
180 lines
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; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.s"
%macro String_Out 2
mov BX, %1
mov AX, %2
push AX
call out_string
pop AX
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
; Boot Sector Code
; Give some times before starting
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
mov SP, BX
String_Out PostMsg, [PostMsg_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x05
int SystemService
; Load : File Table
; Loading the code from disk (storage)
mov DH, 0x0 ; Head NUm
mov DL, 0x0 ; Drive Num
mov CH, 0x0 ; Track Num
mov CL, 0x02 ; Starting Sector
; Setup ES:BX Memory address/segment
mov BX, 0x1000 ; ES:BX : 0x1000:0x0
mov ES, BX
mov BX, 0x0
; Read Disk (Storage)
mov AH, Disk_ReadIntoMemory
mov AL, 0x02 ; Num Sectors
int DiskService
String_Out FTableMsg, [FTableMsg_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
; Load : 16bit.Scratch
; Loading the code from disk (storage)
mov DH, 0x0 ; Head NUm
mov DL, 0x0 ; Drive Num
mov CH, 0x0 ; Track Num
mov CL, 0x03 ; Starting Sector
; Setup ES:BX Memory address/segment
mov BX, 0x2000 ; ES:BX : 0x1000:0x0
mov ES, BX
mov BX, 0x0
; Read Disk (Storage)
mov AH, Disk_ReadIntoMemory
mov AL, 0x02 ; Num Sectors
int DiskService
String_Out SendoffMsg, [SendOffMsg_len]
mov AH, BIOS_Wait
mov CX, 0x10
int SystemService
; Jump if carry flag
; jc error
; cmp DH, AL
; jne error
; Reset segment registers for ram
mov AX, 0x2000
mov DS, AX
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
mov FS, AX
mov GS, AX
mov SS, AX
; Heading to 16bit.scratch
jmp 0x2000:0x0
; Routines
; Print out an ascii string of speicifed length
; Arg - BX: String
%define argLen BP + 4 ; String Length
; Store previous state of BP and set it to SP
; pusha ; 14 bytes
push BP ; 4 bytes
mov BP, SP
; Using the source index
push SI ; 0 bytes...
xor SI, SI
; Backup BX for later
mov CX, BX
mov AH, Video_TeleType
; Bounds check
cmp SI, [argLen]
je .break
; Output a character
mov BX, CX
mov AL, [BX + SI]
xor BH, BH ; Clear BH for correct active page
int VideoService
add SI, 0x1
jmp .loop
pop SI
pop BP
%undef argLen
String_Out ErrorMsg, [ErrorMsg_Len]
hlt ; Halt
; Data
ErrorMsg_Len : dw 36
ErrorMsg : db 'Failed - DiskService: ReadIntoMemory'
PostMsg_len : dw 14
PostMsg : db '16bit.boot', str_endl
FTableMsg_len : dw 21
FTableMsg : db 'Loaded 16bit.ftable', str_endl
SendOffMsg_len : dw 32
SendoffMsg : db 'Sending over to 16bit.scratch...'
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA