mirror of https://github.com/Ed94/bare_x86.git synced 2025-03-10 20:04:39 -07:00

initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Edward R. Gonzalez 2022-01-18 08:15:28 -05:00
commit 7a6799d2c7
18 changed files with 1499 additions and 0 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# root = true
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
guidelines = 160
[*{.h, .c}]
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
guidelines = 160
[*{.low.h, .low.c]
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 8
guidelines = 80
[*{.hpp, cpp}]
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
guidelines = 160
[*{.low.hpp, .low.cpp}]
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 8
guidelines = 80
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
guidelines = 180
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 8
guidelines = 80

.gitignore vendored Normal file

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"editor.rulers": [
"editor.cursorStyle": "block-outline"

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
; Print HEx
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
; https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/230755/display-hexadecimal-value-stored-at-a-register
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
; textmode_ClearScreen
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_80x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov SP, BX
mov BX, 0x2022
call output_Hex
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
; Output Hex to TextMode via Teletype
%define hex BX
%define backup CX
; Clear Interrupt Flag : Prevents interrupts form occuring
; Push all registers values onto the stack
; Store original value in backup
mov backup, hex
; Setup referfence to hex chars memory
mov SI, .CharHex
; Shift Logical Right : SHR performs an unsigned divide
; The high-order bit is set to 0.
; 0b1000 -> 0b0100, 0b0001 -> 0b0000
shr hex, 12 ; First four : 0x[#]### -> 0x000#
and hex, 0x0F ; Mask out any garbage
mov AL, [hex + SI] ; AL = hex + SI
mov [.Result + 2], AL ; result[2] = AL
mov hex, backup ; Next four
shr hex, 8
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 3], AL
mov hex, backup ; ...
shr hex, 4
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 4], AL
mov hex, backup
shr hex, 0
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 5], AL
; BX : String arg
mov CX, .Result
call output_String
; Pop all register values that were saved on the current stack
; Set Interrupt Flag : Restore interrupts
; Proc Data
db '0123456789ABCDEF', 0x0
db '0x0000', 0x0
%undef hex
%undef backup
%unmacro index 1
; Output String to TextMode via Teletype
%define string CX
%define CharHex_Length 6
%macro TextMode_SetChar 2
mov word [%1 * 2 ], %2
mov word [%1 * 2 + 1], 0x0F
; Will track string index
mov SI, 0x0
; Prep BH and AH with Teletype video service option
mov BH, 0x0
mov AH, Video_TeleType
; Reg CX cannot be used as an index speciifer. [BX] is
; SI can be used as an offset inside [BX + offset]
mov BX, CX
; Compare
cmp SI, CharHex_Length
je .break
; Jump
; Print via teletype
mov AL, [BX + SI];
int VideoService
; Increment index
inc SI
jmp short .loop
%undef string
%undef index
%undef CharHex_Length
%unmacro TextMode_SetChar 2
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
; Hello world.
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; A label to the address in memory
; Auto calculated by the assembler
start :
textmode_ClearScreen :
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_80x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
; Set Data segment to the text mode's memory buffer
mov AX, Video_Text_MemBuffer
mov DS, AX
%macro SetChar 2
; word : 16-bit (2-byte) increments
; [offset] : specifies offset in Data Segment (DS)
; Character
mov word [%1 * 2 ], %2
; Attributes - Low: Black, High: White
mov word [%1 * 2 + 1], 0x0F
SetChar 0x00, 'H'
SetChar 0x01, 'e'
SetChar 0x02, 'l'
SetChar 0x03, 'l'
SetChar 0x04, 'o'
SetChar 0x05, ' '
SetChar 0x06, 'W'
SetChar 0x07, 'o'
SetChar 0x08, 'r'
SetChar 0x09, 'l'
SetChar 0x0A, 'd'
hang :
jmp short hang
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
; Hello world.
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
start :
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_40x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
teletype_HelloWorld :
mov BH, 0x0 ; Make sure the Active page is the first
mov AH, Video_TeleType
mov AL, 'H'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'e'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'o'
int VideoService
mov AL, ' '
int VideoService
mov AL, 'W'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'o'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'r'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'l'
int VideoService
mov AL, 'd'
int VideoService
hang :
jmp short hang
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

