Ed94 01081ce167 Got disk loading to work.
COPY /b 16bit.boot 16bit.scratch 16bit.loader

qemu-system-x86_64 -fda 16bit.loader
2022-01-18 21:24:06 -05:00

94 lines
2.2 KiB

; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
%include "AAL.x86.routines.macros.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_320x200
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_640x200
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
; String testing
String_Out TestStr, [TestStr_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x02
int SystemService
; Hex Testing
String_Out HexTest, [HexTest_len]
Hex16_ToString [HexNumA], HexStringA
Hex16_ToString [HexNumB], HexStringB
String_Out ResultStr, [ResultStr_len]
String_Out HexStringA, 4
String_Out HexStringB, 4
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
Char_Out char_LF
Char_Out char_CR
DumpOut 0x7C00, 512
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
%include "AAL.x86.routines.s"
; Data
TestStr : db 'String Test', char_LF, char_CR
TestStr_len : dw 13
HexTest : db 'Hex Test', char_LF, char_CR
HexTest_len : dw 10
HexNumA : dw 0x1994
HexNumB : dw 0x2022
HexStringA : db '0000'
HexStringB : db '0000'
ResultStr : db 'Result: '
ResultStr_len : db 8
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA