the string arena" );
array_append( ctx->StringArenas, strbuilder_arena );
array_append( StringArenas, string_arena );
// Setup the hash tables
ctx->StrCache = hashtable_init(StrCached, ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers);
if ( ctx->StrCache.Entries == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringCache");
StringCache = hashtable_init(StringCached, Allocator_StringTable);
ctx->Macros = hashtable_init(Macro, ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers);
if (ctx->Macros.Hashes == nullptr || ctx->Macros.Entries == nullptr) {
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the PreprocessMacros table" );
if ( StringCache.Entries == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::init: Failed to initialize the StringCache");
// Preprocessor Defines
PreprocessorDefines = array_init_reserve(StringCached, GlobalAllocator, kilobytes(1) );
++ context_counter;
GEN_NS_PARSER parser_init();
void deinit(Context* ctx)
void deinit()
GEN_ASSERT_MSG(context_counter > 0, "Attempted to deinit a context that for some reason wan't accounted for!");
usize index = 0;
usize left = array_num(ctx->CodePools);
usize left = array_num(CodePools);
Pool* code_pool = & ctx->CodePools[index];
Pool* code_pool = & CodePools[index];
while ( left--, left );
index = 0;
left = array_num(ctx->StringArenas);
left = array_num(StringArenas);
Arena* strbuilder_arena = & ctx->StringArenas[index];
Arena* string_arena = & StringArenas[index];
while ( left--, left );
array_free( ctx->CodePools);
array_free( ctx->StringArenas);
array_free( CodePools);
array_free( StringArenas);
arena_free(& LexArena);
left = array_num( ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets);
if (left)
index = 0;
Arena* bucket = & ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets[ index ];
while ( left--, left );
array_free( ctx->Fallback_AllocatorBuckets);
if (_ctx == ctx)
_ctx = nullptr;
-- context_counter;
Context wipe = {};
* ctx = wipe;
Context* get_context() {
return _ctx;
void reset(Context* ctx)
s32 index = 0;
s32 left = array_num(ctx->CodePools);
index = 0;
left = array_num(Global_AllocatorBuckets);
Pool* code_pool = & ctx->CodePools[index];
Arena* bucket = & Global_AllocatorBuckets[ index ];
while ( left--, left );
GEN_NS_PARSER parser_deinit();
void reset()
s32 index = 0;
s32 left = array_num(CodePools);
Pool* code_pool = & CodePools[index];
while ( left--, left );
index = 0;
left = array_num(ctx->StringArenas);
left = array_num(StringArenas);
Arena* strbuilder_arena = & ctx->StringArenas[index];
strbuilder_arena->TotalUsed = 0;;
Arena* string_arena = & StringArenas[index];
string_arena->TotalUsed = 0;;
while ( left--, left );
void set_context(Context* new_ctx) {
_ctx = new_ctx;
AllocatorInfo get_cached_str_allocator( s32 str_length )
AllocatorInfo get_string_allocator( s32 str_length )
Arena* last = array_back(_ctx->StringArenas);
usize size_req = str_length + sizeof(StrBuilderHeader) + sizeof(char*);
Arena* last = array_back(StringArenas);
usize size_req = str_length + sizeof(StringHeader) + sizeof(char*);
if ( last->TotalUsed + scast(ssize, size_req) > last->TotalSize )
Arena new_arena = arena_init_from_allocator( _ctx->Allocator_StrCache, _ctx->SizePer_StringArena );
if ( ! array_append( _ctx->StringArenas, new_arena ) )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::get_cached_str_allocator: Failed to allocate a new string arena" );
Arena new_arena = arena_init_from_allocator( Allocator_StringArena, SizePer_StringArena );
last = array_back( _ctx->StringArenas);
if ( ! array_append( StringArenas, new_arena ) )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::get_string_allocator: Failed to allocate a new string arena" );
last = array_back(StringArenas);
return arena_allocator_info(last);
// Will either make or retrive a code string.
StrCached cache_str( Str str )
StringCached get_cached_string( StrC str )
if (str.Len > _ctx->Max_StrCacheLength) {
// Do not cache the string, just shove into the arena and and return it.
Str result = strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_make_str( get_cached_str_allocator( str.Len ), str ));
return result;
u64 key = crc32( str.Ptr, str.Len ); {
StrCached* result = hashtable_get( _ctx->StrCache, key );
s32 hash_length = str.Len > kilobytes(1) ? kilobytes(1) : str.Len;
u64 key = crc32( str.Ptr, hash_length );
StringCached* result = hashtable_get(StringCache, key );
if ( result )
return * result;
Str result = strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_make_str( get_cached_str_allocator( str.Len ), str ));
hashtable_set( _ctx->StrCache, key, result );
StrC result = string_to_strc( string_make_strc( get_string_allocator( str.Len ), str ));
hashtable_set(StringCache, key, result );
return result;
// Used internally to retireve a Code object form the CodePool.
Code make_code()
Pool* allocator = array_back( _ctx->CodePools);
Pool* allocator = array_back( CodePools);
if ( allocator->FreeList == nullptr )
Pool code_pool = pool_init( _ctx->Allocator_Pool, _ctx->CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) );
Pool code_pool = pool_init( Allocator_CodePool, CodePool_NumBlocks, sizeof(AST) );
if ( code_pool.PhysicalStart == nullptr )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::make_code: Failed to allocate a new code pool - CodePool allcoator returned nullptr." );
if ( ! array_append( _ctx->CodePools, code_pool ) )
if ( ! array_append( CodePools, code_pool ) )
GEN_FATAL( "gen::make_code: Failed to allocate a new code pool - CodePools failed to append new pool." );
allocator = array_back( _ctx->CodePools);
allocator = array_back( CodePools);
Code result = { rcast( AST*, alloc( pool_allocator_info(allocator), sizeof(AST) )) };
mem_set( rcast(void*, cast(AST*, result)), 0, sizeof(AST) );
return result;
Macro* lookup_macro( Str name ) {
u32 key = crc32( name.Ptr, name.Len );
return hashtable_get( _ctx->Macros, key );
void register_macro( Macro macro ) {
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
macro.Name = cache_str(macro.Name);
hashtable_set( _ctx->Macros, key, macro );
void register_macros( s32 num, ... )
void set_allocator_data_arrays( AllocatorInfo allocator )
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0);
va_list va;
va_start(va, num);
Macro macro = va_arg(va, Macro);
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
macro.Name = cache_str(macro.Name);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
hashtable_set( _ctx->Macros, key, macro );
while (num--, num > 0);
Allocator_DataArrays = allocator;
void register_macros_arr( s32 num, Macro* macros )
void set_allocator_code_pool( AllocatorInfo allocator )
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0);
Macro macro = * macros;
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
macro.Name = cache_str(macro.Name);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
hashtable_set( _ctx->Macros, key, macro );
++ macros;
while (num--, num > 0);
Allocator_CodePool = allocator;
void set_allocator_lexer( AllocatorInfo allocator )
Allocator_Lexer = allocator;
void set_allocator_string_arena( AllocatorInfo allocator )
Allocator_StringArena = allocator;
void set_allocator_string_table( AllocatorInfo allocator )
Allocator_StringArena = allocator;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "ast_types.hpp"
@ -15,144 +15,41 @@
\▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓ \▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓ \▓▓ \▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓\▓▓ \▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ \▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
#if 0
enum LogLevel : u32
struct LogEntry
Str msg;
u32 line_num;
void* data;
typedef void LoggerCallback(LogEntry entry);
// Note(Ed): This is subject to heavily change
// with upcoming changes to the library's fallback (default) allocations strategy;
// and major changes to lexer/parser context usage.
struct Context
// User Configuration
// Persistent Data Allocation
AllocatorInfo Allocator_DyanmicContainers; // By default will use a genral slab allocator (TODO(Ed): Currently does not)
AllocatorInfo Allocator_Pool; // By default will use the growing vmem reserve (TODO(Ed): Currently does not)
AllocatorInfo Allocator_StrCache; // By default will use a dedicated slab allocator (TODO(Ed): Currently does not)
// Temporary Allocation
AllocatorInfo Allocator_Temp;
// LoggerCallaback* log_callback; // TODO(Ed): Impl user logger callback as an option.
// Initalization config
u32 Max_CommentLineLength; // Used by def_comment
u32 Max_StrCacheLength; // Any cached string longer than this is always allocated again.
u32 InitSize_BuilderBuffer;
u32 InitSize_CodePoolsArray;
u32 InitSize_StringArenasArray;
u32 CodePool_NumBlocks;
// TODO(Ed): Review these... (No longer needed if using the proper allocation strategy)
u32 InitSize_LexerTokens;
u32 SizePer_StringArena;
// TODO(Ed): Symbol Table
// Keep track of all resolved symbols (naemspaced identifiers)
// Parser
// Used by the lexer to persistently treat all these identifiers as preprocessor defines.
// Populate with strings via gen::cache_str.
// Functional defines must have format: id( ;at minimum to indicate that the define is only valid with arguments.
MacroTable Macros;
// Backend
// The fallback allocator is utilized if any fo the three above allocators is not specified by the user.
u32 InitSize_Fallback_Allocator_Bucket_Size;
Array(Arena) Fallback_AllocatorBuckets;
StringTable token_fmt_map;
// Array(Token) LexerTokens;
Array(Pool) CodePools;
Array(Arena) StringArenas;
StringTable StrCache;
// TODO(Ed): This needs to be just handled by a parser context
Array(Token) Lexer_Tokens;
// TODO(Ed): Active parse context vs a parse result need to be separated conceptually
ParseContext parser;
// TODO(Ed): Formatting - This will eventually be in a separate struct when in the process of serialization of the builder.
s32 temp_serialize_indent;
// TODO(Ed): Eventually this library should opt out of an implicit context for baseline implementation
// This would automatically make it viable for multi-threaded purposes among other things
// An implicit context interface will be provided instead as wrapper procedures as convience.
GEN_API extern Context* _ctx;
// Initialize the library. There first ctx initialized must exist for lifetime of other contextes that come after as its the one that
GEN_API void init(Context* ctx);
// Initialize the library.
void init();
// Currently manually free's the arenas, code for checking for leaks.
// However on Windows at least, it doesn't need to occur as the OS will clean up after the process.
GEN_API void deinit(Context* ctx);
void deinit();
// Retrieves the active context (not usually needed, but here in case...)
GEN_API Context* get_context();
// Clears the allocations, but doesn't free the memoery, then calls init() again.
// Clears the allocations, but doesn't return to the heap, the calls init() again.
// Ease of use.
GEN_API void reset(Context* ctx);
GEN_API void set_context(Context* ctx);
// Mostly intended for the parser
GEN_API Macro* lookup_macro( Str Name );
// Alternative way to add a preprocess define entry for the lexer & parser to utilize
// if the user doesn't want to use def_define
// Macros are tracked by name so if the name already exists the entry will be overwritten.
GEN_API void register_macro( Macro macro );
// Ease of use batch registration
GEN_API void register_macros( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API void register_macros_arr( s32 num, Macro* macros );
forceinline void register_macros( s32 num, Macro* macros ) { return register_macros_arr(num, macros); }
void reset();
// Used internally to retrive or make string allocations.
// Strings are stored in a series of string arenas of fixed size (SizePer_StringArena)
GEN_API StrCached cache_str( Str str );
StringCached get_cached_string( StrC str );
This provides a fresh Code AST.
The gen interface use this as their method from getting a new AST object from the CodePool.
Use this if you want to make your own API for formatting the supported Code Types.
GEN_API Code make_code();
Code make_code();
// Set these before calling gen's init() procedure.
void set_allocator_data_arrays ( AllocatorInfo data_array_allocator );
void set_allocator_code_pool ( AllocatorInfo pool_allocator );
void set_allocator_lexer ( AllocatorInfo lex_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_arena( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_table( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_type_table ( AllocatorInfo type_reg_allocator );
#pragma region Upfront
GEN_API CodeAttributes def_attributes( Str content );
GEN_API CodeComment def_comment ( Str content );
CodeAttributes def_attributes( StrC content );
CodeComment def_comment ( StrC content );
struct Opts_def_struct {
CodeBody body;
@ -161,31 +58,27 @@ struct Opts_def_struct {
CodeAttributes attributes;
CodeTypename* interfaces;
s32 num_interfaces;
CodeSpecifiers specifiers; // Only used for final specifier for now.
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeClass def_class( Str name, Opts_def_struct opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeClass def_class( StrC name, Opts_def_struct opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_constructor {
CodeParams params;
Code initializer_list;
Code body;
GEN_API CodeConstructor def_constructor( Opts_def_constructor opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeConstructor def_constructor( Opts_def_constructor opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_define {
CodeDefineParams params;
Str content;
MacroFlags flags;
b32 dont_register_to_preprocess_macros;
b32 dont_append_preprocess_defines;
GEN_API CodeDefine def_define( Str name, MacroType type, Opts_def_define opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeDefine def_define( StrC name, StrC content, Opts_def_define opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_destructor {
Code body;
CodeSpecifiers specifiers;
GEN_API CodeDestructor def_destructor( Opts_def_destructor opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeDestructor def_destructor( Opts_def_destructor opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_enum {
CodeBody body;
@ -195,11 +88,11 @@ struct Opts_def_enum {
ModuleFlag mflags;
Code type_macro;
GEN_API CodeEnum def_enum( Str name, Opts_def_enum opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeEnum def_enum( StrC name, Opts_def_enum opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
GEN_API CodeExec def_execution ( Str content );
GEN_API CodeExtern def_extern_link( Str name, CodeBody body );
GEN_API CodeFriend def_friend ( Code code );
CodeExec def_execution ( StrC content );
CodeExtern def_extern_link( StrC name, CodeBody body );
CodeFriend def_friend ( Code symbol );
struct Opts_def_function {
CodeParams params;
@ -209,14 +102,14 @@ struct Opts_def_function {
CodeAttributes attrs;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeFn def_function( Str name, Opts_def_function opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeFn def_function( StrC name, Opts_def_function opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_include { b32 foreign; };
struct Opts_def_module { ModuleFlag mflags; };
struct Opts_def_namespace { ModuleFlag mflags; };
GEN_API CodeInclude def_include ( Str content, Opts_def_include opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
GEN_API CodeModule def_module ( Str name, Opts_def_module opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
GEN_API CodeNS def_namespace( Str name, CodeBody body, Opts_def_namespace opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeInclude def_include ( StrC content, Opts_def_include opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeModule def_module ( StrC name, Opts_def_module opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeNS def_namespace( StrC name, CodeBody body, Opts_def_namespace opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_operator {
CodeParams params;
@ -226,54 +119,54 @@ struct Opts_def_operator {
CodeAttributes attributes;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeOperator def_operator( Operator op, Str nspace, Opts_def_operator opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeOperator def_operator( Operator op, StrC nspace, Opts_def_operator opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_operator_cast {
CodeBody body;
CodeSpecifiers specs;
GEN_API CodeOpCast def_operator_cast( CodeTypename type, Opts_def_operator_cast opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeOpCast def_operator_cast( CodeTypename type, Opts_def_operator_cast opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_param { Code value; };
GEN_API CodeParams def_param ( CodeTypename type, Str name, Opts_def_param opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
GEN_API CodePragma def_pragma( Str directive );
CodeParams def_param ( CodeTypename type, StrC name, Opts_def_param opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodePragma def_pragma( StrC directive );
GEN_API CodePreprocessCond def_preprocess_cond( EPreprocessCond type, Str content );
CodePreprocessCond def_preprocess_cond( EPreprocessCond type, StrC content );
GEN_API CodeSpecifiers def_specifier( Specifier specifier );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifier( Specifier specifier );
GEN_API CodeStruct def_struct( Str name, Opts_def_struct opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeStruct def_struct( StrC name, Opts_def_struct opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_template { ModuleFlag mflags; };
GEN_API CodeTemplate def_template( CodeParams params, Code definition, Opts_def_template opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeTemplate def_template( CodeParams params, Code definition, Opts_def_template opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_type {
ETypenameTag type_tag;
Code array_expr;
Code arrayexpr;
CodeSpecifiers specifiers;
CodeAttributes attributes;
GEN_API CodeTypename def_type( Str name, Opts_def_type opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeTypename def_type( StrC name, Opts_def_type opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_typedef {
CodeAttributes attributes;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeTypedef def_typedef( Str name, Code type, Opts_def_typedef opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeTypedef def_typedef( StrC name, Code type, Opts_def_typedef opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_union {
CodeAttributes attributes;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeUnion def_union( Str name, CodeBody body, Opts_def_union opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeUnion def_union( StrC name, CodeBody body, Opts_def_union opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
struct Opts_def_using {
CodeAttributes attributes;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeUsing def_using( Str name, CodeTypename type, Opts_def_using opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeUsing def_using( StrC name, CodeTypename type, Opts_def_using opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
GEN_API CodeUsing def_using_namespace( Str name );
CodeUsing def_using_namespace( StrC name );
struct Opts_def_variable
@ -282,7 +175,7 @@ struct Opts_def_variable
CodeAttributes attributes;
ModuleFlag mflags;
GEN_API CodeVar def_variable( CodeTypename type, Str name, Opts_def_variable opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
CodeVar def_variable( CodeTypename type, StrC name, Opts_def_variable opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
// Constructs an empty body. Use AST::validate_body() to check if the body is was has valid entries.
CodeBody def_body( CodeType type );
@ -290,66 +183,53 @@ CodeBody def_body( CodeType type );
// There are two options for defining a struct body, either varadically provided with the args macro to auto-deduce the arg num,
/// or provide as an array of Code objects.
GEN_API CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_class_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeDefineParams def_define_params ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeDefineParams def_define_params_arr ( s32 num, CodeDefineParams* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_enum_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_export_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes);
GEN_API CodeBody def_extern_link_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_extern_link_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_function_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_global_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_namespace_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeParams def_params ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeParams def_params_arr ( s32 num, CodeParams* params );
GEN_API CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers_arr ( s32 num, Specifier* specs );
GEN_API CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_struct_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
GEN_API CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API CodeBody def_union_body_arr ( s32 num, Code* codes );
forceinline CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_class_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams def_define_params ( s32 num, CodeDefineParams* codes ) { return def_define_params_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_enum_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, Code* codes) { return def_export_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_extern_link_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_function_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_global_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_namespace_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeParams def_params ( s32 num, CodeParams* params ) { return def_params_arr(num, params); }
forceinline CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, Specifier* specs ) { return def_specifiers_arr(num, specs); }
forceinline CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_struct_body_arr(num, codes); }
forceinline CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, Code* codes ) { return def_union_body_arr(num, codes); }
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, Code* codes);
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeParams def_params ( s32 num, ... );
CodeParams def_params ( s32 num, CodeParams* params );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, ... );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, Specifier* specs );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
#pragma endregion Upfront
#pragma region Parsing
// TODO(Ed) : Implmeent the new parser API design.
#if 0
struct StackNode
StackNode* Prev;
Token Start;
Token Name; // The name of the AST node (if parsed)
Str FailedProc; // The name of the procedure that failed
StrC FailedProc; // The name of the procedure that failed
// Stack nodes are allocated the error's allocator
struct Error
StrBuilder message;
String message;
StackNode* context_stack;
struct ParseInfo
@ -363,41 +243,40 @@ struct ParseInfo
// Errors are allocated to a dedicated general arena.
CodeBody parse_file( Str path );
CodeBody parse_file( StrC path );
GEN_API CodeClass parse_class ( Str class_def );
GEN_API CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( Str constructor_def );
GEN_API CodeDefine parse_define ( Str define_def );
GEN_API CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( Str destructor_def );
GEN_API CodeEnum parse_enum ( Str enum_def );
GEN_API CodeBody parse_export_body ( Str export_def );
GEN_API CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( Str exten_link_def );
GEN_API CodeFriend parse_friend ( Str friend_def );
GEN_API CodeFn parse_function ( Str fn_def );
GEN_API CodeBody parse_global_body ( Str body_def );
GEN_API CodeNS parse_namespace ( Str namespace_def );
GEN_API CodeOperator parse_operator ( Str operator_def );
GEN_API CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( Str operator_def );
GEN_API CodeStruct parse_struct ( Str struct_def );
GEN_API CodeTemplate parse_template ( Str template_def );
GEN_API CodeTypename parse_type ( Str type_def );
GEN_API CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( Str typedef_def );
GEN_API CodeUnion parse_union ( Str union_def );
GEN_API CodeUsing parse_using ( Str using_def );
GEN_API CodeVar parse_variable ( Str var_def );
CodeClass parse_class ( StrC class_def );
CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( StrC constructor_def );
CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( StrC destructor_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( StrC enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( StrC export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( StrC exten_link_def );
CodeFriend parse_friend ( StrC friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( StrC fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( StrC body_def );
CodeNS parse_namespace ( StrC namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( StrC operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( StrC struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( StrC template_def );
CodeTypename parse_type ( StrC type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( StrC typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( StrC union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( StrC using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( StrC var_def );
#pragma endregion Parsing
#pragma region Untyped text
GEN_API ssize token_fmt_va( char* buf, usize buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va );
ssize token_fmt_va( char* buf, usize buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va );
//! Do not use directly. Use the token_fmt macro instead.
Str token_fmt_impl( ssize, ... );
StrC token_fmt_impl( ssize, ... );
GEN_API Code untyped_str( Str content);
GEN_API Code untyped_fmt ( char const* fmt, ... );
GEN_API Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, char const* fmt, ... );
Code untyped_str ( StrC content);
Code untyped_fmt ( char const* fmt, ... );
Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, char const* fmt, ... );
#pragma endregion Untyped text
@ -410,20 +289,12 @@ GEN_API Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, char const* fmt, ... );
#ifndef name
// Convienence for defining any name used with the gen api.
// Lets you provide the length and string literal to the functions without the need for the DSL.
# define name( Id_ ) (Str){ stringize(Id_), sizeof(stringize( Id_ )) - 1 }
# else
# define name( Id_ ) Str { stringize(Id_), sizeof(stringize( Id_ )) - 1 }
# endif
#define name( Id_ ) { sizeof(stringize( Id_ )) - 1, stringize(Id_) }
#ifndef code
// Same as name just used to indicate intention of literal for code instead of names.
# define code( ... ) (Str){ stringize( __VA_ARGS__ ), sizeof(stringize(__VA_ARGS__)) - 1 }
# else
# define code( ... ) Str { stringize( __VA_ARGS__ ), sizeof(stringize(__VA_ARGS__)) - 1 }
# endif
#define code( ... ) { sizeof(stringize(__VA_ARGS__)) - 1, stringize( __VA_ARGS__ ) }
#ifndef args
@ -446,21 +317,21 @@ GEN_API Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, char const* fmt, ... );
#ifndef token_fmt
Takes a format string (char const*) and a list of tokens (Str) and returns a Str of the formatted string.
Takes a format string (char const*) and a list of tokens (StrC) and returns a StrC of the formatted string.
Tokens are provided in '<'identifier'>' format where '<' '>' are just angle brackets (you can change it in token_fmt_va)
Example - A string with:
typedef <type> <name> <name>;
Will have a token_fmt arguments populated with:
"type", str_for_type,
"name", str_for_name,
"type", strc_for_type,
"name", strc_for_name,
stringize( typedef <type> <name> <name>; )
So the full call for this example would be:
"type", str_for_type
, "name", str_for_name
"type", strc_for_type
, "name", strc_for_name
, stringize(
typedef <type> <name> <name>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "gen/etoktype.cpp"
#include "interface.upfront.cpp"
@ -8,23 +8,25 @@
// Publically Exposed Interface
CodeClass parse_class( Str def )
CodeClass parse_class( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
CodeClass result = (CodeClass) parse_class_struct( Tok_Decl_Class, parser_not_inplace_def );
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
parser_pop(& Context);
return result;
CodeConstructor parse_constructor( Str def )
CodeConstructor parse_constructor( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ CodeConstructor parse_constructor( Str def )
while ( left && tok_is_specifier(currtok) )
Specifier spec = str_to_specifier( currtok.Text );
Specifier spec = strc_to_specifier( tok_to_str(currtok) );
b32 ignore_spec = false;
@ -57,8 +59,8 @@ CodeConstructor parse_constructor( Str def )
default :
log_failure( "Invalid specifier %s for variable\n%S", spec_to_str( spec ), parser_to_strbuilder(_ctx->parser) );
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
log_failure( "Invalid specifier %s for variable\n%s", spec_to_str( spec ), parser_to_string(Context) );
parser_pop(& Context);
return InvalidCode;
@ -73,32 +75,18 @@ CodeConstructor parse_constructor( Str def )
if ( NumSpecifiers )
specifiers = def_specifiers_arr( NumSpecifiers, specs_found );
specifiers = def_specifiers( NumSpecifiers, specs_found );
// <specifiers> ...
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
CodeConstructor result = parser_parse_constructor( specifiers );
return result;
CodeDefine parse_define( Str def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
CodeDefine result = parser_parse_define();
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
return result;
CodeDestructor parse_destructor( Str def )
CodeDestructor parse_destructor( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
@ -108,209 +96,225 @@ CodeDestructor parse_destructor( Str def )
// TODO(Ed): Destructors can have prefix attributes
// TODO(Ed): Destructors can have virtual
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
CodeDestructor result = parser_parse_destructor(NullCode);
return result;
CodeEnum parse_enum( Str def )
CodeEnum parse_enum( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
parser_pop(& Context);
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_enum( parser_not_inplace_def);
CodeBody parse_export_body( Str def )
CodeBody parse_export_body( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_export_body();
CodeExtern parse_extern_link( Str def )
CodeExtern parse_extern_link( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_extern_link();
CodeFriend parse_friend( Str def )
CodeFriend parse_friend( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_friend();
CodeFn parse_function( Str def )
CodeFn parse_function( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return (CodeFn) parser_parse_function();
CodeBody parse_global_body( Str def )
CodeBody parse_global_body( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
CodeBody result = parse_global_nspace( CT_Global_Body );
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
parser_pop(& Context);
return result;
CodeNS parse_namespace( Str def )
CodeNS parse_namespace( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_namespace();
CodeOperator parse_operator( Str def )
CodeOperator parse_operator( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return (CodeOperator) parser_parse_operator();
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( Str def )
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_operator_cast(NullCode);
CodeStruct parse_struct( Str def )
CodeStruct parse_struct( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
CodeStruct result = (CodeStruct) parse_class_struct( Tok_Decl_Struct, parser_not_inplace_def );
parser_pop(& _ctx->parser);
parser_pop(& Context);
return result;
CodeTemplate parse_template( Str def )
CodeTemplate parse_template( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_template();
CodeTypename parse_type( Str def )
CodeTypename parse_type( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_type( parser_not_from_template, nullptr);
CodeTypedef parse_typedef( Str def )
CodeTypedef parse_typedef( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_typedef();
CodeUnion parse_union( Str def )
CodeUnion parse_union( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_union( parser_not_inplace_def);
CodeUsing parse_using( Str def )
CodeUsing parse_using( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_using();
CodeVar parse_variable( Str def )
CodeVar parse_variable( StrC def )
check_parse_args( def );
TokArray toks = lex( def );
if ( toks.Arr == nullptr )
return InvalidCode;
_ctx->parser.Tokens = toks;
Context.Tokens = toks;
return parser_parse_variable();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "interface.parsing.cpp"
@ -8,20 +8,24 @@ ssize token_fmt_va( char* buf, usize buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va )
char const* buf_begin = buf;
ssize remaining = buf_size;
if (_ctx->token_fmt_map.Hashes == nullptr) {
_ctx->token_fmt_map = hashtable_init(Str, _ctx->Allocator_DyanmicContainers );
// Populate token pairs
TokenMap_FixedArena tok_map_arena;
fixed_arena_init( & tok_map_arena);
StringTable tok_map;
tok_map = hashtable_init(StrC, fixed_arena_allocator_info(& tok_map_arena) );
s32 left = num_tokens - 1;
while ( left-- )
char const* token = va_arg( va, char const* );
Str value = va_arg( va, Str );
StrC value = va_arg( va, StrC );
u32 key = crc32( token, c_str_len(token) );
hashtable_set( _ctx->token_fmt_map, key, value );
u32 key = crc32( token, str_len(token) );
hashtable_set( tok_map, key, value );
@ -56,8 +60,8 @@ ssize token_fmt_va( char* buf, usize buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va )
char const* token = fmt + 1;
u32 key = crc32( token, tok_len );
Str* value = hashtable_get(_ctx->token_fmt_map, key );
u32 key = crc32( token, tok_len );
StrC* value = hashtable_get(tok_map, key );
if ( value )
@ -86,12 +90,16 @@ ssize token_fmt_va( char* buf, usize buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va )
current = * fmt;
fixed_arena_free(& tok_map_arena);
ssize result = buf_size - remaining;
return result;
Code untyped_str( Str content )
Code untyped_str( StrC content )
if ( content.Len == 0 )
@ -101,7 +109,7 @@ Code untyped_str( Str content )
result = make_code();
result->Name = cache_str( content );
result->Name = get_cached_string( content );
result->Type = CT_Untyped;
result->Content = result->Name;
@ -127,14 +135,17 @@ Code untyped_fmt( char const* fmt, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ssize length = c_str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va);
ssize length = str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va);
Str content = { buf, length };
StrC buf_str = { str_len_capped(fmt, MaxNameLength), fmt };
StrC uncapped_str = { length, buf };
result = make_code();
result->Name = get_cached_string( buf_str );
result->Type = CT_Untyped;
result->Content = cache_str( content );
result->Content = get_cached_string( uncapped_str );
if ( result->Name.Len == 0 )
@ -161,12 +172,13 @@ Code untyped_token_fmt( s32 num_tokens, char const* fmt, ... )
ssize length = token_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, num_tokens, va);
Str buf_str = { buf, length };
StrC buf_str = { length, buf };
result = make_code();
result->Name = get_cached_string( buf_str );
result->Type = CT_Untyped;
result->Content = cache_str( buf_str );
result->Content = result->Name;
if ( result->Name.Len == 0 )
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// These macros are used in the swtich cases within parser.cpp
case Tok_Spec_Consteval: \
case Tok_Spec_Constexpr: \
case Tok_Spec_Constinit: \
case Tok_Spec_Explicit: \
case Tok_Spec_ForceInline: \
case Tok_Spec_Inline: \
case Tok_Spec_Mutable: \
case Tok_Spec_NeverInline: \
case Tok_Spec_Static: \
case Tok_Spec_Volatile: \
case Tok_Spec_Virtual
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_Constinit: \
case Spec_Explicit: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_ForceInline: \
case Spec_Mutable: \
case Spec_NeverInline: \
case Spec_Static: \
case Spec_Volatile: \
case Spec_Virtual
case Tok_Spec_Consteval: \
case Tok_Spec_Constexpr: \
case Tok_Spec_Constinit: \
case Tok_Spec_Extern: \
case Tok_Spec_ForceInline: \
case Tok_Spec_Global: \
case Tok_Spec_Inline: \
case Tok_Spec_Internal_Linkage: \
case Tok_Spec_NeverInline: \
case Tok_Spec_Static
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_Constinit: \
case Spec_ForceInline: \
case Spec_Global: \
case Spec_External_Linkage: \
case Spec_Internal_Linkage: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_Mutable: \
case Spec_NeverInline: \
case Spec_Static: \
case Spec_Volatile
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_ForceInline
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Consteval: \
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_External_Linkage: \
case Spec_Internal_Linkage: \
case Spec_ForceInline: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_NeverInline: \
case Spec_Static
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_ForceInline: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_NeverInline: \
case Spec_Static
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_Constinit: \
case Spec_External_Linkage: \
case Spec_Global: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_ForceInline: \
case Spec_Local_Persist: \
case Spec_Mutable: \
case Spec_Static: \
case Spec_Thread_Local: \
case Spec_Volatile
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Constexpr: \
case Spec_Constinit: \
case Spec_External_Linkage: \
case Spec_Global: \
case Spec_Inline: \
case Spec_Local_Persist: \
case Spec_Mutable: \
case Spec_Restrict: \
case Spec_Static: \
case Spec_Thread_Local: \
case Spec_Volatile
case Spec_Const: \
case Spec_Ptr: \
case Spec_Restrict: \
case Spec_Ref: \
case Spec_RValue
@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include "gen/ecode.hpp"
#include "gen/eoperator.hpp"
#include "gen/especifier.hpp"
#include "gen/etoktype.hpp"
enum TokFlags : u32
TF_Operator = bit(0),
TF_Assign = bit(1),
TF_Identifier = bit(2),
TF_Preprocess = bit(3),
TF_Preprocess_Cond = bit(4),
TF_Attribute = bit(5),
TF_AccessOperator = bit(6),
TF_AccessSpecifier = bit(7),
TF_Specifier = bit(8),
TF_EndDefinition = bit(9), // Either ; or }
TF_Formatting = bit(10),
TF_Literal = bit(11),
TF_Macro_Functional = bit(12),
TF_Macro_Expects_Body = bit(13),
TF_Null = 0,
TF_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX,
struct Token
Str Text;
TokType Type;
s32 Line;
s32 Column;
u32 Flags;
constexpr Token NullToken { {}, Tok_Invalid, 0, 0, TF_Null };
AccessSpec tok_to_access_specifier(Token tok) {
return scast(AccessSpec, tok.Type);
bool tok_is_valid( Token tok ) {
return tok.Text.Ptr && tok.Text.Len && tok.Type != Tok_Invalid;
bool tok_is_access_operator(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_AccessOperator );
bool tok_is_access_specifier(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_AccessSpecifier );
bool tok_is_attribute(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_Attribute );
bool tok_is_operator(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_Operator );
bool tok_is_preprocessor(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_Preprocess );
bool tok_is_preprocess_cond(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_Preprocess_Cond );
bool tok_is_specifier(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_Specifier );
bool tok_is_end_definition(Token tok) {
return bitfield_is_set( u32, tok.Flags, TF_EndDefinition );
StrBuilder tok_to_strbuilder(Token tok);
struct TokArray
Array(Token) Arr;
s32 Idx;
struct LexContext
Str content;
s32 left;
char const* scanner;
s32 line;
s32 column;
// StringTable defines;
Token token;
struct StackNode
StackNode* Prev;
Token* Start;
Str Name; // The name of the AST node (if parsed)
Str ProcName; // The name of the procedure
struct ParseContext
TokArray Tokens;
StackNode* Scope;
enum MacroType : u16
MT_Expression, // A macro is assumed to be a expression if not resolved.