0.Hello/AAL.x86.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
; AAL - Assembly Abstraction layer
; x86-64
; Provides a suite of docs, functionatliy, macros, etc.
; Made while learning x86
; Edward R. Gonzalez
; See
; https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/16,_32,_and_64_Bits
; https://wiki.osdev.org/X86-64
; http://www.ctyme.com/rbrown.htm
; https://github.com/Captainarash/The_Holy_Book_of_X86/blob/master/book_vol_1.txt
; Calling Convention
; Calling convention - Caller/Callee Saved Registers
; Caller rules: When calling a function the registers
; RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10, R11 are considered volatile and must be saved into the stack
; by the caller, if it relies on them
; (unless otherwise safety-provable by analysis such as whole program optimization).
; Callee rules:
; RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, and R15
; are considered nonvolatile and must be saved and restored from the stack by the callee if it modify them.
; Register Documentation
; General Purpose
; 8 High Low 16 32 64 Intended Purpose
; AH AL AX EAX RAX Accumulator
; CH CL CX ECX RCX Counter
; DH DL DX EDX RDX Data (Used to extend the A register)
; SIL SI ESI RSI Source index for strings ops
; DIL DI EDI RDI Destination index for string operations
; SPL SPL ESP RSP Stack pointer
; BPL BP EBP RBP Base pointer (meant for stack frames)
; R8B R8W R8D R8 General Purpose (and below)
; R9B R9W R9D R9
; R10B R10W R10D R10
; R11B R11W R11D R11
; R12B R12W R12D R12
; R13B R13W R13D R13
; R14B R14W R14D R14
; R15B R15W R15D R15
; Instruction Pointer
; 16 32 64
; Segment
; 16
; CS Code Segment
; DS Data Segment
; SS Stack Segment
; ES Extra Segment
; FS General-purpose
; GS General-purpose
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 CF Carry Flag
; 1 1 Reserved
; 2 PF Parity Flag
; 3 0 Reserved
; 4 AF Auxiliary Carry Flag
; 5 0 Reserved
; 6 ZF Zero Flag
; 7 SF Sign Flag
; 8 TF Trap Flag
; 9 IF Interrupt Enable Flag
; 10 DF Direction Flag
; 11 OF Overflow Flag
; 12-13 IOPL I/O Privilege Level
; 14 NT Nested Task
; 15 0 Reserved
; 16 RF Resume Flag
; 17 VM Virtual-8086 Mode
; 18 AC Alignment Check / Access Control
; 19 VIF Virtual Interrupt Flag
; 20 VIP Virtual Interrupt Pending
; 21 ID ID Flag
; 22-63 0 Reserved
; Control
; CR0
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 PE Protected Mode Enable
; 1 MP Monitor Co-Processor
; 2 EM Emulation
; 3 TS Task Switched
; 4 ET Extension Type
; 5 NE Numeric Error
; 6-15 0 Reserved
; 16 WP Write Protect
; 17 0 Reserved
; 18 AM Alignment Mask
; 19-28 0 Reserved
; 29 NW Not-Write Through
; 30 CD Cache Disable
; 31 PG Paging
; 32-63 0 Reserved
; CR2
; Contains the linear (virtual) address which triggered a page fault, available in the page fault's interrupt handler.
; CR3
; Bit(s) Label Description Condition
; 0-11 0-2 0 Reserved CR4.PCIDE = 0
; 3 PWT Page-Level Write Through
; 5 PCD Page-Level Cache Disable
; 5-11 0 Reserved
; 0-11 PCID CR4.PCIDE = 1
; 12-63 Physical Base Address of the PML4
; Note that this must be page aligned
; CR4
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 VME Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions
; 1 PVI Protected Mode Virtual Interrupts
; 2 TSD Time Stamp enabled only in ring 0
; 3 DE Debugging Extensions
; 4 PSE Page Size Extension
; 5 PAE Physical Address Extension
