508 lines
16 KiB
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#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include "gen/ecode.hpp"
#include "gen/eoperator.hpp"
#include "gen/especifier.hpp"
struct AST;
struct AST_Body;
struct AST_Attributes;
struct AST_Comment;
struct AST_Constructor;
2023-11-21 23:36:56 -05:00
// struct AST_BaseClass;
struct AST_Class;
struct AST_Define;
struct AST_Destructor;
struct AST_Enum;
struct AST_Exec;
struct AST_Extern;
struct AST_Include;
struct AST_Friend;
struct AST_Fn;
struct AST_Module;
struct AST_NS;
struct AST_Operator;
struct AST_OpCast;
struct AST_Param;
struct AST_Pragma;
struct AST_PreprocessCond;
struct AST_Specifiers;
struct AST_Expr;
struct AST_Expr_Assign;
struct AST_Expr_Alignof;
struct AST_Expr_Binary;
struct AST_Expr_CStyleCast;
struct AST_Expr_FunctionalCast;
struct AST_Expr_CppCast;
struct AST_Expr_ProcCall;
struct AST_Expr_Decltype;
struct AST_Expr_Comma; // TODO(Ed) : This is a binary op not sure if it needs its own AST...
struct AST_Expr_AMS; // Access Member Symbol
struct AST_Expr_Sizeof;
struct AST_Expr_Subscript;
struct AST_Expr_Ternary;
struct AST_Expr_UnaryPrefix;
struct AST_Expr_UnaryPostfix;
struct AST_Expr_Element;
struct AST_Stmt;
struct AST_Stmt_Break;
struct AST_Stmt_Case;
struct AST_Stmt_Continue;
struct AST_Stmt_Decl;
struct AST_Stmt_Do;
struct AST_Stmt_Expr; // TODO(Ed) : Is this distinction needed? (Should it be a flag instead?)
struct AST_Stmt_Else;
struct AST_Stmt_If;
struct AST_Stmt_For;
struct AST_Stmt_Goto;
struct AST_Stmt_Label;
struct AST_Stmt_Switch;
struct AST_Stmt_While;
struct AST_Struct;
struct AST_Template;
struct AST_Type;
struct AST_Typedef;
struct AST_Union;
struct AST_Using;
struct AST_Var;
#define Define_Code(Type) typedef AST_##Type* Code##Type
#define Define_Code(Type) struct Code##Type
typedef AST* code;
struct Code;
// These are to offer ease of use and optionally strong type safety for the AST.
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// struct CodeBaseClass;
Define_Code(Expr_AMS); // Access Member Symbol
#undef Define_Code
namespace parser
struct Token;
template< class Type> forceinline Type tmpl_cast( Code* self ) { return * rcast( Type*, self ); }
#if ! GEN_COMPILER_C && 0
template< class Type> forceinline Type tmpl_cast( Code& self ) { return * rcast( Type*, & self ); }
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char const* debug_str (Code code);
Code duplicate (Code code);
bool is_equal (Code code, Code other);
bool is_body (Code code);
bool is_valid (Code code);
void set_global(Code code);
String to_string (Code code);
AST* wrapper
- Not constantly have to append the '*' as this is written often..
- Allows for implicit conversion to any of the ASTs (raw or filtered).
struct Code
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AST* ast;
# define Using_Code( Typename ) \
char const* debug_str() { return GEN_NS debug_str(* this); } \
Code duplicate() { return GEN_NS duplicate(* this); } \
2024-12-02 00:34:40 -05:00
bool is_equal( Code other ) { return GEN_NS is_equal(* this, other); } \
bool is_body() { return GEN_NS is_body(* this); } \
bool is_valid() { return GEN_NS is_valid(* this); } \
void set_global() { return GEN_NS set_global(* this); }
# define Using_CodeOps( Typename ) \
Typename& operator = ( AST* other ); \
Typename& operator = ( Code other ); \
2024-12-02 00:03:38 -05:00
bool operator ==( Code other ) { return (AST*)ast == other.ast; } \
bool operator !=( Code other ) { return (AST*)ast != other.ast; } \
operator bool();
Using_Code( Code );
String to_string() { return GEN_NS to_string(* this); }
Using_CodeOps( Code );
template< class Type >
forceinline Type code_cast() { return * rcast( Type*, this ); }
AST* operator ->() { return ast; }
Code& operator ++();
// TODO(Ed) : Remove this overload.