MT_Block_Start, // Not Supported yet
MT_Block_End, // Not Supported yet
MT_Case_Statement, // Not Supported yet
MT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U16_MAX,
TokType macrotype_to_toktype( MacroType type ) {
switch ( type ) {
case MT_Statement : return Tok_Preprocess_Macro_Stmt;
case MT_Expression : return Tok_Preprocess_Macro_Expr;
case MT_Typename : return Tok_Preprocess_Macro_Typename;
// All others unsupported for now.
return Tok_Invalid;
Str macrotype_to_str( MacroType type )
Str lookup[] = {
{ "Statement", sizeof("Statement") - 1 },
{ "Expression", sizeof("Expression") - 1 },
{ "Typename", sizeof("Typename") - 1 },
{ "Block_Start", sizeof("Block_Start") - 1 },
{ "Block_End", sizeof("Block_End") - 1 },
{ "Case_Statement", sizeof("Case_Statement") - 1 },
Str invalid = { "Invalid", sizeof("Invalid") };
if ( type > MT_Case_Statement )
return invalid;
return lookup[ type ];
enum EMacroFlags : u16
MF_Functional = bit(0), // Macro has parameters (args expected to be passed)
MF_Expects_Body = bit(1), // Expects to assign a braced scope to its body.
// lex__eat wil treat this macro as an identifier if the parser attempts to consume it as one.
// ^^^ This is a kludge because we don't support push/pop macro pragmas rn.
MF_Allow_As_Identifier = bit(2),
// lex__eat wil treat this macro as an attribute if the parser attempts to consume it as one.
// ^^^ This a kludge because unreal has a macro that behaves as both a 'statement' and an attribute (UE_DEPRECATED, PRAGMA_ENABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS, etc)
// TODO(Ed): We can keep the MF_Allow_As_Attribute flag for macros, however, we need to add the ability of AST_Attributes to chain themselves.
// Its thats already a thing in the standard language anyway
// & it would allow UE_DEPRECATED, (UE_PROPERTY / UE_FUNCTION) to chain themselves as attributes of a resolved member function/variable definition
MF_Allow_As_Attribute = bit(3),
// When a macro is encountered after attributes and specifiers while parsing a function, or variable:
// It will consume the macro and treat it as resolving the definition. (Yes this is for Unreal Engine)
// (MUST BE OF MT_Statement TYPE)
MF_Allow_As_Definition = bit(4),
MF_Allow_As_Specifier = bit(5), // Created for Unreal's PURE_VIRTUAL
MF_Null = 0,
MF_UnderlyingType = GEN_U16_MAX,
typedef u16 MacroFlags;
struct Macro
StrCached Name;
MacroType Type;
MacroFlags Flags;
b32 macro_is_functional( Macro macro ) {
return bitfield_is_set( b16, macro.Flags, MF_Functional );
b32 macro_expects_body( Macro macro ) {
return bitfield_is_set( b16, macro.Flags, MF_Expects_Body );
forceinline b32 is_functional( Macro macro ) { return bitfield_is_set( b16, macro.Flags, MF_Functional ); }
forceinline b32 expects_body ( Macro macro ) { return bitfield_is_set( b16, macro.Flags, MF_Expects_Body ); }
typedef HashTable(Macro) MacroTable;
@ -1,92 +1,109 @@
#pragma once
#include "../gen.hpp"
#pragma region StaticData
GEN_API global Context* _ctx;
GEN_API global u32 context_counter;
// TODO : Convert global allocation strategy to use a slab allocation strategy.
global AllocatorInfo GlobalAllocator;
global Array( Arena ) Global_AllocatorBuckets;
// TODO(Ed) : Make the code pool a dynamic arena
global Array( Pool ) CodePools = { nullptr };
global Array( Arena ) StringArenas = { nullptr };
global StringTable StringCache;
global Arena LexArena;
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_DataArrays = {0};
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_CodePool = {0};
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_Lexer = {0};
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringArena = {0};
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_StringTable = {0};
global AllocatorInfo Allocator_TypeTable = {0};
#pragma endregion StaticData
#pragma region Constants
GEN_API global Macro enum_underlying_macro;
GEN_API global Code Code_Global;
GEN_API global Code Code_Invalid;
global StrC enum_underlying_sig;
GEN_API global Code access_public;
GEN_API global Code access_protected;
GEN_API global Code access_private;
global Code access_public;
global Code access_protected;
global Code access_private;
GEN_API global CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
GEN_API global CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
global CodeAttributes attrib_api_export;
global CodeAttributes attrib_api_import;
GEN_API global Code module_global_fragment;
GEN_API global Code module_private_fragment;
global Code module_global_fragment;
global Code module_private_fragment;
GEN_API global Code fmt_newline;
global Code fmt_newline;
GEN_API global CodeParams param_varadic;
global CodeParams param_varadic;
GEN_API global CodePragma pragma_once;
global CodePragma pragma_once;
GEN_API global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
GEN_API global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_else;
global CodePreprocessCond preprocess_endif;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
GEN_API global CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_const;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_consteval;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_constexpr;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_constinit;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_extern_linkage;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_final;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_forceinline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_global;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_inline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_internal_linkage;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_local_persist;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_mutable;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_noexcept;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_neverinline;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_override;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_ptr;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_pure;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_ref;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_register;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_rvalue;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_static_member;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_thread_local;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_virtual;
global CodeSpecifiers spec_volatile;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_empty;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_auto;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_void;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_int;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_bool;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_char;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_wchar_t;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_class;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_typename;
global CodeTypename t_empty;
global CodeTypename t_auto;
global CodeTypename t_void;
global CodeTypename t_int;
global CodeTypename t_bool;
global CodeTypename t_char;
global CodeTypename t_wchar_t;
global CodeTypename t_class;
global CodeTypename t_typename;
global Array(StringCached) PreprocessorDefines;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_b32;
global CodeTypename t_b32;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_s8;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_s16;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_s32;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_s64;
global CodeTypename t_s8;
global CodeTypename t_s16;
global CodeTypename t_s32;
global CodeTypename t_s64;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_u8;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_u16;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_u32;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_u64;
global CodeTypename t_u8;
global CodeTypename t_u16;
global CodeTypename t_u32;
global CodeTypename t_u64;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_ssize;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_usize;
global CodeTypename t_ssize;
global CodeTypename t_usize;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_f32;
GEN_API global CodeTypename t_f64;
global CodeTypename t_f32;
global CodeTypename t_f64;
#pragma endregion Constants
#pragma endregion StaticData
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#pragma once
#include "header_start.hpp"
@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ enum AccessSpec : u32
static_assert( size_of(AccessSpec) == size_of(u32), "AccessSpec not u32 size" );
Str access_spec_to_str( AccessSpec type )
StrC access_spec_to_str( AccessSpec type )
Str lookup[ (u32)AccessSpec_Num_AccessSpec ] = {
{ "", sizeof( "" ) - 1 },
{ "private", sizeof("prviate") - 1 },
{ "private", sizeof("protected") - 1 },
{ "public", sizeof("public") - 1 },
StrC lookup[ (u32)AccessSpec_Num_AccessSpec ] = {
{ sizeof("") - 1, "" },
{ sizeof("prviate") - 1, "private" },
{ sizeof("protected") - 1, "private" },
{ sizeof("public") - 1, "public" },
Str invalid = { "Invalid", sizeof("Invalid") - 1 };
StrC invalid = { sizeof("Invalid") - 1, "Invalid" };
if ( type > AccessSpec_Public )
return invalid;
@ -97,17 +97,17 @@ enum ModuleFlag : u32
static_assert( size_of(ModuleFlag) == size_of(u32), "ModuleFlag not u32 size" );
Str module_flag_to_str( ModuleFlag flag )
StrC module_flag_to_str( ModuleFlag flag )
Str lookup[ (u32)Num_ModuleFlags ] = {
{ "__none__", sizeof("__none__") - 1 },
{ "export", sizeof("export") - 1 },
{ "import", sizeof("import") - 1 },
StrC lookup[ (u32)Num_ModuleFlags ] = {
{ sizeof("__none__"), "__none__" },
{ sizeof("export"), "export" },
{ sizeof("import"), "import" },
Str invalid_flag = { "invalid", sizeof("invalid") };
StrC invalid_flag = { sizeof("invalid"), "invalid" };
if ( flag > ModuleFlag_Import )
return invalid_flag;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "macros.hpp"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "printing.hpp"
@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ struct Array
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Array<Type> other) { return append( & array, other ); }
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Type value) { return append( & array, value ); }
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Type* items, usize item_num) { return append( & array, items, item_num ); }
template<class Type> bool append_at(Array<Type>& array, Type item, usize idx) { return append_at( & array, item, idx ); }
template<class Type> bool append_at(Array<Type>& array, Type* items, usize item_num, usize idx) { return append_at( & array, items, item_num, idx ); }
template<class Type> void free(Array<Type>& array) { return free( & array ); }
template<class Type> bool grow(Array<Type>& array, usize min_capacity) { return grow( & array, min_capacity); }
template<class Type> bool reserve(Array<Type>& array, usize new_capacity) { return reserve( & array, new_capacity); }
template<class Type> bool resize(Array<Type>& array, usize num) { return resize( & array, num); }
template<class Type> bool set_capacity(Array<Type>& array, usize new_capacity) { return set_capacity( & array, new_capacity); }
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Array<Type> other) { return append( & array, other ); }
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Type value) { return append( & array, value ); }
template<class Type> bool append(Array<Type>& array, Type* items, usize item_num) { return append( & array, items, item_num ); }
template<class Type> bool append_at(Array<Type>& array, Type item, usize idx) { return append_at( & array, item, idx ); }
template<class Type> bool append_at(Array<Type>& array, Type* items, usize item_num, usize idx) { return append_at( & array, items, item_num, idx ); }
template<class Type> void free(Array<Type>& array) { return free( & array ); }
template<class Type> bool grow(Array<Type>& array, usize min_capacity) { return grow( & array, min_capacity); }
template<class Type> bool reserve(Array<Type>& array, usize new_capacity) { return reserve( & array, new_capacity); }
template<class Type> bool resize(Array<Type>& array, usize num) { return resize( & array, num); }
template<class Type> bool set_capacity(Array<Type>& array, usize new_capacity) { return set_capacity( & array, new_capacity); }
template<class Type> forceinline Type* begin(Array<Type>& array) { return array; }
template<class Type> forceinline Type* end(Array<Type>& array) { return array + array_get_header(array)->Num; }
@ -143,14 +143,13 @@ Array<Type> array_init_reserve(AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize capacity)
return {rcast(Type*, header + 1)};
usize array_grow_formula(ssize value) {
return 2 * value + 8;
template<class Type> inline
bool array_append_array(Array<Type>* array, Array<Type> other) {
return array_append_items(array, (Type*)other, array_num(other));
return array_append_items(array, (Type*)other, num(other));
template<class Type> inline
@ -180,13 +179,13 @@ bool array_append_items(Array<Type>* array, Type* items, usize item_num)
GEN_ASSERT(* array != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(items != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(item_num > 0);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header(* array);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header(array);
if (header->Num + item_num > header->Capacity)
if ( ! array_grow(array, header->Capacity + item_num))
if ( ! grow(array, header->Capacity + item_num))
return false;
header = array_get_header(* array);
header = array_get_header(array);
mem_copy((Type*)array + header->Num, items, item_num * sizeof(Type));
@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ bool array_append_at(Array<Type>* array, Type item, usize idx)
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header(* array);
ssize slot = idx;
if (slot >= (ssize)(header->Num))
if (slot >= header->Num)
slot = header->Num - 1;
if (slot < 0)
@ -282,9 +281,10 @@ bool array_fill(Array<Type> array, usize begin, usize end, Type value)
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header(array);
if (begin < 0 || end > header->Num)
return false;
return false;
for (ssize idx = ssize(begin); idx < ssize(end); idx++) {
for (ssize idx = ssize(begin); idx < ssize(end); idx++)
array[idx] = value;
@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ ArrayHeader* array_get_header(Array<Type> array) {
using NonConstType = TRemoveConst<Type>;
return rcast(ArrayHeader*, const_cast<NonConstType*>(Data)) - 1;
template<class Type> forceinline
bool array_grow(Array<Type>* array, usize min_capacity)
@ -355,6 +354,7 @@ bool array_reserve(Array<Type>* array, usize new_capacity)
GEN_ASSERT( array != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(* array != nullptr);
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0)
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header(array);
if (header->Capacity < new_capacity)
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ bool array_set_capacity(Array<Type>* array, usize new_capacity)
// These are intended for use in the base library of gencpp and the C-variant of the library
// It provides a interoperability between the C++ and C implementation of arrays. (not letting these do any crazy substiution though)
// They are undefined in gen.hpp and gen.cpp at the end of the files.
// The cpp library expects the user to use the regular calls as they can resolve the type fine.
// We cpp library expects the user to use the regular calls as they can resolve the type fine.
#define array_init(type, allocator) array_init <type> (allocator )
#define array_init_reserve(type, allocator, cap) array_init_reserve <type> (allocator, cap)
@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ HashTableFindResult hashtable__find(HashTable<Type> table, u64 key)
if (table.Entries[result.EntryIndex].Key == key)
result.PrevIndex = result.EntryIndex;
result.PrevIndex = result.EntryIndex;
result.EntryIndex = table.Entries[result.EntryIndex].Next;
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ HashTableFindResult hashtable__find(HashTable<Type> table, u64 key)
template<typename Type> forceinline
b32 hashtable_full(HashTable<Type> table) {
bool hashtable_full(HashTable<Type> table) {
usize critical_load = usize(HashTable_CriticalLoadScale * f32(array_num(table.Hashes)));
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "src_start.cpp"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "dependencies/platform.hpp"
# include "dependencies/macros.hpp"
@ -8,23 +8,16 @@
#pragma region Debug
# if defined( GEN_COMPILER_MSVC )
# if _MSC_VER < 1300
// #pragma message("GEN_BUILD_DEBUG: __asm int 3")
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __asm int 3 /* Trap to debugger! */
# else
// #pragma message("GEN_BUILD_DEBUG: __debugbreak()")
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __debugbreak()
# endif
# elif defined( GEN_COMPILER_TINYC )
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() process_exit( 1 )
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
# if _MSC_VER < 1300
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __asm int 3 /* Trap to debugger! */
# else
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __builtin_trap()
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __debugbreak()
# endif
#elif defined( GEN_COMPILER_TINYC )
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() process_exit( 1 )
// #pragma message("GEN_BUILD_DEBUG: omitted")
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP()
# define GEN_DEBUG_TRAP() __builtin_trap()
#define GEN_ASSERT( cond ) GEN_ASSERT_MSG( cond, NULL )
@ -44,14 +37,14 @@
// NOTE: Things that shouldn't happen with a message!
#define GEN_PANIC( msg, ... ) GEN_ASSERT_MSG( 0, msg, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#if Build_Debug
#define GEN_FATAL( ... ) \
do \
{ \
local_persist thread_local \
char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 }; \
c_str_fmt(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, __VA_ARGS__); \
str_fmt(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, __VA_ARGS__); \
GEN_PANIC(buf); \
} \
while (0)
@ -60,15 +53,14 @@
# define GEN_FATAL( ... ) \
do \
{ \
c_str_fmt_out_err( __VA_ARGS__ ); \
str_fmt_out_err( __VA_ARGS__ ); \
process_exit(1); \
} \
while (0)
GEN_API void assert_handler( char const* condition, char const* file, char const* function, s32 line, char const* msg, ... );
GEN_API s32 assert_crash( char const* condition );
GEN_API void process_exit( u32 code );
void assert_handler( char const* condition, char const* file, char const* function, s32 line, char const* msg, ... );
s32 assert_crash( char const* condition );
void process_exit( u32 code );
#pragma endregion Debug
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "strings.cpp"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ wchar_t* _alloc_utf8_to_ucs2( AllocatorInfo a, char const* text, ssize* w_len_ )
*w_len_ = w_len;
return NULL;
len = c_str_len( text );
len = str_len( text );
if ( len == 0 )
if ( w_len_ )
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ GEN_FILE_OPEN_PROC( _posix_file_open )
internal void _dirinfo_free_entry( DirEntry* entry );
// TODO(zpl) : Is this a bad idea?
// TODO : Is this a bad idea?
global b32 _std_file_set = false;
global FileInfo _std_files[ EFileStandard_COUNT ] = {
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ FileError file_close( FileInfo* f )
FileError file_new( FileInfo* f, FileDescriptor fd, FileOperations ops, char const* filename )
FileError err = EFileError_NONE;
ssize len = c_str_len( filename );
ssize len = str_len( filename );
f->ops = ops;
f->fd = fd;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "strings.hpp"
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct DirInfo
// Internals
char** filenames; // zpl_array
StrBuilder buf;
String buf;
struct FileInfo
@ -121,20 +121,20 @@ enum FileStandardType
* @param std Check zpl_file_standard_type
* @return File handle to standard I/O
GEN_API FileInfo* file_get_standard( FileStandardType std );
FileInfo* file_get_standard( FileStandardType std );
* Closes the file
* @param file
GEN_API FileError file_close( FileInfo* file );
FileError file_close( FileInfo* file );
* Returns the currently opened file's name
* @param file
char const* file_name( FileInfo* file )
char const* file_name( FileInfo* file )
return file->filename ? file->filename : "";
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ char const* file_name( FileInfo* file )
* @param file
* @param filename
GEN_API FileError file_open( FileInfo* file, char const* filename );
FileError file_open( FileInfo* file, char const* filename );
* Opens a file using a specified mode
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ GEN_API FileError file_open( FileInfo* file, char const* filename );
* @param mode Access mode to use
* @param filename
GEN_API FileError file_open_mode( FileInfo* file, FileMode mode, char const* filename );
FileError file_open_mode( FileInfo* file, FileMode mode, char const* filename );
* Reads from a file
@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ constexpr b32 file_no_zero_terminate = false;
* @param filepath Path to the file
* @return File contents data
GEN_API FileContents file_read_contents( AllocatorInfo a, b32 zero_terminate, char const* filepath );
FileContents file_read_contents( AllocatorInfo a, b32 zero_terminate, char const* filepath );
* Returns a size of the file
* @param file
* @return File size
GEN_API s64 file_size( FileInfo* file );
s64 file_size( FileInfo* file );
* Seeks the file cursor from the beginning of file to a specific position
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ enum FileStreamFlags : u32
* @param file
* @param allocator
GEN_API b8 file_stream_new( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator );
b8 file_stream_new( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator );
* Opens a memory stream over an existing buffer
@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ GEN_API b8 file_stream_new( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator );
* @param size Buffer's size
* @param flags
GEN_API b8 file_stream_open( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator, u8* buffer, ssize size, FileStreamFlags flags );
b8 file_stream_open( FileInfo* file, AllocatorInfo allocator, u8* buffer, ssize size, FileStreamFlags flags );
* Retrieves the stream's underlying buffer and buffer size.
* @param file memory stream
* @param size (Optional) buffer size
GEN_API u8* file_stream_buf( FileInfo* file, ssize* size );
u8* file_stream_buf( FileInfo* file, ssize* size );
extern FileOperations const memory_file_operations;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "memory.cpp"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#pragma once
#include "containers.hpp"
#pragma region Hashing
GEN_API u32 crc32( void const* data, ssize len );
GEN_API u64 crc64( void const* data, ssize len );
u32 crc32( void const* data, ssize len );
u64 crc64( void const* data, ssize len );
#pragma endregion Hashing
@ -1,36 +1,12 @@
# pragma once
# include "platform.hpp"
#pragma region Macros
#ifndef GEN_API
#define GEN_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define GEN_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define GEN_API // Empty for static builds
#define GEN_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define GEN_API // Empty for static builds
#endif // GEN_API
#ifndef global // Global variables
# if defined(GEN_STATIC_LINK) || defined(GEN_DYN_LINK)
# define global
# else
# define global static
# endif
#ifndef global
#define global static // Global variables
#ifndef internal
#define internal static // Internal linkage
@ -40,11 +16,8 @@
#ifndef bit
#define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value )
#ifndef bitfield_is_set
#define bitfield_is_set( Type, Field, Mask ) ( (scast(Type, Mask) & scast(Type, Field)) == scast(Type, Mask) )
#define bit( Value ) ( 1 << Value )
#define bitfield_is_equal( Type, Field, Mask ) ( (scast(Type, Mask) & scast(Type, Field)) == scast(Type, Mask) )
// Mainly intended for forcing the base library to utilize only C-valid constructs or type coercion
@ -95,16 +68,8 @@
#define stringize( ... ) stringize_va( __VA_ARGS__ )
#define src_line_str stringize(__LINE__)
#ifndef do_once
#define do_once() \
local_persist int __do_once_counter_##src_line_str = 0; \
for(; __do_once_counter_##src_line_str != 1; __do_once_counter_##src_line_str = 1 ) \
#define do_once_defer( expression ) \
local_persist int __do_once_counter_##src_line_str = 0; \
for(;__do_once_counter_##src_line_str != 1; __do_once_counter_##src_line_str = 1, (expression)) \
#define do_once( statement ) for ( local_persist b32 once = true; once; once = false, (statement) )
#define do_once_start \
do \
@ -259,9 +224,9 @@
# define typeof decltype
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define typeof __typeof__
# define typeof(x) __typeof__(x)
# elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
# define typeof __typeof__
# define typeof(x) __typeof__(x)
# else
# error "Compiler not supported"
# endif
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "printing.cpp"
@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ void heap_stats_check( void )
typedef struct _heap_alloc_info _heap_alloc_info;
struct _heap_alloc_info
ssize size;
ssize size;
void* physical_start;
void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags )
void* ptr = nullptr;
void* ptr = NULL;
// unused( allocator_data );
// unused( old_size );
if ( ! alignment )
@ -346,25 +346,25 @@ void* arena_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ss
switch ( type )
case EAllocation_ALLOC :
void* end = pointer_add( arena->PhysicalStart, arena->TotalUsed );
ssize total_size = align_forward_s64( size, alignment );
// NOTE: Out of memory
if ( arena->TotalUsed + total_size > (ssize) arena->TotalSize )
// zpl__printf_err("%s", "Arena out of memory\n");
GEN_FATAL("Arena out of memory! (Possibly could not fit for the largest size Arena!!)");
void* end = pointer_add( arena->PhysicalStart, arena->TotalUsed );
ssize total_size = align_forward_s64( size, alignment );
// NOTE: Out of memory
if ( arena->TotalUsed + total_size > (ssize) arena->TotalSize )
// zpl__printf_err("%s", "Arena out of memory\n");
GEN_FATAL("Arena out of memory! (Possibly could not fit for the largest size Arena!!)");
return nullptr;
ptr = align_forward( end, alignment );
arena->TotalUsed += total_size;
zero_size( ptr, size );
ptr = align_forward( end, alignment );
arena->TotalUsed += total_size;
zero_size( ptr, size );
case EAllocation_FREE :
// NOTE: Free all at once
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "debug.hpp"
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ void const* pointer_add_const( void const* ptr, ssize bytes );
ssize pointer_diff( void const* begin, void const* end );
//! Copy non-overlapping memory from source to destination.
GEN_API void* mem_copy( void* dest, void const* source, ssize size );
void* mem_copy( void* dest, void const* source, ssize size );
//! Search for a constant value within the size limit at memory location.
GEN_API void const* mem_find( void const* data, u8 byte_value, ssize size );
void const* mem_find( void const* data, u8 byte_value, ssize size );
//! Copy memory from source to destination.
void* mem_move( void* dest, void const* source, ssize size );
@ -119,17 +119,17 @@ void* resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, ssize old_size, ssize new_size,
/* define GEN_HEAP_ANALYSIS to enable this feature */
/* call zpl_heap_stats_init at the beginning of the entry point */
/* you can call zpl_heap_stats_check near the end of the execution to validate any possible leaks */
GEN_API void heap_stats_init( void );
GEN_API ssize heap_stats_used_memory( void );
GEN_API ssize heap_stats_alloc_count( void );
GEN_API void heap_stats_check( void );
void heap_stats_init( void );
ssize heap_stats_used_memory( void );
ssize heap_stats_alloc_count( void );
void heap_stats_check( void );
//! Allocate/Resize memory using default options.
//! Use this if you don't need a "fancy" resize allocation
void* default_resize_align( AllocatorInfo a, void* ptr, ssize old_size, ssize new_size, ssize alignment );
GEN_API void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags );
void* heap_allocator_proc( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags );
//! The heap allocator backed by operating system's memory manager.
constexpr AllocatorInfo heap( void ) { AllocatorInfo allocator = { heap_allocator_proc, nullptr }; return allocator; }
@ -147,25 +147,25 @@ struct VirtualMemory
//! Initialize virtual memory from existing data.
GEN_API VirtualMemory vm_from_memory( void* data, ssize size );
VirtualMemory vm_from_memory( void* data, ssize size );
//! Allocate virtual memory at address with size.
//! @param addr The starting address of the region to reserve. If NULL, it lets operating system to decide where to allocate it.
//! @param size The size to serve.
GEN_API VirtualMemory vm_alloc( void* addr, ssize size );
VirtualMemory vm_alloc( void* addr, ssize size );
//! Release the virtual memory.
GEN_API b32 vm_free( VirtualMemory vm );
b32 vm_free( VirtualMemory vm );
//! Trim virtual memory.
GEN_API VirtualMemory vm_trim( VirtualMemory vm, ssize lead_size, ssize size );
VirtualMemory vm_trim( VirtualMemory vm, ssize lead_size, ssize size );
//! Purge virtual memory.
GEN_API b32 vm_purge( VirtualMemory vm );
b32 vm_purge( VirtualMemory vm );
//! Retrieve VM's page size and alignment.