; 6 MCE Machine Check Exception
; 7 PGE Page Global Enable
; 8 PCE Performance Monitoring Counter Enable
; 9 OSFXSR OS support for fxsave and fxrstor instructions
; 10 OSXMMEXCPT OS Support for unmasked simd floating point exceptions
; 11 UMIP User-Mode Instruction Prevention (SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, SMSW, and STR are disabled in user mode)
; 12 0 Reserved
; 13 VMXE Virtual Machine Extensions Enable
; 14 SMXE Safer Mode Extensions Enable
; 15 0 Reserved
; 17 PCIDE PCID Enable
; 18 OSXSAVE XSAVE And Processor Extended States Enable
; 19 0 Reserved
; 20 SMEP Supervisor Mode Executions Protection Enable
; 21 SMAP Supervisor Mode Access Protection Enable
; 22 PKE Enable protection keys for user-mode pages
; 23 CET Enable Control-flow Enforcement Technology
; 24 PKS Enable protection keys for supervisor-mode pages
; 25-63 0 Reserved
; CR8
; CR8 is a new register accessible in 64-bit mode using the REX prefix.
; CR8 is used to prioritize external interrupts and is referred to as the task-priority register (TPR).
; The AMD64 architecture allows software to define up to 15 external interrupt-priority classes.
; Priority classes are numbered from 1 to 15, with priority-class 1 being the lowest and priority-class 15 the highest.
; CR8 uses the four low-order bits for specifying a task priority and the remaining 60 bits are reserved and must be written with zeros.
; System software can use the TPR register to temporarily block low-priority interrupts from interrupting a high-priority task.
; This is accomplished by loading TPR with a value corresponding to the highest-priority interrupt that is to be blocked.
; For example, loading TPR with a value of 9 (1001b) blocks all interrupts with a priority class of 9 or less,
; while allowing all interrupts with a priority class of 10 or more to be recognized.
; Loading TPR with 0 enables all external interrupts. Loading TPR with 15 (1111b) disables all external interrupts.
; The TPR is cleared to 0 on reset.
; Bit Purpose
; 0-3 Priority
; 4-63 Reserved
; CR1, CR5-7, CR9-15
; Reserved, the cpu will throw a #ud exeption when trying to access them.
; CR1, CR5-7, CR9-15
; Reserved, the cpu will throw a #ud exeption when trying to access them.
; MSRs
; Extended Feature Enable Register (EFER) is a model-specific register added in the AMD K6 processor,
; to allow enabling the SYSCALL/SYSRET instruction, and later for entering and exiting long mode.
; This register becomes architectural in AMD64 and has been adopted by Intel. Its MSR number is 0xC0000080.
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 SCE System Call Extensions
; 1-7 0 Reserved
; 8 LME Long Mode Enable
; 10 LMA Long Mode Active
; 11 NXE No-Execute Enable
; 12 SVME Secure Virtual Machine Enable
; 13 LMSLE Long Mode Segment Limit Enable
; 15 TCE Translation Cache Extension
; 16-63 0 Reserved
; FS.base, GS.base
; MSRs with the addresses 0xC0000100 (for FS) and 0xC0000101 (for GS) contain the base addresses of the FS and GS segment registers.
; These are commonly used for thread-pointers in user code and CPU-local pointers in kernel code. Safe to contain anything,
; since use of a segment does not confer additional privileges to user code.
; In newer CPUs, these can also be written with WRFSBASE and WRGSBASE instructions at any privilege level.
; KernelGSBase
; MSR with the address 0xC0000102.