auto& operator*()
local_persist thread_local
Code NullRef = { nullptr };
if ( ast == nullptr )
return NullRef;
return *this;
# define operator explicit operator
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operator CodeBody() const;
operator CodeAttributes() const;
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// operator CodeBaseClass() const;
operator CodeComment() const;
operator CodeClass() const;
2023-11-21 23:36:56 -05:00
operator CodeConstructor() const;
operator CodeDefine() const;
2023-11-21 23:36:56 -05:00
operator CodeDestructor() const;
operator CodeExec() const;
operator CodeEnum() const;
operator CodeExtern() const;
operator CodeInclude() const;
operator CodeFriend() const;
operator CodeFn() const;
operator CodeModule() const;
operator CodeNS() const;
operator CodeOperator() const;
operator CodeOpCast() const;
operator CodeParam() const;
operator CodePragma() const;
operator CodePreprocessCond() const;
operator CodeSpecifiers() const;
operator CodeStruct() const;
operator CodeTemplate() const;
operator CodeType() const;
operator CodeTypedef() const;
operator CodeUnion() const;
operator CodeUsing() const;
operator CodeVar() const;
#undef operator
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#pragma region Statics
// Used to identify ASTs that should always be duplicated. (Global constant ASTs)
extern Code Code_Global;
// Used to identify invalid generated code.
extern Code Code_Invalid;
#pragma endregion Statics
struct Code_POD
AST* ast;
static_assert( sizeof(Code) == sizeof(Code_POD), "ERROR: Code is not POD" );
// Desired width of the AST data structure.
constexpr int const AST_POD_Size = 128;
void append ( AST* self, AST* other );
char const* debug_str ( AST* self );
AST* duplicate ( AST* self );
Code* entry ( AST* self, u32 idx );
bool has_entries( AST* self );
bool is_body ( AST* self );
2024-12-02 00:34:40 -05:00
bool is_equal ( AST* self, AST* other );
String to_string ( AST* self );
char const* type_str ( AST* self );
void append ( AST& self, AST& other ) { return append(& self, & other); }
bool is_body ( AST& self ) { return is_body(& self); }
2024-12-02 00:34:40 -05:00
bool is_equal ( AST& self, AST& other ) { return is_equal(& self, & other); }
char const* debug_str( AST& self ) { return debug_str( & self ); }
String to_string( AST& self ) { return to_string( & self ); }
char const* type_str ( AST& self ) { return type_str( & self ); }
Simple AST POD with functionality to seralize into C++ syntax.
struct AST
# pragma region Member Functions
void append ( AST* other ) { GEN_NS append(this, other); }
char const* debug_str () { return GEN_NS debug_str(this); }
AST* duplicate () { return GEN_NS duplicate(this); }
Code* entry ( u32 idx ) { return GEN_NS entry(this, idx); }
bool has_entries();
2024-12-02 00:34:40 -05:00
bool is_equal ( AST* other ) { return GEN_NS is_equal(this, other); }
bool is_body() { return GEN_NS is_body(this); }
char const* type_str() { return GEN_NS type_str(this); }
bool validate_body();
String to_string(); //{ return GEN_NS to_string(this); }
template< class Type >
forceinline Type code_cast()
return * this;
void to_string( String& result );
# pragma endregion Member Functions
operator Code();
operator CodeBody();
operator CodeAttributes();
2023-11-21 23:36:56 -05:00
// operator CodeBaseClass();
operator CodeComment();
operator CodeConstructor();
operator CodeDestructor();
operator CodeClass();
operator CodeDefine();
operator CodeEnum();
operator CodeExec();
operator CodeExtern();
operator CodeInclude();
operator CodeFriend();
operator CodeFn();
operator CodeModule();
operator CodeNS();
operator CodeOperator();
operator CodeOpCast();
operator CodeParam();
operator CodePragma();
operator CodePreprocessCond();
operator CodeSpecifiers();
operator CodeStruct();
operator CodeTemplate();
operator CodeType();
operator CodeTypedef();
operator CodeUnion();
operator CodeUsing();
operator CodeVar();
constexpr static
int ArrSpecs_Cap =
- sizeof(AST*) * 3
- sizeof(parser::Token*)
- sizeof(AST*)
- sizeof(StringCached)
- sizeof(CodeT)
- sizeof(ModuleFlag)
- sizeof(int)
/ sizeof(int) - 1; // -1 for 4 extra bytes
union {
AST* InlineCmt; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Functon, Operator, OpCast, Struct, Typedef, Using, Variable
AST* Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable
AST* Specs; // Destructor, Function, Operator, Typename, Variable
union {
AST* InitializerList; // Constructor
AST* ParentType; // Class, Struct, ParentType->Next has a possible list of interfaces.