GEN_API ssize virtual_memory_page_size( ssize* alignment_out );
ssize virtual_memory_page_size( ssize* alignment_out );
#pragma region Arena
struct Arena;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ struct Arena;
AllocatorInfo arena_allocator_info( Arena* arena );
// Remove static keyword and rename allocator_proc
GEN_API void* arena_allocator_proc(void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags);
void* arena_allocator_proc(void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags);
// Add these declarations after the Arena struct
Arena arena_init_from_allocator(AllocatorInfo backing, ssize size);
@ -225,10 +225,11 @@ forceinline ssize size_remaining(Arena& arena, ssize alignment) { return
// This id is defined by Unreal for asserts
#pragma push_macro("check")
#undef check
forceinline void check(Arena& arena) { return arena_check(& arena); }
forceinline void check(Arena& arena) { return arena_check(& arena); };
#pragma pop_macro("check")
AllocatorInfo arena_allocator_info( Arena* arena ) {
GEN_ASSERT(arena != nullptr);
@ -382,18 +383,18 @@ using FixedArena_4MB = FixedArena< megabytes( 4 ) >;
#pragma region Pool
struct Pool;
GEN_API void* pool_allocator_proc(void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags);
void* pool_allocator_proc(void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags);
Pool pool_init(AllocatorInfo backing, ssize num_blocks, ssize block_size);
Pool pool_init_align(AllocatorInfo backing, ssize num_blocks, ssize block_size, ssize block_align);
AllocatorInfo pool_allocator_info(Pool* pool);
GEN_API void pool_clear(Pool* pool);
void pool_free(Pool* pool);
Pool pool_init(AllocatorInfo backing, ssize num_blocks, ssize block_size);
Pool pool_init_align(AllocatorInfo backing, ssize num_blocks, ssize block_size, ssize block_align);
AllocatorInfo pool_allocator_info(Pool* pool);
void pool_clear(Pool* pool);
void pool_free(Pool* pool);
forceinline AllocatorInfo allocator_info(Pool& pool) { return pool_allocator_info(& pool); }
forceinline void clear(Pool& pool) { return pool_clear(& pool); }
forceinline void free(Pool& pool) { return pool_free(& pool); }
AllocatorInfo allocator_info(Pool& pool) { return pool_allocator_info(& pool); }
void clear(Pool& pool) { return pool_clear(& pool); }
void free(Pool& pool) { return pool_free(& pool); }
struct Pool
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "parsing.hpp"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#define _adt_fprintf( s_, fmt_, ... ) \
do \
{ \
if ( c_str_fmt_file( s_, fmt_, ##__VA_ARGS__ ) < 0 ) \
if ( str_fmt_file( s_, fmt_, ##__VA_ARGS__ ) < 0 ) \
} while ( 0 )
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search )
for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ )
if ( ! c_str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) )
if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) )
return ( node->nodes + i );
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_value( ADT_Node* node, char const* value )
if ( node->string && ! c_str_compare( node->string, value ) )
if ( node->string && ! str_compare( node->string, value ) )
return node;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_value( ADT_Node* node, char const* value )
ssize fsize = 0;
u8* buf = file_stream_buf( &tmp, &fsize );
if ( ! c_str_compare( ( char const* )buf, value ) )
if ( ! str_compare( ( char const* )buf, value ) )
file_close( &tmp );
return node;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ internal ADT_Node* _adt_get_field( ADT_Node* node, char* name, char* value )
for ( ssize i = 0; i < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)); i++ )
if ( ! c_str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) )
if ( ! str_compare( node->nodes[ i ].name, name ) )
ADT_Node* child = &node->nodes[ i ];
if ( _adt_get_value( child, value ) )
@ -168,22 +168,22 @@ ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri )
#if defined EADT_URI_DEBUG || 0
c_str_fmt_out( "uri: %s\n", uri );
str_fmt_out( "uri: %s\n", uri );
char * p = ( char* )uri, *b = p, *e = p;
ADT_Node* found_node = NULL;
b = p;
p = e = ( char* )c_str_skip( p, '/' );
char* buf = c_str_fmt_buf( "%.*s", ( int )( e - b ), b );
p = e = ( char* )str_skip( p, '/' );
char* buf = str_fmt_buf( "%.*s", ( int )( e - b ), b );
/* handle field value lookup */
if ( *b == '[' )
char *l_p = buf + 1, *l_b = l_p, *l_e = l_p, *l_b2 = l_p, *l_e2 = l_p;
l_e = ( char* )c_str_skip( l_p, '=' );
l_e2 = ( char* )c_str_skip( l_p, ']' );
l_e = ( char* )str_skip( l_p, '=' );
l_e2 = ( char* )str_skip( l_p, ']' );
if ( ( ! *l_e && node->type != EADT_TYPE_ARRAY ) || ! *l_e2 )
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri )
/* handle array index lookup */
ssize idx = ( ssize )c_str_to_i64( buf, NULL, 10 );
ssize idx = ( ssize )str_to_i64( buf, NULL, 10 );
if ( idx >= 0 && idx < scast(ssize, array_num(node->nodes)) )
found_node = &node->nodes[ idx ];
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str )
if ( ! c_str_compare_len( e, "0x", 2 ) || ! c_str_compare_len( e, "0X", 2 ) )
if ( ! str_compare_len( e, "0x", 2 ) || ! str_compare_len( e, "0X", 2 ) )
node_props = EADT_PROPS_IS_HEX;
@ -575,12 +575,12 @@ char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str )
orig_exp = exp = ( u8 )c_str_to_i64( expbuf, NULL, 10 );
orig_exp = exp = ( u8 )str_to_i64( expbuf, NULL, 10 );
if ( node_type == EADT_TYPE_INTEGER )
node->integer = c_str_to_i64( buf, 0, 0 );
node->integer = str_to_i64( buf, 0, 0 );
/* special case: negative zero */
if ( node->integer == 0 && buf[ 0 ] == '-' )
@ -595,19 +595,19 @@ char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str )
node->real = c_str_to_f64( buf, 0 );
node->real = str_to_f64( buf, 0 );
char *q = buf, *base_string = q, *base_string2 = q;
base_string = ccast( char*, c_str_skip( base_string, '.' ));
base_string = ccast( char*, str_skip( base_string, '.' ));
*base_string = '\0';
base_string2 = base_string + 1;
char* base_strbuilder_off = base_string2;
while ( *base_strbuilder_off++ == '0' )
char* base_string_off = base_string2;
while ( *base_string_off++ == '0' )
base = ( s32 )c_str_to_i64( q, 0, 0 );
base2 = ( s32 )c_str_to_i64( base_string2, 0, 0 );
base = ( s32 )str_to_i64( q, 0, 0 );
base2 = ( s32 )str_to_i64( base_string2, 0, 0 );
if ( exp )
exp = exp * ( ! ( eb == 10.0f ) ? -1 : 1 );
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ ADT_Error adt_print_string( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node, char const* escaped_
p = c_str_skip_any( p, escaped_chars );
p = str_skip_any( p, escaped_chars );
_adt_fprintf( file, "%.*s", pointer_diff( b, p ), b );
if ( *p && ! ! char_first_occurence( escaped_chars, *p ) )
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ ADT_Error adt_print_string( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node, char const* escaped_
ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node )
ADT_Error adt_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node )
GEN_ASSERT( node );
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node )
ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node )
ADT_Error adt_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node )
GEN_ASSERT( node );
@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
char delimiter = 0;
currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( currentChar, false ));
currentChar = ccast( char*, str_trim( currentChar, false ));
if ( *currentChar == 0 )
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
endChar = ccast( char*, c_str_skip( endChar, '"' ));
endChar = ccast( char*, str_skip( endChar, '"' ));
if ( *endChar && *( endChar + 1 ) == '"' )
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
*endChar = 0;
currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( endChar + 1, true ));
currentChar = ccast( char*, str_trim( endChar + 1, true ));
delimiter = * currentChar;
/* unescape escaped quotes (so that unescaped text escapes :) */
@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
if ( *escapedChar == '"' && *( escapedChar + 1 ) == '"' )
mem_move( escapedChar, escapedChar + 1, c_str_len( escapedChar ) );
mem_move( escapedChar, escapedChar + 1, str_len( escapedChar ) );
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
if ( * endChar )
currentChar = ccast( char*, c_str_trim( endChar, true ));
currentChar = ccast( char*, str_trim( endChar, true ));
while ( char_is_space( *( endChar - 1 ) ) )
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
char* num_p = beginChar;
// We only consider hexadecimal values if they start with 0x
if ( c_str_len(num_p) > 2 && num_p[0] == '0' && (num_p[1] == 'x' || num_p[1] == 'X') )
if ( str_len(num_p) > 2 && num_p[0] == '0' && (num_p[1] == 'x' || num_p[1] == 'X') )
num_p += 2; // skip '0x' prefix
@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b
if (!skip_number)
@ -1021,16 +1021,16 @@ void _csv_write_record( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* node )
c_str_fmt_file( file, "\"" );
str_fmt_file( file, "\"" );
adt_print_string( file, node, "\"", "\"" );
c_str_fmt_file( file, "\"" );
str_fmt_file( file, "\"" );
c_str_fmt_file( file, "%s", node->string );
str_fmt_file( file, "%s", node->string );
@ -1078,10 +1078,10 @@ void csv_write_delimiter( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter )
_csv_write_header( file, &obj->nodes[ i ] );
if ( i + 1 != cols )
c_str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter );
str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter );
c_str_fmt_file( file, "\n" );
str_fmt_file( file, "\n" );
for ( ssize r = 0; r < rows; r++ )
@ -1091,14 +1091,14 @@ void csv_write_delimiter( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter )
_csv_write_record( file, &obj->nodes[ i ].nodes[ r ] );
if ( i + 1 != cols )
c_str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter );
str_fmt_file( file, "%c", delimiter );
c_str_fmt_file( file, "\n" );
str_fmt_file( file, "\n" );
StrBuilder csv_write_strbuilder_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter )
String csv_write_string_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delimiter )
FileInfo tmp;
file_stream_new( &tmp, a );
@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ StrBuilder csv_write_strbuilder_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, cha
ssize fsize;
u8* buf = file_stream_buf( &tmp, &fsize );
StrBuilder output = strbuilder_make_length( a, ( char* )buf, fsize );
String output = string_make_length( a, ( char* )buf, fsize );
file_close( &tmp );
return output;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "timing.hpp"
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct ADT_Node
* @param is_array
* @return error code
GEN_API u8 adt_make_branch( ADT_Node* node, AllocatorInfo backing, char const* name, b32 is_array );
u8 adt_make_branch( ADT_Node* node, AllocatorInfo backing, char const* name, b32 is_array );
* @brief Destroy an ADT branch and its descendants
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ GEN_API u8 adt_make_branch( ADT_Node* node, AllocatorInfo backing, char const* n
* @param node
* @return error code
GEN_API u8 adt_destroy_branch( ADT_Node* node );
u8 adt_destroy_branch( ADT_Node* node );
* @brief Initialise an ADT leaf
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ GEN_API u8 adt_destroy_branch( ADT_Node* node );
* @param type Node's type (use zpl_adt_make_branch for container nodes)
* @return error code
GEN_API u8 adt_make_leaf( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, ADT_Type type );
u8 adt_make_leaf( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, ADT_Type type );
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ GEN_API u8 adt_make_leaf( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, ADT_Type type );
* @see code/apps/examples/json_get.c
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri );
ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri );
* @brief Find a field node within an object by the given name.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_query( ADT_Node* node, char const* uri );
* @param deep_search Perform search recursively
* @return zpl_adt_node * node
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search );
ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search );
* @brief Allocate an unitialised node within a container at a specified index.
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_find( ADT_Node* node, char const* name, b32 deep_search );
* @param index
* @return zpl_adt_node * node
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_alloc_at( ADT_Node* parent, ssize index );
ADT_Node* adt_alloc_at( ADT_Node* parent, ssize index );
* @brief Allocate an unitialised node within a container.
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_alloc_at( ADT_Node* parent, ssize index );
* @param parent
* @return zpl_adt_node * node
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_alloc( ADT_Node* parent );
ADT_Node* adt_alloc( ADT_Node* parent );
* @brief Move an existing node to a new container at a specified index.
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_alloc( ADT_Node* parent );
* @param index
* @return zpl_adt_node * node
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_move_node_at( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent, ssize index );
ADT_Node* adt_move_node_at( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent, ssize index );
* @brief Move an existing node to a new container.
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_move_node_at( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent, ssize
* @param new_parent
* @return zpl_adt_node * node
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_move_node( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent );
ADT_Node* adt_move_node( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent );
* @brief Swap two nodes.
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_move_node( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* new_parent );
* @param other_node
* @return
GEN_API void adt_swap_nodes( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* other_node );
void adt_swap_nodes( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* other_node );
* @brief Remove node from container.
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ GEN_API void adt_swap_nodes( ADT_Node* node, ADT_Node* other_node );
* @param node
* @return
GEN_API void adt_remove_node( ADT_Node* node );
void adt_remove_node( ADT_Node* node );
* @brief Initialise a node as an object
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ GEN_API void adt_remove_node( ADT_Node* node );
* @param backing
* @return
GEN_API b8 adt_set_obj( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing );
b8 adt_set_obj( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing );
* @brief Initialise a node as an array
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ GEN_API b8 adt_set_obj( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing )
* @param backing
* @return
GEN_API b8 adt_set_arr( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing );
b8 adt_set_arr( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing );
* @brief Initialise a node as a string
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ GEN_API b8 adt_set_arr( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, AllocatorInfo backing )
* @param value
* @return
GEN_API b8 adt_set_str( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, char const* value );
b8 adt_set_str( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, char const* value );
* @brief Initialise a node as a float
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ GEN_API b8 adt_set_str( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, char const* value );
* @param value
* @return
GEN_API b8 adt_set_flt( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, f64 value );
b8 adt_set_flt( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, f64 value );
* @brief Initialise a node as a signed integer
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ GEN_API b8 adt_set_flt( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, f64 value );
* @param value
* @return
GEN_API b8 adt_set_int( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, s64 value );
b8 adt_set_int( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, s64 value );
* @brief Append a new node to a container as an object
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ GEN_API b8 adt_set_int( ADT_Node* obj, char const* name, s64 value );
* @param name
* @return*
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_obj( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
ADT_Node* adt_append_obj( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
* @brief Append a new node to a container as an array
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_obj( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
* @param name
* @return*
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_arr( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
ADT_Node* adt_append_arr( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
* @brief Append a new node to a container as a string
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_arr( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name );
* @param value
* @return*
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_str( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, char const* value );
ADT_Node* adt_append_str( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, char const* value );
* @brief Append a new node to a container as a float
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_str( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, char const
* @param value
* @return*
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_flt( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, f64 value );
ADT_Node* adt_append_flt( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, f64 value );
* @brief Append a new node to a container as a signed integer
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_flt( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, f64 value
* @param value
* @return*
GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_int( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, s64 value );
ADT_Node* adt_append_int( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, s64 value );
/* parser helpers */
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Node* adt_append_int( ADT_Node* parent, char const* name, s64 value
* @param base
* @return*
GEN_API char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base );
char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base );
* @brief Parses a text and stores the result into an unitialised node.
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ GEN_API char* adt_parse_number( ADT_Node* node, char* base );
* @param base
* @return*
GEN_API char* adt_parse_number_strict( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str );
char* adt_parse_number_strict( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str );
* @brief Parses and converts an existing string node into a number.
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ GEN_API char* adt_parse_number_strict( ADT_Node* node, char* base_str );
* @param node
* @return
GEN_API ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node );
ADT_Error adt_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node );
* @brief Parses and converts an existing string node into a number.
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number( ADT_Node* node );
* @param node
* @return
GEN_API ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node );
ADT_Error adt_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node );
* @brief Prints a number into a file stream.
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Error adt_c_str_to_number_strict( ADT_Node* node );
* @param node
* @return
GEN_API ADT_Error adt_print_number( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node );
ADT_Error adt_print_number( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node );
* @brief Prints a string into a file stream.
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ GEN_API ADT_Error adt_print_number( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node );
* @param escape_symbol
* @return
GEN_API ADT_Error adt_print_string( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node, char const* escaped_chars, char const* escape_symbol );
ADT_Error adt_print_string( FileInfo* file, ADT_Node* node, char const* escaped_chars, char const* escape_symbol );
#pragma endregion ADT
@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ enum CSV_Error : u32
typedef ADT_Node CSV_Object;
u8 csv_parse( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b32 has_header );
GEN_API u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b32 has_header, char delim );
void csv_free( CSV_Object* obj );
u8 csv_parse( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b32 has_header );
u8 csv_parse_delimiter( CSV_Object* root, char* text, AllocatorInfo allocator, b32 has_header, char delim );
void csv_free( CSV_Object* obj );
void csv_write( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj );
StrBuilder csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj );
GEN_API void csv_write_delimiter( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj, char delim );
GEN_API StrBuilder csv_write_strbuilder_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delim );
void csv_write( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj );
String csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj );
void csv_write_delimiter( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj, char delim );
String csv_write_string_delimiter( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj, char delim );
/* inline */
@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ void csv_write( FileInfo* file, CSV_Object* obj )
StrBuilder csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj )
String csv_write_string( AllocatorInfo a, CSV_Object* obj )
return csv_write_strbuilder_delimiter( a, obj, ',' );
return csv_write_string_delimiter( a, obj, ',' );
#pragma endregion CSV
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
@ -143,15 +143,27 @@
# define GEN_NS_PARSER
# define GEN_NS
# define GEN_NS_BEGIN
# define GEN_NS_END
# else
# define GEN_NS_PARSER_BEGIN namespace parser {
# define GEN_NS_PARSER_END }
# define GEN_USING_NS_PARSER using namespace parser
# define GEN_NS_PARSER parser::
# define GEN_NS ::
# define GEN_NS_BEGIN
# define GEN_NS_END
# endif
# define GEN_NS_PARSER_BEGIN namespace parser {
# define GEN_NS_PARSER_END }
# define GEN_NS_PARSER parser::
# define GEN_USING_NS_PARSER using namespace parser
# define GEN_NS gen::
# define GEN_NS_BEGIN namespace gen {
# define GEN_NS_END }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# pragma once
# include "strbuilder_ops.cpp"
# include "string_ops.cpp"
#pragma region Printing
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ internal ssize _print_string( char* text, ssize max_len, _format_info* info, cha
if ( str == NULL && max_len >= 6 )
res += c_str_copy_nulpad( text, "(null)", 6 );
res += str_copy_nulpad( text, "(null)", 6 );
return res;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ internal ssize _print_string( char* text, ssize max_len, _format_info* info, cha
// Made the design decision for this library that precision is the length of the string.
len = info->precision;
len = c_str_len( str );
len = str_len( str );
if ( info && ( info->width == 0 && info->flags & GEN_FMT_WIDTH ) )
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ internal ssize _print_string( char* text, ssize max_len, _format_info* info, cha
len = info->precision < len ? info->precision : len;
if ( res + len > max_len )
return res;
res += c_str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );
res += str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );
text += res;
if ( info->width > res )
@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ internal ssize _print_string( char* text, ssize max_len, _format_info* info, cha
if ( res + len > max_len )
return res;
res += c_str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );
res += str_copy_nulpad( text, str, len );
if ( info )
if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_UPPER )
c_str_to_upper( begin );
str_to_upper( begin );
else if ( info->flags & GEN_FMT_LOWER )
c_str_to_lower( begin );
str_to_lower( begin );
return res;
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ internal ssize _print_f64( char* text, ssize max_len, _format_info* info, b32 is
return ( text - text_begin );
neverinline ssize c_str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_list va )
neverinline ssize str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_list va )
char const* text_begin = text;
ssize remaining = max_len, res;
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ neverinline ssize c_str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_l
info.width = scast( s32, c_str_to_i64( fmt, ccast( char**, & fmt), 10 ));
info.width = scast( s32, str_to_i64( fmt, ccast( char**, & fmt), 10 ));
if ( info.width != 0 )
info.flags |= GEN_FMT_WIDTH;
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ neverinline ssize c_str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_l
info.precision = scast( s32, c_str_to_i64( fmt, ccast( char**, & fmt), 10 ));
info.precision = scast( s32, str_to_i64( fmt, ccast( char**, & fmt), 10 ));
info.flags &= ~GEN_FMT_ZERO;
@ -419,20 +419,19 @@ neverinline ssize c_str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_l
case 'S':
if ( *(fmt + 1) == 'B' )
if ( *(fmt + 1) == 'C' )
++ fmt;
StrBuilder gen_str = { va_arg( va, char*) };
info.precision = strbuilder_length(gen_str);
len = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, gen_str );
StrC gen_str = va_arg( va, StrC);
info.precision = gen_str.Len;
len = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, gen_str.Ptr );
Str gen_str = va_arg( va, Str);
info.precision = gen_str.Len;
len = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, gen_str.Ptr );
String gen_str = { va_arg( va, char*) };
info.precision = string_length(gen_str);
len = _print_string( text, remaining, &info, gen_str );
@ -532,67 +531,67 @@ neverinline ssize c_str_fmt_va( char* text, ssize max_len, char const* fmt, va_l
return ( res >= max_len || res < 0 ) ? -1 : res;
char* c_str_fmt_buf_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
char* str_fmt_buf_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
local_persist thread_local char buffer[ GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN ];
c_str_fmt_va( buffer, size_of( buffer ), fmt, va );
str_fmt_va( buffer, size_of( buffer ), fmt, va );
return buffer;
char* c_str_fmt_buf( char const* fmt, ... )
char* str_fmt_buf( char const* fmt, ... )
va_list va;
char* str;
va_start( va, fmt );
str = c_str_fmt_buf_va( fmt, va );
str = str_fmt_buf_va( fmt, va );
va_end( va );
return str;
ssize c_str_fmt_file_va( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va )
ssize str_fmt_file_va( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va )
local_persist thread_local char buf[ GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN ];
ssize len = c_str_fmt_va( buf, size_of( buf ), fmt, va );
ssize len = str_fmt_va( buf, size_of( buf ), fmt, va );
b32 res = file_write( f, buf, len - 1 ); // NOTE: prevent extra whitespace
return res ? len : -1;
ssize c_str_fmt_file( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, ... )
ssize str_fmt_file( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, ... )
ssize res;
va_list va;
va_start( va, fmt );
res = c_str_fmt_file_va( f, fmt, va );
res = str_fmt_file_va( f, fmt, va );
va_end( va );
return res;
ssize c_str_fmt( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, ... )
ssize str_fmt( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, ... )
ssize res;
va_list va;
va_start( va, fmt );
res = c_str_fmt_va( str, n, fmt, va );
res = str_fmt_va( str, n, fmt, va );
va_end( va );
return res;
ssize c_str_fmt_out_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
ssize str_fmt_out_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
return c_str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_OUTPUT ), fmt, va );
return str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_OUTPUT ), fmt, va );
ssize c_str_fmt_out_err_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
ssize str_fmt_out_err_va( char const* fmt, va_list va )
return c_str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_ERROR ), fmt, va );
return str_fmt_file_va( file_get_standard( EFileStandard_ERROR ), fmt, va );
ssize c_str_fmt_out_err( char const* fmt, ... )
ssize str_fmt_out_err( char const* fmt, ... )
ssize res;
va_list va;
va_start( va, fmt );
res = c_str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va );
res = str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va );
va_end( va );
return res;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# pragma once
# include "strbuilder_ops.hpp"
# include "string_ops.hpp"
#pragma region Printing
@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ typedef struct FileInfo FileInfo;
typedef char PrintF_Buffer[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN];
// NOTE: A locally persisting buffer is used internally
GEN_API char* c_str_fmt_buf ( char const* fmt, ... );
GEN_API char* c_str_fmt_buf_va ( char const* fmt, va_list va );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt ( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, ... );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_va ( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, va_list va );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_out_va ( char const* fmt, va_list va );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_out_err ( char const* fmt, ... );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_out_err_va( char const* fmt, va_list va );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_file ( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, ... );
GEN_API ssize c_str_fmt_file_va ( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va );
char* str_fmt_buf ( char const* fmt, ... );
char* str_fmt_buf_va ( char const* fmt, va_list va );
ssize str_fmt ( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, ... );
ssize str_fmt_va ( char* str, ssize n, char const* fmt, va_list va );
ssize str_fmt_out_va ( char const* fmt, va_list va );
ssize str_fmt_out_err ( char const* fmt, ... );
ssize str_fmt_out_err_va( char const* fmt, va_list va );
ssize str_fmt_file ( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, ... );
ssize str_fmt_file_va ( FileInfo* f, char const* fmt, va_list va );
char const* Msg_Invalid_Value = "INVALID VALUE PROVIDED";
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ ssize log_fmt(char const* fmt, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
res = c_str_fmt_out_va(fmt, va);
res = str_fmt_out_va(fmt, va);
return res;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "header_start.hpp"
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
# define _printf_err( fmt, ... ) fprintf( stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )
# define _printf_err_va( fmt, va ) vfprintf( stderr, fmt, va )
# else
# define _strlen c_str_len
# define _printf_err( fmt, ... ) c_str_fmt_out_err( fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )
# define _printf_err_va( fmt, va ) c_str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va )
# define _strlen str_len
# define _printf_err( fmt, ... ) str_fmt_out_err( fmt, __VA_ARGS__ )
# define _printf_err_va( fmt, va ) str_fmt_out_err_va( fmt, va )
# endif
# endif
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "debug.cpp"
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ssize _scan_zpl_i64( const char* text, s32 base, s64* value )
if ( base == 16 && c_str_compare_len( text, "0x", 2 ) == 0 )
if ( base == 16 && str_compare_len( text, "0x", 2 ) == 0 )
text += 2;
for ( ;; )
@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ global const char _num_to_char_table[] =
s64 c_str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base )
s64 str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base )
ssize len;
s64 value;
if ( ! base )
if ( ( c_str_len( str ) > 2 ) && ( c_str_compare_len( str, "0x", 2 ) == 0 ) )
if ( ( str_len( str ) > 2 ) && ( str_compare_len( str, "0x", 2 ) == 0 ) )
base = 16;
base = 10;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void i64_to_str( s64 value, char* string, s32 base )
if ( negative )
*buf++ = '-';
*buf = '\0';
c_str_reverse( string );
str_reverse( string );
void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base )
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base )
*buf = '\0';
c_str_reverse( string );
str_reverse( string );
f64 c_str_to_f64( const char* str, char** end_ptr )
f64 str_to_f64( const char* str, char** end_ptr )
f64 result, value, sign, scale;
s32 frac;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "memory.hpp"
@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ char char_to_upper( char c );
s32 digit_to_int( char c );
s32 hex_digit_to_int( char c );
s32 c_str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
s32 c_str_compare_len( const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize len );
char* c_str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len );
ssize c_str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len );
ssize c_str_len( const char* str );
ssize c_str_len_capped( const char* str, ssize max_len );
char* c_str_reverse( char* str ); // NOTE: ASCII only
char const* c_str_skip( char const* str, char c );
char const* c_str_skip_any( char const* str, char const* char_list );
char const* c_str_trim( char const* str, b32 catch_newline );
s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
s32 str_compare_len( const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize len );
char* str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len );
ssize str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len );
ssize str_len( const char* str );
ssize str_len_capped( const char* str, ssize max_len );
char* str_reverse( char* str ); // NOTE: ASCII only
char const* str_skip( char const* str, char c );
char const* str_skip_any( char const* str, char const* char_list );
char const* str_trim( char const* str, b32 catch_newline );
// NOTE: ASCII only
void c_str_to_lower( char* str );
void c_str_to_upper( char* str );
void str_to_lower( char* str );
void str_to_upper( char* str );
GEN_API s64 c_str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base );
GEN_API void i64_to_str( s64 value, char* string, s32 base );
GEN_API void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base );
GEN_API f64 c_str_to_f64( const char* str, char** end_ptr );
s64 str_to_i64( const char* str, char** end_ptr, s32 base );
void i64_to_str( s64 value, char* string, s32 base );
void u64_to_str( u64 value, char* string, s32 base );
f64 str_to_f64( const char* str, char** end_ptr );
const char* char_first_occurence( const char* s, char c )
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ s32 hex_digit_to_int( char c )
s32 c_str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 )
s32 str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 )
while ( *s1 && ( *s1 == *s2 ) )
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ s32 c_str_compare( const char* s1, const char* s2 )
s32 c_str_compare_len( const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize len )
s32 str_compare_len( const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize len )
for ( ; len > 0; s1++, s2++, len-- )
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ s32 c_str_compare_len( const char* s1, const char* s2, ssize len )
char* c_str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
char* str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
if ( source )
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ char* c_str_copy( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
ssize c_str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
ssize str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
ssize result = 0;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ ssize c_str_copy_nulpad( char* dest, const char* source, ssize len )
ssize c_str_len( const char* str )
ssize str_len( const char* str )
if ( str == NULL )
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ ssize c_str_len( const char* str )
ssize c_str_len_capped( const char* str, ssize max_len )
ssize str_len_capped( const char* str, ssize max_len )
const char* end = rcast(const char*, mem_find( str, 0, max_len ));
if ( end )
@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ ssize c_str_len_capped( const char* str, ssize max_len )
char* c_str_reverse( char* str )
char* str_reverse( char* str )
ssize len = c_str_len( str );
ssize len = str_len( str );
char* a = str + 0;
char* b = str + len - 1;
len /= 2;
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ char* c_str_reverse( char* str )
char const* c_str_skip( char const* str, char c )
char const* str_skip( char const* str, char c )
while ( *str && *str != c )
@ -238,20 +238,20 @@ char const* c_str_skip( char const* str, char c )
char const* c_str_skip_any( char const* str, char const* char_list )
char const* str_skip_any( char const* str, char const* char_list )
char const* closest_ptr = rcast( char const*, pointer_add_const( rcast(mem_ptr_const, str), c_str_len( str ) ));
ssize char_list_count = c_str_len( char_list );
char const* closest_ptr = rcast( char const*, pointer_add_const( rcast(mem_ptr_const, str), str_len( str ) ));
ssize char_list_count = str_len( char_list );
for ( ssize i = 0; i < char_list_count; i++ )
char const* p = c_str_skip( str, char_list[ i ] );
char const* p = str_skip( str, char_list[ i ] );
closest_ptr = min( closest_ptr, p );
return closest_ptr;
char const* c_str_trim( char const* str, b32 catch_newline )
char const* str_trim( char const* str, b32 catch_newline )
while ( *str && char_is_space( *str ) && ( ! catch_newline || ( catch_newline && *str != '\n' ) ) )
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ char const* c_str_trim( char const* str, b32 catch_newline )
void c_str_to_lower( char* str )
void str_to_lower( char* str )
if ( ! str )
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ void c_str_to_lower( char* str )
void c_str_to_upper( char* str )
void str_to_upper( char* str )
if ( ! str )
@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
# pragma once
# include "hashing.cpp"
#pragma region StrBuilder
#pragma region String
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, ssize length )
String string_make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, ssize length )
ssize const header_size = sizeof( StrBuilderHeader );
ssize const header_size = sizeof( StringHeader );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + length + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr ) {
StrBuilder null_string = {nullptr};
String null_string = {nullptr};
return null_string;
header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader*, allocation);
header = rcast(StringHeader*, allocation);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = length;
header->Length = length;
StrBuilder result = { rcast( char*, allocation) + header_size };
String result = { rcast( char*, allocation) + header_size };
if ( length && str )
mem_copy( result, str, length );
@ -35,143 +35,27 @@ StrBuilder strbuilder_make_length( AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, ssi
return result;
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize capacity )
String string_make_reserve( AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize capacity )
ssize const header_size = sizeof( StrBuilderHeader );
ssize const header_size = sizeof( StringHeader );
s32 alloc_size = header_size + capacity + 1;
void* allocation = alloc( allocator, alloc_size );
if ( allocation == nullptr ) {
StrBuilder null_string = {nullptr};
String null_string = {nullptr};
return null_string;
mem_set( allocation, 0, alloc_size );
header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader*, allocation);
header = rcast(StringHeader*, allocation);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = capacity;
header->Length = 0;
StrBuilder result = { rcast(char*, allocation) + header_size };
String result = { rcast(char*, allocation) + header_size };
return result;
bool strbuilder_make_space_for(StrBuilder* str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len)
ssize available = strbuilder_avail_space(* str);
if (available >= add_len) {
return true;
ssize new_len, old_size, new_size;
void* ptr;
void* new_ptr;
AllocatorInfo allocator = strbuilder_get_header(* str)->Allocator;
StrBuilderHeader* header = nullptr;
new_len = strbuilder_grow_formula(strbuilder_length(* str) + add_len);
ptr = strbuilder_get_header(* str);
old_size = size_of(StrBuilderHeader) + strbuilder_length(* str) + 1;
new_size = size_of(StrBuilderHeader) + new_len + 1;
new_ptr = resize(allocator, ptr, old_size, new_size);
if (new_ptr == nullptr)
return false;
header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader*, new_ptr);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = new_len;
char** Data = rcast(char**, str);
* Data = rcast(char*, header + 1);
return true;
bool strbuilder_append_c_str_len(StrBuilder* str, char const* c_str_to_append, ssize append_length)
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
if ( rcast(sptr, c_str_to_append) > 0)
ssize curr_len = strbuilder_length(* str);
if ( ! strbuilder_make_space_for(str, c_str_to_append, append_length))
return false;
StrBuilderHeader* header = strbuilder_get_header(* str);
char* Data = * str;
mem_copy( Data + curr_len, c_str_to_append, append_length);
Data[curr_len + append_length] = '\0';
header->Length = curr_len + append_length;
return c_str_to_append != nullptr;
void strbuilder_trim(StrBuilder str, char const* cut_set)
ssize len = 0;
char* start_pos = str;
char* end_pos = scast(char*, str) + strbuilder_length(str) - 1;
while (start_pos <= end_pos && char_first_occurence(cut_set, *start_pos))
while (end_pos > start_pos && char_first_occurence(cut_set, *end_pos))
len = scast(ssize, (start_pos > end_pos) ? 0 : ((end_pos - start_pos) + 1));
if (str != start_pos)
mem_move(str, start_pos, len);
str[len] = '\0';
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = len;
StrBuilder strbuilder_visualize_whitespace(StrBuilder const str)
StrBuilderHeader* header = (StrBuilderHeader*)(scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve(header->Allocator, strbuilder_length(str) * 2); // Assume worst case for space requirements.