; Is basically a buffer that gets exchanged with GS.base after a swapgs instruction.
; Usually used to seperate kernel and user use of the GS register.
; Debug Registers
; DR0 - DR3
; Contain linear addresses of up to 4 breakpoints. If paging is enabled, they are translated to physical addresses.
; DR6
; It permits the debugger to determine which debug conditions have occured.
; When an enabled debug exception is enabled, low order bits 0-3 are set before entering debug exception handler.
; DR7
; Bit Description
; 0 Local DR0 Breakpoint
; 1 Global DR0 Breakpoint
; 2 Local DR1 Breakpoint
; 3 Global DR1 Breakpoint
; 4 Local DR2 Breakpoint
; 5 Global DR2 Breakpoint
; 6 Local DR3 Breakpoint
; 7 Global DR3 Breakpoint
; 16-17 Conditions for DR0
; 18-19 Size of DR0 Breakpoint
; 20-21 Conditions for DR1
; 22-23 Size of DR1 Breakpoint
; 24-25 Conditions for DR2
; 26-27 Size of DR2 Breakpoint
; 28-29 Conditions for DR3
; 30-31 Size of DR3 Breakpoint
; A local breakpoint bit deactivates on hardware task switches, while a global does not.
; 00b condition means execution break, 01b means a write watchpoint, and 11b means an R/W watchpoint.
; 10b is reserved for I/O R/W (unsupported).
; Test Registers
; Name Description
; TR3 - TR5 Undocumented
; TR6 Test Command Register
; TR7 Test Data Register
; Protected Mode Registers
; Operand Size Label Description
; 64-bit 32-bit
; Bits 0-15 (Same) Limit Size of GDT
; Bits 16-79 Bits 16-47 Base Starting Address of GDT
; Stores the segment selector of the LDT.
; TR
; Stores the segment selector of the TSS.
; Operand Size Label Description
; 64-bit 32-bit
; Bits 0-15 (Same) Limit Size of IDT
; Bits 16-79 Bits 16-47 Base Starting Address of IDT
%ifndef AAL_x86_Def
; Instructions Library
; NO-Operation : Exchanges value of rax with rax to achieve nothing.
%define nop XCHG rax, rax
; END - Instructions Library
; Interrupts
; CX, DX Interval in microseconds
; CX : High, DX : Low
; SystemService
%define BIOS_Wait 0x86
; Memory
; Real Mode - Conventional Lower Memory
%define Mem_RM_CLower_Start 0x0500
%define Mem_RM_CLower_End 0x7BFF
; 2 Byte Boundary Alignment
%define Mem_RM_CLower_2BB_End 0x7BE0
; Real Mode - Conventional Upper memory
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_Start 0x7E00
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_End 0x7FFF
; 2 Byte Boundary Alignment
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_2BB_End 0x7FE0
; Real Mode - OS Boot Sector
%define Mem_BootSector_Start 0x7C00
%define Mem_BootSector_512 0x7CFE
%define Mem_BootSector_End 0x7DFF
; Misc System Services
%define SystemService 0x15
; Video
%define VideoService 0x10
; Returns
; AH = Number of character columns
; AL = Display mode
; BH = Active Page
%define Video_GetCurrentMode 0x0F
; Used to set the video mode.
%define Video_SetMode 0x00
; SetVideoMode - Modes
; cbOff : Color Burst Off
%define VideoMode_Text_40x25_cbOff 0x00
%define VideoMode_Text_40x25 0x01
%define VideoMode_Text_80x25_cbOff 0x02
%define VideoMode_Text_80x25 0x03
%define VideoMode_Graphics_320x200 0x04
%define VideoMode_Graphics_320x200_cboff 0x05
%define VideoMode_Graphics_640x200 0x06
; Output a character
%define Video_TeleType 0xE
; Where memory buffer for Video's Text mode starts
%define Video_Text_MemBuffer 0xB800
; END - Interrupts
%define char_CR 0xD ; Carriage Return
%define char_LF 0xA ; Line Feed
%define AAL_x86_Def

