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synced 2025-03-14 06:04:39 -07:00
Updated docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
@ -155,6 +156,12 @@ Serialization:
// Constructor Source Implementation
<Specs> <Parent>::~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Define
@ -191,6 +198,7 @@ Code Prev;
Code Next;
parser::Token* Tok;
Code Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
@ -205,6 +213,12 @@ Serialization:
// Destructor Source Implementation
<Specs> <Parent>::~<Parent->Name>( <Params> ) <Specs>
## Enum
@ -468,12 +482,13 @@ Serialization:
## Parameters
## Parameters (AST_Param)
CodeType ValueType;
Code Macro;
Code Value;
CodeParam Last;
CodeParam Next;
@ -487,7 +502,9 @@ s32 NumEntries;
<ValueType> <Name>, <Next>... <Last>
<Macro>, <Next> ... <Last>
<Macro> <ValueType> <Name>, <Next>... <Last>
## Pragma
@ -119,12 +119,20 @@ Below is an outline of the general alogirithim used for these internal procedure
5. If adjacent opening bracket
1. Repeat array declaration parse until no brackets remain
## `parse_assignment_expression`
1. Eat the assignment operator
2. Make sure there is content or at least an end statement after.
3. Flatten the assignment expression to an untyped Code string.
## `parse_attributes`
1. Check for standard attribute
2. Check for GNU attribute
3. Check for MSVC attribute
4. Check for a token registered as an attribute
a. Check and grab the arguments of a token registered of an attribute if it has any.
5. Repeat for chained attributes. Flatten them to a single attribute AST node.
## `parse_class_struct`
@ -142,39 +150,40 @@ Below is an outline of the general alogirithim used for these internal procedure
1. Opening curly brace
2. Parse the body (Possible options):
1. Newline : ast constant
2. Comment : `parse_comment`
3. Access_Public : ast constant
4. Access_Protected : ast constant
5. Access_Private : ast constant
6. Decl_Class : `parse_complicated_definition`
7. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
8. Decl_Friend : `parse_friend`
9. Decl_Operator : `parse_operator_cast`
10. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
11. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
12. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
13. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
14. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
15. Operator == '~'
1. Ignore dangling end statements
2. Newline : ast constant
3. Comment : `parse_comment`
4. Access_Public : ast constant
5. Access_Protected : ast constant
6. Access_Private : ast constant
7. Decl_Class : `parse_complicated_definition`
8. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
9. Decl_Friend : `parse_friend`
10. Decl_Operator : `parse_operator_cast`
11. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
12. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
13. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
14. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
15. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
16. Operator == '~'
1. `parse_destructor`
16. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
17. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
18. Preprocess_Conditional (if, ifdef, ifndef, elif, else, endif) : `parse_preprocess_cond` or else/endif ast constant
19. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
20. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
21. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
22. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
23. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
17. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
18. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
19. Preprocess_Conditional (if, ifdef, ifndef, elif, else, endif) : `parse_preprocess_cond` or else/endif ast constant
20. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
21. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
22. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
23. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
24. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. Attributes (Standard, GNU, MSVC) : `parse_attributes`
2. Specifiers (consteval, constexpr, constinit, forceinline, inline, mutable, neverinline, static, volatile)
2. Specifiers (consteval, constexpr, constinit, explicit, forceinline, inline, mutable, neverinline, static, volatile, virtual)
3. Possible Destructor : `parse_destructor`
4. Possible User defined operator cast : `parse_operator_cast`
5. Possible Constructor : `parse_constructor`
6. Something that has the following: (identifier, const, unsigned, signed, short, long, bool, char, int, double)
1. Possible Constructor `parse_constructor`
2. Possible Operator, Function, or varaible : `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
24. Something completely unknown (will just make untyped...) : `parse_untyped`
25. Something completely unknown (will just make untyped...) : `parse_untyped`
## `parse_comment`
@ -197,15 +206,17 @@ A portion of the code in `parse_typedef` is very similar to this as both have to
2. If the token has a closing brace its an inplace definition
3. If the `token[-2]` is an identifier & `token[-3]` is the declaration type, its a variable using a namespaced type.
4. If the `token[-2]` is an indirection, then its a variable using a namespaced/forwarded type.
5. If any of the above is the case, `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
4. If the previous token was a closing curly brace, its a definition : `parse_forward_or_definition`
5. If the previous token was a closing square brace, its an array definition : `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
5. If the `token[-2]` is an assign classifier, and the starting tokens were the which type with possible `class` token after, its an enum forward declaration.
