Ed_ 191d5076ea Dragging! & basic proportional box resize frm cursor distance to box pos
Still need to add resize via 'pulling' to stretch the box out from a side or 2 sides diagonally.

Also some general clenaup of code
2024-03-08 03:34:21 -05:00

52 lines
821 B

package sectr
Axis2 :: enum i32 {
Invalid = -1,
X = 0,
Y = 1,
is_power_of_two_u32 :: proc( value : u32 ) -> b32
return value != 0 && ( value & ( value - 1 )) == 0
import "core:math/linalg"
Vec2 :: linalg.Vector2f32
Vec3 :: linalg.Vector3f32
Vec2i :: [2]i32
Vec3i :: [3]i32
Range2 :: struct #raw_union{
using min_max : struct {
min, max : Vec2
using pts : struct {
p0, p1 : Vec2
using xy : struct {
x0, y0 : f32,
x1, y1 : f32,
range2 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( a, b : Vec2 ) -> Range2 {
result := Range2 { pts = { a, b } }
return result
Rect :: struct {
top_left, bottom_right : Vec2
add_range2 :: #force_inline proc "contextless" ( a, b : Range2 ) -> Range2 {
result := Range2 { pts = {
a.p0 + b.p0,
a.p1 + b.p1,
return result