16bit copy.Scratch Normal file

Binary file not shown.

16bit.CheckDisplayMode.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
; TODO: Finish?
; Hello world.
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG BIOS_LoadCode_Address]
start :
textmode_ClearScreen :
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_40x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
textmode_CheckDisplayMode :
mov AH, Video_GetCurrentMode
int VideoService
; Return Values
mov BH, AH
mov BL, AL
; Print Cols
mov AH, Video_TeleType
mov AL, BH
int VideoService
; Print Mode
mov AH, Video_TeleType
mov AL, BL
int VideoService
hang :
jmp short ang
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

16bit.Scratch Normal file

Binary file not shown.

16bit.Scratch.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
; Print HEx
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
; https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/230755/display-hexadecimal-value-stored-at-a-register
%include "AAL.x86.S"
%include "AAL.x86.routines.macros.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
; String testing
String_Out TestStr, [TestStr_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x02
int SystemService
; Hex Testing
String_Out HexTest, [HexTest_len]
Hex16_ToString [HexNum], HexString
Hex16_ToString [HexNumT], HexStringT
String_Out ResultStr, [ResultStr_len]
String_Out HexString, 4
String_Out HexStringT, 4
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
Char_Out char_LF
Char_Out char_CR
mov BX, 0x7C00
; sub BX, 0x7DFF
; mov BX, 0x0000
mov DX, 512
call dump_out
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
; Args:
; BX = StartLocation
; CX = ByteCount
%define StartLocation BX
%define ByteCount DX
push BX
push SI
; xor BX, BX
xor SI, SI
cmp SI, ByteCount
je .break
push BX
push DX
push SI
mov AX, StartLocation
add AX, SI
Hex16_ToString AX, .HexStr
String_Out .HexStr, 4
pop SI
pop DX
pop BX
mov AH, [StartLocation + SI]
add SI, 1
mov AL, [StartLocation + SI]
mov [.HexNum], AX
push BX
push DX
push SI
Char_Out ' '
Hex16_ToString [.HexNum], .HexStr
String_Out .HexStr, 4
pop SI
pop DX
pop BX
Char_Out ' '
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x02
int SystemService
; add SI, 4
inc SI
jmp .loop
pop SI
pop BX
.HexNum : dw 0x0000
.HexStr : dw ' '
%undef StartLocation
%undef WordCount
%include "AAL.x86.routines.s"
; Data
TestStr : db 'String Test', char_LF, char_CR
TestStr_len : dw 13
HexTest : db 'Hex Test', char_LF, char_CR
HexTest_len : dw 10
HexNum : dw 0x1994
HexNumT : dw 0x2022
HexString : db '0000'
HexStringT : db '0000'
ResultStr : db 'Result: '
ResultStr_len : db 8
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

AAL.x86.routines.macros.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
%ifndef AAL_macro_routines_Def
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; Interrupts
%macro Video_SetTextMode_80x25 0
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_80x25
int VideoService
; Routines
%macro Hex16_ToString 2
mov DX, %1
mov CX, %2
push CX
call h16_toString
pop CX
%macro Char_Out 1
mov AX, %1
push AX
call out_char
pop AX
%macro String_Out 2
mov BX, %1
mov AX, %2
push AX
call out_string
pop AX
%define AAL_macro_routines_Def

AAL.x86.routines.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
%ifndef AAL_routines_Def
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; Routines
; Prints out a 16-bit hex value.
; Arg - DX : Hex Num
; ArgStr: String
%define argStr BP + 6
push BX
push BP
mov BP, SP
; Half-Byte index
push SI
xor SI, SI
; If all 4-bit slots translate, break
cmp SI, 4
je .break
; Get latest half-byte from DX
mov AX, DX
; Doing only the first right-most digit
and AX, 0x000F
; Get ASCII numeral or alpha character
add AL, 0x30
; 0->9 (<= 0x39), A->F (>= 0x39)
cmp AL, 0x39 ; Numeral offset
jle .SetCharVal
add AL, 0x7 ; A-F offset
; Add the char value to the string
mov BX, [argStr]
; Move to last half-byte
add BX, 3
; Go to the current half-byte via index offset
sub BX, SI
; Write ascii hex value to half-byte in ArgStr
mov [BX], AL
; Rotate the next half-byte over
ror DX, 4
inc SI
jmp .loop
pop SI
pop BP
pop BX
%undef argStr
; Print out an ASCII character.
%define arg1 BP + 6
push BX
push BP
mov BP, SP
mov AH, Video_TeleType
mov AL, [arg1]
int VideoService
pop BP
pop BX
%undef arg1
; Print out an ascii string of speicifed length
; Arg - BX: String
%define argLen BP + 4 ; String Length
; Store previous state of BP and set it to SP
; pusha ; 14 bytes
push BP ; 4 bytes
mov BP, SP
; Using the source index
push SI ; 0 bytes...
xor SI, SI
; Backup BX for later
mov CX, BX
mov AH, Video_TeleType
; Bounds check
cmp SI, [argLen]
je .break
; Output a character
mov BX, CX
mov AL, [BX + SI]
xor BH, BH ; Clear BH for correct active page
int VideoService
add SI, 0x1
jmp .loop
pop SI
pop BP
%undef argLen
%define AAL_routines_Def

