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2022-01-18 05:15:28 -08:00
; Print HEx
; x86
; 16-bit - Real Mode, V86 Mode
%include "AAL.x86.S"
; 16-Bit Mode
[BITS 16]
; The ORG directive specifies the starting address of a segment
[ORG Mem_BootSector_Start]
mov BX, Mem_BootSector_Start
; textmode_ClearScreen
; Params
mov AH, Video_SetMode
mov AL, VideoMode_Text_80x25
; Call Interrupt
int VideoService
; Exclusive-OR (xor'ing a value to itself zeros the value)
xor AX, AX
; Set Data Segment and Extra Segment to 0x0000
mov DS, AX
mov ES, AX
; Set Stack Segment (SS) to to 0x0000
mov SS, AX
; Set Stack Pointer (SP) to the start of the boot sector.
mov SP, BX
mov BX, 0x2022
call output_Hex
; Idle
hang :
jmp short hang
; Output Hex to TextMode via Teletype
%define hex BX
%define backup CX
; Clear Interrupt Flag : Prevents interrupts form occuring
; Push all registers values onto the stack
; Store original value in backup
mov backup, hex
; Setup referfence to hex chars memory
mov SI, .CharHex
; Shift Logical Right : SHR performs an unsigned divide
; The high-order bit is set to 0.
; 0b1000 -> 0b0100, 0b0001 -> 0b0000
shr hex, 12 ; First four : 0x[#]### -> 0x000#
and hex, 0x0F ; Mask out any garbage
mov AL, [hex + SI] ; AL = hex + SI
mov [.Result + 2], AL ; result[2] = AL
mov hex, backup ; Next four
shr hex, 8
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 3], AL
mov hex, backup ; ...
shr hex, 4
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 4], AL
mov hex, backup
shr hex, 0
and hex, 0x0F
mov AL, [hex + SI]
mov [.Result + 5], AL
; BX : String arg
mov CX, .Result
call output_String
; Pop all register values that were saved on the current stack
; Set Interrupt Flag : Restore interrupts
; Proc Data
db '0123456789ABCDEF', 0x0
db '0x0000', 0x0
%undef hex
%undef backup
%unmacro index 1
; Output String to TextMode via Teletype
%define string CX
%define CharHex_Length 6
%macro TextMode_SetChar 2
mov word [%1 * 2 ], %2
mov word [%1 * 2 + 1], 0x0F
; Will track string index
mov SI, 0x0
; Prep BH and AH with Teletype video service option
mov BH, 0x0
mov AH, Video_TeleType
; Reg CX cannot be used as an index speciifer. [BX] is
; SI can be used as an offset inside [BX + offset]
mov BX, CX
; Compare
cmp SI, CharHex_Length
je .break
; Jump
; Print via teletype
mov AL, [BX + SI];
int VideoService
; Increment index
inc SI
jmp short .loop
%undef string
%undef index
%undef CharHex_Length
%unmacro TextMode_SetChar 2
; Wrap up
; Byte pad 512 bytes (zeroed)
times 510-$+start db 0
; Master Boot Record signature
db 0x55
db 0xAA