mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 07:44:45 -08:00
Unreal variant generates, doing c_library corrections next
This commit is contained in:
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ struct CodeParams
Using_Code( CodeParams );
forceinline void append( CodeParams other ) { return params_append(* this, other) }
forceinline void append( CodeParams other ) { return params_append(* this, other); }
forceinline CodeParams get( s32 idx ) { return params_get( * this, idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries() { return params_has_entries(* this); }
forceinline StrBuilder to_strbuilder() { return params_to_strbuilder(* this); }
@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ struct CodeDefineParams
Using_Code( CodeDefineParams );
forceinline void append( CodeDefineParams other ) { return params_append( cast(CodeParams, * this), other) }
forceinline CodeDefineParams get( s32 idx ) { return params_get( cast(CodeParams, * this), idx); }
forceinline void append( CodeDefineParams other ) { return params_append( cast(CodeParams, * this), cast(CodeParams, other)); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams get( s32 idx ) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) params_get( cast(CodeParams, * this), idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries() { return params_has_entries( cast(CodeParams, * this)); }
forceinline StrBuilder to_strbuilder() { return define_params_to_strbuilder(* this); }
forceinline void to_strbuilder( StrBuilder& result ) { return define_params_to_strbuilder_ref(* this, & result); }
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ struct CodeDefineParams
return ast;
forceinline CodeDefineParams& operator++() { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) cast(CodeParams, * this).operator ++(); };
forceinline CodeDefineParams& operator++();
AST_DefineParams* ast;
@ -1058,9 +1058,9 @@ forceinline StrBuilder to_strbuilder ( CodeClass self )
forceinline void to_strbuilder_def( CodeClass self, StrBuilder& result ) { return class_to_strbuilder_def(self, & result); }
forceinline void to_strbuilder_fwd( CodeClass self, StrBuilder& result ) { return class_to_strbuilder_fwd(self, & result); }
forceinline void append (CodeDefineParams appendee, CodeDefineParams other ) { return params_append(cast(CodeParam, appendee), other); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams get (CodeDefineParams params, s32 idx) { return params_get(cast(CodeParam, params), idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries (CodeDefineParams params ) { return params_has_entries(cast(CodeParam, params)); }
forceinline void append (CodeDefineParams appendee, CodeDefineParams other ) { params_append(cast(CodeParams, appendee), cast(CodeParams, other)); }
forceinline CodeDefineParams get (CodeDefineParams params, s32 idx) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) params_get(cast(CodeParams, params), idx); }
forceinline bool has_entries (CodeDefineParams params ) { return params_has_entries(cast(CodeParams, params)); }
forceinline StrBuilder to_strbuilder(CodeDefineParams params ) { return define_params_to_strbuilder(params); }
forceinline void to_strbuilder(CodeDefineParams params, StrBuilder& result ) { return define_params_to_strbuilder_ref(params, & result); }
@ -265,6 +265,15 @@ forceinline bool define_params_has_entries(CodeDefineParams self)
CodeDefineParams begin_CodeDefineParams(CodeDefineParams params) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) begin_CodeParams( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params)); }
CodeDefineParams end_CodeDefineParams (CodeDefineParams params) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) end_CodeParams ( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params)); }
CodeDefineParams next_CodeDefineParams (CodeDefineParams params, CodeDefineParams entry_iter) { return (CodeDefineParams) (Code) next_CodeParams ( cast(CodeParams, (Code)params), cast(CodeParams, (Code)entry_iter)); }
CodeDefineParams& CodeDefineParams::operator ++()
* this = ast->Next;
return * this;
#pragma endregion CodeDefineParams
#pragma region CodeSpecifiers
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void define_constants()
code_set_global(cast(Code, spec_local_persist));
if (enum_underlying_macro.Name.Len == 0) {
enum_underlying_macro.Name = txt("enum_underlying(");
enum_underlying_macro.Name = txt("enum_underlying");
enum_underlying_macro.Type = MT_Expression;
enum_underlying_macro.Flags = MF_Functional;
@ -470,6 +470,42 @@ PreprocessorMacro* lookup_preprocess_macro( Str name ) {
void register_preprocess_macro( PreprocessorMacro macro ) {
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
hashtable_set( _ctx->PreprocessorMacros, key, macro );
void register_preprocess_macros( s32 num, ... )
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0);
va_list va;
va_start(va, num);
PreprocessorMacro macro = va_arg(va, PreprocessorMacro);
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
hashtable_set( _ctx->PreprocessorMacros, key, macro );
while (num--, num > 0);
void register_preprocess_macros( s32 num, PreprocessorMacro* macros )
GEN_ASSERT(num > 0);
PreprocessorMacro macro = * macros;
GEN_ASSERT(macro.Name.Len > 0);
u32 key = crc32( macro.Name.Ptr, macro.Name.Len );
hashtable_set( _ctx->PreprocessorMacros, key, macro );
++ macros;
while (num--, num > 0);
@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ GEN_API PreprocessorMacro* lookup_preprocess_macro( Str Name );
// Macros are tracked by name so if the name already exists the entry will be overwritten.