AAL.x86.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
; AAL - Assembly Abstraction layer
; x86-64
; Provides a suite of docs, functionatliy, macros, etc.
; Made while learning x86
; Edward R. Gonzalez
; See
; https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/16,_32,_and_64_Bits
; https://wiki.osdev.org/X86-64
; http://www.ctyme.com/rbrown.htm
; https://github.com/Captainarash/The_Holy_Book_of_X86/blob/master/book_vol_1.txt
; Calling Convention
; Calling convention - Caller/Callee Saved Registers
; Caller rules: When calling a function the registers
; RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10, R11 are considered volatile and must be saved into the stack
; by the caller, if it relies on them
; (unless otherwise safety-provable by analysis such as whole program optimization).
; Callee rules:
; RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, and R15
; are considered nonvolatile and must be saved and restored from the stack by the callee if it modify them.
; Register Documentation
; General Purpose
; 8 High Low 16 32 64 Intended Purpose
; AH AL AX EAX RAX Accumulator
; CH CL CX ECX RCX Counter
; DH DL DX EDX RDX Data (Used to extend the A register)
; SIL SI ESI RSI Source index for strings ops
; DIL DI EDI RDI Destination index for string operations
; SPL SPL ESP RSP Stack pointer
; BPL BP EBP RBP Base pointer (meant for stack frames)
; R8B R8W R8D R8 General Purpose (and below)
; R9B R9W R9D R9
; R10B R10W R10D R10
; R11B R11W R11D R11
; R12B R12W R12D R12
; R13B R13W R13D R13
; R14B R14W R14D R14
; R15B R15W R15D R15
; Instruction Pointer
; 16 32 64
; Segment
; 16
; CS Code Segment
; DS Data Segment
; SS Stack Segment
; ES Extra Segment
; FS General-purpose
; GS General-purpose
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 CF Carry Flag
; 1 1 Reserved
; 2 PF Parity Flag
; 3 0 Reserved
; 4 AF Auxiliary Carry Flag
; 5 0 Reserved
; 6 ZF Zero Flag
; 7 SF Sign Flag
; 8 TF Trap Flag
; 9 IF Interrupt Enable Flag
; 10 DF Direction Flag
; 11 OF Overflow Flag
; 12-13 IOPL I/O Privilege Level
; 14 NT Nested Task
; 15 0 Reserved
; 16 RF Resume Flag
; 17 VM Virtual-8086 Mode
; 18 AC Alignment Check / Access Control
; 19 VIF Virtual Interrupt Flag
; 20 VIP Virtual Interrupt Pending
; 21 ID ID Flag
; 22-63 0 Reserved
; Control
; CR0
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 PE Protected Mode Enable
; 1 MP Monitor Co-Processor
; 2 EM Emulation
; 3 TS Task Switched
; 4 ET Extension Type
; 5 NE Numeric Error
; 6-15 0 Reserved
; 16 WP Write Protect
; 17 0 Reserved
; 18 AM Alignment Mask
; 19-28 0 Reserved
; 29 NW Not-Write Through
; 30 CD Cache Disable
; 31 PG Paging
; 32-63 0 Reserved
; CR2
; Contains the linear (virtual) address which triggered a page fault, available in the page fault's interrupt handler.
; CR3
; Bit(s) Label Description Condition
; 0-11 0-2 0 Reserved CR4.PCIDE = 0
; 3 PWT Page-Level Write Through
; 5 PCD Page-Level Cache Disable
; 5-11 0 Reserved
; 0-11 PCID CR4.PCIDE = 1
; 12-63 Physical Base Address of the PML4
; Note that this must be page aligned
; CR4
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 VME Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions
; 1 PVI Protected Mode Virtual Interrupts
; 2 TSD Time Stamp enabled only in ring 0
; 3 DE Debugging Extensions
; 4 PSE Page Size Extension
; 5 PAE Physical Address Extension
; 6 MCE Machine Check Exception
; 7 PGE Page Global Enable
; 8 PCE Performance Monitoring Counter Enable
; 9 OSFXSR OS support for fxsave and fxrstor instructions
; 10 OSXMMEXCPT OS Support for unmasked simd floating point exceptions
; 11 UMIP User-Mode Instruction Prevention (SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, SMSW, and STR are disabled in user mode)
; 12 0 Reserved
; 13 VMXE Virtual Machine Extensions Enable