for (char const* c = strbuilder_begin(str); c != strbuilder_end(str); c = strbuilder_next(str, c))
switch ( * c )
case ' ':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("·"));
case '\t':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("→"));
case '\n':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("↵"));
case '\r':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⏎"));
case '\v':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⇕"));
case '\f':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⌂"));
strbuilder_append_char(& result, * c);
return result;
#pragma endregion StrBuilder
#pragma endregion String
@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
# pragma once
# include "hashing.hpp"
#pragma region Strings
struct Str;
struct StrC;
Str to_str_from_c_str (char const* bad_string);
bool str_are_equal (Str lhs, Str rhs);
char const* str_back (Str str);
bool str_contains (Str str, Str substring);
Str str_duplicate (Str str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
b32 str_starts_with (Str str, Str substring);
Str str_visualize_whitespace(Str str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
StrC to_strc_from_c_str (char const* bad_string);
bool strc_are_equal (StrC lhs, StrC rhs);
char const* strc_back (StrC str);
bool strc_contains (StrC str, StrC substring);
StrC strc_duplicate (StrC str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
b32 strc_starts_with (StrC str, StrC substring);
StrC strc_visualize_whitespace(StrC str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
// Constant string with length.
struct Str
struct StrC
char const* Ptr;
ssize Len;
char const* Ptr;
forceinline operator char const* () const { return Ptr; }
forceinline char const& operator[]( ssize index ) const { return Ptr[index]; }
forceinline bool is_equal (Str rhs) const { return str_are_equal(* this, rhs); }
forceinline char const* back () const { return str_back(* this); }
forceinline bool contains (Str substring) const { return str_contains(* this, substring); }
forceinline Str duplicate (AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return str_duplicate(* this, allocator); }
forceinline b32 starts_with (Str substring) const { return str_starts_with(* this, substring); }
forceinline Str visualize_whitespace(AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return str_visualize_whitespace(* this, allocator); }
forceinline bool is_equal (StrC rhs) const { return strc_are_equal(* this, rhs); }
forceinline char const* back () const { return strc_back(* this); }
forceinline bool contains (StrC substring) const { return strc_contains(* this, substring); }
forceinline StrC duplicate (AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return strc_duplicate(* this, allocator); }
forceinline b32 starts_with (StrC substring) const { return strc_starts_with(* this, substring); }
forceinline StrC visualize_whitespace(AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return strc_visualize_whitespace(* this, allocator); }
#define cast_to_str( str ) * rcast( Str*, (str) - sizeof(ssize) )
#define cast_to_strc( str ) * rcast( StrC*, (str) - sizeof(ssize) )
#ifndef txt
# define txt( text ) GEN_NS Str { ( text ), sizeof( text ) - 1 }
# define txt( text ) StrC { sizeof( text ) - 1, ( text ) }
# else
# define txt( text ) (GEN_NS Str){ ( text ), sizeof( text ) - 1 }
# define txt( text ) (StrC){ sizeof( text ) - 1, ( text ) }
# endif
forceinline char const* str_begin(Str str) { return str.Ptr; }
forceinline char const* str_end (Str str) { return str.Ptr + str.Len; }
forceinline char const* str_next (Str str, char const* iter) { return iter + 1; }
forceinline char const* strc_begin(StrC str) { return str.Ptr; }
forceinline char const* strc_end (StrC str) { return str.Ptr + str.Len; }
forceinline char const* strc_next (StrC str, char const* iter) { return iter + 1; }
forceinline char const* begin(Str str) { return str.Ptr; }
forceinline char const* end (Str str) { return str.Ptr + str.Len; }
forceinline char const* next (Str str, char const* iter) { return iter + 1; }
forceinline char const* begin(StrC str) { return str.Ptr; }
forceinline char const* end (StrC str) { return str.Ptr + str.Len; }
forceinline char const* next (StrC str, char const* iter) { return iter + 1; }
bool str_are_equal(Str lhs, Str rhs)
bool strc_are_equal(StrC lhs, StrC rhs)
if (lhs.Len != rhs.Len)
return false;
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ bool str_are_equal(Str lhs, Str rhs)
char const* str_back(Str str) {
char const* strc_back(StrC str) {
return & str.Ptr[str.Len - 1];
bool str_contains(Str str, Str substring)
bool strc_contains(StrC str, StrC substring)
if (substring.Len > str.Len)
return false;
@ -86,98 +86,97 @@ bool str_contains(Str str, Str substring)
ssize sub_len = substring.Len;
for (ssize idx = 0; idx <= main_len - sub_len; ++idx)
if (c_str_compare_len(str.Ptr + idx, substring.Ptr, sub_len) == 0)
if (str_compare_len(str.Ptr + idx, substring.Ptr, sub_len) == 0)
return true;
return false;
b32 str_starts_with(Str str, Str substring) {
b32 strc_starts_with(StrC str, StrC substring) {
if (substring.Len > str.Len)
return false;
b32 result = c_str_compare_len(str.Ptr, substring.Ptr, substring.Len) == 0;
b32 result = str_compare_len(str.Ptr, substring.Ptr, substring.Len) == 0;
return result;
Str to_str_from_c_str( char const* bad_str ) {
Str result = { bad_str, c_str_len( bad_str ) };
StrC to_strc_from_c_str( char const* bad_str ) {
StrC result = { str_len( bad_str ), bad_str };
return result;
// Dynamic StrBuilder
// Dynamic String
// This is directly based off the ZPL string api.
// They used a header pattern
// I kept it for simplicty of porting but its not necessary to keep it that way.
#pragma region StrBuilder
struct StrBuilderHeader;
#pragma region String
struct StringHeader;
typedef char* StrBuilder;
typedef char* String;
struct StrBuilder;
struct String;
forceinline usize strbuilder_grow_formula(usize value);
forceinline usize string_grow_formula(usize value);
GEN_API StrBuilder strbuilder_make_reserve (AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize capacity);
GEN_API StrBuilder strbuilder_make_length (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, ssize length);
GEN_API bool strbuilder_make_space_for (StrBuilder* str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len);
GEN_API bool strbuilder_append_c_str_len (StrBuilder* str, char const* c_str_to_append, ssize length);
GEN_API void strbuilder_trim (StrBuilder str, char const* cut_set);
GEN_API StrBuilder strbuilder_visualize_whitespace(StrBuilder const str);
String string_make_c_str (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str);
String string_make_strc (AllocatorInfo allocator, StrC str);
String string_make_reserve (AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize capacity);
String string_make_length (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str, ssize length);
String string_fmt (AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...);
String string_fmt_buf (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...);
String string_join (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, ssize num_parts, char const* glue);
bool string_are_equal (String const lhs, String const rhs);
bool string_are_equal_strc (String const lhs, StrC rhs);
bool string_make_space_for (String* str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len);
bool string_append_char (String* str, char c);
bool string_append_c_str (String* str, char const* str_to_append);
bool string_append_c_str_len (String* str, char const* str_to_append, ssize length);
bool string_append_strc (String* str, StrC str_to_append);
bool string_append_string (String* str, String const other);
bool string_append_fmt (String* str, char const* fmt, ...);
ssize string_avail_space (String const str);
char* string_back (String str);
bool string_contains_strc (String const str, StrC substring);
bool string_contains_string (String const str, String const substring);
ssize string_capacity (String const str);
void string_clear (String str);
String string_duplicate (String const str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
void string_free (String* str);
StringHeader* string_get_header (String str);
ssize string_length (String const str);
b32 string_starts_with_strc (String const str, StrC substring);
b32 string_starts_with_string (String const str, String substring);
void string_skip_line (String str);
void string_strip_space (String str);
StrC string_to_strc (String str);
void string_trim (String str, char const* cut_set);
void string_trim_space (String str);
String string_visualize_whitespace(String const str);
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_c_str (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str);
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_str (AllocatorInfo allocator, Str str);
StrBuilder strbuilder_fmt (AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...);
StrBuilder strbuilder_fmt_buf (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...);
StrBuilder strbuilder_join (AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, ssize num_parts, char const* glue);
bool strbuilder_are_equal (StrBuilder const lhs, StrBuilder const rhs);
bool strbuilder_are_equal_str (StrBuilder const lhs, Str rhs);
bool strbuilder_append_char (StrBuilder* str, char c);
bool strbuilder_append_c_str (StrBuilder* str, char const* c_str_to_append);
bool strbuilder_append_str (StrBuilder* str, Str c_str_to_append);
bool strbuilder_append_string (StrBuilder* str, StrBuilder const other);
bool strbuilder_append_fmt (StrBuilder* str, char const* fmt, ...);
ssize strbuilder_avail_space (StrBuilder const str);
char* strbuilder_back (StrBuilder str);
bool strbuilder_contains_str (StrBuilder const str, Str substring);
bool strbuilder_contains_string (StrBuilder const str, StrBuilder const substring);
ssize strbuilder_capacity (StrBuilder const str);
void strbuilder_clear (StrBuilder str);
StrBuilder strbuilder_duplicate (StrBuilder const str, AllocatorInfo allocator);
void strbuilder_free (StrBuilder* str);
StrBuilderHeader* strbuilder_get_header (StrBuilder str);
ssize strbuilder_length (StrBuilder const str);
b32 strbuilder_starts_with_str (StrBuilder const str, Str substring);
b32 strbuilder_starts_with_string (StrBuilder const str, StrBuilder substring);
void strbuilder_skip_line (StrBuilder str);
void strbuilder_strip_space (StrBuilder str);
Str strbuilder_to_str (StrBuilder str);
void strbuilder_trim_space (StrBuilder str);
struct StrBuilderHeader {
struct StringHeader {
AllocatorInfo Allocator;
ssize Capacity;
ssize Length;
struct StrBuilder
struct String
char* Data;
forceinline operator char*() { return Data; }
forceinline operator char const*() const { return Data; }
forceinline operator Str() const { return { Data, strbuilder_length(* this) }; }
forceinline operator StrC() const { return { string_length(* this), Data }; }
StrBuilder const& operator=(StrBuilder const& other) const {
String const& operator=(String const& other) const {
if (this == &other)
return *this;
StrBuilder* this_ = ccast(StrBuilder*, this);
String* this_ = ccast(String*, this);
this_->Data = other.Data;
return *this;
@ -186,69 +185,69 @@ struct StrBuilder
forceinline char& operator[](ssize index) { return Data[index]; }
forceinline char const& operator[](ssize index) const { return Data[index]; }
forceinline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return Data == nullptr; }
forceinline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return Data != nullptr; }
friend forceinline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const StrBuilder str) { return str.Data == nullptr; }
friend forceinline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const StrBuilder str) { return str.Data != nullptr; }
forceinline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return Data == nullptr; }
forceinline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return Data != nullptr; }
friend forceinline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const String str) { return str.Data == nullptr; }
friend forceinline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const String str) { return str.Data != nullptr; }
forceinline char* begin() const { return Data; }
forceinline char* end() const { return Data + strbuilder_length(* this); }
forceinline char* end() const { return Data + string_length(* this); }
#pragma region Member Mapping
forceinline static StrBuilder make(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str) { return strbuilder_make_c_str(allocator, str); }
forceinline static StrBuilder make(AllocatorInfo allocator, Str str) { return strbuilder_make_str(allocator, str); }
forceinline static StrBuilder make_reserve(AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize cap) { return strbuilder_make_reserve(allocator, cap); }
forceinline static StrBuilder make_length(AllocatorInfo a, char const* s, ssize l) { return strbuilder_make_length(a, s, l); }
forceinline static StrBuilder join(AllocatorInfo a, char const** p, ssize n, char const* g) { return strbuilder_join(a, p, n, g); }
forceinline static usize grow_formula(usize value) { return strbuilder_grow_formula(value); }
forceinline static String make(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str) { return string_make_c_str(allocator, str); }
forceinline static String make(AllocatorInfo allocator, StrC str) { return string_make_strc(allocator, str); }
forceinline static String make_reserve(AllocatorInfo allocator, ssize cap) { return string_make_reserve(allocator, cap); }
forceinline static String make_length(AllocatorInfo a, char const* s, ssize l) { return string_make_length(a, s, l); }
forceinline static String join(AllocatorInfo a, char const** p, ssize n, char const* g) { return string_join(a, p, n, g); }
forceinline static usize grow_formula(usize value) { return string_grow_formula(value); }
StrBuilder fmt(AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...) {
String fmt(AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...) {
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ssize res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, buf_size, fmt, va) - 1;
ssize res = str_fmt_va(buf, buf_size, fmt, va) - 1;
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
return string_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
StrBuilder fmt_buf(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...) {
String fmt_buf(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...) {
local_persist thread_local
char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ssize res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va) - 1;
ssize res = str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va) - 1;
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
return string_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
forceinline bool make_space_for(char const* str, ssize add_len) { return strbuilder_make_space_for(this, str, add_len); }
forceinline bool append(char c) { return strbuilder_append_char(this, c); }
forceinline bool append(char const* str) { return strbuilder_append_c_str(this, str); }
forceinline bool append(char const* str, ssize length) { return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(this, str, length); }
forceinline bool append(Str str) { return strbuilder_append_str(this, str); }
forceinline bool append(const StrBuilder other) { return strbuilder_append_string(this, other); }
forceinline ssize avail_space() const { return strbuilder_avail_space(* this); }
forceinline char* back() { return strbuilder_back(* this); }
forceinline bool contains(Str substring) const { return strbuilder_contains_str(* this, substring); }
forceinline bool contains(StrBuilder const& substring) const { return strbuilder_contains_string(* this, substring); }
forceinline ssize capacity() const { return strbuilder_capacity(* this); }
forceinline void clear() { strbuilder_clear(* this); }
forceinline StrBuilder duplicate(AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return strbuilder_duplicate(* this, allocator); }
forceinline void free() { strbuilder_free(this); }
forceinline bool is_equal(StrBuilder const& other) const { return strbuilder_are_equal(* this, other); }
forceinline bool is_equal(Str other) const { return strbuilder_are_equal_str(* this, other); }
forceinline ssize length() const { return strbuilder_length(* this); }
forceinline b32 starts_with(Str substring) const { return strbuilder_starts_with_str(* this, substring); }
forceinline b32 starts_with(StrBuilder substring) const { return strbuilder_starts_with_string(* this, substring); }
forceinline void skip_line() { strbuilder_skip_line(* this); }
forceinline void strip_space() { strbuilder_strip_space(* this); }
forceinline Str to_str() { return { Data, strbuilder_length(*this) }; }
forceinline void trim(char const* cut_set) { strbuilder_trim(* this, cut_set); }
forceinline void trim_space() { strbuilder_trim_space(* this); }
forceinline StrBuilder visualize_whitespace() const { return strbuilder_visualize_whitespace(* this); }
forceinline StrBuilderHeader& get_header() { return * strbuilder_get_header(* this); }
forceinline bool make_space_for(char const* str, ssize add_len) { return string_make_space_for(this, str, add_len); }
forceinline bool append(char c) { return string_append_char(this, c); }
forceinline bool append(char const* str) { return string_append_c_str(this, str); }
forceinline bool append(char const* str, ssize length) { return string_append_c_str_len(this, str, length); }
forceinline bool append(StrC str) { return string_append_strc(this, str); }
forceinline bool append(const String other) { return string_append_string(this, other); }
forceinline ssize avail_space() const { return string_avail_space(* this); }
forceinline char* back() { return string_back(* this); }
forceinline bool contains(StrC substring) const { return string_contains_strc(* this, substring); }
forceinline bool contains(String const& substring) const { return string_contains_string(* this, substring); }
forceinline ssize capacity() const { return string_capacity(* this); }
forceinline void clear() { string_clear(* this); }
forceinline String duplicate(AllocatorInfo allocator) const { return string_duplicate(* this, allocator); }
forceinline void free() { string_free(this); }
forceinline bool is_equal(String const& other) const { return string_are_equal(* this, other); }
forceinline bool is_equal(StrC other) const { return string_are_equal_strc(* this, other); }
forceinline ssize length() const { return string_length(* this); }
forceinline b32 starts_with(StrC substring) const { return string_starts_with_strc(* this, substring); }
forceinline b32 starts_with(String substring) const { return string_starts_with_string(* this, substring); }
forceinline void skip_line() { string_skip_line(* this); }
forceinline void strip_space() { string_strip_space(* this); }
forceinline StrC to_strc() { return { string_length(*this), Data}; }
forceinline void trim(char const* cut_set) { string_trim(* this, cut_set); }
forceinline void trim_space() { string_trim_space(* this); }
forceinline String visualize_whitespace() const { return string_visualize_whitespace(* this); }
forceinline StringHeader& get_header() { return * string_get_header(* this); }
bool append_fmt(char const* fmt, ...) {
ssize res;
@ -256,141 +255,163 @@ struct StrBuilder
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, count_of(buf) - 1, fmt, va) - 1;
res = str_fmt_va(buf, count_of(buf) - 1, fmt, va) - 1;
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(this, buf, res);
return string_append_c_str_len(this, buf, res);
#pragma endregion Member Mapping
forceinline char* strbuilder_begin(StrBuilder str) { return ((char*) str); }
forceinline char* strbuilder_end (StrBuilder str) { return ((char*) str + strbuilder_length(str)); }
forceinline char* strbuilder_next (StrBuilder str, char const* iter) { return ((char*) iter + 1); }
forceinline char* string_begin(String str) { return ((char*) str); }
forceinline char* string_end (String str) { return ((char*) str + string_length(str)); }
forceinline char* string_next (String str, char const* iter) { return ((char*) iter + 1); }
forceinline char* begin(StrBuilder str) { return ((char*) str); }
forceinline char* end (StrBuilder str) { return ((char*) str + strbuilder_length(str)); }
forceinline char* next (StrBuilder str, char* iter) { return ((char*) iter + 1); }
forceinline char* begin(String str) { return ((char*) str); }
forceinline char* end (String str) { return ((char*) str + string_length(str)); }
forceinline char* next (String str, char* iter) { return ((char*) iter + 1); }
forceinline bool make_space_for(StrBuilder& str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len);
forceinline bool append(StrBuilder& str, char c);
forceinline bool append(StrBuilder& str, char const* c_str_to_append);
forceinline bool append(StrBuilder& str, char const* c_str_to_append, ssize length);
forceinline bool append(StrBuilder& str, Str c_str_to_append);
forceinline bool append(StrBuilder& str, const StrBuilder other);
forceinline bool append_fmt(StrBuilder& str, char const* fmt, ...);
forceinline char& back(StrBuilder& str);
forceinline void clear(StrBuilder& str);
forceinline void free(StrBuilder& str);
forceinline bool make_space_for(String& str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len);
forceinline bool append(String& str, char c);
forceinline bool append(String& str, char const* str_to_append);
forceinline bool append(String& str, char const* str_to_append, ssize length);
forceinline bool append(String& str, StrC str_to_append);
forceinline bool append(String& str, const String other);
forceinline bool append_fmt(String& str, char const* fmt, ...);
forceinline char& back(String& str);
forceinline void clear(String& str);
forceinline void free(String& str);
usize strbuilder_grow_formula(usize value) {
usize string_grow_formula(usize value) {
// Using a very aggressive growth formula to reduce time mem_copying with recursive calls to append in this library.
return 4 * value + 8;
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_c_str(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str) {
ssize length = str ? c_str_len(str) : 0;
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, str, length);
String string_make_c_str(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* str) {
ssize length = str ? str_len(str) : 0;
return string_make_length(allocator, str, length);
StrBuilder strbuilder_make_str(AllocatorInfo allocator, Str str) {
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len);
String string_make_strc(AllocatorInfo allocator, StrC str) {
return string_make_length(allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len);
StrBuilder strbuilder_fmt(AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...) {
String string_fmt(AllocatorInfo allocator, char* buf, ssize buf_size, char const* fmt, ...) {
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ssize res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, buf_size, fmt, va) - 1;
ssize res = str_fmt_va(buf, buf_size, fmt, va) - 1;
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
return string_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
StrBuilder strbuilder_fmt_buf(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...)
String string_fmt_buf(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const* fmt, ...)
local_persist thread_local
PrintF_Buffer buf = struct_init(PrintF_Buffer, {0});
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
ssize res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va) -1;
ssize res = str_fmt_va(buf, GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN, fmt, va) -1;
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
return string_make_length(allocator, buf, res);
StrBuilder strbuilder_join(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, ssize num_parts, char const* glue)
String string_join(AllocatorInfo allocator, char const** parts, ssize num_parts, char const* glue)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_c_str(allocator, "");
String result = string_make_c_str(allocator, "");
for (ssize idx = 0; idx < num_parts; ++idx)
strbuilder_append_c_str(& result, parts[idx]);
string_append_c_str(& result, parts[idx]);
if (idx < num_parts - 1)
strbuilder_append_c_str(& result, glue);
string_append_c_str(& result, glue);
return result;
bool strbuilder_append_char(StrBuilder* str, char c) {
bool string_append_char(String* str, char c) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len( str, (char const*)& c, (ssize)1);
return string_append_c_str_len( str, (char const*)& c, (ssize)1);
bool strbuilder_append_c_str(StrBuilder* str, char const* c_str_to_append) {
bool string_append_c_str(String* str, char const* str_to_append) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(str, c_str_to_append, c_str_len(c_str_to_append));
bool strbuilder_append_str(StrBuilder* str, Str c_str_to_append) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(str, c_str_to_append.Ptr, c_str_to_append.Len);
bool strbuilder_append_string(StrBuilder* str, StrBuilder const other) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(str, (char const*)other, strbuilder_length(other));
return string_append_c_str_len(str, str_to_append, str_len(str_to_append));
bool strbuilder_append_fmt(StrBuilder* str, char const* fmt, ...) {
bool string_append_c_str_len(String* str, char const* str_to_append, ssize append_length)
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
if ( rcast(sptr, str_to_append) > 0)
ssize curr_len = string_length(* str);
if ( ! string_make_space_for(str, str_to_append, append_length))
return false;
StringHeader* header = string_get_header(* str);
char* Data = * str;
mem_copy( Data + curr_len, str_to_append, append_length);
Data[curr_len + append_length] = '\0';
header->Length = curr_len + append_length;
return str_to_append != nullptr;
bool string_append_strc(String* str, StrC str_to_append) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return string_append_c_str_len(str, str_to_append.Ptr, str_to_append.Len);
bool string_append_string(String* str, String const other) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
return string_append_c_str_len(str, (char const*)other, string_length(other));
bool string_append_fmt(String* str, char const* fmt, ...) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
ssize res;
char buf[GEN_PRINTF_MAXLEN] = { 0 };
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
res = c_str_fmt_va(buf, count_of(buf) - 1, fmt, va) - 1;
res = str_fmt_va(buf, count_of(buf) - 1, fmt, va) - 1;
return strbuilder_append_c_str_len(str, (char const*)buf, res);
return string_append_c_str_len(str, (char const*)buf, res);
bool strbuilder_are_equal_string(StrBuilder const lhs, StrBuilder const rhs)
bool string_are_equal_string(String const lhs, String const rhs)
if (strbuilder_length(lhs) != strbuilder_length(rhs))
if (string_length(lhs) != string_length(rhs))
return false;
for (ssize idx = 0; idx < strbuilder_length(lhs); ++idx)
for (ssize idx = 0; idx < string_length(lhs); ++idx)
if (lhs[idx] != rhs[idx])
return false;
@ -398,12 +419,12 @@ bool strbuilder_are_equal_string(StrBuilder const lhs, StrBuilder const rhs)
bool strbuilder_are_equal_str(StrBuilder const lhs, Str rhs)
bool string_are_equal_strc(String const lhs, StrC rhs)
if (strbuilder_length(lhs) != (rhs.Len))
if (string_length(lhs) != (rhs.Len))
return false;
for (ssize idx = 0; idx < strbuilder_length(lhs); ++idx)
for (ssize idx = 0; idx < string_length(lhs); ++idx)
if (lhs[idx] != rhs.Ptr[idx])
return false;
@ -411,20 +432,20 @@ bool strbuilder_are_equal_str(StrBuilder const lhs, Str rhs)
ssize strbuilder_avail_space(StrBuilder const str) {
StrBuilderHeader const* header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
ssize string_avail_space(String const str) {
StringHeader const* header = rcast(StringHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
return header->Capacity - header->Length;
char* strbuilder_back(StrBuilder str) {
return & (str)[strbuilder_length(str) - 1];
char* string_back(String str) {
return & (str)[string_length(str) - 1];
bool strbuilder_contains_StrC(StrBuilder const str, Str substring)
bool string_contains_StrC(String const str, StrC substring)
StrBuilderHeader const* header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
StringHeader const* header = rcast(StringHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
if (substring.Len > header->Length)
return false;
@ -434,7 +455,7 @@ bool strbuilder_contains_StrC(StrBuilder const str, Str substring)
for (ssize idx = 0; idx <= main_len - sub_len; ++idx)
if (c_str_compare_len(str + idx, substring.Ptr, sub_len) == 0)
if (str_compare_len(str + idx, substring.Ptr, sub_len) == 0)
return true;
@ -442,19 +463,19 @@ bool strbuilder_contains_StrC(StrBuilder const str, Str substring)
bool strbuilder_contains_string(StrBuilder const str, StrBuilder const substring)
bool string_contains_string(String const str, String const substring)
StrBuilderHeader const* header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
StringHeader const* header = rcast(StringHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
if (strbuilder_length(substring) > header->Length)
if (string_length(substring) > header->Length)
return false;
ssize main_len = header->Length;
ssize sub_len = strbuilder_length(substring);
ssize sub_len = string_length(substring);
for (ssize idx = 0; idx <= main_len - sub_len; ++idx)
if (c_str_compare_len(str + idx, substring, sub_len) == 0)
if (str_compare_len(str + idx, substring, sub_len) == 0)
return true;
@ -462,63 +483,101 @@ bool strbuilder_contains_string(StrBuilder const str, StrBuilder const substring
ssize strbuilder_capacity(StrBuilder const str) {
StrBuilderHeader const* header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
ssize string_capacity(String const str) {
StringHeader const* header = rcast(StringHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
return header->Capacity;
void strbuilder_clear(StrBuilder str) {
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = 0;
void string_clear(String str) {
string_get_header(str)->Length = 0;
StrBuilder strbuilder_duplicate(StrBuilder const str, AllocatorInfo allocator) {
return strbuilder_make_length(allocator, str, strbuilder_length(str));
String string_duplicate(String const str, AllocatorInfo allocator) {
return string_make_length(allocator, str, string_length(str));
void strbuilder_free(StrBuilder* str) {
void string_free(String* str) {
GEN_ASSERT(str != nullptr);
if (! (* str))
StrBuilderHeader* header = strbuilder_get_header(* str);
StringHeader* header = string_get_header(* str);
allocator_free(header->Allocator, header);
StrBuilderHeader* strbuilder_get_header(StrBuilder str) {
return (StrBuilderHeader*)(scast(char*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
StringHeader* string_get_header(String str) {
return (StringHeader*)(scast(char*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
ssize strbuilder_length(StrBuilder const str)
ssize string_length(String const str)
StrBuilderHeader const* header = rcast(StrBuilderHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StrBuilderHeader));
StringHeader const* header = rcast(StringHeader const*, scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
return header->Length;
bool string_make_space_for(String* str, char const* to_append, ssize add_len)
ssize available = string_avail_space(* str);
if (available >= add_len) {
return true;
ssize new_len, old_size, new_size;
void* ptr;
void* new_ptr;
AllocatorInfo allocator = string_get_header(* str)->Allocator;
StringHeader* header = nullptr;
new_len = string_grow_formula(string_length(* str) + add_len);
ptr = string_get_header(* str);
old_size = size_of(StringHeader) + string_length(* str) + 1;
new_size = size_of(StringHeader) + new_len + 1;
new_ptr = resize(allocator, ptr, old_size, new_size);
if (new_ptr == nullptr)
return false;
header = rcast(StringHeader*, new_ptr);
header->Allocator = allocator;
header->Capacity = new_len;
char** Data = rcast(char**, str);
* Data = rcast(char*, header + 1);
return true;
b32 strbuilder_starts_with_str(StrBuilder const str, Str substring) {
if (substring.Len > strbuilder_length(str))
b32 string_starts_with_strc(String const str, StrC substring) {
if (substring.Len > string_length(str))
return false;
b32 result = c_str_compare_len(str, substring.Ptr, substring.Len) == 0;
b32 result = str_compare_len(str, substring.Ptr, substring.Len) == 0;
return result;
b32 strbuilder_starts_with_string(StrBuilder const str, StrBuilder substring) {
if (strbuilder_length(substring) > strbuilder_length(str))
b32 string_starts_with_string(String const str, String substring) {
if (string_length(substring) > string_length(str))
return false;
b32 result = c_str_compare_len(str, substring, strbuilder_length(substring) - 1) == 0;
b32 result = str_compare_len(str, substring, string_length(substring) - 1) == 0;
return result;
void strbuilder_skip_line(StrBuilder str)
void string_skip_line(String str)
#define current (*scanner)
char* scanner = str;
@ -534,13 +593,13 @@ void strbuilder_skip_line(StrBuilder str)
mem_move((char*)str, scanner, new_length);
StrBuilderHeader* header = strbuilder_get_header(str);
StringHeader* header = string_get_header(str);
header->Length = new_length;
#undef current
void strbuilder_strip_space(StrBuilder str)
void strip_space(String str)
char* write_pos = str;
char* read_pos = str;
@ -557,71 +616,129 @@ void strbuilder_strip_space(StrBuilder str)
write_pos[0] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the modified string
// Update the length if needed
strbuilder_get_header(str)->Length = write_pos - str;
string_get_header(str)->Length = write_pos - str;
Str strbuilder_to_str(StrBuilder str) {
Str result = { (char const*)str, strbuilder_length(str) };
return result;
void strbuilder_trim_space(StrBuilder str) {
strbuilder_trim(str, " \t\r\n\v\f");
#pragma endregion StrBuilder
struct StrBuilder_POD {
char* Data;
static_assert( sizeof( StrBuilder_POD ) == sizeof( StrBuilder ), "StrBuilder is not a POD" );
Str str_duplicate(Str str, AllocatorInfo allocator) {
Str result = strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_make_length(allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len));
StrC string_to_strc(String str) {
StrC result = { string_length(str), (char const*)str };
return result;
Str str_visualize_whitespace(Str str, AllocatorInfo allocator)
void string_trim(String str, char const* cut_set)
StrBuilder result = strbuilder_make_reserve(allocator, str.Len * 2); // Assume worst case for space requirements.
