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Import-Module ./helpers/target_arch.psm1
#region Arguments
$compiler = $null
[bool] $release = $false
[bool] $bootstrap = $false
[bool] $singleheader = $false
[bool] $tests = $false
[array] $compilers = @( "clang", "gcc", "msvc" )
# This is a really lazy way of parsing the args, could use actual params down the line...
if ( $args ) { $args | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_){
{ $_ -in $compilers } { $compiler = $_; break }
"release" { $release = $true }
"bootstrap" { $bootstrap = $true }
"singleheader" { $singleheader = $true }
"tests" { $tests = $true }
#endregion Arguments
#region Building
write-host "Building gencpp with $compiler"
Invoke-Expression "& $(join-path $PSScriptRoot 'helpers/devshell.ps1') -arch x64"
$path_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
$path_build = Join-Path $path_root build
$path_project = Join-Path $path_root project
$path_scripts = Join-Path $path_root scripts
$path_singleheader = Join-Path $path_root singleheader
$path_test = Join-Path $path_root test
write-host "Build Type: $(if ($release) {"Release"} else {"Debug"} )"
if ( $compiler -eq $null ) {
write-host "No compilier specified, assuming clang available"
$compiler = "clang"
Push-Location $path_root
function run-compiler
param( $compiler, $executable, $path_build, $path_gen, $compiler_args )
write-host "`nBuilding $executable"
write-host "Compiler config:"
$compiler_args | ForEach-Object {
write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Cyan
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_build) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_build
if ( -not(Test-Path($path_gen) )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path_gen
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
& $compiler $compiler_args
| ForEach-Object {
$color = 'White'
switch ($_){
{ $_ -match "error" } { $color = 'Red' ; break }
{ $_ -match "warning" } { $color = 'Yellow'; break }
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor $color
write-host "$executable built in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $compiler -match "clang" )
$target_arch = Get-TargetArchClang
$flag_compile_only = '-c'
$flag_debug = '-g'
$flag_debug_codeview = '-gcodeview'
$flag_define = '-D'
$flag_include = '-I'
$flag_library = '-l'
$flag_library_path = '-L'
$flag_path_output = '-o'
$flag_preprocess_non_intergrated = '-no-integrated-cpp'
$flag_profiling_debug = '-fdebug-info-for-profiling'
$flag_target_arch = '-target'
$flag_x_linker = '-Xlinker'
$flag_machine_32 = '/machine:X64'
$flag_machine_64 = '/machine:X64'
$flag_win_linker = '-Wl,'
$flag_win_subsystem_console = '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'
$flag_win_machine_32 = '/MACHINE:X86'
$flag_win_machine_64 = '/MACHINE:X64'
# $library_paths = @(
# 'C:\Windows\System32'
# )
if ( $bootstrap )
$path_build = join-path $path_project build
$path_gen = join-path $path_project gen
$include = $path_project
$unit = join-path $path_project "bootstrap.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "bootstrap.exe"
$compiler_args = @(
$flag_target_arch, $target_arch,
$( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
$flag_path_output, $executable,
$( $flag_include + $include )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += $( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $flag_debug, $flag_debug_codeview, $flag_profiling_debug
$linker_args = @(
# $( $flag_linker + $flag_win_subsystem_console ),
$( $flag_linker + $flag_machine_64 )
$libraries = @(
'Kernel32', # For Windows API
# 'msvcrt', # For the C Runtime (Dynamically Linked)
'libcmt' # For the C Runtime (Static Linkage)
$compiler_args += $linker_args
$compiler_args += $libraries | ForEach-Object { $flag_library + $_ }
$compiler_args += $unit
run-compiler clang $executable $path_build $path_gen $compiler_args
Push-Location $path_project
if ( Test-Path($executable) ) {
write-host "`nRunning bootstrap"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nBootstrap completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $singleheader )
$path_build = join-path $path_singleheader build
$path_gen = join-path $path_singleheader gen
$include = $path_project
$unit = join-path $path_singleheader "singleheader.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "singleheader.exe"
$compiler_args = @(
$flag_target_arch, $target_arch,
$( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
$flag_path_output, $executable,
$( $flag_include + $include )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += $( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $flag_debug, $flag_debug_codeview, $flag_profiling_debug
$compiler_args += $unit
run-compiler clang $executable $path_build $path_gen $compiler_args
Push-Location $path_singleheader
if ( Test-Path($executable) ) {
write-host "`nRunning singleheader generator"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nSingleheader generator completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $test )
# ... [your test compilation code here]
if ( $compiler -match "msvc" )
$flag_debug = '/Zi'
$flag_define = '/D'
$flag_include = '/I'
$flag_full_src_path = '/FC'
$flag_nologo = '/nologo'
$flag_linker = '/link'
$flag_out_name = '/OUT:'
$flag_path_interm = '/Fo'
$flag_path_debug = '/Fd'
$flag_path_output = '/Fe'
$flag_preprocess_conform = '/Zc:preprocessor'
[array] $compiler_args = $null
if ( $bootstrap )
$path_build = join-path $path_project build
$path_gen = join-path $path_project gen
$include = $path_project
$unit = join-path $path_project "bootstrap.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "bootstrap.exe"
$compiler_args = @(
$( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
$( $flag_path_interm + $path_build + '\' ),
$( $flag_path_output + $path_build + '\' ),
$( $flag_include + $include )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += $( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $( $flag_path_debug + $path_build + '\' )
$compiler_args += $unit
run-compiler cl $executable $path_build $path_gen $compiler_args
Push-Location $path_project
if ( Test-Path($executable) ) {
write-host "`nRunning bootstrap"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nBootstrap completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $singleheader )
$path_build = join-path $path_singleheader build
$path_gen = join-path $path_singleheader gen
$include = $path_project
$unit = join-path $path_singleheader "singleheader.cpp"
$executable = join-path $path_build "singleheader.exe"
$compiler_args = @(
$( $flag_define + 'GEN_TIME' ),
$( $flag_path_interm + $path_build + '\' ),
$( $flag_path_output + $path_build + '\' ),
$( $flag_include + $include )
if ( $release -eq $false ) {
$compiler_args += $( $flag_define + 'Build_Debug' )
$compiler_args += $( $flag_path_debug + $path_build + '\' )
$compiler_args += $unit
run-compiler cl $executable $path_build $path_gen $compiler_args
Push-Location $path_singleheader
if ( Test-Path($executable) ) {
write-host "`nRunning singleheader generator"
$time_taken = Measure-Command { & $executable
| ForEach-Object {
write-host `t $_ -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`nSingleheader generator completed in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $test )
#pragma endregion Building
#pragma region Formatting
if ( $bootstrap -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $path_project "gen/gen.hpp")) )
$path_gen = join-path $path_project gen
# Format generated gencpp
Write-Host "`nBeginning format"
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
$include = @(
'gen.hpp', 'gen.cpp',
'gen.dep.hpp', 'gen.dep.cpp',
'gen.builder.hpp', 'gen.builder.cpp'
'gen.scanner.hpp', 'gen.scanner.cpp'
$exclude = $null
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_gen -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $singleheader )
$path_gen = join-path $path_singleheader gen
# Format generated gencpp
Write-Host "`nBeginning format"
$formatParams = @(
'-i' # In-place
$include = @(
$exclude = $null
$targetFiles = @(Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $path_gen -Include $include -Exclude $exclude | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
$time_taken = Measure-Command {
clang-format $formatParams $targetFiles
Write-Host "`nFormatting complete in $($time_taken.TotalMilliseconds) ms"
if ( $test )
#pragma endregion Formatting
Pop-Location # $path_root