GEN_API void register_preprocess_macro( PreprocessorMacro macro );
// Ease of use batch registration
GEN_API void register_preprocess_macros( s32 num, ... );
GEN_API void register_preprocess_macros( s32 num, PreprocessorMacro* macros );
// Used internally to retrive or make string allocations.
// Strings are stored in a series of string arenas of fixed size (SizePer_StringArena)
GEN_API StrCached cache_str( Str str );
@ -118,25 +118,34 @@ s32 lex_preprocessor_define( LexContext* ctx )
Token name = { { ctx->scanner, 1 }, Tok_Identifier, ctx->line, ctx->column, TF_Preprocess };
PreprocessorMacro macro = { name.Text, MT_Statement, (MacroFlags)0 };
PreprocessorMacro* registered_macro = lookup_preprocess_macro(name.Text);
if ( registered_macro == nullptr ) {
log_fmt("Warning: %S is was not registered before the lexer processed its #define directive, it will be registered as a statement macro"
, name.Text
while ( ctx->left && ( char_is_alphanumeric((* ctx->scanner)) || (* ctx->scanner) == '_' ) ) {
Specifier spec = str_to_specifier( name.Text );
TokType attrib = str_to_toktype( name.Text );
b32 not_specifier = spec == Spec_Invalid;
b32 not_attribute = attrib <= Tok___Attributes_Start;
PreprocessorMacro macro = { name.Text, MT_Statement, (MacroFlags)0 };
PreprocessorMacro* registered_macro = lookup_preprocess_macro(name.Text);
if ( registered_macro == nullptr && not_specifier && not_attribute ) {
log_fmt("Warning: '%S' was not registered before the lexer processed its #define directive, it will be registered as a statement macro\n"
, name.Text
array_append( _ctx->Lexer_Tokens, name );
if ( ctx->left && (* ctx->scanner) == '(' )
if (registered_macro && ! macro_is_functional(* registered_macro)) {
log_fmt("Warning: %S registered macro is not flagged as functional yet the definition detects opening parenthesis '(' for arguments"
log_fmt("Warning: %S registered macro is not flagged as functional yet the definition detects opening parenthesis '(' for arguments\n"
, name.Text
else {
macro.Flags |= MF_Functional;
@ -151,7 +160,39 @@ s32 lex_preprocessor_define( LexContext* ctx )
while( ctx->left && * ctx->scanner != ')')
if ( char_is_alpha( (* ctx->scanner) ) || (* ctx->scanner) == '_' )
Str possible_varadic = { ctx->scanner, 3 };
if ( ctx->left > 3 && str_are_equal( txt("..."), possible_varadic ) ) {
Token parameter = { { ctx->scanner, 3 }, Tok_Preprocess_Define_Param, ctx->line, ctx->column, TF_Preprocess };
array_append(_ctx->Lexer_Tokens, parameter);
last_parameter = parameter;
while ( (* ctx->scanner) == '\\' ) {
if (* ctx->scanner != ')' )
log_failure("lex_preprocessor_define(%d, %d): Expected a ')' after '...' (varaidc macro param) %S\n"
, ctx->line
, ctx->column
, name.Text
return Lex_ReturnNull;
else if ( (* ctx->scanner) == '\\' ) {
else if ( char_is_alpha( (* ctx->scanner) ) || (* ctx->scanner) == '_' )
Token parameter = { { ctx->scanner, 1 }, Tok_Preprocess_Define_Param, ctx->line, ctx->column, TF_Preprocess };
@ -173,6 +214,10 @@ s32 lex_preprocessor_define( LexContext* ctx )
return Lex_ReturnNull;
if (* ctx->scanner == ')' )
// There should be a comma
if ( * ctx->scanner != ',' ) {
log_failure("lex_preprocessor_define(%d, %d): Expected a comma after parameter %S for %S\n"
@ -201,6 +246,15 @@ s32 lex_preprocessor_define( LexContext* ctx )
array_append(_ctx->Lexer_Tokens, closing_paren);
else if ( registered_macro && macro_is_functional( * registered_macro) ) {
if (registered_macro && ! macro_is_functional(* registered_macro)) {
log_fmt("Warning: %S registered macro is flagged as functional yet the definition detects no opening parenthesis '(' for arguments\n"
, name.Text
if ( registered_macro == nullptr ) {
@ -1318,10 +1318,13 @@ CodeDefine parse_define()
define->Params = params;
eat( Tok_Preprocess_Define_Param );
// #define <Name> ( <param> )
// #define <Name> ( <param>
while( left && currtok.Type != Tok_Capture_End ) {
eat( Tok_Comma );
// #define <Name> ( <param>,
CodeDefineParams next_param = (CodeDefineParams) make_code();
next_param->Type = CT_Parameters_Define;
next_param->Name = currtok.Text;
@ -1344,7 +1347,7 @@ CodeDefine parse_define()
if ( currtok.Text.Len == 0 )
define->Body = untyped_str( tok_to_str(currtok) );
define->Body = untyped_str( txt("\n") );
eat( Tok_Preprocess_Content );
// #define <Name> ( <params> ) <Content>
@ -1882,7 +1885,6 @@ CodeBody parse_global_nspace( CodeType which )
if ( member == Code_Invalid )
log_failure( "Failed to parse member\nToken: %SB\nContext:\n%SB", tok_to_strbuilder(currtok_noskip), parser_to_strbuilder(_ctx->parser) );
@ -2930,9 +2932,9 @@ Code parse_simple_preprocess( TokType which )
eat( which );
// <Macro>
PreprocessorMacro macro = * lookup_preprocess_macro( full_macro.Text );
PreprocessorMacro* macro = lookup_preprocess_macro( full_macro.Text );
if ( macro_expects_body(macro) && peektok.Type == Tok_BraceCurly_Open )
if ( macro && macro_expects_body(* macro) && peektok.Type == Tok_BraceCurly_Open )
// Eat the block scope right after the macro. Were assuming the macro defines a function definition's signature
eat( Tok_BraceCurly_Open );
@ -2955,7 +2957,7 @@ Code parse_simple_preprocess( TokType which )
// TODO(Ed): Review this?