for (char const* c = str_begin(str); c != str_end(str); c = str_next(str, c))
ssize len = 0;
char* start_pos = str;
char* end_pos = scast(char*, str) + string_length(str) - 1;
while (start_pos <= end_pos && char_first_occurence(cut_set, *start_pos))
while (end_pos > start_pos && char_first_occurence(cut_set, *end_pos))
len = scast(ssize, (start_pos > end_pos) ? 0 : ((end_pos - start_pos) + 1));
if (str != start_pos)
mem_move(str, start_pos, len);
str[len] = '\0';
string_get_header(str)->Length = len;
void string_trim_space(String str) {
string_trim(str, " \t\r\n\v\f");
String string_visualize_whitespace(String const str)
StringHeader* header = (StringHeader*)(scast(char const*, str) - sizeof(StringHeader));
String result = string_make_reserve(header->Allocator, string_length(str) * 2); // Assume worst case for space requirements.
for (char const* c = string_begin(str); c != string_end(str); c = string_next(str, c))
switch ( * c )
case ' ':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("·"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("·"));
case '\t':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("→"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("→"));
case '\n':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("↵"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("↵"));
case '\r':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⏎"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⏎"));
case '\v':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⇕"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⇕"));
case '\f':
strbuilder_append_str(& result, txt("⌂"));
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⌂"));
strbuilder_append_char(& result, * c);
string_append_char(& result, * c);
return result;
#pragma endregion String
struct String_POD {
char* Data;
static_assert( sizeof( String_POD ) == sizeof( String ), "String is not a POD" );
StrC strc_duplicate(StrC str, AllocatorInfo allocator) {
StrC result = string_to_strc( string_make_length(allocator, str.Ptr, str.Len));
return result;
StrC strc_visualize_whitespace(StrC str, AllocatorInfo allocator)
String result = string_make_reserve(allocator, str.Len * 2); // Assume worst case for space requirements.
for (char const* c = strc_begin(str); c != strc_end(str); c = strc_next(str, c))
switch ( * c )
case ' ':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("·"));
case '\t':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("→"));
case '\n':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("↵"));
case '\r':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⏎"));
case '\v':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⇕"));
case '\f':
string_append_strc(& result, txt("⌂"));
string_append_char(& result, * c);
return strbuilder_to_str(result);
return string_to_strc(result);
// Represents strings cached with the string table.
// Should never be modified, if changed string is desired, cache_string( str ) another.
typedef Str StrCached;
typedef StrC StringCached;
// Implements basic string interning. Data structure is based off the ZPL Hashtable.
typedef HashTable(StrCached) StringTable;
typedef HashTable(StringCached) StringTable;
#pragma endregion Strings
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "filesystem.cpp"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# pragma once
# include "filesystem.hpp"
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
//! Return CPU timestamp.
GEN_API u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void );
u64 read_cpu_time_stamp_counter( void );
//! Return relative time (in seconds) since the application start.
GEN_API f64 time_rel( void );
f64 time_rel( void );
//! Return relative time since the application start.
GEN_API u64 time_rel_ms( void );
u64 time_rel_ms( void );
#pragma endregion Timing
@ -1 +1,2 @@
API_Export, GEN_API_Export_Code
API_Import, GEN_API_Import_Code
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ Operator_Member_Fwd, "operator"
Operator_Cast, "operator"
Operator_Cast_Fwd, "operator"
Parameters, "__NA__"
Parameters_Define, "__NA__"
Preprocess_Define, "define"
Preprocess_Include, "include"
Preprocess_If, "if"
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ NeverInline, neverinline
Ptr, *
Ref, &
Register, register
Restrict, restrict
RValue, &&
Static, static
Thread_Local, thread_local
@ -24,5 +23,4 @@ Final, final
NoExceptions, noexcept
Override, override
Pure, = 0
Delete, = delete
Volatile, volatile
@ -1,99 +1,95 @@
Invalid, "__invalid__"
Access_Private, "private"
Access_Protected, "protected"
Access_Public, "public"
Access_MemberSymbol, "."
Access_StaticSymbol, "::"
Ampersand, "&"
Ampersand_DBL, "&&"
Assign_Classifer, ":"
Attribute_Open, "[["
Attribute_Close, "]]"
BraceCurly_Open, "{"
BraceCurly_Close, "}"
BraceSquare_Open, "["
BraceSquare_Close, "]"
Paren_Open, "("
Paren_Close, ")"
Comment, "__comment__"
Comment_End, "__comment_end__"
Comment_Start, "__comment_start__"
Char, "__character__"
Comma, ","
Decl_Class, "class"
Decl_GNU_Attribute, "__attribute__"
Decl_MSVC_Attribute, "__declspec"
Decl_Enum, "enum"
Decl_Extern_Linkage, "extern"
Decl_Friend, "friend"
Decl_Module, "module"
Decl_Namespace, "namespace"
Decl_Operator, "operator"
Decl_Struct, "struct"
Decl_Template, "template"
Decl_Typedef, "typedef"
Decl_Using, "using"
Decl_Union, "union"
Identifier, "__identifier__"
Module_Import, "import"
Module_Export, "export"
NewLine, "__new_line__"
Number, "__number__"
Operator, "__operator__"
Preprocess_Hash, "#"
Preprocess_Define, "define"
Preprocess_Define_Param, "__define_param__"
Preprocess_If, "if"
Preprocess_IfDef, "ifdef"
Preprocess_IfNotDef, "ifndef"
Preprocess_ElIf, "elif"
Preprocess_Else, "else"
Preprocess_EndIf, "endif"
Preprocess_Include, "include"
Preprocess_Pragma, "pragma"
Preprocess_Content, "__macro_content__"
Preprocess_Macro_Expr, "__macro_expression__"
Preprocess_Macro_Stmt, "__macro_statment__"
Preprocess_Macro_Typename, "__macro_typename__"
Preprocess_Unsupported, "__unsupported__"
Spec_Alignas, "alignas"
Spec_Const, "const"
Spec_Consteval, "consteval"
Spec_Constexpr, "constexpr"
Spec_Constinit, "constinit"
Spec_Explicit, "explicit"
Spec_Extern, "extern"
Spec_Final, "final"
Spec_ForceInline, "forceinline"
Spec_Global, "global"
Spec_Inline, "inline"
Spec_Internal_Linkage, "internal"
Spec_LocalPersist, "local_persist"
Spec_Mutable, "mutable"
Spec_NeverInline, "neverinline"
Spec_Override, "override"
Spec_Restrict, "restrict"
Spec_Static, "static"
Spec_ThreadLocal, "thread_local"
Spec_Volatile, "volatile"
Spec_Virtual, "virtual"
Star, "*"
Statement_End, ";"
StaticAssert, "static_assert"
String, "__string__"
Type_Typename, "typename"
Type_Unsigned, "unsigned"
Type_Signed, "signed"
Type_Short, "short"
Type_Long, "long"
Type_bool, "bool"
Type_char, "char"
Type_int, "int"
Type_double, "double"
Type_MS_int8, "__int8"
Type_MS_int16, "__int16"
Type_MS_int32, "__int32"
Type_MS_int64, "__int64"
Type_MS_W64, "_W64"
Varadic_Argument, "..."
__Attributes_Start, "__attrib_start__"
Invalid, "__invalid__"
Access_Private, "private"
Access_Protected, "protected"
Access_Public, "public"
Access_MemberSymbol, "."
Access_StaticSymbol, "::"
Ampersand, "&"
Ampersand_DBL, "&&"
Assign_Classifer, ":"
Attribute_Open, "[["
Attribute_Close, "]]"
BraceCurly_Open, "{"
BraceCurly_Close, "}"
BraceSquare_Open, "["
BraceSquare_Close, "]"
Capture_Start, "("
Capture_End, ")"
Comment, "__comment__"
Comment_End, "__comment_end__"
Comment_Start, "__comment_start__"
Char, "__character__"
Comma, ","
Decl_Class, "class"
Decl_GNU_Attribute, "__attribute__"
Decl_MSVC_Attribute, "__declspec"
Decl_Enum, "enum"
Decl_Extern_Linkage, "extern"
Decl_Friend, "friend"
Decl_Module, "module"
Decl_Namespace, "namespace"
Decl_Operator, "operator"
Decl_Struct, "struct"
Decl_Template, "template"
Decl_Typedef, "typedef"
Decl_Using, "using"
Decl_Union, "union"
Identifier, "__identifier__"
Module_Import, "import"
Module_Export, "export"
NewLine, "__new_line__"
Number, "__number__"
Operator, "__operator__"
Preprocess_Hash, "#"
Preprocess_Define, "define"
Preprocess_If, "if"
Preprocess_IfDef, "ifdef"
Preprocess_IfNotDef, "ifndef"
Preprocess_ElIf, "elif"
Preprocess_Else, "else"
Preprocess_EndIf, "endif"
Preprocess_Include, "include"
Preprocess_Pragma, "pragma"
Preprocess_Content, "__macro_content__"
Preprocess_Macro, "__macro__"
Preprocess_Unsupported, "__unsupported__"
Spec_Alignas, "alignas"
Spec_Const, "const"
Spec_Consteval, "consteval"
Spec_Constexpr, "constexpr"
Spec_Constinit, "constinit"
Spec_Explicit, "explicit"
Spec_Extern, "extern"
Spec_Final, "final"
Spec_ForceInline, "forceinline"
Spec_Global, "global"
Spec_Inline, "inline"
Spec_Internal_Linkage, "internal"
Spec_LocalPersist, "local_persist"
Spec_Mutable, "mutable"
Spec_NeverInline, "neverinline"
Spec_Override, "override"
Spec_Static, "static"
Spec_ThreadLocal, "thread_local"
Spec_Volatile, "volatile"
Spec_Virtual, "virtual"
Star, "*"
Statement_End, ";"
StaticAssert, "static_assert"
String, "__string__"
Type_Typename, "typename"
Type_Unsigned, "unsigned"
Type_Signed, "signed"
Type_Short, "short"
Type_Long, "long"
Type_bool, "bool"
Type_char, "char"
Type_int, "int"
Type_double, "double"
Type_MS_int8, "__int8"
Type_MS_int16, "__int16"
Type_MS_int32, "__int32"
Type_MS_int64, "__int64"
Type_MS_W64, "_W64"
Varadic_Argument, "..."
__Attributes_Start, "__attrib_start__"
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#include "components/interface.cpp"
#include "components/interface.upfront.cpp"
#include "components/gen/etoktype.cpp"
#include "components/lexer.cpp"
#include "components/parser_case_macros.cpp"
#include "components/parser.cpp"
#include "components/interface.parsing.cpp"
#include "components/interface.untyped.cpp"
#include "auxiliary/builder.cpp"
#include "auxiliary/scanner.cpp"
#include "auxillary/builder.cpp"
#include "auxillary/scanner.cpp"
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#include "components/gen/ecodetypes.hpp"
#include "components/gen/eoperator.hpp"
#include "components/gen/especifier.hpp"
#include "components/gen/etoktype.hpp"
#include "components/parser_types.hpp"
#include "components/ast.hpp"
#include "components/code_types.hpp"
@ -29,12 +27,12 @@ GEN_NS_BEGIN
#include "components/interface.hpp"
#include "components/constants.hpp"
#include "components/inlines.hpp"
#include "components/gen/ast_inlines.hpp"
#include "components/header_end.hpp"
#include "auxiliary/builder.hpp"
#include "auxiliary/scanner.hpp"
#include "auxillary/builder.hpp"
#include "auxillary/scanner.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
// This is a example template to be used with the refactor program
// Use it to refactor the naming convention of this library to your own.
// Can be used as an aid to help use use your project's implementation if it fullfills the dependencies of this project.
// Example: Most likely have a memory and string library already, just rename the functions and make sure the args are the same.
// Program: https://github.com/Ed94/refactor
// NOTE: Due to the current limitations of the program, not every symbol in the library can be renamed.
// This is due to the program not actually parsing C/C++.
// not : Ignore
// include : #includes
// word : Alphanumeric or underscore
// namespace : Prefix search and replace (c-namspaces).
// regex : Unavailable in __VERSION 1.
// Precedence (highest to lowest):
// word, namespace, regex
// Gen Macro namespace
// namespace GEN_, new_namespace_
// ---------- Dependency Macros
// Platform
// word GEN_ARCH_64_BIT, new_name
// word GEN_ARCH_32_BIT, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_ANDROID, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_CYGWIN, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_EMSCRIPTEN, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_FREEBSD, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_IOS, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_LINUX, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_MACOS, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_OPENBSD, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_OSX, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_UNIX, new_name
// word GEN_SYSTEM_WINDOWS, new_name
// word GEN_COMPILER_CLANG, new_name
// word GEN_COMPILER_GCC, new_name
// word GEN_COMPILER_MINGW, new_name
// word GEN_COMPILER_MSVC, new_name
// word global, new_name
// word internal, new_name
// word local_persist, new_name
// word forceinline, new_name
// word neverinline, new_name
// word bit, new_name
// word bitfield_is_equal, new_name
// word ccast, new_name
// word pcast, new_name
// word rcast, new_name
// word scast, new_name
// word num_args, new_name
// word num_args_impl, new_name
// word stringize, new_name
// word stringize_va, new_name
// word do_once, new_name
// word do_once_start, new_name
// word do_once_end, new_name
// word label_scope_start, new_name
// word label_scope_end, new_name
// word count_of, new_name
// word is_between, new_name
// word min, new_name
// word size_of, new_name
// word offset_of, new_name
// word swap, new_name
// Basic Types
// word GEN_U8_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_U8_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_I8_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_I8_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_U16_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_U16_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_I16_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_I16_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_U32_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_U32_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_I32_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_I32_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_U64_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_U64_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_I64_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_I64_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_USIZE_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_USIZE_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_ISIZE_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_ISIZE_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_F32_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_F32_MAX, new_name
// word GEN_F64_MIN, new_name
// word GEN_F64_MAX, new_name
// Debug
// word GEN_DEBUG_TRAP, new_name
// word GEN_ASSERT, new_name
// word GEN_ASSERT_MSG, new_name
// word GEN_ASSERT_NOT_NULL, new_name
// word GEN_PANIC, new_name
// word GEN_FATAL, new_name
// Memory
// word kilobytes, new_name
// word megabytes, new_name
// word gigabytes, new_name
// word terabytes, new_name
// word zero_item, new_name
// word zero_array, new_name
// word alloc_item, new_name
// word alloc_array, new_name
// word malloc, new_name
// word mfree, new_name
// Strings
// word txt, new_name
// word cast_to_strc, new_name
// ---------- Dependency Types
// word b8, new_name
// word b16, new_name
// word b32, new_name
// word s8, new_name
// word s16, new_name
// word s32, new_name
// word s64, new_name
// word u8, new_name
// word u16, new_name
// word u32, new_name
// word u64, new_name
// word usize, new_name
// word ssize, new_name
// word sptr, new_name
// word uptr, new_name
// word f32, new_name
// word f64, new_name
// namespace EAllocator_, new_namespace_
// namespace EFileMode_, new_namespace_
// namespace EFileError_, new_namespace_
// word AllocatorInfo, new_name
// word AllocatorProc, new_name
// word AllocFlag, new_name
// word AllocType, new_name
// word ArrayHeader, new_name
// word DirEntry, new_name
// word DirInfo, new_name
// word DirType, new_name
// word FileDescriptor, new_name
// word FileError, new_name
// word FileInfo, new_name
// word FileTime, new_name
// word FileModeFlag, new_name
// word FileOperations, new_name
// word FileStandardType, new_name
// word SeekWhenceType, new_name
// ---------- Dependency Data
// word default_file_operations, new_name
// ---------- Dependency Procedures
// word align_forward, new_name
// word align_fordward_i64, new_name
// word alloc, new_name
// word alloc_align, new_name
// word assert_handler, new_name
// word assert_crash, new_name
// word char_first_occurence, new_name
// word char_is_alpha, new_name
// word char_is_alphanumeric, new_name
// word char_is_digit, new_name
// word char_is_hex_digit, new_name
// word char_is_space, new_name
// word char_to_lower, new_name
// word char_to_upper, new_name
// word crc32, new_name
// word default_resize_align, new_name
// word digit_to_int, new_name
// word file_close, new_name
// word file_get_standard, new_name
// word file_name, new_name
// word file_open, new_name
// word file_open_mode, new_name
// word file_seek, new_name
// word file_tell, new_name
// word file_write, new_name
// word file_write_at, new_name
// word file_write_at_check, new_name
// word free, new_name
// word free_all, new_name
// word heap, new_name
// word heap_allocator_proc, new_name
// word heap_stats_check, new_name
// word heap_stats_alloc_count, new_name
// word heap_stats_init, new_name
// word heap_stats_used_memory, new_name
// word hex_digit_to_int, new_name
// word i64_to_str, new_name
// word is_power_of_two, new_name
// word log_fmt, new_name
// word mem_copy, new_name
// word mem_move, new_name
// word mem_set, new_name
// word pointer_add, new_name
// word mem_copy, new_name
// word mem_find, new_name
// word mem_move, new_name
// word mem_set, new_name
// word resize, new_name
// word resize_align, new_name
// word process_exit, new_name
// word str_compare, new_name
// word str_copy, new_name
// word str_copy_nulpad, new_name
// word str_fmt_buf, new_name
// word str_fmt_buf_va, new_name
// word str_fmt_file_va, new_name
// word str_fmt_out_va, new_name
// word str_fmt_out_err, new_name
// word str_fmt_out_err_va, new_name
// word str_fmt_va, new_name
// word str_len, new_name
// word str_reverse, new_name
// word str_to_i64, new_name
// word str_to_lower, new_name
// word str_to_upper, new_name
// word u64_to_str, new_name
// word zero_size, new_name
// ---------- gencpp Macros
// word log_failure, new_name
// word NullCode, new_name
// word CodeInvalid, new_name
// ------------ gencpp common
// word Arena, new_name
// word Array, new_name
// word HashTable, new_name
// word Pool, new_name
// word StrC, new_name
// word String, new_name
// word to_str, new_name
// word to_str, new_name
// word to_type, new_name
// ------------ gencpp Types & Constants
// word LogFailType, new_name
// word AccessSpec, new_name
// word ECode, new_name
// word EnumClass, new_name
// word EnumRegular, new_name
// word EnumT, new_name
// word EOperator, new_name
// word ESpecifier, new_name
// word OperatorT, new_name
// word ModuleFlag, new_name
// word SpecifierT, new_name
// word StringCached, new_name
// word StringTable, new_name
// word UsingRegular, new_name
// word UsingNamespace, new_name
// ------------ gencpp Data
// word API_Export, new_name
// word API_Import, new_name
// word AST_POD_Size, new_name
// word AST, new_name
// word AST_POD, new_name
// word Code, new_name
// word Code_POD, new_name
// word Keyword, new_name
// ------------ gencpp API
// word init, new_name
// word deinit, new_name
// word get_cached_string, new_name
// word make_code, new_name
// word make_code_entries, new_name
// word set_allocator_data_arrays, new_name
// word set_allocator_code_pool, new_name
// word set_allocator_code_entries_arena, new_name
// word set_allocator_string_arena, new_name
// word set_allocator_string_table, new_name
// word set_allocator_type_table, new_name
// ------------ upfront constructor namespace
// namespace def_ new_namespace_
// ------------ upfront constructor individual
// word def_attributes, new_name
// word def_comment, new_name
// word def_class, new_name
// word def_constructor, new_name
// word def_destructor, new_name
// word def_define, new_name
// word def_enum, new_name
// word def_execution, new_name
// word def_extern_link, new_name
// word def_friend, new_name
// word def_function, new_name
// word def_include, new_name
// word def_module, new_name
// word def_namespace, new_name
// word def_operator, new_name
// word def_operator_cast, new_name
// word def_param, new_name
// word def_pargma, new_name
// word def_preprocess_cond, new_name
// word def_specifier, new_name
// word def_struct, new_name
// word def_template, new_name
// word def_type, new_name
// word def_typedef, new_name
// word def_union, new_name
// word def_using, new_name
// word def_using_namespace, new_name
// word def_variable, new_name
// word def_body, new_name
// word def_class_body, new_name
// word def_enum_body, new_name
// word def_export_body, new_name
// word def_extern_link_body, new_name
// word def_function_body, new_name
// word def_global_body, new_name
// word def_namespace_body, new_name
// word def_params, new_name
// word def_specifiers, new_name
// word def_struct_body, new_name
// word def_union_body, new_name
// ------------ parse constructor namespace
// namespace parse_, new_namespace_
// ------------ parse constructor individual
// word parse_class, new_name
// word parse_enum, new_name
// word parse_export_body, new_name
// word parse_extern_link, new_name
// word parse_friend, new_name
// word parse_function, new_name
// word parse_global_body, new_name
// word parse_namespace, new_name
// word parse_operator, new_name
// word parse_struct, new_name
// word parse_template, new_name
// word parse_type, new_name
// word parse_typedef, new_name
// word parse_union, new_name
// word parse_using, new_name
// word parse_variable, new_name
// ------------ untyped constructor namespace
// namespace untyped_, new_namespace_
// ------------ untyped constructor individual
// word token_fmt_impl, new_name
// word token_fmt_va, new_name
// word untyped_str, new_name
// word untyped_fmt, new_name
// word untyped_token_fmt, new_name
// ------------ File Ops
// word Builder, new_name
// word Editor, new_name
// word Scanner, new_name
// ------------ gencpp user macros
// word gen_main, new_name
// word GEN_TIME, new_name
// word __, new_name
// word name, new_name
// word code, new_name
// word args, new_name
// word code_str, new_name
// word code_fmt, new_name
// word token_fmt, new_name
// ------------ Type AST namespace
// namespace t_, new_namespace_
// ------------ Specifier AST namespace
// namespace spec_, new_namespace_
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
# include "../gen.hpp"
# include "misc.hpp"
@ -9,55 +9,58 @@ using namespace gen;
CodeBody gen_ecode( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path );
StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) );
StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) );
StrBuilder to_keyword_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) );
FixedArena_32KB scratch; fixed_arena_init(& scratch);
AllocatorInfo scratch_info = fixed_arena_allocator_info(& scratch);
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( scratch_info, path );
String enum_entries = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, kilobytes(1) );
String to_str_entries = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, kilobytes(1) );
String to_keyword_str_entries = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, kilobytes(1) );
for ( ssize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); ++ idx ) {
char const* code = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string;
char const* keyword = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string;
// TODO(Ed): to_c_str_entries and the others in here didn't have proper sizing of the Str slice.
strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "CT_%s,\n", code );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", code, code );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_keyword_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", keyword, keyword );
// TODO(Ed): to_str_entries and the others in here didn't have proper sizing of the StrC slice.
string_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "CT_%s,\n", code );
string_append_fmt( & to_str_entries, "{ sizeof(\"%s\"), \"%s\" },\n", code, code );
string_append_fmt( & to_keyword_str_entries, "{ sizeof(\"%s\") - 1, \"%s\" },\n", keyword, keyword );
CodeEnum enum_code;
if (use_c_definition) {
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries),
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries),
"enum CodeType enum_underlying(u32) { <entries> CT_NumTypes, CT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX };"
else {
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries),
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt_impl((3 + 1) / 2, "entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries),
"enum CodeType : u32 { <entries> CT_NumTypes, CT_UnderlyingType = GEN_U32_MAX };"
#pragma push_macro("local_persist")
#undef local_persist
Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
CodeBody to_c_str_fns = parse_global_body( token_fmt(
"entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries)
, "keywords", strbuilder_to_str(to_keyword_c_str_entries)
StrC lookup_size = string_to_strc(string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
CodeBody to_str_fns = parse_global_body( token_fmt(
"entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries)
, "keywords", string_to_strc(to_keyword_str_entries)
, "num", lookup_size
, stringize(
Str codetype_to_str( CodeType type )
StrC codetype_to_str( CodeType type )
Str lookup[] = {
StrC lookup[<num>] = {
return lookup[ type ];
Str codetype_to_keyword_str( CodeType type )
StrC codetype_to_keyword_str( CodeType type )
Str lookup[] = {
StrC lookup[ <num> ] = {
return lookup[ type ];
@ -73,14 +76,14 @@ CodeBody gen_ecode( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
body_append(result, code_t);
body_append(result, to_c_str_fns);
body_append(result, to_str_fns);
if (! use_c_definition) {
#pragma push_macro("forceinline")
#undef forceinline
CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code(
forceinline Str to_str (CodeType type) { return codetype_to_str(type); }
forceinline Str to_keyword_str(CodeType type) { return codetype_to_keyword_str(type); }
forceinline StrC to_str (CodeType type) { return codetype_to_str(type); }
forceinline StrC to_keyword_str(CodeType type) { return codetype_to_keyword_str(type); }
#pragma pop_macro("forceinline")
body_append(result, alias_mappings);
@ -90,15 +93,19 @@ CodeBody gen_ecode( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path );
StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 32 );
StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, 32 );
FixedArena_16KB scratch; fixed_arena_init(& scratch);
AllocatorInfo scratch_info = fixed_arena_allocator_info(& scratch);
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( scratch_info, path );
String enum_entries = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, 32 );
String to_str_entries = string_make_reserve( GlobalAllocator, 32 );
for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); idx++) {
char const* enum_str = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string;
strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Op_%s,\n", enum_str );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
string_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Op_%s,\n", enum_str );
string_append_fmt( & to_str_entries, "{ sizeof(\"%s\"), \"%s\" },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
CodeEnum enum_code;
@ -106,7 +113,7 @@ CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#pragma push_macro("enum_underlying")
#undef enum_underlying
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), stringize(
enum Operator enum_underlying(u32)
@ -118,7 +125,7 @@ CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), stringize(
enum Operator : u32
@ -130,16 +137,16 @@ CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#pragma push_macro("local_persist")
#undef local_persist
Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
StrC lookup_size = string_to_strc(string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt(
"entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries)
"entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries)
, "num", lookup_size
, stringize(
Str operator_to_str( Operator op )
StrC operator_to_str( Operator op )
Str lookup[] = {
StrC lookup[<num>] = {
@ -162,7 +169,7 @@ CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#pragma push_macro("forceinline")
#undef forceinline
CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code(
forceinline Str to_str(Operator op) { return operator_to_str(op); }
forceinline StrC to_str(Operator op) { return operator_to_str(op); }
#pragma pop_macro("forceinline")
body_append(result, alias_mappings);
@ -172,16 +179,20 @@ CodeBody gen_eoperator( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, path );
StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) );
StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(1) );
FixedArena_16KB scratch; fixed_arena_init(& scratch);
AllocatorInfo scratch_info = fixed_arena_allocator_info(& scratch);
CSV_Columns2 csv_enum = parse_csv_two_columns( scratch_info, path );
String enum_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(1) );
String to_str_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(1) );
for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(csv_enum.Col_1); idx++)
char const* enum_str = csv_enum.Col_1[idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = csv_enum.Col_2[idx].string;
strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Spec_%s,\n", enum_str );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
string_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Spec_%s,\n", enum_str );
string_append_fmt( & to_str_entries, "{ sizeof(\"%s\"), \"%s\" },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
CodeEnum enum_code;
@ -189,7 +200,7 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#pragma push_macro("enum_underlying")
#undef enum_underlying
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), stringize(
enum Specifier enum_underlying(u32)
@ -201,7 +212,7 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), stringize(
enum Specifier : u32
@ -210,23 +221,12 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CodeFn is_trailing = parse_function(token_fmt("specifier", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize(
CodeFn is_trailing = parse_function(token_fmt("specifier", string_to_strc(to_str_entries), stringize(
bool spec_is_trailing( Specifier specifier )
switch (specifier) {
case Spec_Const:
case Spec_Final:
case Spec_NoExceptions:
case Spec_Override:
case Spec_Pure:
case Spec_Delete:
case Spec_Volatile:
return true;
return false;
return specifier > Spec_Virtual;
@ -240,16 +240,16 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#undef do_once_end
#undef forceinline
#undef neverinline
Str lookup_size = strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
StrC lookup_size = string_to_strc(string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", array_num(csv_enum.Col_1) ));
CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt(
"entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries)
"entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries)
, "num", lookup_size
, stringize(
Str spec_to_str( Specifier type )
StrC spec_to_str( Specifier type )
Str lookup[] = {
StrC lookup[<num>] = {
@ -257,20 +257,20 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize(
CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries), stringize(
Specifier str_to_specifier( Str str )
Specifier strc_to_specifier( StrC str )
u32 keymap[ Spec_NumSpecifiers ];
for ( u32 index = 0; index < Spec_NumSpecifiers; index++ )
Str enum_str = spec_to_str( (Specifier)index );
StrC enum_str = spec_to_str( (Specifier)index );
// We subtract 1 to remove the null terminator
// This is because the tokens lexed are not null terminated.