; 14 SMXE Safer Mode Extensions Enable
; 15 0 Reserved
; 17 PCIDE PCID Enable
; 18 OSXSAVE XSAVE And Processor Extended States Enable
; 19 0 Reserved
; 20 SMEP Supervisor Mode Executions Protection Enable
; 21 SMAP Supervisor Mode Access Protection Enable
; 22 PKE Enable protection keys for user-mode pages
; 23 CET Enable Control-flow Enforcement Technology
; 24 PKS Enable protection keys for supervisor-mode pages
; 25-63 0 Reserved
; CR8
; CR8 is a new register accessible in 64-bit mode using the REX prefix.
; CR8 is used to prioritize external interrupts and is referred to as the task-priority register (TPR).
; The AMD64 architecture allows software to define up to 15 external interrupt-priority classes.
; Priority classes are numbered from 1 to 15, with priority-class 1 being the lowest and priority-class 15 the highest.
; CR8 uses the four low-order bits for specifying a task priority and the remaining 60 bits are reserved and must be written with zeros.
; System software can use the TPR register to temporarily block low-priority interrupts from interrupting a high-priority task.
; This is accomplished by loading TPR with a value corresponding to the highest-priority interrupt that is to be blocked.
; For example, loading TPR with a value of 9 (1001b) blocks all interrupts with a priority class of 9 or less,
; while allowing all interrupts with a priority class of 10 or more to be recognized.
; Loading TPR with 0 enables all external interrupts. Loading TPR with 15 (1111b) disables all external interrupts.
; The TPR is cleared to 0 on reset.
; Bit Purpose
; 0-3 Priority
; 4-63 Reserved
; CR1, CR5-7, CR9-15
; Reserved, the cpu will throw a #ud exeption when trying to access them.
; CR1, CR5-7, CR9-15
; Reserved, the cpu will throw a #ud exeption when trying to access them.
; MSRs
; Extended Feature Enable Register (EFER) is a model-specific register added in the AMD K6 processor,
; to allow enabling the SYSCALL/SYSRET instruction, and later for entering and exiting long mode.
; This register becomes architectural in AMD64 and has been adopted by Intel. Its MSR number is 0xC0000080.
; Bit(s) Label Description
; 0 SCE System Call Extensions
; 1-7 0 Reserved
; 8 LME Long Mode Enable
; 10 LMA Long Mode Active
; 11 NXE No-Execute Enable
; 12 SVME Secure Virtual Machine Enable
; 13 LMSLE Long Mode Segment Limit Enable
; 15 TCE Translation Cache Extension
; 16-63 0 Reserved
; FS.base, GS.base
; MSRs with the addresses 0xC0000100 (for FS) and 0xC0000101 (for GS) contain the base addresses of the FS and GS segment registers.
; These are commonly used for thread-pointers in user code and CPU-local pointers in kernel code. Safe to contain anything,
; since use of a segment does not confer additional privileges to user code.
; In newer CPUs, these can also be written with WRFSBASE and WRGSBASE instructions at any privilege level.
; KernelGSBase
; MSR with the address 0xC0000102.
; Is basically a buffer that gets exchanged with GS.base after a swapgs instruction.
; Usually used to seperate kernel and user use of the GS register.
; Debug Registers
; DR0 - DR3
; Contain linear addresses of up to 4 breakpoints. If paging is enabled, they are translated to physical addresses.
; DR6
; It permits the debugger to determine which debug conditions have occured.
; When an enabled debug exception is enabled, low order bits 0-3 are set before entering debug exception handler.
; DR7
; Bit Description
; 0 Local DR0 Breakpoint
; 1 Global DR0 Breakpoint
; 2 Local DR1 Breakpoint
; 3 Global DR1 Breakpoint
; 4 Local DR2 Breakpoint
; 5 Global DR2 Breakpoint
; 6 Local DR3 Breakpoint
; 7 Global DR3 Breakpoint
; 16-17 Conditions for DR0
; 18-19 Size of DR0 Breakpoint
; 20-21 Conditions for DR1
; 22-23 Size of DR1 Breakpoint
; 24-25 Conditions for DR2