6. If any of the above is the case, `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
4. If the `token[2]` is a vendor fundamental type (builtin) then it is an enum forward declaration.
5. If the previous token was a closing curly brace, its a definition : `parse_forward_or_definition`
6. If the previous token was a closing square brace, its an array definition : `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
## `parse_define`
1. Define directive
2. Get identifier
3. Get Content
3. Get Content (Optional)
## `parse_forward_or_definition`
@ -243,36 +254,47 @@ In the future statements and expressions will be parsed.
1. Make sure this is being called for a valid type (namespace, global body, export body, linkage body)
2. If its not a global body, consume the opening curly brace
3. Parse the body (Possible options):
1. NewLine : ast constant
2. Comment : `parse_comment`
3. Decl_Cass : `parse_complicated_definition`
4. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
5. Decl_Extern_Linkage : `parse_extern_link`
6. Decl_Namespace : `parse_namespace`
7. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
8. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
9. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
10. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
11. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
12. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
13. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
14. Preprocess_If, IfDef, IfNotDef, Elif : `parse_preprocess_cond`
15. Preprocess_Else : ast constant
16. Preprocess_Endif : ast constant
17. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
18. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
19. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
20. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
21. Module_Export : `parse_export_body`
22. Module_Import : NOT_IMPLEMENTED
23. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. Ignore dangling end statements
2. NewLine : ast constant
3. Comment : `parse_comment`
4. Decl_Cass : `parse_complicated_definition`
5. Decl_Enum : `parse_complicated_definition`
6. Decl_Extern_Linkage : `parse_extern_link`
7. Decl_Namespace : `parse_namespace`
8. Decl_Struct : `parse_complicated_definition`
9. Decl_Template : `parse_template`
10. Decl_Typedef : `parse_typedef`
11. Decl_Union : `parse_complicated_definition`
12. Decl_Using : `parse_using`
13. Preprocess_Define : `parse_define`
14. Preprocess_Include : `parse_include`
15. Preprocess_If, IfDef, IfNotDef, Elif : `parse_preprocess_cond`
16. Preprocess_Else : ast constant
17. Preprocess_Endif : ast constant
18. Preprocess_Macro : `parse_simple_preprocess`
19. Preprocess_Pragma : `parse_pragma`
20. Preprocess_Unsupported : `parse_simple_preprocess`
21. StaticAssert : `parse_static_assert`
22. Module_Export : `parse_export_body`
23. Module_Import : NOT_IMPLEMENTED
24. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. Attributes ( Standard, GNU, MSVC, Macro ) : `parse_attributes`
2. Specifiers ( consteval, constexpr, constinit, extern, forceinline, global, inline, internal_linkage, neverinline, static )
3. Is either ( identifier, const specifier, long, short, signed, unsigned, bool, char, double, int)
1. If its an operator cast (definition outside class) : `parse_operator_cast`
2. Its an operator, function, or varaible : `parse_operator_function_or_varaible`
1. Attempt to parse as constrcutor or destructor : `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
2. If its an operator cast (definition outside class) : `parse_operator_cast`
3. Its an operator, function, or varaible : `parse_operator_function_or_varaible`
4. If its not a global body, consume the closing curly brace
## `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
1. Look ahead for the start of the arguments for a possible constructor/destructor
2. Go back past the identifier
3. Check to see if its a destructor by checking for the `~`
4. Continue the next token should be a `::`
5. Determine if the next valid identifier (ignoring possible template parameters) is the same as the first identifier of the function.
6. If it is we have either a constructor or destructor so parse using their respective functions (`parse_constructor`, `parse_destructor`).
## `parse_identifier`
This is going to get heavily changed down the line to have a more broken down "identifier expression" so that the qualifier, template args, etc, can be distinguished between the targeted identifier.
@ -284,6 +306,7 @@ The function can parse all of them, however the AST node compresses them all int
1. Consume `::`
2. Consume member identifier
3. `parse_template args` (for member identifier)
4. If a `~` is encounted and the scope is for a destructor's identifier, do not consume it and return with what parsed.
## `parse_include`
@ -329,15 +352,17 @@ When this function is called, attribute and specifiers may have been resolved, h