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len );
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len - 1);
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
body_append(result, enum_code);
if (use_c_definition)
CodeTypedef specifier_t = parse_typedef( code(typedef enum Specifier Specifier; ));
CodeTypedef specifier_t = parse_typedef( code(typedef u32 Specifier; ));
body_append(result, specifier_t);
@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
#pragma push_macro("forceinline")
#undef forceinline
CodeBody alias_mappings = parse_global_body(code(
forceinline Str to_str (Specifier spec) { return spec_to_str(spec); }
forceinline Specifier to_type( Str str ) { return str_to_specifier(str); }
forceinline StrC to_str (Specifier spec) { return spec_to_str(spec); }
forceinline Specifier to_type( StrC str ) { return strc_to_specifier(str); }
forceinline bool is_trailing( Specifier specifier ) { return spec_is_trailing(specifier); }
#pragma pop_macro("forceinline")
@ -320,59 +320,64 @@ CodeBody gen_especifier( char const* path, bool use_c_definition = false )
CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_definition = false )
FileContents enum_content = file_read_contents( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, file_zero_terminate, etok_path );
FixedArena_64KB scratch; fixed_arena_init(& scratch);
AllocatorInfo scratch_info = fixed_arena_allocator_info(& scratch);
FileContents enum_content = file_read_contents( scratch_info, file_zero_terminate, etok_path );
CSV_Object csv_enum_nodes;
csv_parse( &csv_enum_nodes, rcast(char*, enum_content.data), _ctx->Allocator_Temp, false );
csv_parse( &csv_enum_nodes, rcast(char*, enum_content.data), scratch_info, false );
FileContents attrib_content = file_read_contents( scratch_info, file_zero_terminate, attr_path );
FileContents attrib_content = file_read_contents( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, file_zero_terminate, attr_path );
CSV_Object csv_attr_nodes;
csv_parse( &csv_attr_nodes, rcast(char*, attrib_content.data), _ctx->Allocator_Temp, false );
csv_parse( &csv_attr_nodes, rcast(char*, attrib_content.data), scratch_info, false );
Array<ADT_Node> enum_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[0].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> enum_c_str_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[1].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> attribute_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[0].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> attribute_c_str_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[1].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> enum_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[0].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> enum_str_strs = csv_enum_nodes.nodes[1].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> attribute_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[0].nodes;
Array<ADT_Node> attribute_str_strs = csv_attr_nodes.nodes[1].nodes;
StrBuilder enum_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(2) );
StrBuilder to_c_str_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) );
StrBuilder attribute_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(2) );
StrBuilder to_c_str_attributes = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) );
StrBuilder attribute_define_entries = strbuilder_make_reserve( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(4) );
String enum_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(2) );
String to_str_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(4) );
String attribute_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(2) );
String to_str_attributes = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(4) );
String attribute_define_entries = string_make_reserve( scratch_info, kilobytes(4) );
for (usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(enum_strs); idx++)
char const* enum_str = enum_strs[idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = enum_c_str_strs [idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = enum_str_strs [idx].string;
strbuilder_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Tok_%s,\n", enum_str );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_entries, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
string_append_fmt( & enum_entries, "Tok_%s,\n", enum_str );
string_append_fmt( & to_str_entries, "{ sizeof(\"%s\"), \"%s\" },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
for ( usize idx = 0; idx < array_num(attribute_strs); idx++ )
char const* attribute_str = attribute_strs[idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = attribute_c_str_strs [idx].string;
char const* entry_to_str = attribute_str_strs [idx].string;
strbuilder_append_fmt( & attribute_entries, "Tok_Attribute_%s,\n", attribute_str );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & to_c_str_attributes, "{ \"%s\", sizeof(\"%s\") - 1 },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
strbuilder_append_fmt( & attribute_define_entries, "Entry( Tok_Attribute_%s, \"%s\" )", attribute_str, entry_to_str );
string_append_fmt( & attribute_entries, "Tok_Attribute_%s,\n", attribute_str );
string_append_fmt( & to_str_attributes, "{ sizeof(\"%s\"), \"%s\" },\n", entry_to_str, entry_to_str);
string_append_fmt( & attribute_define_entries, "Entry( Tok_Attribute_%s, \"%s\" )", attribute_str, entry_to_str );
if ( idx < array_num(attribute_strs) - 1 )
strbuilder_append_str( & attribute_define_entries, txt(" \\\n"));
string_append_strc( & attribute_define_entries, txt(" \\\n"));
strbuilder_append_str( & attribute_define_entries, txt("\n"));
string_append_strc( & attribute_define_entries, txt("\n"));
#pragma push_macro("GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS")
CodeDefine attribute_entires_def = def_define( name(GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS), MT_Statement, { {}, strbuilder_to_str(attribute_define_entries) } );
CodeDefine attribute_entires_def = def_define( name(GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS), string_to_strc(attribute_define_entries) );
#pragma pop_macro("GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS")
// We cannot parse this enum, it has Attribute names as enums
CodeEnum enum_code;
if (use_c_definition)
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(attribute_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", string_to_strc(attribute_entries), stringize(
enum TokType
@ -384,7 +389,7 @@ CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(attribute_entries), stringize(
enum_code = parse_enum(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(enum_entries), "attribute_toks", string_to_strc(attribute_entries), stringize(
enum TokType : u32
@ -400,12 +405,12 @@ CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_
#undef local_persist
#undef do_once_start
#undef do_once_end
CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt("entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), "attribute_toks", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_attributes), stringize(
CodeFn to_str = parse_function(token_fmt("entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries), "attribute_toks", string_to_strc(to_str_attributes), stringize(
Str toktype_to_str( TokType type )
StrC toktype_to_str( TokType type )
Str lookup[] = {
StrC lookup[] = {
@ -414,20 +419,20 @@ CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_
CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", strbuilder_to_str(to_c_str_entries), stringize(
CodeFn to_type = parse_function( token_fmt( "entries", string_to_strc(to_str_entries), stringize(
TokType str_to_toktype( Str str )
TokType strc_to_toktype( StrC str )
u32 keymap[ Tok_NumTokens ];
for ( u32 index = 0; index < Tok_NumTokens; index++ )
Str enum_str = toktype_to_str( (TokType)index );
StrC enum_str = toktype_to_str( (TokType)index );
// We subtract 1 to remove the null terminator
// This is because the tokens lexed are not null terminated.
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len);
keymap[index] = crc32( enum_str.Ptr, enum_str.Len - 1);
@ -447,6 +452,7 @@ CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_
#pragma pop_macro("do_once_end")
CodeBody result = def_body(CT_Global_Body);
body_append(result, untyped_str(txt("GEN_NS_PARSER_BEGIN\n\n")));
body_append(result, attribute_entires_def);
body_append(result, enum_code);
if (use_c_definition)
@ -456,6 +462,7 @@ CodeBody gen_etoktype( char const* etok_path, char const* attr_path, bool use_c_
body_append(result, to_str);
body_append(result, to_type);
body_append(result, untyped_str(txt("\nGEN_NS_PARSER_END\n\n")));
return result;
@ -501,7 +508,7 @@ CodeBody gen_ast_inlines()
if ( ast == nullptr )
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!\n" );
log_failure( "Attempt to dereference a nullptr!" );
return nullptr;
return ast;
@ -511,60 +518,59 @@ CodeBody gen_ast_inlines()
#pragma pop_macro("GEN_NS")
#pragma pop_macro("CodeInvalid")
CodeBody impl_code = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Code), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeBody), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_attr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeAttributes), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeComment), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeConstructor), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeClass), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDefine), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_define_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDefineParams), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeDestructor), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeEnum), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeExec), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeExtern), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeInclude), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeFriend), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeFn), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeModule), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeNS), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeOperator), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeOpCast), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeParams), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodePragma), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodePreprocessCond), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeSpecifiers), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeStruct), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTemplate), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTypename), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeTypedef), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeUnion), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeUsing), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(CodeVar), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Code), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeBody), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_attr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeAttributes), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeComment), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeConstructor), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeClass), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeDefine), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeDestructor), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeEnum), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeExec), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeExtern), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeInclude), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeFriend), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeFn), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeModule), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeNS), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeOperator), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeOpCast), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeParams), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodePragma), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodePreprocessCond), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeSpecifiers), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeStruct), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeTemplate), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeTypename), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeTypedef), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeUnion), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeUsing), code_impl_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_code_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(CodeVar), code_impl_tmpl ));
body_append(impl_code_attr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Attributes), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_cmt, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Comment), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_constr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Constructor), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_define, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Define), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_destruct, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Destructor), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_enum, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Enum), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_exec, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Exec), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_extern, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Extern), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_include, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Include), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_friend, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Friend), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_fn, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Fn), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_module, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Module), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_ns, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(NS), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_op, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Operator), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_opcast, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(OpCast), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_pragma, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Pragma), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_precond, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(PreprocessCond), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_tmpl, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Template), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_type, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typename), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_typedef, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typedef), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_union, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Union), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_using, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Using), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_var, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Var), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_attr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Attributes), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_cmt, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Comment), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_constr, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Constructor), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_define, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Define), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_destruct, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Destructor), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_enum, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Enum), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_exec, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Exec), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_extern, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Extern), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_include, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Include), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_friend, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Friend), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_fn, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Fn), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_module, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Module), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_ns, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(NS), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_op, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Operator), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_opcast, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(OpCast), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_pragma, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Pragma), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_precond, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(PreprocessCond), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_tmpl, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Template), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_type, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Typename), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_typedef, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Typedef), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_union, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Union), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_using, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Using), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
body_append(impl_code_var, parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Var), codetype_impl_tmpl )));
#pragma push_macro("forceinline")
#undef forceinline
@ -576,35 +582,34 @@ CodeBody gen_ast_inlines()
#pragma pop_macro("forceinline")
CodeBody impl_cast_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Body), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_attribute = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Attributes), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Comment), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Constructor), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Class), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Define), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_define_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(DefineParams), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Destructor), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Enum), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Exec), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Extern), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Friend), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Fn), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Include), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Module), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(NS), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Operator), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(OpCast), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Params), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Pragma), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(PreprocessCond), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Specifiers), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Struct), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Template), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typename), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Typedef), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Union), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Using), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", name(Var), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_body = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Body), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_attribute = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Attributes), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_cmt = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Comment), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_constr = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Constructor), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_class = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Class), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_define = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Define), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_destruct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Destructor), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_enum = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Enum), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_exec = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Exec), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_extern = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Extern), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_friend = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Friend), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_fn = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Fn), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_include = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Include), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_module = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Module), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_ns = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(NS), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_op = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Operator), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_opcast = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(OpCast), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_params = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Params), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_pragma = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Pragma), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_precond = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(PreprocessCond), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_specs = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Specifiers), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_struct = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Struct), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_tmpl = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Template), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_type = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Typename), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_typedef = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Typedef), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_union = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Union), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_using = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Using), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody impl_cast_var = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "typename", StrC name(Var), cast_tmpl ));
CodeBody result = def_global_body( args(
def_pragma( txt("region generated code inline implementation")),
@ -616,7 +621,6 @@ CodeBody gen_ast_inlines()
@ -651,7 +655,6 @@ CodeBody gen_ast_inlines()
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
# include "gen.hpp"
# include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
# include "helpers/helper.hpp"
# include "auxiliary/builder.hpp"
# include "auxiliary/builder.cpp"
# include "auxiliary/scanner.hpp"
# include "auxillary/builder.hpp"
# include "auxillary/builder.cpp"
# include "auxillary/scanner.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -21,22 +21,22 @@ using namespace gen;
void clang_format_file( char const* path, char const* style_path )
StrBuilder resolved_path = strbuilder_make_str(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, to_str_from_c_str(path));
StrBuilder style_arg;
String resolved_path = string_make_strc(GlobalAllocator, to_strc_from_c_str(path));
String style_arg;
if (style_path) {
style_arg = strbuilder_make_str(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, txt("-style=file:"));
strbuilder_append_fmt( & style_arg, "%s ", style_path );
style_arg = string_make_strc(GlobalAllocator, txt("-style=file:"));
string_append_fmt( & style_arg, "%s ", style_path );
Str clang_format = txt("clang-format ");
Str cf_format_inplace = txt("-i ");
Str cf_verbose = txt("-verbose ");
StrC clang_format = txt("clang-format ");
StrC cf_format_inplace = txt("-i ");
StrC cf_verbose = txt("-verbose ");
StrBuilder command = strbuilder_make_str( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, clang_format );
strbuilder_append_str( & command, cf_format_inplace );
strbuilder_append_str( & command, cf_verbose );
strbuilder_append_string( & command, style_arg );
strbuilder_append_string( & command, resolved_path );
String command = string_make_strc( GlobalAllocator, clang_format );
string_append_strc( & command, cf_format_inplace );
string_append_strc( & command, cf_verbose );
string_append_string( & command, style_arg );
string_append_string( & command, resolved_path );
system( command );
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ void refactor_file( char const* path, char const* refactor_script )
StrBuilder command = strbuilder_make_str(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, txt("refactor "));
// strbuilder_append_str( & command, txt("-debug ") );
strbuilder_append_str( & command, txt("-num=1 ") );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & command, "-src=%s ", path );
strbuilder_append_fmt( & command,"-spec=%s ", refactor_script );
String command = string_make_strc(GlobalAllocator, txt("refactor "));
// string_append_strc( & command, txt("-debug ") );
string_append_strc( & command, txt("-num=1 ") );
string_append_fmt( & command, "-src=%s ", path );
string_append_fmt( & command,"-spec=%s ", refactor_script );
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#undef local_persist
#undef bit
#undef bitfield_is_set
#undef bitfield_is_equal
#undef cast
@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ In order to abstract away constant use of `AST*` its wrapped in a Code type whic
When its the [C generated variant of the library](../gen_c_library/)
typedef AST* Code;
typedef AST_<name>* Code<name>;
tyepdef AST_<name>* Code<name>;
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The full definitions of all asts are within:
* [`ast.hpp`](../base/components/ast.hpp)
* [`ast_types.hpp`](../base/components/ast_types.hpp)
* [`code_types.hpp`](../base/components/code_types.hpp)
* [`code_types.hpp`](../base/components/ast_types.hpp)
The C/C++ interface procedures are located with `ast.hpp` (for the Code type), and `code_types.hpp` for all others.
@ -46,14 +46,13 @@ The C/C++ interface procedures are located with `ast.hpp` (for the Code type), a
All code types can either serialize using a function of the pattern:
StrBuilder <prefix>_to_strbuilder(Code code);
String <prefix>_to_string(Code code);
// or
<prefix>_to_strbuilder(Code code, StrBuilder& result);
<prefix>_to_string(Code code, String& result);
Where the first generates strings allocated using Allocator_StringArena and the other appends an existing strings with their backed allocator.
Serialization of for the AST is defined for `Code` in [`ast.cpp`](../base/components/ast.cpp) with `code_to_strbuilder_ref` & `code_to_strbuilder`.
Serialization of for the AST is defined for `Code` in [`ast.chpp`](../base/components/ast.cpp) with `code_to_string_ptr` & `code_to_string`.
Serializtion for the rest of the code types is within [`code_serialization.cpp`](../base/components/code_serialization.cpp).
Gencpp's serialization does not provide coherent formatting of the code. The user should use a formatter after serializing.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# AST Types Documentation
While the Readme for docs covers the data layout per AST, this will focus on the AST types available, and their nuances.
While the Readme for docs covers the data layout per AST, this will focus on the AST types avaialble, and their nuances.
## Body
@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ These are containers representing a scope body of a definition that can be of th
StrCached Name;
Code Front;
Code Back;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
s32 NumEntries;
StringCached Name;
Code Front;
Code Back;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
The `Front` member represents the start of the link list and `Back` the end.
NumEntries is the number of entries in the body.
Parent should have a compatible CodeType type for the type of definition used.
Parent should have a compatible CodeType type for the type of defintion used.
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ Represent standard or vendor specific C/C++ attributes.
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ Stores a comment.
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Serialization:
The parser will preserve comments found if residing with a body or in accepted inline-to-definition locations.
The parser will perserve comments found if residing with a body or in accepted inline-to-definition locations.
Otherwise they will be skipped by the TokArray::__eat and TokArray::current( skip foramtting enabled ) functions.
The upfront constructor: `def_comment` expects to recieve a comment without the `//` or `/* */` parts. It will add them during construction.
@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeType ParentType;
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeType Prev;
CodeType Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ You'll notice that only one parent type is supported only with parent access. Th
CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
Code InitializerList;
CodeParams Params;
Code Body;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeComment InlineCmt; // Only supported by forward declarations
Code InitializerList;
CodeParams Params;
Code Body;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -178,14 +178,13 @@ Represents a preprocessor define
CodeDefineParams Params;
Code Body;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -194,28 +193,6 @@ Serialization:
#define <Name> <Content>
## DefineParams
Preprocessor define's parameters.
StrCached Name;
Code Last;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
s32 NumEntries;
<Name>, <Next> ...
## Destructor
@ -224,12 +201,12 @@ Fields:
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
Code Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
@ -265,13 +242,13 @@ Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StrCached Name;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
UnderlyingTypeMacro is a macro the library natively supports: `enum_underlying(type)` that is meant to behave as a wrapper for underlying type assignment.
The `enum_underlying_sig` is a `Str` global var that can be set which will be defined within `PreprocessorDefines` and used in `parser_parse_enum` to identify a valid macro.
The `enum_underlying_sig` is a `StrC` global var that can be set which will be defined within `PreprocessorDefines` and used in `parser_parse_enum` to identify a valid macro.
@ -289,18 +266,18 @@ Serialization:
## Execution
Just represents an execution body. Equivalent to an untyped body.
Will be obsolete when function body parsing is implemented.
Will be obsolute when function body parsing is implemented.
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -309,18 +286,18 @@ Serialization:
## External Linkage (Extern)
## External Linkage
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeBody Body;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -337,13 +314,13 @@ extern "<Name>"
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Code Parent;
Token* Tok;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Code Parent;
Token* Tok;
CodeT Type;
@ -359,14 +336,14 @@ This library (until its necessary become some third-party library to do otherwis
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code Declaration;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code Declaration;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -386,12 +363,12 @@ CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ReturnType;
CodeParams Params;
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -413,13 +390,13 @@ Serialization:
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -433,14 +410,14 @@ Serialization:
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
CodeBody Body;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -463,12 +440,12 @@ CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ReturnType;
CodeParams Params;
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
OperatorT Op;
@ -495,12 +472,12 @@ CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ValueType;
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
@ -521,17 +498,17 @@ Serialization:
CodeType ValueType;
Code Macro;
Code Value;
Code PostNameMacro;
StrCached Name;
CodeParams Last;
CodeParams Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
s32 NumEntries;
CodeType ValueType;
Code Macro;
Code Value;
Code PostNameMacro;
StringCached Name;
CodeParams Last;
CodeParams Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
@ -547,13 +524,13 @@ Serialization:
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -567,13 +544,13 @@ Serialization:
StrCached Content;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Content;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
@ -589,12 +566,12 @@ Fields:
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[ AST_ArrSpecs_Cap ];
CodeSpecifiers NextSpecs;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
s32 NumEntries;
@ -609,15 +586,15 @@ Serialization:
CodeParams Params;
Code Declaration;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
CodeParams Params;
Code Declaration;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -644,8 +621,8 @@ Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StrCached Name;
CodeType Type;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
b32 IsParamPack;
ETypenameTag TypeTag;
@ -660,7 +637,7 @@ Serialization:
`<Name>` currently has the full serialization of anything with
*Note: ArrExpr is not used in serialization by `typename_to_strbuilder_ref` its instead handled by a parent AST's serailization (variable, typedef, using).*
*Note: ArrExpr is not used in serialization by `typename_to_string_ref` its instead handled by a parent AST's serailization (variable, typedef, using).*
## Typedef
@ -670,16 +647,16 @@ Those (macros) don't use the underlying type field as everything was serialized
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code UnderlyingType;
StrCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
b32 IsFunction;
CodeComment InlineCmt;
Code UnderlyingType;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok
Code Parent;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
b32 IsFunction;
@ -705,12 +682,12 @@ Fields:
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeBody Body;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -731,12 +708,12 @@ Fields:
CodeComment InlineCmt;
CodeAttributes Attributes;
CodeType UnderlyingType;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
@ -763,13 +740,13 @@ CodeSpecifiers Specs;
CodeType ValueType;
Code BitfieldSize;
Code Value;
StrCached Name;
StringCached Name;
CodeVar NextVar;
Code Prev;
Code Next;
Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
CodeType Type;
CodeT Type;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
s32 VarParenthesizedInit;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -6,35 +6,34 @@
# Parsing
The library features a naive single-pass parser, tailored for only what the library needs; for construction of C++ code into gencpp's AST for *"front-end"* meta-programming purposes.
The library features a naive single-pass parser tailored for only what the library needs to construct the supported syntax of C++ into its AST for *"front-end"* meta-programming purposes.
This parser does not, and should not do the compiler's job. By only supporting this minimal set of features, the parser is kept (so far) around ~7000 loc. I hope to keep it under 10-15k loc worst case.
This parser does not, and should not do the compiler's job. By only supporting this minimal set of features, the parser is kept (so far) around ~7000 loc. I hope to keep it under 10k loc worst case.
You can think of this parser as *frontend parser* vs a *semantic parser*. Its intuitively similar to WYSIWYG. What you ***perceive*** as the syntax from the user-side before the compiler gets a hold of it, is what you get.
You can think of this parser as *frontend parser* vs a *semantic parser*. Its intuitively similar to WYSIWYG. What you ***precerive*** as the syntax from the user-side before the compiler gets a hold of it, is what you get.
User exposed interface:
CodeClass parse_class ( Str class_def );
CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( Str constructor_def );
CodeDefine parse_define ( Str define_def );
CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( Str destructor_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( Str enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( Str export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( Str exten_link_def );
CodeFriend parse_friend ( Str friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( Str fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( Str body_def );
CodeNS parse_namespace ( Str namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( Str operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( Str operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( Str struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( Str template_def );
CodeType parse_type ( Str type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( Str typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( Str union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( Str using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( Str var_def );
CodeClass parse_class ( StrC class_def );
CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( StrC constructor_def );
CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( StrC destructor_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( StrC enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( StrC export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( StrC exten_link_def );
CodeFriend parse_friend ( StrC friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( StrC fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( StrC body_def );
CodeNS parse_namespace ( StrC namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( StrC operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( StrC struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( StrC template_def );
CodeType parse_type ( StrC type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( StrC typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( StrC union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( StrC using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( StrC var_def );
To parse file buffers, use the `parse_global_body` function.
@ -54,98 +53,38 @@ The keywords supported for the preprocessor are:
* endif
* pragma
Each directive `#` line is considered one preproecessor unit, and will be treated as one Preprocessor AST node.
Each directive `#` line is considered one preproecessor unit, and will be treated as one Preprocessor AST.
If a directive is used with an unsupported keyword its will be processed as an untyped AST.
The preprocessor lines are stored as members of their associated scope they are parsed within ( Global, Namespace, Class/Struct ).
***Again: These ASTs will be considered members or entries of braced scope they reside within***
The preprocessor lines are stored as members of their associated scope they are parsed within. ( Global, Namespace, Class/Struct )
***Again (Its not standard): These ASTs will be considered members or entries of braced scope they reside within***
Any preprocessor definition abuse that changes the syntax of the core language is unsupported and will fail to parse if not kept within an execution scope (function body, or expression assignment).
* variable definitions are allowed for a preprocessed macro `extern MACRO();`
* function definitions are allowed for a preprocessed macro: `neverinline MACRO() { ... }`
* function signatures are allowed for a preprocessed macro: `neverinline MACRO() { ... }`
* typedefs allow for a preprocessed macro: `typedef MACRO();`
* Disable with: `#define GEN_PARSER_DISABLE_MACRO_TYPEDEF`
* Macros can behave as typenames
* There is some macro support in parameters for functions or templates *(Specifically added to support parsing Unreal Engine source)*.
* There is some macro support in paramters for functions or templates *(Specifically added to support parsing Unreal Engine source)*.
*(Exceptions are added on an on-demand basis)*
*(See functions `parse_operator_function_or_variable` and `parse_typedef` )*
Adding your own exceptions is possible by simply modifying the parser to allow for the syntax you need.
*Note: You could interpret this strictness as a feature. This would allow the user to see if their codebase or a third-party's codebase contains some egregious preprocessor abuse.*
*Note: You could interpret this strictness as a feature. This would allow the user to see if their codebase or a third-party's codebase some some egregious preprocessor abuse.*
Macros used within a file should be registered by the user before parsing. This can be done two ways:
If a macro is not defined withint e scope of parsing a set of files, it can be defined beforehand by:
1. The register macro interface within [interface.hpp](../base/components/interface.hpp).
2. Using `def_define` to create a CodeDefine and making sure to not set `opts.dont_register_to_preprocess_macros` to `true`.
* Appending the [`PreprocessorDefines`](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/blob/a18b5b97aa5cfd20242065cbf53462a623cd18fa/base/components/header_end.hpp#L137) array.
* For functional macros a "(" just needs to be added after the name like: `<name>(` so that it will tokenize its arguments as part of the token during lexing.
* Defining a CodeDefine using `def_define`. The definition will be processed by the interface for user into `PreprocessorDefines`.
* This can be prevented by setting the optional prameter `dont_append_preprocess_defines`.
## Registering macros
The lexing and parsing takes shortcuts from whats expected in the standard.
While the registeration of macros in the meta-program's side for parsing can be considered tedius, its necessary for the parser to accurately resolve the macros intent in one pass (and it provides some hygenics by verifying that they are used as intended).
The following can be used to register a macro:
GEN_API void register_macro( Macro macro );
GEN_API void register_macros( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API void register_macros_arr( s32 num, Macro* macros );
The Macro typename is defined with the following in [parser_types.hpp](../base/components/parser_types.hpp):
struct Macro
StrCached Name;
MacroType Type;
MacroFlags Flags;
The macro can be designated one of the following types:
* `MT_Expression`: Intended to resolve to an expression expansion.
* `MT_Statement`: Intended to resolve an statement expansion.
* `MT_Typename`: Intended to resolve to a typename.
Additioonally tthe following flags may be set:
* `MF_Functional`: The macro intended to be passed arguments are at least have the calling `()` as part of its usage.
* `MF_Expects_Body`: The parser should expect a braced-body `{ ... }` after the macro signature `<name> <params>`
* `MF_Allow_As_Identifier`: Will allow the macro to be an acceptable token/s when an `Tok_Identifier` is expected.
* `MF_Allow_As_Attribute`: Will allow the macro to be an acceptable token/s when an attribute token/s is expected.
* `MF_Allow_As_Definition`: Will allow the macro be an acceptable token/s when the parser expects a declartion or definition to resolve after attributes or specifiers have been identified beforehand.
* This flag requires that the macro is of type `MT_Statement` to make any sense of usage.
If a macro is not defined the following warning will be issued if `GEN_BUILD_DEBUG=1` during lexing within [lexer.cpp](../base/components/lexer.cpp) - `lex_preprocessor_define`:
log_fmt("Warning: '%S' was not registered before the lexer processed its #define directive, it will be registered as a expression macro\n"
, name.Text
Further within the same scope, the lexer will issue a warning if it detects a macro was not flagged as function but has an open parenthesis `(` token right after is name with no whitespace:
log_fmt("Warning: %S registered macro is not flagged as functional yet the definition detects opening parenthesis '(' for arguments\n"
, name.Text
Macros are tracked using a `MacroTable Macros;` defined as a member of the library's `Context`.
typedef HashTable(Macro) MacroTable;
## Notes
* Empty lines used throughout the file are preserved for formatting purposes during ast serialization (they have a dedicated Token: `Tok_NewLine`).
* Numeric literals are not checked for validity.
* The parse API treats any execution scope definitions with no validation and are turned into untyped Code ASTs. (There is a [todo](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/49) to add support)
* *This includes the assignment of variables.*
@ -156,4 +95,4 @@ typedef HashTable(Macro) MacroTable;
* Parsing attributes can be extended to support user defined macros by defining `GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS` (see `gen.hpp` for the formatting)
* This is useful for example: parsing Unreal `Module_API` macros.
**The lexer & parser do not gracefully attempt to continue when it comes across incorrect code, and doesn't properly track errors into a listing (yet).**
Empty lines used throughout the file are preserved for formatting purposes during ast serialization.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* [AST_Design](./AST_Design.md): Overview of ASTs
* [AST_Design](./AST_Design.md): Overvie of ASTs
* [AST Types](./AST_Types.md): Listing of all AST types along with their Code type interface.
* [Parsing](./Parsing.md): Overview of the parsing interface.