; 26-27 Size of DR2 Breakpoint
; 28-29 Conditions for DR3
; 30-31 Size of DR3 Breakpoint
; A local breakpoint bit deactivates on hardware task switches, while a global does not.
; 00b condition means execution break, 01b means a write watchpoint, and 11b means an R/W watchpoint.
; 10b is reserved for I/O R/W (unsupported).
; Test Registers
; Name Description
; TR3 - TR5 Undocumented
; TR6 Test Command Register
; TR7 Test Data Register
; Protected Mode Registers
; Operand Size Label Description
; 64-bit 32-bit
; Bits 0-15 (Same) Limit Size of GDT
; Bits 16-79 Bits 16-47 Base Starting Address of GDT
; Stores the segment selector of the LDT.
; TR
; Stores the segment selector of the TSS.
; Operand Size Label Description
; 64-bit 32-bit
; Bits 0-15 (Same) Limit Size of IDT
; Bits 16-79 Bits 16-47 Base Starting Address of IDT
%ifndef AAL_x86_Def
; Instructions Library
; NO-Operation : Exchanges value of rax with rax to achieve nothing.
%define nop XCHG rax, rax
; END - Instructions Library
; Interrupts
; CX, DX Interval in microseconds
; CX : High, DX : Low
; SystemService
%define BIOS_Wait 0x86
; Disk
; AL = Number of sectors to read (must be non-zero)
; CH = Track/Cylinder Number
; CL = Sector Number
; DH = Head Number
; DL = Drive Number
; ES:BX = Pointer to Buffer
%define Disk_ReadIntoMemory 0x02
; Disk Services (Storage)
%define DiskService 0x13
; Memory
; Real Mode - Conventional Lower Memory
%define Mem_RM_CLower_Start 0x0500
%define Mem_RM_CLower_End 0x7BFF
; 2 Byte Boundary Alignment
%define Mem_RM_CLower_2BB_End 0x7BE0
; Real Mode - Conventional Upper memory
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_Start 0x7E00
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_End 0x7FFF
; 2 Byte Boundary Alignment
%define Mem_RM_CUpper_2BB_End 0x7FE0
; Real Mode - OS Boot Sector
%define Mem_BootSector_Start 0x7C00
%define Mem_BootSector_512 0x7CFE
%define Mem_BootSector_End 0x7DFF
; Misc System Services
%define SystemService 0x15
; Video
%define VideoService 0x10
; Returns
; AH = Number of character columns
; AL = Display mode
; BH = Active Page
%define Video_GetCurrentMode 0x0F
; Used to set the video mode.
%define Video_SetMode 0x00
; SetVideoMode - Modes
; cbOff : Color Burst Off
%define VideoMode_Text_40x25_cbOff 0x00
%define VideoMode_Text_40x25 0x01
%define VideoMode_Text_80x25_cbOff 0x02
%define VideoMode_Text_80x25 0x03
%define VideoMode_Graphics_320x200 0x04
%define VideoMode_Graphics_320x200_cboff 0x05
%define VideoMode_Graphics_640x200 0x06
; Output a character
%define Video_TeleType 0xE
; Where memory buffer for Video's Text mode starts
%define Video_Text_MemBuffer 0xB800
; END - Interrupts
%define char_CR 0xD ; Carriage Return
%define char_LF 0xA ; Line Feed
%define AAL_x86_Def

Erus.boot.s Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
; Print HEx
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
; https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/230755/display-hexadecimal-value-stored-at-a-register
%include "AAL.x86.s"
%include "AAL.x86.routines.macros.s"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov SP, BX
mov BX, Str_Erus
mov CX, 4
push CX
call out_string
pop CX
mov BX, Str_PostMsg
mov CX, 22
push CX
call out_string
pop CX
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_80x25
int VideoService
mov BX, Str_Erus
mov CX, 4
push CX
call out_string
pop CX
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
%include "AAL.x86.routines.s"
; Data
Str_Erus: db 'Erus'
Str_PostMsg : db '... taking over boot', 0xA, 0xD
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA

bare_x86.code-workspace Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"folders": [
"path": "."
"settings": {}

readme.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Assembly learning dump, nothing special