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#pragma once
#include "ast_types.hpp"
#pragma region Gen Interface
// Initialize the library.
// This currently just initializes the CodePool.
void init();
// Currently manually free's the arenas, code for checking for leaks.
// However on Windows at least, it doesn't need to occur as the OS will clean up after the process.
void deinit();
// Clears the allocations, but doesn't return to the heap, the calls init() again.
// Ease of use.
void reset();
// Used internally to retrive or make string allocations.
// Strings are stored in a series of string arenas of fixed size (SizePer_StringArena)
StringCached get_cached_string( StrC str );
This provides a fresh Code AST.
The gen interface use this as their method from getting a new AST object from the CodePool.
Use this if you want to make your own API for formatting the supported Code Types.
Code make_code();
// Set these before calling gen's init() procedure.
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void set_allocator_data_arrays ( AllocatorInfo data_array_allocator );
void set_allocator_code_pool ( AllocatorInfo pool_allocator );
void set_allocator_lexer ( AllocatorInfo lex_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_arena( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_string_table( AllocatorInfo string_allocator );
void set_allocator_type_table ( AllocatorInfo type_reg_allocator );
#pragma region Upfront
CodeAttributes def_attributes( StrC content );
CodeComment def_comment ( StrC content );
CodeClass def_class( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode
, CodeType parent = NoCode, AccessSpec access = AccessSpec::Default
, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None
, CodeType* interfaces = nullptr, s32 num_interfaces = 0 );
CodeConstructor def_constructor( CodeParam params = NoCode, Code initializer_list = NoCode, Code body = NoCode );
CodeDefine def_define( StrC name, StrC content );
CodeDestructor def_destructor( Code body = NoCode, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode );
CodeEnum def_enum( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode, CodeType type = NoCode
, EnumT specifier = EnumRegular, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeExec def_execution ( StrC content );
CodeExtern def_extern_link( StrC name, Code body );
CodeFriend def_friend ( Code symbol );
CodeFn def_function( StrC name
, CodeParam params = NoCode, CodeType ret_type = NoCode, Code body = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeInclude def_include ( StrC content, bool foreign = false );
CodeModule def_module ( StrC name, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeNS def_namespace( StrC name, Code body, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeOperator def_operator( OperatorT op, StrC nspace
, CodeParam params = NoCode, CodeType ret_type = NoCode, Code body = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeOpCast def_operator_cast( CodeType type, Code body = NoCode, CodeSpecifiers specs = NoCode );
CodeParam def_param ( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value = NoCode );
CodePragma def_pragma( StrC directive );
CodePreprocessCond def_preprocess_cond( EPreprocessCond type, StrC content );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifier( SpecifierT specifier );
CodeStruct def_struct( StrC name
, Code body = NoCode
, CodeType parent = NoCode, AccessSpec access = AccessSpec::Default
, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None
, CodeType* interfaces = nullptr, s32 num_interfaces = 0 );
CodeTemplate def_template( CodeParam params, Code definition, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeType def_type ( StrC name, Code arrayexpr = NoCode, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode );
CodeTypedef def_typedef( StrC name, Code type, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUnion def_union( StrC name, Code body, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUsing def_using( StrC name, CodeType type = NoCode
, CodeAttributes attributess = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
CodeUsing def_using_namespace( StrC name );
CodeVar def_variable( CodeType type, StrC name, Code value = NoCode
, CodeSpecifiers specifiers = NoCode, CodeAttributes attributes = NoCode
, ModuleFlag mflags = ModuleFlag::None );
// Constructs an empty body. Use AST::validate_body() to check if the body is was has valid entries.
CodeBody def_body( CodeT type );
// There are two options for defining a struct body, either varadically provided with the args macro to auto-deduce the arg num,
/// or provide as an array of Code objects.
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_class_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_enum_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_export_body ( s32 num, Code* codes);
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_extern_link_body( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_function_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_global_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_namespace_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeParam def_params ( s32 num, ... );
CodeParam def_params ( s32 num, CodeParam* params );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, ... );
CodeSpecifiers def_specifiers ( s32 num, SpecifierT* specs );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_struct_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, ... );
CodeBody def_union_body ( s32 num, Code* codes );
#pragma endregion Upfront
#pragma region Parsing
// TODO(Ed) : Implmeent the new parser API design.
#if 0
namespace parser {
struct StackNode
StackNode* Prev;
Token Start;
Token Name; // The name of the AST node (if parsed)
StrC FailedProc; // The name of the procedure that failed
// Stack nodes are allocated the error's allocator
struct Error
String message;
StackNode* context_stack;
struct ParseInfo
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Arena FileMem;
Arena TokMem;
Arena CodeMem;
FileContents FileContent;
Array<parser::Token> Tokens;
Array<parser::Error> Errors;
// Errors are allocated to a dedicated general arena.
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CodeBody parse_file( StrC path );
CodeClass parse_class ( StrC class_def );
CodeConstructor parse_constructor ( StrC constructor_def );
CodeDestructor parse_destructor ( StrC destructor_def );
CodeEnum parse_enum ( StrC enum_def );
CodeBody parse_export_body ( StrC export_def );
CodeExtern parse_extern_link ( StrC exten_link_def );
CodeFriend parse_friend ( StrC friend_def );
CodeFn parse_function ( StrC fn_def );
CodeBody parse_global_body ( StrC body_def );
CodeNS parse_namespace ( StrC namespace_def );
CodeOperator parse_operator ( StrC operator_def );
CodeOpCast parse_operator_cast( StrC operator_def );
CodeStruct parse_struct ( StrC struct_def );
CodeTemplate parse_template ( StrC template_def );
CodeType parse_type ( StrC type_def );
CodeTypedef parse_typedef ( StrC typedef_def );
CodeUnion parse_union ( StrC union_def );
CodeUsing parse_using ( StrC using_def );
CodeVar parse_variable ( StrC var_def );
#pragma endregion Parsing
#pragma region Untyped text
sw token_fmt_va( char* buf, uw buf_size, s32 num_tokens, va_list va );
//! Do not use directly. Use the token_fmt macro instead.
StrC token_fmt_impl( sw, ... );
Code untyped_str ( StrC content);
Code untyped_fmt ( char const* fmt, ... );
Code untyped_token_fmt( char const* fmt, s32 num_tokens, ... );
#pragma endregion Untyped text
#pragma endregion Gen Interface