* [Parser Algo](./Parser_Algo.md): In-depth breakdown of the parser's implementation.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ This means that the typename entry for the parameter AST would be either:
***Concepts and Constraints are not supported***
Its a [todo](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/21)
### Feature Macros
### Feature Macros:
* `GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS` : Allows user to define their own attribute macros for use in parsing.
* This can be generated using base.cpp.
@ -36,41 +36,10 @@ Its a [todo](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/21)
* `GEN_EXPOSE_BACKEND` : Will expose symbols meant for internal use only.
* `GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES` : Optional override so that user may define the dependencies themselves.
* `GEN_DONT_ALLOW_INVALID_CODE` (Not implemented yet) : Will fail when an invalid code is constructed, parsed, or serialized.
* `GEN_C_LIKE_CPP` : Setting to `<true or 1>` Will prevent usage of function defnitions using references and structs with member functions. Structs will still have user-defined operator conversions, for-range support, and other operator overloads
* `GEN_C_LIKE_PP` : Setting to `<true or 1>` Will prevent usage of function defnitions using references and structs with member functions. Structs will still have user-defined operator conversions, for-range support, and other operator overloads
### The Data & Interface
The library's persistent state is managed tracked by a context struct: `global Context* _ctx;` defined within [static_data.cpp](../base/components/static_data.cpp)
The interface for the context:
* `init`: Initializtion
* `deinit`: De-initialization.
* `reset`: Clears the allocations, but doesn't free the memoery, then calls `init()` on `_ctx` again.
* `get_context`: Retreive the currently tracked context.
* `set_context`: Swap out the current tracked context.
#### Allocato usage
* `Allocator_DyanmicContainers`: Growing arrays, hash tables. (Unbounded sized containers)
* `Allocator_Pool`: Fixed-sized object allocations (ASTs, etc)
* `Allocator_StrCache`: StrCached allocations
* `Allocator_Temp`: Temporary alloations mostly intended for StrBuilder usage. Manually cleared by the user by their own discretion.
The allocator definitions used are exposed to the user incase they want to dictate memory usage
* Allocators are defined with the `AllocatorInfo` structure found in [`memory.hpp`](../base/dependencies/memory.hpp)
* Most of the work is just defining the allocation procedure:
void* ( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags );
For any allocator above that the user does not define before `init`, a fallback allocator will be assigned that utiizes the `fallback_allocator_proc` wtihin [interface.cpp](../base/components/interface.cpp).
As mentioned in root readme, the user is provided Code objects by calling the constructor's functions to generate them or find existing matches.
The AST is managed by the library and provided to the user via its interface.
@ -78,14 +47,14 @@ However, the user may specifiy memory configuration.
[Data layout of AST struct (Subject to heavily change with upcoming todos)](../base/components/ast.hpp#L396-461)
*`StringCahced` is a typedef for `Str` (a string slice), to denote it is an interned string*
*`CodeType` is enum taggin the type of code. Has an underlying type of `u32`*
*`OperatorT` is a typedef for `EOperator::Type` which has an underlying type of `u32`*
*`StrBuilder` is the dynamically allocating string builder type for the library*
*`StringCahced` is a typedef for `String const`, to denote it is an interned string*
*`String` is the dynamically allocated string type for the library*
AST widths are setup to be AST_POD_Size (128 bytes by default).
AST widths are setup to be AST_POD_Size.
The width dictates how much the static array can hold before it must give way to using an allocated array:
@ -94,7 +63,7 @@ int AST_ArrSpecs_Cap =
- sizeof(Code)
- sizeof(StrCached)
- sizeof(StringCached)
- sizeof(Code) * 2
- sizeof(Token*)
- sizeof(Code)
@ -104,16 +73,41 @@ int AST_ArrSpecs_Cap =
/ sizeof(Specifier) - 1;
*Ex: If the AST_POD_Size is 128 the capacity of the static array is 20.*
Data Notes:
* The allocator definitions used are exposed to the user incase they want to dictate memory usage
* You'll find the memory handling in `init`, `deinit`, `reset`, `gen_string_allocator`, `get_cached_string`, `make_code`.
* Allocators are defined with the `AllocatorInfo` structure found in [`memory.hpp`](../base/dependencies/memory.hpp)
* Most of the work is just defining the allocation procedure:
void* ( void* allocator_data, AllocType type, ssize size, ssize alignment, void* old_memory, ssize old_size, u64 flags );
* ASTs are wrapped for the user in a Code struct which is a wrapper for a AST* type.
* Code types have member symbols but their data layout is enforced to be POD types.
* This library treats memory failures as fatal.
* Cached Strings are stored in their own set of arenas. AST constructors use cached strings for names, and content.
* `StringArenas`, `StringCache`, `Allocator_StringArena`, and `Allocator_StringTable` are the associated containers or allocators.
* Strings used for serialization and file buffers are not contained by those used for cached strings.
* `_ctx->Allocator_Temp` is used.
* They are currently using `GlobalAllocator`, which are tracked array of arenas that grows as needed (adds buckets when one runs out).
* Memory within the buckets is not reused, so its inherently wasteful.
* I will be augmenting the default allocator with virtual memory & a slab allocator in the [future](https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp/issues/12)
* Intrusive linked lists used children nodes on bodies, and parameters.
* Its intended to generate the AST in one go and serialize after. The constructors and serializer are designed to be a "one pass, front to back" setup.
* Any modifcations to an existing AST should be to just construct another with the modifications done on-demand while traversing the AST (non-destructive).
* Allocations can be tuned by defining the folloiwng macros (will be moved to runtime configuration in the future):
* `GEN_GLOBAL_BUCKET_SIZE` : Size of each bucket area for the global allocator
* `GEN_CODEPOOL_NUM_BLOCKS` : Number of blocks per code pool in the code allocator
* `GEN_SIZE_PER_STRING_ARENA` : Size per arena used with string caching.
* `GEN_MAX_COMMENT_LINE_LENGTH` : Longest length a comment can have per line.
* `GEN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH` : Max length of any identifier.
* `GEN_MAX_UNTYPED_STR_LENGTH` : Max content length for any untyped code.
* `TokenMap_FixedArena` : token_fmt_va uses local_persit memory of this arena type for the hashtable.
The following CodeTypes are used which the user may optionally use strong typing with if they enable: `GEN_ENFORCE_STRONG_CODE_TYPES`
@ -123,7 +117,6 @@ The following CodeTypes are used which the user may optionally use strong typing
* CodeClass
* CodeConstructor
* CodeDefine
* CodeDefineParams
* CodeDestructor
* CodeEnum
* CodeExec
@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ The following CodeTypes are used which the user may optionally use strong typing
* CodeModule
* CodeNS
* CodeOperator
* CodeOpCast : User defined member operator conversion
* CodeOpCast
* CodeParams : Has support for `for : range` iterating across parameters.
* CodePreprocessCond
* CodePragma
@ -147,15 +140,11 @@ The following CodeTypes are used which the user may optionally use strong typing
* CodeUsing
* CodeVar
Each `struct Code<Name>` has an associated "filtered AST" with the naming convention: `AST_<CodeName>`
Each Code boy has an associated "filtered AST" with the naming convention: `AST_<CodeName>`
Unrelated fields of the AST for that node type are omitted and only necessary padding members are defined otherwise.
Retrieving a raw version of the ast can be done using the `raw()` function defined in each AST.
For the interface related to these code types see:
* [ast.hpp](../base/components/ast.hpp): Under the region pragma `Code C-Interface`
* [code_types.hpp](../base/components/code_types.hpp): Under the region pragma `Code C-Interface`. Additional functionlity for c++ will be within the struct definitions or at the end of the file.
## There are three categories of interfaces for Code AST generation & reflection
## There are three sets of interfaces for Code AST generation the library provides
* Upfront
* Parsing
@ -175,7 +164,6 @@ Interface :``
* def_class
* def_constructor
* def_define
* def_define_params
* def_destructor
* def_enum
* def_execution
@ -230,27 +218,6 @@ Code <name>
All optional parmeters are defined within `struct Opts_def_<functon name>`. This was done to setup a [macro trick](https://x.com/vkrajacic/status/1749816169736073295) for default optional parameers in the C library:
struct gen_Opts_def_struct
gen_CodeBody body;
gen_CodeTypename parent;
gen_AccessSpec parent_access;
gen_CodeAttributes attributes;
gen_CodeTypename* interfaces;
gen_s32 num_interfaces;
gen_ModuleFlag mflags;
typedef struct gen_Opts_def_struct gen_Opts_def_struct;
GEN_API gen_CodeClass gen_def__struct( gen_Str name, gen_Opts_def_struct opts GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT );
#define gen_def_struct( name, ... ) gen_def__struct( name, ( gen_Opts_def_struct ) { __VA_ARGS__ } )
In the C++ library, the `def_<funtion name>` is not wrapped in a macro.
When using the body functions, its recommended to use the args macro to auto determine the number of arguments for the varadic:
@ -260,8 +227,8 @@ def_global_body( args( ht_entry, array_ht_entry, hashtable ));
def_global_body( 3, ht_entry, array_ht_entry, hashtable );
If a more incremental approach is desired for the body ASTs, `Code def_body( CodeT type )` can be used to create an empty bodyss
When the members have been populated use: `code_validate_body` to verify that the members are valid entires for that type.
If a more incremental approach is desired for the body ASTs, `Code def_body( CodeT type )` can be used to create an empty body.
When the members have been populated use: `AST::validate_body` to verify that the members are valid entires for that type.
### Parse construction
@ -271,12 +238,12 @@ Interface :
* parse_class
* parse_constructor
* parse_define
* parse_destructor
* parse_enum
* parse_export_body
* parse_extern_link
* parse_friend
* Purposefully are only support forward declares with this constructor.
* parse_function
* parse_global_body
* parse_namespace
@ -341,7 +308,7 @@ Code <name> = code_str( <some code without "" quotes > )
Template metaprogramming in the traditional sense becomes possible with the use of `token_fmt` and parse constructors:
Str value = txt("Something");
StrC value = txt("Something");
char const* template_str = txt(
Code with <key> to replace with token_values
@ -355,7 +322,6 @@ Code <name> = parse_<function name>( gen_code_str );
The following are provided predefined by the library as they are commonly used:
* `enum_underlying_macro`
* `access_public`
* `access_protected`
* `access_private`
@ -432,19 +398,19 @@ and have the desired specifiers assigned to them beforehand.
## Code generation and modification
There are two provided auxiliary interfaces:
There are two provided auxillary interfaces:
* Builder
* Scanner
### Builder is a similar object to the jai language's strbuilder_builder
### Builder is a similar object to the jai language's string_builder
* The purpose of it is to generate a file.
* A file is specified and opened for writing using the open( file_path) function.
* The code is provided via print( code ) function will be serialized to its buffer.
* When all serialization is finished, use the write() command to write the buffer to the file.
### Scanner
### Scanner Auxillary Interface
* The purpose is to scan or parse files
* Some with two basic functions to convert a fil to code: `scan_file` and `parse_file`
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 150 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 250 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 175 KiB |
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
## Navigation
# base
* [docs](../docs/Readme.md)
@ -13,135 +15,9 @@ The output will be in the `gen_segmented/gen` directory (if the directory does n
If using the library's provided build scripts:
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> c_lib
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> c_library
To generate a static or dynamic library:
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> c_lib_static c_lib_dyn
All free from tag identifiers will be prefixed with `gen_` or `GEN_` as the namespace. This can either be changed after generation with a `.refactor` script (or your preferred subst method), OR by modifying [c_library.refactor](./c_library.refactor).
All free from tag identifiers will be prefixed with `gen_` or `GEN_` as the namespace. This can either be changed after generation with a `.refactor` script (or your preferred subst method), OR by modifying c_library.refactor.
**If c_library.refactor is modified you may need to modify c_library.cpp and its [components](./components/). As some of the container generation relies on that prefix.**
## Generation structure
1. Files are scanned in or parsed.
* If they are parsed, its due to requiring some changes to either naming, or adding additonal definitions (container generation, typedefs, etc).
2. All scanned or parsed code is refactored (identifiers substs) and/or formatted.
3. Singleheader generated.
4. Segmented headers and source generated.
## Templated container generation
The array and hashtable containers used across this library are generated using the following implementatioon:
* [containers.array.hpp](./components/containers.array.hpp)
* [containers.hashtable.hpp](./components/containers.hashtable.hpp)
These are functionally (and interface wise) equivalent to the library's `Array<Type>` `HashTable<Type>` within [containers.hpp](../base/dependencies/containers.hpp)
Both files follow the same pattern of providing three procedures:
* `gen_<container>_base` : Intended to be called once, defines universal "base" definitions.
* `gen_<container>` : Called per instatiation of the container for a given set of dependent args.
* `gen_<container>_generic_selection_interface` : Intended to be called once after all of the instantiated containers have finished generating. It will generate a set of generic selection macros as described by Macro Usage section below.
A simple `<container>_DefinitionCounter` is used to know how many instantiations of the template have occured. This is used to determine how to define `GENERIC_SLOT_<ID>_<functionID>` for the generic interface along with how many slots the `_Generic` macro will need to have generated.
## Macro Usage
For the most part macros are kept minimal with exception to `_Generic`...
The `_Generic` macro plays a key role in reducing direct need of the user to wrangle with mangled definition identifiers of 'templated' containers or for type coercion to map distinct data types to a common code path.
Many C11 libraries don't use it.. and, of those that do. they usually end up obfuscate it with excessive preprocessor abuse; Effort was put into minimizing how much of these macros are handled by the preprocessor vs gencpp itself.
*(I will be explaining this thing for the rest of this seciton along with gencpp c library's usage of it)*
The usual presentation (done bare) is the following:
#define macro_that_selects_typeof_arg(arg, y) \
_Generic( (arg), \
int : some expression, \
double : some other expression, \
struct Whatnot : something else again, \
default : fallback expression \
Where `_Generic` can be considered the follwoing (psuedo-C):
#define type_expr_pair(type, expr) type: expr
C_Expression _Generic( selector_arg, a_type_expr_pair, ... ) {
switch( typeof(selector_arg)) {
case a_type_expr_pair:
return a_type_expr_pari.expr;
return default.expr;
The first `arg` of _Generic behaves as the "controlling expression" or the expression that resolves to a type which will dictate which of the following expressions provided after to `_Generic` will be resolved as the one used inline for the implemenation.
For this library's purposes we'll be using the functional macro equivalent *(if there is an exception I'll link it at the end of this section)*:
#define macro_that_uses_selector_arg_for_resolving_a_fucntion( selecting_exp) \
_Generic( (selecting_exp), \
int : func_use_int, \
double : func_use_double, \
struct Whatnot : func_use_Whatnot, \
default : struct SIGNALS_FAILURE \
) (selecting_exp)
In this case, we directly added `(selecting_exp)` to the end there.. as we want to directly have the macro resolve to calling a resolved procedure. A default has been set to a struct as that leads to a neat compiler message that would otherwise be impossible beause static_assert is a statement and thus cannot be used within a slot.
Now, even with gencpp generating this type-expression table, we still need wrapper macros to achieve function 'overloading' for the templated containers as _Generic has a [significant drawback](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/quasiblog/c11-generic/):
> Discarded expressions still have to be semantically valid.
The only way to absolve this issue [(without resorting to nasty preprocessor hacks)](https://github.com/JacksonAllan/CC/blob/main/articles/Better_C_Generics_Part_1_The_Extendible_Generic.md) is with wrapping expressions in 'slot' resolving macros that do not expand if the slot is not defined:
`GENERIC_SLOT_1__function_sig` is our warpper of a "`int, func_use_int`" pair. The `GEN_IF_MACRO_DEFINED_INCLUDE_THIS_SLOT` is a verbse named macro to indicate that that pair will be expanded ***ONLY IF*** its defined.
So for any given templated container interface. Expect the follwoing (taken straight from generation, and just cleaned up formatting):
#define gen_array_append( selector_arg, ... ) _Generic( \
(selector_arg ), \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
) GEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( &selector_arg, __VA_ARGS__ )
*Note(Ed): Unfortunately I cannot get clang-format to output these macros sanely like the above..*
*Eventually I'll add some basic builtin formatting but if the user has suggestions for something better I'm open ears...*
`GEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL` is an empty define, its just to indicate that its intended to expand to a function call.
To see the the actual macro definitions used - see: [generic_macros.h](./components/generic_macros.h). They'll be injected right after the usual macros in the generated header file.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ word global, gen_global
word internal, gen_internal
word local_persist, gen_local_persist
word bit, gen_bit
word bitfield_is_set, gen_bitfield_is_set
word bitfield_is_equal, gen_bitfield_is_equal
word cast, gen_cast
word ccast, gen_ccast
word pcast, gen_pcast
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace pool_, gen_pool_
// Printing
namespace c_str_, gen_c_str_
namespace str_, gen_str_
word PrintF_Buffer, gen_PrintF_Buffer
word Msg_Invalid_Value, gen_Msg_Invalid_Value
@ -211,20 +211,20 @@ word crc64, gen_crc64
// Strings
word Str, gen_Str
word StrC, gen_StrC
word to_str_from_c_str, gen_to_str_from_c_str
word to_strc_from_c_str, gen_to_strc_from_c_str
namespace str_, gen_str_
namespace strc_, gen_strc_
word cast_to_str, gen_cast_to_str
word cast_to_strc, gen_cast_to_strc
word StrBuilderHeader, gen_StrBuilderHeader
word StrBuilder, gen_StrBuilder
word StringHeader, gen_StringHeader
word String, gen_String
namespace strbuilder_, gen_strbuilder_
namespace string_, gen_string_
word StrCached, gen_StrCached
word StringCached, gen_StringCached
word StringTable, gen_StringTable
@ -308,15 +308,7 @@ word operator_to_str, gen_operator_to_str
word Specifier, gen_Specifier
word spec_to_str, gen_spec_to_str
word spec_is_trailing, gen_spec_is_trailing
// word str_to_specifier, gen_str_to_specifier
word MacroType, gen_MacroType
word EMacroFlags, gen_EMacroFlags
word MacroFlags, gen_MacroFlags
word Macro, gen_Macro
namespace macro_, gen_macro_
namespace macrotype, gen_macrotype_
// word strc_to_specifier, gen_strc_to_specifier
// AST
@ -333,7 +325,6 @@ word CodeComment, gen_CodeComment
word CodeClass, gen_CodeClass
word CodeConstructor, gen_CodeConstructor
word CodeDefine, gen_CodeDefine
word CodeDefineParams, gen_CodeDefineParams
word CodeDestructor, gen_CodeDestructor
word CodeEnum, gen_CodeEnum
word CodeExec, gen_CodeExec
@ -349,7 +340,6 @@ word CodePragma, gen_CodePragma
word CodeParams, gen_CodeParams
word CodePreprocessCond, gen_CodePreprocessCond
word CodeSpecifiers, gen_CodeSpecifiers
word CodeStruct, gen_CodeStruct
word CodeTemplate, gen_CodeTemplate
word CodeTypename, gen_CodeTypename
word CodeTypedef, gen_CodeTypedef
@ -359,8 +349,6 @@ word CodeVar, gen_CodeVar
// Code Interface
word Context, gen_Context
namespace code_, gen_code_
word Code_Global, gen_Code_Global
@ -408,24 +396,16 @@ namespace var_, gen_var_
// Gen Interface
word _ctx, gen__ctx
word init, gen_init
word deinit, gen_deinit
word reset, gen_reset
word cache_str, gen_cache_str
word get_cached_string, gen_get_cached_string
word make_code, gen_make_code
namespace set_allocator_, gen_set_allocator_
word register_macro, gen_register_macro
word register_macros, gen_register_macros
word register_macros_arr, gen_register_macros_arr
namespace Opts_, gen_Opts_
namespace def_, gen_def_
namespace parse_, gen_parse_
namespace token_, gen_token_
@ -433,6 +413,20 @@ namespace untyped_, gen_untyped_
// Constants
word TokenMap_FixedArena, gen_TokenMap_FixedArena
word InitSize_DataArrays, gen_InitSize_DataArrays
word Global_BucketSize, gen_Global_BucketSize
word CodePool_NumBlocks, gen_CodePool_NumBlocks
word SizePer_StringArena, gen_SizePer_StringArena
word MaxCommentLineLength, gen_MaxCommentLineLength
word MaxNameLength, gen_MaxNameLength
word MaxUntypedStrLength, gen_MaxUntypedStrLength
word LexAllocator_Size, gen_LexAllocator_Size
word Builder_StrBufferReserve, gen_Builder_StrBufferReserve
word access_public, gen_access_public
word access_protected, gen_access_protected
word access_private, gen_access_private
@ -451,20 +445,28 @@ word preprocess_else, gen_preprocess_else
namespace spec_, gen_spec_
namespace t_, gen_t_
word PreprocessorDefines, gen_PreprocessorDefines
// Backend
word GlobalAllocator, gen_GlobalAllocator
word Global_AllocatorBuckets, gen_Global_AllocatorBuckets
word CodePools, gen_CodePools
word StringArenas, gen_StringArenas
word StringCache, gen_StringCache
word LexArena, gen_LexArena
word Allocator_DataArrays, gen_Allocator_DataArrays
word Allocator_CodePool, gen_Allocator_CodePool
word Allocator_Lexer, gen_Allocator_Lexer
word Allocator_StringArena, gen_Allocator_StringArena
word Allocator_StringTable, gen_Allocator_StringTable
word Allocator_TypeTable, gen_Allocator_TypeTable
// Builder
word Builder, gen_Builder
namespace builder_, gen_builder_
// Scanner
word scan_file, gen_scan_file
word CSV_Column, gen_CSV_Column
word CSV_Columns2, gen_CSV_Columns2
// Implementation (prviate)
word _format_info, gen__format_info
@ -511,7 +513,7 @@ word _adt_get_field, gen__adt_get_field
word _csv_write_record, gen__csv_write_record
word _csv_write_header, gen__csv_write_header
word fallback_allocator_proc, gen_Global_Allocator_Proc
word Global_Allocator_Proc, gen_Global_Allocator_Proc
word define_constants, gen_define_constants
word operator__validate, gen_operator__validate
@ -520,6 +522,7 @@ word parser_deinit, gen_parser_deinit
word TokType, gen_TokType
word toktype_to_str, gen_toktype_to_str
// word strc_to_toktype, gen_strc_to_toktype
word NullToken, gen_NullToken
namespace tok_, gen_tok_
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ CodeBody gen_array_base()
Code get_header = untyped_str( txt( "#define array_get_header( self ) ( (ArrayHeader*)( self ) - 1)\n" ));
Code type_define = untyped_str( txt( "#define Array(Type) gen_Array_##Type\n"));
Code array_begin = def_define(txt("array_begin(array)"), MT_Expression, { {}, code( (array) ) } );
Code array_end = def_define(txt("array_end(array)"), MT_Expression, { {}, code( (array + array_get_header(array)->Num ) ) } );
Code array_next = def_define(txt("array_next(array, entry)"), MT_Expression, { {}, code( (entry + 1) ) } );
Code array_begin = def_define(txt("array_begin(array)"), code( (array) ));
Code array_end = def_define(txt("array_end(array)"), code( (array + array_get_header(array)->Num ) ));
Code array_next = def_define(txt("array_next(array, entry)"), code( (entry + 1) ));
return def_global_body( args(
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ CodeBody gen_array_base()
CodeBody gen_array( Str type, Str array_name )
CodeBody gen_array( StrC type, StrC array_name )
StrBuilder array_type = StrBuilder::fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
StrBuilder fn = StrBuilder::fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
// c_str_to_lower(fn.Data);
String array_type = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
String fn = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "%.*s", array_name.Len, array_name.Ptr );
// str_to_lower(fn.Data);
#pragma push_macro( "GEN_ASSERT" )
#pragma push_macro( "rcast" )
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ CodeBody gen_array( Str type, Str array_name )
#undef cast
#undef typeof
#undef forceinline
CodeBody result = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "array_type", (Str)array_type, "fn", (Str)fn, "type", (Str)type
CodeBody result = parse_global_body( token_fmt( "array_type", (StrC)array_type, "fn", (StrC)fn, "type", (StrC)type
, stringize(
typedef <type>* <array_type>;
@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ CodeBody gen_array( Str type, Str array_name )
GEN_ASSERT(begin <= end);
ArrayHeader* header = array_get_header( self );
if ( begin < 0 || end > header->Num )
if ( begin < 0 || end >= header->Num )
return false;
for ( ssize idx = (ssize)begin; idx < (ssize)end; idx ++ )
for ( ssize idx = begin; idx < end; idx ++ )
self[ idx ] = value;
return true;
@ -375,9 +375,9 @@ CodeBody gen_array( Str type, Str array_name )
#pragma pop_macro( "forceinline" )
++ Array_DefinitionCounter;
Str slot_str = StrBuilder::fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", Array_DefinitionCounter).to_str();
StrC slot_str = String::fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", Array_DefinitionCounter).to_strc();
Code generic_interface_slot = untyped_str(token_fmt( "type", type, "array_type", (Str)array_type, "slot", (Str)slot_str,
Code generic_interface_slot = untyped_str(token_fmt( "type", type, "array_type", (StrC)array_type, "slot", (StrC)slot_str,
R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_init <type>, <array_type>_init
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_init_reserve <type>, <array_type>_init_reserve
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_append <array_type>, <array_type>_append
@ -399,13 +399,13 @@ R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__array_init <type>, <array_type>_i
return def_global_body( args(
def_pragma( strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "region %SB", array_type ))),
def_pragma( string_to_strc( string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "region %S", array_type ))),
def_pragma( strbuilder_to_str(strbuilder_fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "endregion %SB", array_type ))),
def_pragma( string_to_strc(string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "endregion %S", array_type ))),
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ CodeBody gen_hashtable_base()
Code define_type = untyped_str(txt(
R"(#define HashTable(_type) struct gen_HashTable_##_type
R"(#define HashTable(_type) struct _type
@ -27,24 +27,24 @@ R"(#define HashTable(_type) struct gen_HashTable_##_type
return def_global_body(args(struct_def, define_type, define_critical_load_scale));
CodeBody gen_hashtable( Str type, Str hashtable_name )
CodeBody gen_hashtable( StrC type, StrC hashtable_name )
StrBuilder tbl_type = {(char*) hashtable_name.duplicate(_ctx->Allocator_Temp).Ptr};
StrBuilder fn = tbl_type.duplicate(_ctx->Allocator_Temp);
// c_str_to_lower(fn.Data);
String tbl_type = {(char*) hashtable_name.duplicate(GlobalAllocator).Ptr};
String fn = tbl_type.duplicate(GlobalAllocator);
// str_to_lower(fn.Data);
StrBuilder name_lower = StrBuilder::make( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, hashtable_name );
// c_str_to_lower( name_lower.Data );
String name_lower = String::make( GlobalAllocator, hashtable_name );
// str_to_lower( name_lower.Data );
StrBuilder hashtable_entry = StrBuilder::fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "HTE_%.*s", hashtable_name.Len, hashtable_name.Ptr );
StrBuilder entry_array_name = StrBuilder::fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "Arr_HTE_%.*s", hashtable_name.Len, hashtable_name.Ptr );
StrBuilder entry_array_fn_ns = StrBuilder::fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "arr_hte_%.*s", name_lower.length(), name_lower.Data );
String hashtable_entry = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "HTE_%.*s", hashtable_name.Len, hashtable_name.Ptr );
String entry_array_name = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "Arr_HTE_%.*s", hashtable_name.Len, hashtable_name.Ptr );
String entry_array_fn_ns = String::fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "arr_hte_%.*s", name_lower.length(), name_lower.Data );
CodeBody hashtable_types = parse_global_body( token_fmt(
"type", (Str) type,
"tbl_name", (Str) hashtable_name,
"tbl_type", (Str) tbl_type,
"type", (StrC) type,
"tbl_name", (StrC) hashtable_name,
"tbl_type", (StrC) tbl_type,
typedef struct HashTable_<type> <tbl_type>;
typedef struct HTE_<tbl_name> HTE_<tbl_name>;
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ CodeBody gen_hashtable( Str type, Str hashtable_name )
#undef typeof
#undef forceinline
CodeBody hashtable_def = parse_global_body( token_fmt(
"type", (Str) type,
"tbl_name", (Str) hashtable_name,
"tbl_type", (Str) tbl_type,
"fn", (Str) fn,
"entry_type", (Str) hashtable_entry,
"array_entry", (Str) entry_array_name,
"fn_array", (Str) entry_array_fn_ns,
"type", (StrC) type,
"tbl_name", (StrC) hashtable_name,
"tbl_type", (StrC) tbl_type,
"fn", (StrC) fn,
"entry_type", (StrC) hashtable_entry,
"array_entry", (StrC) entry_array_name,
"fn_array", (StrC) entry_array_fn_ns,
struct HashTable_<type> {
Array_ssize Hashes;
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ CodeBody gen_hashtable( Str type, Str hashtable_name )
#pragma pop_macro( "forceinline" )
++ HashTable_DefinitionCounter;
Str slot_str = StrBuilder::fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", HashTable_DefinitionCounter).to_str();
StrC slot_str = String::fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", HashTable_DefinitionCounter).to_strc();
Code generic_interface_slot = untyped_str(token_fmt( "type", type, "tbl_type", (Str)tbl_type, "slot", (Str)slot_str,
Code generic_interface_slot = untyped_str(token_fmt( "type", type, "tbl_type", (StrC)tbl_type, "slot", (StrC)slot_str,
R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__hashtable_init <type>, <tbl_type>_init
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__hashtable_init_reserve <type>, <tbl_type>_init_reserve
#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__hashtable_clear <tbl_type>, <tbl_type>_clear
@ -395,12 +395,12 @@ R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__hashtable_init <type>, <tbl_type>_
char const* cmt_str = c_str_fmt_buf( "Name: %.*s Type: %.*s"
char const* cmt_str = str_fmt_buf( "Name: %.*s Type: %.*s"
, tbl_type.length(), tbl_type.Data
, type.Len, type.Ptr );
return def_global_body(args(
def_pragma( strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "region %SB", tbl_type ))),
def_pragma( string_to_strc( string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "region %S", tbl_type ))),
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ R"(#define GENERIC_SLOT_<slot>__hashtable_init <type>, <tbl_type>_
def_pragma( strbuilder_to_str( strbuilder_fmt_buf( _ctx->Allocator_Temp, "endregion %SB", tbl_type ))),
def_pragma( string_to_strc( string_fmt_buf( GlobalAllocator, "endregion %S", tbl_type ))),
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
// ____ _ ______ _ _ ____ _ __ _
// / ___} (_) | ____} | | (_) / __ \ | | | |(_)
// | | ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ _ ___ | |__ _ _ _ __ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __ | | | |_ _____ _ __ | | ___ __ _ __| | _ _ __ __ _
// | |{__ |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__} |/ __| | __} | | | '_ \ / __} __} |/ _ \| '_ \ | | | \ \ / / _ \ '_ }| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` || | '_ \ / _` |
// | |__j | __/ | | | __/ | | | (__ | | | |_| | | | | (__| l_| | (_) | | | | | l__| |\ V / __/ | | | (_) | (_| | (_| || | | | | (_| |
// \____/ \___}_l l_l\___}_l l_l\___| l_l \__,_l_l l_l\___}\__}_l\___/l_l l_l \____/ \_/ \___}_l l_l\___/ \__,_l\__,_l|_|_| |_|\__, |
// | |{__ |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__} |/ __| | __} | | | '_ \ / __} __} |/ _ \| '_ \ | | | \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` || | '_ \ / _` |
// | |__j | __/ | | | __/ | | | (__ | | | |_| | | | | (__| l_| | (_) | | | | | l__| |\ V / __/ | | | | (_) | (_| | (_| || | | | | (_| |
// \____/ \___}_l l_l\___}_l l_l\___| l_l \__,_l_l l_l\___}\__}_l\___/l_l l_l \____/ \_/ \___}_l l_l_l\___/ \__,_l\__,_l|_|_| |_|\__, |
// This implemnents macros for utilizing "The Naive Extendible _Generic Macro" explained in: __| |
// https://github.com/JacksonAllan/CC/blob/main/articles/Better_C_Generics_Part_1_The_Extendible_Generic.md {___/
// Since gencpp is used to generate the c-library, it was choosen over the more novel implementations to keep the macros as easy to understand and unobfuscated as possible.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
// Where GEN_GENERIC_SEL_ENTRY_COMMA_DELIMITER is specifically looking for that <comma> ,
// ^ Selects the comma ^ is the type ^ is the function ^ Insert a comma
// The slot won't exist if that comma is not found.
