Ed_ 191d5076ea Dragging! & basic proportional box resize frm cursor distance to box pos
Still need to add resize via 'pulling' to stretch the box out from a side or 2 sides diagonally.

Also some general clenaup of code
2024-03-08 03:34:21 -05:00

195 lines
5.8 KiB

package sectr
import rl "vendor:raylib"
// The points to pixels and pixels to points are our only reference to accurately converting
// an object from world space to screen-space.
// This prototype engine will have all its spacial unit base for distances in pixels.
Inches_To_CM :: cast(f32) 2.54
Points_Per_CM :: cast(f32) 28.3465
CM_Per_Point :: cast(f32) 1.0 / DPT_DPCM
CM_Per_Pixel :: cast(f32) 1.0 / DPT_PPCM
DPT_DPCM :: cast(f32) 72.0 * Inches_To_CM // 182.88 points/dots per cm
DPT_PPCM :: cast(f32) 96.0 * Inches_To_CM // 243.84 pixels per cm
when ODIN_OS == OS_Type.Windows {
op_default_dpcm :: 72.0 * Inches_To_CM
os_default_ppcm :: 96.0 * Inches_To_CM
// 1 inch = 2.54 cm, 96 inch * 2.54 = 243.84 DPCM
//region Unit Conversion Impl
// cm_to_points :: proc( cm : f32 ) -> f32 {
// }
// points_to_cm :: proc( points : f32 ) -> f32 {
// screen_dpc := get_state().app_window.dpc
// cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_dpc
// pixels := points * DPT_DPC * cm_per_pixel
// return points *
// }
f32_cm_to_pixels :: proc(cm: f32) -> f32 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
return cm * screen_ppcm
f32_pixels_to_cm :: proc(pixels: f32) -> f32 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
return pixels * cm_per_pixel
f32_points_to_pixels :: proc(points: f32) -> f32 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
return points * DPT_PPCM * cm_per_pixel
f32_pixels_to_points :: proc(pixels: f32) -> f32 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
return pixels * cm_per_pixel * Points_Per_CM
vec2_cm_to_pixels :: proc(v: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
return v * screen_ppcm
vec2_pixels_to_cm :: proc(v: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
return v * cm_per_pixel
vec2_points_to_pixels :: proc(vpoints: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
return vpoints * DPT_PPCM * cm_per_pixel
range2_cm_to_pixels :: proc( range : Range2 ) -> Range2 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
result := Range2 { pts = { range.min * screen_ppcm, range.max * screen_ppcm }}
return result
range2_pixels_to_cm :: proc( range : Range2 ) -> Range2 {
screen_ppcm := get_state().app_window.ppcm
cm_per_pixel := 1.0 / screen_ppcm
result := Range2 { pts = { range.min * cm_per_pixel, range.max * cm_per_pixel }}
return result
// vec2_points_to_cm :: proc( vpoints : Vec2 ) -> Vec2 {
// }
Camera :: rl.Camera2D
CameraZoomMode :: enum u32 {
// TODO(Ed) : I'm not sure making the size and extent types distinct has made things easier or more difficult in Odin..
// The lack of operator overloads is going to make any sort of nice typesystem
// for doing lots of math or phyiscs more error prone or filled with proc wrappers
AreaSize :: distinct Vec2
Bounds2 :: struct {
top_left, bottom_right: Vec2,
BoundsCorners2 :: struct {
top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right: Vec2,
Extents2 :: distinct Vec2
Extents2i :: distinct Vec2i
WS_Pos :: struct {
tile_id : Vec2i,
rel : Vec2,
bounds2_radius :: proc(bounds: Bounds2) -> f32 {
return max( bounds.bottom_right.x, bounds.top_left.y )
extent_from_size :: proc(size: AreaSize) -> Extents2 {
return transmute(Extents2) size * 2.0
screen_size :: proc "contextless" () -> AreaSize {
extent := get_state().app_window.extent
return transmute(AreaSize) ( extent * 2.0 )
screen_get_corners :: proc() -> BoundsCorners2 {
state := get_state(); using state
screen_extent := state.app_window.extent
top_left := Vec2 { -screen_extent.x, screen_extent.y }
top_right := Vec2 { screen_extent.x, screen_extent.y }
bottom_left := Vec2 { -screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y }
bottom_right := Vec2 { screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y }
return { top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right }
view_get_bounds :: proc() -> Bounds2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam := &
screen_extent := state.app_window.extent
top_left := + Vec2 { -screen_extent.x, screen_extent.y}
bottom_right := + Vec2 { screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y}
return { top_left, bottom_right }
view_get_corners :: proc() -> BoundsCorners2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam := &
cam_zoom_ratio := 1.0 / cam.zoom
screen_extent := state.app_window.extent * cam_zoom_ratio
top_left := + Vec2 { -screen_extent.x, screen_extent.y }
top_right := + Vec2 { screen_extent.x, screen_extent.y }
bottom_left := + Vec2 { -screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y }
bottom_right := + Vec2 { screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y }
return { top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right }
screen_to_world :: #force_inline proc "contextless" (pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam := &
result := Vec2 {,} + Vec2 { pos.x, -pos.y } * (1 / cam.zoom)
return result
screen_to_render :: proc(pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
screen_extent := transmute(Vec2) get_state()
return pos + { screen_extent.x, -screen_extent.y }
world_screen_extent :: proc() -> Extents2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam_zoom_ratio := 1.0 /
return app_window.extent * cam_zoom_ratio
world_to_screen_pos :: proc(position: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
return { position.x, position.y * -1 }
world_to_screen_no_zoom :: proc(position: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
state := get_state(); using state
cam_zoom_ratio := 1.0 /
return { position.x, position.y * -1 } * cam_zoom_ratio