Str prev_proc = _ctx->parser.Scope->Prev->ProcName;
if ( macro.Type == MT_Typename && c_str_compare_len( prev_proc.Ptr, "parser_parse_typedef", prev_proc.Len ) != 0 )
if ( macro->Type == MT_Typename && c_str_compare_len( prev_proc.Ptr, "parser_parse_typedef", prev_proc.Len ) != 0 )
if ( check( Tok_Statement_End ))
@ -2982,7 +2984,7 @@ Code parse_simple_preprocess( TokType which )
// Do nothing
goto Leave_Scope_Early;
else if (macro.Type == MT_Typename && str_contains(_ctx->parser.Scope->Prev->ProcName, txt("parser_parse_typedef")))
else if (macro && macro->Type == MT_Typename && str_contains(_ctx->parser.Scope->Prev->ProcName, txt("parser_parse_typedef")))
if ( peektok.Type == Tok_Statement_End )
@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ enum MacroType : u16
MT_Statement, // A macro is assumed to be a statement if not resolved.
MT_Attribute, // More of a note to the parser than anythign else (attributes should be defined in the user attribues def).
MT_Specifier, // More of a note to the parser than anythign else (specifiers should be defined in the user attribues def).
MT_Block_Start, // Not Supported yet
MT_Block_End, // Not Supported yet
MT_Case_Statement, // Not Supported yet
@ -157,6 +159,8 @@ Str macrotype_to_str( MacroType type )
{ "Statement", sizeof("Statement") - 1 },
{ "Expression", sizeof("Expression") - 1 },
{ "Typename", sizeof("Typename") - 1 },
{ "Attribute(Macro)", sizeof("Attribute(Macro)") - 1 },
{ "Specifier(Macro)", sizeof("Specifier(Macro)") - 1 },
{ "Block_Start", sizeof("Block_Start") - 1 },
{ "Block_End", sizeof("Block_End") - 1 },
{ "Case_Statement", sizeof("Case_Statement") - 1 },
@ -248,9 +248,9 @@
# define typeof decltype
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define typeof(x) __typeof__(x)
# define typeof __typeof__
# elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
# define typeof(x) __typeof__(x)
# define typeof __typeof__
# else
# error "Compiler not supported"
# endif
@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ Preprocess_EndIf, "endif"
Preprocess_Include, "include"
Preprocess_Pragma, "pragma"
Preprocess_Content, "__macro_content__"
Preprocess_Macro, "__macro__"
Preprocess_Macro_Expr, "__macro_expression__"
Preprocess_Macro_Stmt, "__macro_statment__"
Preprocess_Macro_Typename, "__macro_typename__"
Preprocess_Unsupported, "__unsupported__"
Spec_Alignas, "alignas"
Spec_Const, "const"
@ -64,6 +64,45 @@ int gen_main()
Code ue_forceinline = code_str(FORCEINLINE);
// Code
register_preprocess_macros( args(
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("bit"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("bitfield_is_set"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_C_LIKE_CPP"), MT_Expression, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("cast"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("ccast"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("rcast"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("pcast"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("scast"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("stringize_va"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("stringize"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("do_once"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("do_once_defer"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("do_once_start"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("do_once_end"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("labeled_scope_start"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("labeled_scope_end"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("compiler_decorated_func_name"), MT_Expression, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("num_args_impl"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("num_args"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("count_of"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("clamp"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("is_between"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("size_of"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("min"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("max"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("offset_of"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("static_assert"), MT_Statement, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("typeof"), MT_Expression, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_API_C_BEGIN"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_API_C_END"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("nullptr"), MT_Expression, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_REMOVE_PTR"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_PARAM_DEFAULT"), MT_Expression, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("struct_init"), MT_Expression, MF_Functional }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_OPTIMIZE_MAPPINGS_BEGIN"), MT_Statement, MF_Null }),
(PreprocessorMacro { txt("GEN_OPITMIZE_MAPPINGS_END"), MT_Statement, MF_Null })
// gen_dep.hpp
CodeBody macros = def_body( CT_Global_Body );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user