2. If the we immdiately find a closing token, consume it and finish.
3. If we encounter a varadic argument, consume it and return a `param_varadic` ast constant
4. `parse_type`
5. If we have an identifier
5. If we have a macro, parse it (Unreal has macros as tags to parameters and or as entire arguments).
6. So long as next token isn't a comma
a. If we have an identifier
1. Consume it
2. Check for assignment:
1. Consume assign operator
2. Parse the expression
6. While we continue to encounter commas
1. Consume them
2. Repeat steps 3 to 5.2.2
7. Consume the closing token
a. Consume assign operator
b. Parse the expression
7. While we continue to encounter commas
a. Consume them
b. Repeat steps 3 to 6.2.b
8. Consume the closing token
## `parse_preprocess_cond`
@ -456,6 +481,7 @@ This currently doesn't support postfix specifiers (planning to in the future)
2. If there is an assignment operator:
1. Consume operator
2. Consume the expression (assigned to untyped string for now)
3. If a macro is encountered consume it (Unreal UMETA macro support)
3. If there is a comma, consume it
## `parse_export_body`
@ -476,10 +502,9 @@ This currently doesn't support postfix specifiers (planning to in the future)
1. Consume `friend`
2. `parse_type`
3. If the currok is an identifier its a function declaration (there is no support for inline definitions yet)
1. `parse_identifier`
2. `parse_params`
4. Consume end statement
3. If the currok is an identifier its a function declaration or definition
1. `parse_function_after_name`
4. Consume end statement so long as its not a function definion
5. Check for inline comment, `parse_comment` if exists
## `parse_function`
@ -540,7 +565,8 @@ Note: This currently doesn't support templated operator casts (going to need to
5. The following compound into a resolved definition or declaration:
1. `parse_attributes`
2. Parse specifiers
3. `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
3. Attempt to parse as constructor or destructor: `parse_global_nspace_constructor_destructor`
4. Otherwise: `parse_operator_function_or_variable`
## `parse_type`
@ -553,14 +579,15 @@ Anything that is in the qualifier capture of the function typename is treated as
1. `parse_attributes`
2. Parse specifiers
3. This is where things get ugly for each of these depend on what the next token is.
3. If the `parse_type` was called from a template parse, check to see if class was used instead of typname and consume as name.
4. This is where things get ugly for each of these depend on what the next token is.
1. If its an in-place definition of a class, enum, struct, or union:
2. If its a decltype (Not supported yet but draft impl there)
3. If its a compound native type expression (unsigned, char, short, long, int, float, dobule, etc )
4. Ends up being a regular type alias of an identifier
4. Parse specifiers (postfix)
5. We need to now look ahead to see If we're dealing with a function typename
6. If wer're dealing with a function typename:
5. Parse specifiers (postfix)
6. We need to now look ahead to see If we're dealing with a function typename
7. If wer're dealing with a function typename:
1. Shove the specifiers, and identifier code we have so far into a return type typename's Name (untyped string)
1. Reset the specifiers code for the top-level typeanme
2. Check to see if the next token is an identifier:
@ -571,7 +598,7 @@ Anything that is in the qualifier capture of the function typename is treated as
3. Consume `)`
4. `parse_params`
5. Parse postfix specifiers
7. Check for varaidic argument (param pack) token:
8. Check for varaidic argument (param pack) token:
1. Consume varadic argument token
### WIP - Alternative Algorithim
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
The library features a naive parser tailored for only what the library needs to construct the supported syntax of C++ into its AST.
This parser does not, and should not do the compiler's job. By only supporting this minimal set of features, the parser is kept (so far) around 5500 loc. I hope to keep it under 10k loc worst case.
This parser does not, and should not do the compiler's job. By only supporting this minimal set of features, the parser is kept (so far) around ~5600 loc. I hope to keep it under 10k loc worst case.
You can think of this parser of a frontend parser vs a semantic parser. Its intuitively similar to WYSIWYG. What you precerive as the syntax from the user-side before the compiler gets a hold of it, is what you get.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ The lexing and parsing takes shortcuts from whats expected in the standard.
* The parse API treats any execution scope definitions with no validation and are turned into untyped Code ASTs.
* *This includes the assignment of variables.*
* Attributes ( `[[]]` (standard), `__declspec` (Microsoft), or `__attribute__` (GNU) )
* Assumed to *come before specifiers* (`const`, `constexpr`, `extern`, `static`, etc) for a function
* Assumed to *come before specifiers* (`const`, `constexpr`, `extern`, `static`, etc) for a function or right afterthe return type.
* Or in the usual spot for class, structs, (*right after the declaration keyword*)
* typedefs have attributes with the type (`parse_type`)
* Parsing attributes can be extended to support user defined macros by defining `GEN_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_TOKENS` (see `gen.hpp` for the formatting)
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ union {
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* Macro; // Parameters
AST* BitfieldSize; // Variable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Constructor, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
@ -461,6 +462,7 @@ The AST and constructors will be able to validate that the arguments provided fo
* If return type must match a parameter
* If number of parameters is correct
* If added as a member symbol to a class or struct, that operator matches the requirements for the class (types match up)
* There is no support for validating new & delete operations (yet)
The user is responsible for making sure the code types provided are correct
and have the desired specifiers assigned to them beforehand.
