mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 20:24:39 -07:00
Got disk loading to work.
COPY /b 16bit.boot 16bit.scratch 16bit.loader qemu-system-x86_64 -fda 16bit.loader
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
; Hello world.
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
start :
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_40x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
teletype_HelloWorld :
mov BH, 0x0 ; Make sure the Active page is the first
mov AH, Video_TeleType
mov AL, 'H'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'e'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'o'
int VideoService
mov AL, ' '
int VideoService
mov AL, 'W'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'o'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'r'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'd'
int VideoService
hang :
jmp short hang
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
; https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/230755/display-hexadecimal-value-stored-at-a-register
%include "AAL.x86.S"
%include "AAL.x86.routines.macros.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_320x200
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_640x200
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
; String testing
String_Out TestStr, [TestStr_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x02
int SystemService
; Hex Testing
String_Out HexTest, [HexTest_len]
Hex16_ToString [HexNumA], HexStringA
Hex16_ToString [HexNumB], HexStringB
String_Out ResultStr, [ResultStr_len]
String_Out HexStringA, 4
String_Out HexStringB, 4
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
Char_Out char_LF
Char_Out char_CR
DumpOut 0x7C00, 512
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
%include "AAL.x86.routines.s"
; Data
TestStr : db 'String Test', char_LF, char_CR
TestStr_len : dw 13
HexTest : db 'Hex Test', char_LF, char_CR
HexTest_len : dw 10
HexNumA : dw 0x1994
HexNumB : dw 0x2022
HexStringA : db '0000'
HexStringB : db '0000'
ResultStr : db 'Result: '
ResultStr_len : db 8
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA
@ -1,94 +1,36 @@
; Print HEx
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
; https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/230755/display-hexadecimal-value-stored-at-a-register
%include "AAL.x86.S"
%include "AAL.x86.routines.macros.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Entrypoint
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_320x200
; Video_SetGraphicsMode_640x200
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
String_Out EntryMsg, [EntryMsg_len]
; String testing
String_Out TestStr, [TestStr_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x02
int SystemService
; Hex Testing
String_Out HexTest, [HexTest_len]
Hex16_ToString [HexNumA], HexStringA
Hex16_ToString [HexNumB], HexStringB
String_Out ResultStr, [ResultStr_len]
String_Out HexStringA, 4
String_Out HexStringB, 4
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
Char_Out char_LF
Char_Out char_CR
DumpOut 0x7C00, 512
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
; Data
EntryMsg : db 'Hello World!', char_LF, char_CR
EntryMsg_len : dw 14
%include "AAL.x86.routines.s"
; Data
TestStr : db 'String Test', char_LF, char_CR
TestStr_len : dw 13
HexTest : db 'Hex Test', char_LF, char_CR
HexTest_len : dw 10
HexNumA : dw 0x1994
HexNumB : dw 0x2022
HexStringA : db '0000'
HexStringB : db '0000'
ResultStr : db 'Result: '
ResultStr_len : db 8
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA
times 512-$+start db 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.s"
%macro String_Out 2
mov BX, %1
mov AX, %2
push AX
call out_string
pop AX
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Give some times before starting
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
String_Out PostMsg, [PostMsg_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x05
int SystemService
; Loading the code from disk (storage)
mov DH, 0x0 ; Head NUm
mov DL, 0x0 ; Drive Num
mov CH, 0x0 ; Track Num
mov CL, 0x02 ; Starting Sector
; Setup ES:BX Memory address/segment
mov BX, 0x1000 ; ES:BX : 0x1000:0x0
mov ES, BX
mov BX, 0x0
; Read Disk (Storage)
mov AH, Disk_ReadIntoMemory
mov AL, 0x01 ; Num Sectors
int DiskService
String_Out SendoffMsg, [SendOffMsg_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
; Jump if carry flag
; jc error
; cmp DH, AL
; jne error
; Reset segment registers for ram
mov AX, 0x1000
mov DS, AX
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
mov FS, AX
mov GS, AX
mov SS, AX
; Heading to 16bit.scratch
jmp 0x1000:0x0
; Routines
; Print out an ascii string of speicifed length
; Arg - BX: String
%define argLen BP + 4 ; String Length
; Store previous state of BP and set it to SP
; pusha ; 14 bytes
push BP ; 4 bytes
mov BP, SP
; Using the source index
push SI ; 0 bytes...
xor SI, SI
; Backup BX for later
mov CX, BX
mov AH, Video_TeleType
; Bounds check
cmp SI, [argLen]
je .break
; Output a character
mov BX, CX
mov AL, [BX + SI]
xor BH, BH ; Clear BH for correct active page
int VideoService
add SI, 0x1
jmp .loop
pop SI
pop BP
%undef argLen
String_Out ErrorMsg, [ErrorMsg_Len]
hlt ; Halt
; Data
ErrorMsg : db 'Failed - DiskService: ReadIntoMemory'
ErrorMsg_Len : dw 36
PostMsg : db '16bit.boot', char_LF, char_CR
PostMsg_len : dw 13
SendoffMsg : db 'Sending over to 16bit.scratch...'
SendOffMsg_len : dw 32
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA
Reference in New Issue
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