// The slot won't exist if that comma is not found. |
// For the occastion where an expression didn't resolve to a selection option the "default: <value>" will be set to:
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ GENCPP_NO_RESOLVED_GENERIC_SELECTION const gen_generic_selection_fail = {0};
// Below are generated on demand for an overlaod depdendent on a type:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define GEN_FUNCTION_GENERIC_EXAMPLE( selector_arg ) _Generic( \
(selector_arg), /* Select Via Expression*/ \
/* Extendibility slots: */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
#define GEN_FUNCTION_GENERIC_EXAMPLE( selector_arg ) _Generic( \
(selector_arg), /* Select Via Expression*/ \
/* Extendibility slots: */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -68,21 +68,20 @@ size_t gen_example_hash__P_long( long val ) { return val * 2654435761ull; }
#define GENERIC_SLOT_2_gen_example_hash long long, gen_example_hash__P_long_long
size_t gen_example_hash__P_long_long( long long val ) { return val * 2654435761ull; }
// If using an Editor with support for syntax hightlighting macros:
// GENERIC_SLOT_1_gen_example_hash and GENERIC_SLOT_2_gen_example_hash should show color highlighting indicating the slot is enabled,
// If using an Editor with support for syntax hightlighting macros: HASH__ARGS_SIG_1 and HASH_ARGS_SIG_2 should show color highlighting indicating the slot is enabled,
// or, "defined" for usage during the compilation pass that handles the _Generic instrinsic.
#define gen_hash_example( function_arguments ) _Generic( \
(function_arguments), /* Select Via Expression*/ \
/* Extendibility slots: */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
#define gen_hash_example( function_arguments ) _Generic( \
(function_arguments), /* Select Via Expression*/ \
/* Extendibility slots: */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
) GEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( function_arguments )
// Additional Variations:
@ -90,20 +89,20 @@ size_t gen_example_hash__P_long_long( long long val ) { return val * 2654435761u
// If the function takes more than one argument the following is used:
#define GEN_FUNCTION_GENERIC_EXAMPLE_VARADIC( selector_arg, ... ) _Generic( \
(selector_arg), \
/* ... */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
) GEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( selector_arg, __VA_ARG__ )
// If the function does not take the arugment as a parameter:
#define GEN_FUNCTION_GENERIC_EXAMPLE_DIRECT_TYPE( selector_arg ) _Generic( \
( GEN_TYPE_TO_EXP(selector_arg) ), \
/* ... */ \
default: gen_generic_selection_fail \
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
| \_____|\___}_l |_|\___} .__/| .__/ {_____/ \__\__/_l\__. |\___/\__,_l \____}{_____}{_____} |
| | | | | __} | |
| l_l l_l {___/ |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.25-Alpha |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.20-Alpha |
! ============================================================================================= |
@ -89,14 +89,7 @@ CodeBody gen_fixed_arenas()
register_macros( args(
( Macro { txt("fixed_arena_allocator_info"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
( Macro { txt("fixed_arena_init"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
( Macro { txt("fixed_arena_free"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
( Macro { txt("fixed_arena_size_remaining"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional })
CodeDefine def = parse_define(txt("#define fixed_arena_allocator_info(fixed_arena) ( (AllocatorInfo) { arena_allocator_proc, & (fixed_arena)->arena } )\n"));
CodeDefine def = def_define(txt("fixed_arena_allocator_info(fixed_arena)"), txt("( (AllocatorInfo) { arena_allocator_proc, & (fixed_arena)->arena } )"));
@ -7,41 +7,30 @@ void convert_cpp_enum_to_c( CodeEnum to_convert, CodeBody to_append )
#pragma push_macro("enum_underlying")
#undef enum_underlying
StrCached type;
CodeTypedef tdef;
if (to_convert->UnderlyingType)
type = to_convert->UnderlyingType.to_strbuilder().to_str();
tdef = parse_typedef(token_fmt("type", type, "name", to_convert->Name, stringize( typedef <type> <name>; )));
type = to_convert->Name;
tdef = parse_typedef(token_fmt("type", type, "name", to_convert->Name, stringize( typedef enum <type> <name>; )));
if (to_convert->UnderlyingType)
to_convert->UnderlyingTypeMacro = untyped_str(token_fmt("type", to_convert->UnderlyingType->Name, stringize(enum_underlying(<type>))));
to_convert->UnderlyingType = CodeTypename{nullptr};
CodeTypedef tdef = parse_typedef(token_fmt("name", to_convert->Name, stringize( typedef enum <name> <name>; )));
#pragma pop_macro("enum_underlying")
b32 ignore_preprocess_cond_block( Str cond_sig, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& parsed_body, CodeBody& body )
b32 ignore_preprocess_cond_block( StrC cond_sig, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& parsed_body, CodeBody& body )
b32 found = false;
CodePreprocessCond cond = cast(CodePreprocessCond, entry_iter);
if ( cond->Content.is_equal(cond_sig) )
//log_fmt("Preprocess cond found: %S\n", cond->Content);
//log_fmt("Preprocess cond found: %SC\n", cond->Content);
found = true;
s32 depth = 0;
for(b32 continue_for = true; continue_for && entry_iter != parsed_body.end(); ) switch (entry_iter->Type)
s32 depth = 1;
++ entry_iter;
for(b32 continue_for = true; continue_for && entry_iter != parsed_body.end(); ) switch
(entry_iter->Type) {
case CT_Preprocess_If:
case CT_Preprocess_IfDef:
case CT_Preprocess_IfNotDef:
@ -51,18 +40,20 @@ b32 ignore_preprocess_cond_block( Str cond_sig, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& pars
case CT_Preprocess_Else:
++ entry_iter;
if (depth == 1) for(; entry_iter != parsed_body.end(); ++ entry_iter)
for(; continue_for && entry_iter != parsed_body.end(); ++ entry_iter)
if ( entry_iter->Type == CT_Preprocess_EndIf)
if (entry_iter->Type == CT_Preprocess_EndIf)
continue_for = false;
case CT_Preprocess_EndIf:
-- depth;
depth --;
if (depth == 0) {
continue_for = false;
@ -81,7 +72,7 @@ b32 ignore_preprocess_cond_block( Str cond_sig, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& pars
constexpr bool GenericSel_One_Arg = true;
enum GenericSelectionOpts : u32 { GenericSel_Default, GenericSel_By_Ref, GenericSel_Direct_Type };
Code gen_generic_selection_function_macro( s32 num_slots, Str macro_name, GenericSelectionOpts opts = GenericSel_Default, bool one_arg = false )
Code gen_generic_selection_function_macro( s32 num_slots, StrC macro_name, GenericSelectionOpts opts = GenericSel_Default, bool one_arg = false )
/* Implements:
#define GEN_FUNCTION_GENERIC_EXAMPLE( selector_arg, ... ) _Generic( \
@ -93,18 +84,18 @@ Code gen_generic_selection_function_macro( s32 num_slots, Str macro_name, Generi
StrBuilder define_builder = StrBuilder::make_reserve(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, kilobytes(64));
String define_builder = String::make_reserve(GlobalAllocator, kilobytes(64));
Str macro_begin;
StrC macro_begin;
if (opts == GenericSel_Direct_Type) {
macro_begin = token_fmt( "macro_name", (Str)macro_name,
macro_begin = token_fmt( "macro_name", (StrC)macro_name,
R"(#define <macro_name>(selector_arg, ...) _Generic( (*(selector_arg*)NULL ), \
else {
macro_begin = token_fmt( "macro_name", (Str)macro_name,
macro_begin = token_fmt( "macro_name", (StrC)macro_name,
R"(#define <macro_name>(selector_arg, ...) _Generic( (selector_arg), \
@ -113,56 +104,73 @@ R"(#define <macro_name>(selector_arg, ...) _Generic( (selector_arg), \
for ( s32 slot = 1; slot <= num_slots; ++ slot )
Str slot_str = StrBuilder::fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%d", slot).to_str();
StrC slot_str = String::fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%d", slot).to_strc();
if (slot == num_slots && false)
define_builder.append( token_fmt( "macro_name", macro_name, "slot", slot_str,
// if ( one_arg )
// define_builder.append(token_fmt( "macro_name", macro_name, stringize(
// default: static_assert(false, "<macro_name>: Failed to select correct function signature (Did you pass the type?)")
// )));
// else
// define_builder.append(token_fmt( "macro_name", macro_name, stringize(
// default: static_assert(false, "<macro_name>: Failed to select correct function signature")
// )));
define_builder.append( token_fmt( "macro_name", macro_name, "slot", slot_str,
define_builder.append( txt("default: gen_generic_selection_fail\\\n") );
define_builder.append( txt("default: gen_generic_selection_fail") );
if ( ! one_arg )
if (opts == GenericSel_By_Ref)
define_builder.append(txt(")\\\nGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( & selector_arg, __VA_ARGS__ )"));
define_builder.append(txt("\t)\tGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( & selector_arg, __VA_ARGS__ )"));
else if (opts == GenericSel_Direct_Type)
define_builder.append(txt(")\\\nGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( __VA_ARGS__ )"));
define_builder.append(txt("\t)\tGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( __VA_ARGS__ )"));
define_builder.append(txt(")\\\nGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( selector_arg, __VA_ARGS__ )"));
define_builder.append(txt("\t)\tGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( selector_arg, __VA_ARGS__ )"));
if (opts == GenericSel_By_Ref)
define_builder.append(txt(")\\\nGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( & selector_arg )"));
define_builder.append(txt("\t)\tGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( & selector_arg )"));
else if (opts == GenericSel_Direct_Type)
define_builder.append(txt(")\\\nGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( selector_arg )"));
define_builder.append(txt("\t)\tGEN_RESOLVED_FUNCTION_CALL( selector_arg )"));
// Add gap for next definition
Code macro = untyped_str(define_builder.to_str());
Code macro = untyped_str(define_builder.to_strc());
return macro;
CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, Str optional_prefix = txt(""))
CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, StrC optional_prefix = txt(""))
// Get basic components for the name
Str old_name = fn->Name;
StrBuilder new_name;
StrC old_name = fn->Name;
String new_name;
// Add prefix if provided
if (optional_prefix.Len)
new_name = strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%S_%S_", optional_prefix, old_name);
new_name = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%SC_%SC_", optional_prefix, old_name);
new_name = strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "%S_", old_name);
new_name = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "%SC_", old_name);
// Add return type to the signature
if (fn->ReturnType)
new_name.append_fmt("_%S", fn->ReturnType->Name);
new_name.append_fmt("_%SC", fn->ReturnType->Name);
// Add parameter types to create a unique signature
bool first_param = true;
@ -190,11 +198,11 @@ CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, Str optional_prefix = txt("")
new_name.append_fmt("%S_", spec_to_str(spec));
new_name.append_fmt("%SC_", spec_to_str(spec));
new_name.append_fmt("%S", param->ValueType->Name);
new_name.append_fmt("%SC", param->ValueType->Name);
@ -206,7 +214,7 @@ CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, Str optional_prefix = txt("")
spec != end(fn->Specs);
new_name.append_fmt("%S_", spec_to_str(*spec));
new_name.append_fmt("%SC_", spec_to_str(*spec));
@ -215,13 +223,13 @@ CodeFn rename_function_to_unique_symbol(CodeFn fn, Str optional_prefix = txt("")
using SwapContentProc = CodeBody(void);
bool swap_pragma_region_implementation( Str region_name, SwapContentProc* swap_content, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& body )
bool swap_pragma_region_implementation( StrC region_name, SwapContentProc* swap_content, Code& entry_iter, CodeBody& body )
bool found = false;
CodePragma possible_region = cast(CodePragma, entry_iter);
StrBuilder region_sig = strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "region %s", region_name.Ptr);
StrBuilder endregion_sig = strbuilder_fmt_buf(_ctx->Allocator_Temp, "endregion %s", region_name.Ptr);
String region_sig = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "region %s", region_name.Ptr);
String endregion_sig = string_fmt_buf(GlobalAllocator, "endregion %s", region_name.Ptr);
if ( possible_region->Content.contains(region_sig))
found = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "gen/gen.c"
int main()
// init();
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#include "gen/gen_singleheader.h"
@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
* [docs](../docs/Readme.md)
# segmented Library Generation
Create a segmented library using `segmented.cpp`
# Segemented Library Generation
The principal (user) files are `gen.hpp` and `gen.cpp`.
They contain includes for its various components: `components/<component_name>.<hpp/cpp>`
Dependencies are bundled into `gen.dep.<hpp/cpp>`. They are included in `gen.<hpp/cpp>` before component includes.
Just like the `gen.<hpp/cpp>` they include their components: `dependencies/<dependency_name>.<hpp/cpp>`. The auxiliary content (builder & scanner) is given their own files.
Just like the `gen.<hpp/cpp>` they include their components: `dependencies/<dependency_name>.<hpp/cpp>`
If using the library's provided build scripts:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define GEN_C_LIKE_CPP 1
#include "gen.cpp"
#include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
@ -31,10 +32,7 @@ Code format( Code code ) {
int gen_main()
Context ctx {
gen::init(& ctx);
Code push_ignores = scan_file( (path_base "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp") );
Code pop_ignores = scan_file( (path_base "helpers/pop_ignores.inline.hpp") );
@ -114,30 +112,28 @@ int gen_main()
CodeBody gen_component_header = def_global_body( args(
def_preprocess_cond( PreprocessCond_IfDef, txt("INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES") ),
def_preprocess_cond( PreprocessCond_IfDef, txt("GEN_INTELLISENSE_DIRECTIVES") ),
untyped_str( to_str_from_c_str(generation_notice) )
untyped_str( to_strc_from_c_str(generation_notice) )
// gen.hpp
Code header_start = scan_file( path_base "components/header_start.hpp" );
Code types = scan_file( path_base "components/types.hpp" );
Code parser_types = scan_file( path_base "components/parser_types.hpp" );
Code ast = scan_file( path_base "components/ast.hpp" );
Code ast_types = scan_file( path_base "components/ast_types.hpp" );
Code code_types = scan_file( path_base "components/code_types.hpp" );
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.hpp" );
Code constants = scan_file( path_base "components/constants.hpp");
Code inlines = scan_file( path_base "components/inlines.hpp" );
Code header_end = scan_file( path_base "components/header_end.hpp" );
CodeBody ecode = gen_ecode ( path_base "enums/ECodeTypes.csv" );
CodeBody eoperator = gen_eoperator ( path_base "enums/EOperator.csv" );
CodeBody especifier = gen_especifier( path_base "enums/ESpecifier.csv" );
CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype ( path_base "enums/ETokType.csv", path_base "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" );
CodeBody ast_inlines = gen_ast_inlines();
Builder _header = builder_open( "gen/gen.hpp" );
@ -157,8 +153,6 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print( header, fmt_newline);
builder_print( header, format(especifier) );
builder_print( header, fmt_newline);
builder_print( header, format(etoktype));
builder_print( header, parser_types);
builder_print_fmt( header, "#pragma endregion Types\n\n" );
builder_print_fmt( header, "#pragma region AST\n" );
@ -168,7 +162,6 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print_fmt( header, "\n#pragma endregion AST\n" );
builder_print( header, interface );
builder_print( header, constants );
builder_print_fmt( header, "\n#pragma region Inlines\n" );
builder_print( header, inlines );
@ -177,7 +170,8 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print( header, fmt_newline );
builder_print_fmt( header, "#pragma endregion Inlines\n" );
builder_print_fmt( header, "\nGEN_NS_END\n\n" );
builder_print( header, header_end );
builder_print_fmt( header, "GEN_NS_END\n\n" );
builder_print( header, pop_ignores );
@ -192,11 +186,16 @@ int gen_main()
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.cpp" );
Code upfront = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.upfront.cpp" );
Code lexer = scan_file( path_base "components/lexer.cpp" );
Code parser_case_macros = scan_file( path_base "components/parser_case_macros.cpp" );
Code parser = scan_file( path_base "components/parser.cpp" );
Code parsing_interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.parsing.cpp" );
Code untyped = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.untyped.cpp" );
CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype( path_base "enums/ETokType.csv", path_base "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" );
CodeBody nspaced_etoktype = def_global_body( args(
Code formatted_toktype = format(nspaced_etoktype);
Builder _src = builder_open( "gen/gen.cpp" );
Builder* src = & _src;
builder_print_fmt( src, generation_notice );
@ -216,8 +215,8 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print( src, interface );
builder_print( src, upfront );
builder_print_fmt( src, "\n#pragma region Parsing\n\n" );
builder_print( src, formatted_toktype );
builder_print( src, lexer );
builder_print( src, parser_case_macros );
builder_print( src, parser );
builder_print( src, parsing_interface );
builder_print_fmt( src, "\n#pragma endregion Parsing\n\n" );
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ int gen_main()
// gen_builder.hpp
Code builder = scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/builder.hpp" );
Code builder = scan_file( path_base "auxillary/builder.hpp" );
Builder header = builder_open( "gen/gen.builder.hpp" );
builder_print_fmt( & header, generation_notice );
@ -239,13 +238,13 @@ int gen_main()
builder_print( & header, def_include( txt("gen.hpp") ));
builder_print_fmt( & header, "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n" );
builder_print( & header, builder );
builder_print_fmt( & header, "\nGEN_NS_END\n" );
builder_print_fmt( & header, "GEN_NS_END\n" );
builder_write( & header);
// gen_builder.cpp
Code builder = scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/builder.cpp" );
Code builder = scan_file( path_base "auxillary/builder.cpp" );
Builder src = builder_open( "gen/gen.builder.cpp" );
builder_print_fmt( & src, generation_notice );
@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ int gen_main()
// gen_scanner.hpp
Code scanner = scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/scanner.hpp" );
Code scanner = scan_file( path_base "auxillary/scanner.hpp" );
Builder header = builder_open( "gen/gen.scanner.hpp" );
builder_print_fmt( & header, generation_notice );
@ -272,17 +271,17 @@ int gen_main()
// gen_scanner.cpp
Code scanner = scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/scanner.cpp" );
Code scanner = scan_file( path_base "auxillary/scanner.cpp" );
Builder src = builder_open( "gen/gen.scanner.cpp" );
builder_print_fmt( & src, generation_notice );
builder_print( & src, def_include( txt("gen.scanner.hpp") ) );
builder_print_fmt( & src, "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n" );
builder_print( & src, scanner );
builder_print_fmt( & src, "\nGEN_NS_END\n" );
builder_print_fmt( & src, "GEN_NS_END\n" );
builder_write( & src);
gen::deinit( & ctx);
return 0;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
| \_____|\___}_l |_|\___} ,__/| ,__/ (_____/ \__\__/_|\__, |\___}\__,_l |
| Singleheader | | | | __} | |
| l_l l_l {___/ |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.25-Alpha |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.20-Alpha |
! ============================================================================================ |
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "gen.cpp"
#include "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp"
@ -16,24 +17,24 @@ constexpr char const* generation_notice =
"// This file was generated automatially by gencpp's singleheader.cpp"
"(See: https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp)\n\n";
constexpr Str implementation_guard_start = txt(R"(
constexpr StrC implementation_guard_start = txt(R"(
constexpr Str implementation_guard_end = txt(R"(
constexpr StrC implementation_guard_end = txt(R"(
constexpr Str roll_own_dependencies_guard_start = txt(R"(
constexpr StrC roll_own_dependencies_guard_start = txt(R"(
//! If its desired to roll your own dependencies, define GEN_ROLL_OWN_DEPENDENCIES before including this file.
// Dependencies are derived from the c-zpl library: https://github.com/zpl-c/zpl
constexpr Str roll_own_dependencies_guard_end = txt(R"(
constexpr StrC roll_own_dependencies_guard_end = txt(R"(
@ -53,8 +54,7 @@ Code format( Code code ) {
int gen_main()
Context ctx {};
gen::init( & ctx);
Code push_ignores = scan_file( path_base "helpers/push_ignores.inline.hpp" );
Code pop_ignores = scan_file( path_base "helpers/pop_ignores.inline.hpp" );
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ int gen_main()
Code basic_types = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/basic_types.hpp" );
Code debug = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/debug.hpp" );
Code memory = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/memory.hpp" );
Code stirng_ops = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/string_ops.hpp" );
Code string_ops = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/string_ops.hpp" );
Code printing = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/printing.hpp" );
Code containers = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/containers.hpp" );
Code hashing = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/hashing.hpp" );
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( basic_types );
header.print( debug );
header.print( memory );
header.print( stirng_ops );
header.print( string_ops );
header.print( printing );
header.print( containers );
header.print( hashing );
@ -105,25 +105,22 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( scan_file( path_base "dependencies/parsing.hpp" ) );
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n" );
header.print_fmt( roll_own_dependencies_guard_end );
header.print( fmt_newline );
Code types = scan_file( path_base "components/types.hpp" );
Code parser_types = scan_file( path_base "components/parser_types.hpp");
Code ast = scan_file( path_base "components/ast.hpp" );
Code ast_types = scan_file( path_base "components/ast_types.hpp" );
Code code_types = scan_file( path_base "components/code_types.hpp" );
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.hpp" );
Code constants = scan_file( path_base "components/constants.hpp" );
Code inlines = scan_file( path_base "components/inlines.hpp" );
Code types = scan_file( path_base "components/types.hpp" );
Code ast = scan_file( path_base "components/ast.hpp" );
Code ast_types = scan_file( path_base "components/ast_types.hpp" );
Code code_types = scan_file( path_base "components/code_types.hpp" );
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.hpp" );
Code inlines = scan_file( path_base "components/inlines.hpp" );
Code header_end = scan_file( path_base "components/header_end.hpp" );
CodeBody ecode = gen_ecode ( path_base "enums/ECodeTypes.csv" );
CodeBody eoperator = gen_eoperator ( path_base "enums/EOperator.csv" );
CodeBody especifier = gen_especifier( path_base "enums/ESpecifier.csv" );
CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype ( path_base "enums/ETokType.csv", path_base "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" );
CodeBody ast_inlines = gen_ast_inlines();
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_BEGIN\n\n" );
@ -137,9 +134,6 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( fmt_newline );
header.print( format( especifier ));
header.print( fmt_newline );
header.print( format( etoktype ));
header.print( parser_types );
header.print( fmt_newline );
header.print_fmt("#pragma endregion Types\n\n");
header.print_fmt("#pragma region AST\n");
@ -149,7 +143,6 @@ int gen_main()
header.print_fmt("\n#pragma endregion AST\n");
header.print( interface );
header.print( constants );
header.print_fmt( "\n#pragma region Inlines\n" );
header.print( inlines );
@ -157,14 +150,12 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( fmt_newline );
header.print_fmt( "#pragma endregion Inlines\n" );
header.print( header_end );
if ( generate_builder ) {
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/builder.hpp" ) );
if ( generate_scanner ) {
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/scanner.hpp" ) );
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxillary/builder.hpp" ) );
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n" );
@ -185,10 +176,9 @@ int gen_main()
Code timing = scan_file( path_base "dependencies/timing.cpp" );
header.print_fmt( roll_own_dependencies_guard_start );
header.print( impl_start );
header.print( fmt_newline );
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_BEGIN\n");
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_BEGIN\n\n");
header.print( impl_start );
header.print( debug );
header.print( string_ops );
header.print( printing );
@ -208,21 +198,22 @@ int gen_main()
header.print_fmt( roll_own_dependencies_guard_end );
Code static_data = scan_file( path_base "components/static_data.cpp" );
Code ast_case_macros = scan_file( path_base "components/ast_case_macros.cpp" );
Code ast = scan_file( path_base "components/ast.cpp" );
Code code = scan_file( path_base "components/code_serialization.cpp" );
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.cpp" );
Code upfront = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.upfront.cpp" );
Code lexer = scan_file( path_base "components/lexer.cpp" );
Code parser_case_macros = scan_file( path_base "components/parser_case_macros.cpp" );
Code parser = scan_file( path_base "components/parser.cpp" );
Code parsing_interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.parsing.cpp" );
Code untyped = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.untyped.cpp" );
Code static_data = scan_file( path_base "components/static_data.cpp" );
Code ast_case_macros = scan_file( path_base "components/ast_case_macros.cpp" );
Code ast = scan_file( path_base "components/ast.cpp" );
Code code = scan_file( path_base "components/code_serialization.cpp" );
Code interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.cpp" );
Code upfront = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.upfront.cpp" );
Code lexer = scan_file( path_base "components/lexer.cpp" );
Code parser = scan_file( path_base "components/parser.cpp" );
Code parsing_interface = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.parsing.cpp" );
Code untyped = scan_file( path_base "components/interface.untyped.cpp" );
CodeBody etoktype = gen_etoktype( path_base "enums/ETokType.csv", path_base "enums/AttributeTokens.csv" );
CodeNS parser_nspace = def_namespace( name(parser), def_namespace_body( args(etoktype)) );
header.print_fmt( "\nGEN_NS_BEGIN\n");
header.print( static_data );
header.print( fmt_newline);
header.print_fmt( "#pragma region AST\n\n" );
header.print( ast_case_macros );
@ -234,25 +225,27 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( interface );
header.print( upfront );
header.print_fmt( "\n#pragma region Parsing\n\n" );
header.print( format(parser_nspace) );
header.print( lexer );
header.print( parser_case_macros );
header.print( parser );
header.print( parsing_interface );
header.print_fmt( "\n#pragma endregion Parsing\n" );
header.print_fmt("\n#pragma region Untyped\n");
header.print( untyped );
header.print_fmt("\n#pragma endregion Untyped\n");
header.print_fmt( "\n#pragma endregion Interface\n");
header.print_fmt( "\n#pragma endregion Interface\n\n");
if ( generate_builder ) {
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/builder.cpp" ) );
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxillary/builder.cpp" ) );
// Scanner header depends on implementation
if ( generate_scanner ) {
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxillary/scanner.hpp" ) );
if ( generate_scanner ) {
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxiliary/scanner.cpp" ) );
header.print( scan_file( path_base "auxillary/scanner.cpp" ) );
header.print( fmt_newline);
header.print_fmt( "GEN_NS_END\n");
header.print_fmt( "%s\n", (char const*) implementation_guard_end );
@ -261,6 +254,6 @@ int gen_main()
header.print( pop_ignores );
gen::deinit( & ctx);
return 0;
@ -15,20 +15,3 @@ If using the library's provided build scripts:
.\build.ps1 <compiler> <debug or omit> unreal
## Notables
For the most part this follows the same conventions as `gen_segmented`.
This generator uses a separate enumeration definitions for the following:
* [AttributeTokens.csv](./enums/AttributeTokens.csv) : Add your own <MODULE>_API attributes, etc here that are encountered within the Engine.
* [ESpecifier.csv](./enums/ESpecifier.csv) : Adds the `FORCEINLINE` & `FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE` specfiers (additions are made as they are encountered)
* [ETokType.csv](./enums/ETokType.csv) : Same modifications as ESpecifier.csv.
A separate [parser_case_macros.cpp](./components/parser_case_macros.cpp) is used to accomodate for the new forceinline specifiers.
The `global` macro the library uses is redefined as an empty substiution.
The expected usage of this library is to put into into a third-party plugin module to then use either in editor modules or in shell script done in some stage of hot-reloading or building the Unreal Engine or Project.
@ -7,20 +7,12 @@
This is a variant intended for use with Unreal Engine 5
https://github.com/Ed94/gencpp --------------------------------------------------------------.
| _____ _____ _ _ |
| / ____) / ____} | | | |
| | / ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ _ __ | {___ | |__ _ _, __ _, ___ __| | |
| | |{_ |/ _ \ '_ \ / __} '_ l| '_ l `\___ \| __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ _` | |
| | l__j | ___/ | | | {__; |+l } |+l | ____) | l| (_| | {_| | ___/ (_| | |
| \_____|\___}_l |_|\___} ,__/| ,__/ (_____/ \__\__/_|\__, |\___}\__,_l |
| Unreal Engine | | | | __} | |
| l_l l_l {___/ |
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.25-Alpha |
! ============================================================================================ |
! ============================================================================================ /
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION: v0.20-Alpha !
! ============================================================================================ !
! ============================================================================================ !
#if ! defined(GEN_DONT_ENFORCE_GEN_TIME_GUARD) && ! defined(GEN_TIME)
# error Gen.hpp : GEN_TIME not defined
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user