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ Just like the `gen.<hpp/cpp>` they include their components: `dependencies/<depe
Code not making up the core library is located in `auxiliary/<auxiliary_name>.<hpp/cpp>`. These are optional extensions or tools for the library.
**TODO : Right now the library is not finished, as such the first self-hosting iteration is still WIP**
Both libraries use *pre-generated* (self-hosting I guess) version of the library to then generate the latest version of itself.
Both libraries use *pre-generated* (self-hosting I guess) version of the library to then generate the latest version of itself.
The default `gen.bootstrap.cpp` located in the project folder is meant to be produce a standard segmented library, where the components of the library
have relatively dedicated header and source files. Dependencies included at the top of the file and each header starting with a pragma once.
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ Names or Content fields are interned strings and thus showed be cached using `ge
The library has its code segmented into component files, use it to help create a derived version without needing to have to rewrite a generated file directly or build on top of the header via composition or inheritance.
The parser is documented under `docs/Parsing.md` and `docs/Parser_Algo.md`.
The parser is documented under `docs/Parsing.md` and `docs/Parser_Algo.md`.
## A note on compilation and runtime generation speed
@ -554,6 +554,40 @@ Code parse_array_decl()
return { nullptr };
internal inline
Code parse_assignment_expression()
Code expr = { nullptr };
eat( TokType::Operator );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> =
Token expr_tok = currtok;
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Statement_End && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma )
log_failure( "Expected expression after assignment operator\n%s", Context.to_string() );
return CodeInvalid;
s32 level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && (currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0) )
if (currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start)
else if (currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End)
eat( currtok.Type );
expr_tok.Length = ( ( sptr )currtok.Text + currtok.Length ) - ( sptr )expr_tok.Text - 1;
expr = untyped_str( expr_tok );
// = <Expression>
return expr;
internal inline
CodeAttributes parse_attributes()
@ -1311,14 +1345,17 @@ CodeDefine parse_define()
eat( TokType::Identifier );
// #define <Name>
// Defines don't necessarily need content.
#if 0
if ( ! check( TokType::Preprocess_Content ))
log_failure( "Error, expected content after #define %s\n%s", define->Name, Context.to_string() );
return CodeInvalid;
if ( currtok.Length == 0 )
if ( check(TokType::Preprocess_Content) && currtok.Length != 0 )
define->Content = get_cached_string( currtok );
eat( TokType::Preprocess_Content );
@ -1336,40 +1373,6 @@ CodeDefine parse_define()
return define;
internal inline
Code parse_assignment_expression()
Code expr = { nullptr };
eat( TokType::Operator );
// <Attributes> <Specifiers> <ValueType> <Name> =
Token expr_tok = currtok;
if ( currtok.Type == TokType::Statement_End && currtok.Type != TokType::Comma )
log_failure( "Expected expression after assignment operator\n%s", Context.to_string() );
return CodeInvalid;
s32 level = 0;
while ( left && currtok.Type != TokType::Statement_End && (currtok.Type != TokType::Comma || level > 0) )
if (currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_Start)
else if (currtok.Type == TokType::Capture_End)
eat( currtok.Type );
expr_tok.Length = ( ( sptr )currtok.Text + currtok.Length ) - ( sptr )expr_tok.Text - 1;
expr = untyped_str( expr_tok );
// = <Expression>
return expr;
internal inline
Code parse_forward_or_definition( TokType which, bool is_inplace )
@ -3192,7 +3195,8 @@ CodeVar parse_variable_after_name(
Note(Ed): This does not support the following:
* Function Pointers
internal CodeVar parse_variable_declaration_list()
CodeVar parse_variable_declaration_list()
@ -4328,7 +4332,8 @@ CodeTemplate parse_template()
The excess whitespace cannot be stripped however, because there is no semantic awareness within the first capture group.
internal CodeType parse_type( bool from_template, bool* typedef_is_function )
CodeType parse_type( bool from_template, bool* typedef_is_function )
@ -121,6 +121,20 @@
<Type Name="gen::AST_Constructor">
<DisplayString>{Name} Type: {Type}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="InlineCmt">InlineCmt</Item>
<Item Name="Specs">Specs</Item>
<Item Name="InitializerList">InitializerList</Item>
<Item Name="Params">Params</Item>
<Item Name="Body">Body</Item>
<Item Name="Parent">Parent</Item>
<Item Name="Prev">Prev</Item>
<Item Name="Next">Next</Item>
<Type Name="gen::AST_Class">
<DisplayString>{Name} Type: {Type}</DisplayString>
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