AST* ReturnType; // Function, Operator, Typename
AST* UnderlyingType; // Enum, Typedef
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* Macro; // Parameter
AST* BitfieldSize; // Variable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Constructor, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
union {
AST* ArrExpr; // Typename
AST* Body; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
AST* Declaration; // Friend, Template
AST* Value; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* NextVar; // Variable; Possible way to handle comma separated variables declarations. ( , NextVar->Specs NextVar->Name NextVar->ArrExpr = NextVar->Value )
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AST* SuffixSpecs; // Only used with typenames, to store the function suffix if typename is function signature. ( May not be needed )
AST* PostNameMacro; // Only used with parameters for specifically UE_REQUIRES (Thanks Unreal)
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
struct {
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
AST* NextSpecs; // Specifiers; If ArrSpecs is full, then NextSpecs is used.
union {
AST* Prev;
AST* Front;
AST* Last;
union {
AST* Next;
AST* Back;
parser::Token* Token; // Reference to starting token, only avaialble if it was derived from parsing.
AST* Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
// CodeFlag CodeFlags;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
union {
b32 IsFunction; // Used by typedef to not serialize the name field.
b32 IsParamPack; // Used by typename to know if type should be considered a parameter pack.
OperatorT Op;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
s32 NumEntries;
s32 VarConstructorInit; // Used by variables to know that initialization is using a constructor expression instead of an assignment expression.
b32 EnumUnderlyingMacro; // Used by enums incase the user wants to wrap underlying type specification in a macro
struct AST_POD
union {
AST* InlineCmt; // Class, Constructor, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Functon, Operator, OpCast, Struct, Typedef, Using, Variable
AST* Attributes; // Class, Enum, Function, Struct, Typedef, Union, Using, Variable
AST* Specs; // Destructor, Function, Operator, Typename, Variable
union {
AST* InitializerList; // Constructor
AST* ParentType; // Class, Struct, ParentType->Next has a possible list of interfaces.
AST* ReturnType; // Function, Operator, Typename
AST* UnderlyingType; // Enum, Typedef
AST* ValueType; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* Macro; // Parameter
AST* BitfieldSize; // Variable (Class/Struct Data Member)
AST* Params; // Constructor, Function, Operator, Template, Typename
union {
AST* ArrExpr; // Typename
AST* Body; // Class, Constructr, Destructor, Enum, Friend, Function, Namespace, Struct, Union
AST* Declaration; // Friend, Template
AST* Value; // Parameter, Variable
union {
AST* NextVar; // Variable; Possible way to handle comma separated variables declarations. ( , NextVar->Specs NextVar->Name NextVar->ArrExpr = NextVar->Value )
2023-09-25 17:48:16 -04:00
AST* SuffixSpecs; // Only used with typenames, to store the function suffix if typename is function signature. ( May not be needed )
AST* PostNameMacro; // Only used with parameters for specifically UE_REQUIRES (Thanks Unreal)
StringCached Content; // Attributes, Comment, Execution, Include
struct {
SpecifierT ArrSpecs[AST::ArrSpecs_Cap]; // Specifiers
AST* NextSpecs; // Specifiers; If ArrSpecs is full, then NextSpecs is used.
union {
AST* Prev;
AST* Front;
AST* Last;
union {
AST* Next;
AST* Back;
parser::Token* Token; // Reference to starting token, only avaialble if it was derived from parsing.
AST* Parent;
StringCached Name;
CodeT Type;
CodeFlag CodeFlags;
ModuleFlag ModuleFlags;
union {
b32 IsFunction; // Used by typedef to not serialize the name field.
b32 IsParamPack; // Used by typename to know if type should be considered a parameter pack.
OperatorT Op;
AccessSpec ParentAccess;
s32 NumEntries;
s32 VarConstructorInit; // Used by variables to know that initialization is using a constructor expression instead of an assignment expression.
// TODO(Ed): Convert
String to_string ( AST* self ) { return self->to_string(); }
// Its intended for the AST to have equivalent size to its POD.
// All extra functionality within the AST namespace should just be syntatic sugar.
static_assert( sizeof(AST) == sizeof(AST_POD), "ERROR: AST IS NOT POD" );
static_assert( sizeof(AST_POD) == AST_POD_Size, "ERROR: AST POD is not size of AST_POD_Size" );
// Used when the its desired when omission is allowed in a definition.
#define NoCode { nullptr }
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#define InvalidCode (* Code_Invalid.ast) // Uses an implicitly overloaded cast from the AST to the desired code type.