Completed first draft iteration of grime_pool_allocator
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
This is a pool allocator setup to grow incrementally via buckets.
Buckets are stored in singly-linked lists so that they be allocated non-contiguous
Buckets are stored in singly-linked lists so that allocations aren't necessrily congigous.
The pool is setup with the intention to only grab single entires from the bucket,
not for a contigous array of them.
Thus the free-list only tracks the last free entries thrown out by the user,
irrespective of the bucket the originated from.
This means if there is a heavy recyling of entires in a pool
there can be a large discrepancy of memory localicty of the buckets are small.
The pool doesn't allocate any buckets on initialization unless the user specifes.
package sectr
import "core:mem"
Pool :: struct {
using header : ^PoolHeader,
@ -13,24 +24,133 @@ PoolHeader :: struct {
block_size : uint,
bucket_capacity : uint,
out_band_size : uint,
alignment : uint,
free_list : LL_Node( [^]byte),
buckets : LL_Node( [^]byte),
current_bucket : ^byte,
free_list_head : ^Pool_FreeBlock,
bucket_list_head : ^PoolBucket,
current_bucket : ^PoolBucket,
PoolBucket :: struct ( $ Type : typeid) {
blocks : [^]Type,
Pool_FreeBlock :: struct {
next : ^Pool_FreeBlock,
PoolBucket :: struct {
next : ^PoolBucket,
next_block : uint,
blocks : [^]byte,
Pool_Check_Release_Object_Validity :: true
pool_allocator :: proc ( using self : Pool ) -> (allocator : Allocator) {
allocator.procedure = pool_allocator_proc
|||| = self.header
pool_init :: proc ( block_size, block_alignment, bucket_capacity : uint,
bucket_reserve_num : uint = 0,
allocator : Allocator = context.allocator
) -> ( pool : Pool, alloc_error : AllocatorError )
header_size := size_of(PoolHeader)
raw_mem : rawptr
raw_mem, alloc_error = alloc( header_size, mem.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, allocator )
if alloc_error != .None do return
pool.header = cast( ^PoolHeader) raw_mem
pool.block_size = block_size
pool.alignment = block_alignment
pool.free_list_head = nil
pool.bucket_list_head = nil
alloc_error = pool_allocate_buckets( pool, bucket_reserve_num )
pool.current_bucket = pool.bucket_list_head
pool_allocate_buckets :: proc( using self : Pool, num_buckets : uint ) -> AllocatorError
if num_buckets == 0 {
return .Invalid_Argument
header_size := cast(uint) size_of(PoolBucket)
to_allocate := cast(int) (header_size + block_size * bucket_capacity * num_buckets)
bucket_memory, alloc_error := alloc( to_allocate, int(alignment), backing )
if alloc_error != .None {
return alloc_error
next_bucket_ptr := cast( [^]byte) bucket_memory
for index in 0 ..< num_buckets
bucket := cast( ^PoolBucket) next_bucket_ptr
bucket.blocks = memory_after_header(bucket)
bucket.next_block = 0
ll_push( & self.bucket_list_head, bucket )
return alloc_error
pool_grab :: proc( using self : Pool ) -> ( block : []byte, alloc_error : AllocatorError )
alloc_error = .None
// Check the free-list first for a block
if free_list_head != nil {
block = slice_ptr( cast([^]byte) ll_pop( & self.free_list_head ), int(block_size) )
blocks_left := bucket_capacity - block_size
if blocks_left == 0
if != nil {
self.current_bucket = ll_pop( & self.bucket_list_head )
alloc_error := pool_allocate_buckets( self, 1 )
if alloc_error != .None {
block = slice_ptr( current_bucket.blocks[ current_bucket.next_block:], int(block_size) )
pool_release :: proc( using self : Pool, block : []byte )
when Pool_Check_Release_Object_Validity
within_bucket := b32(false)
bucket := bucket_list_head
for ; bucket != nil; bucket =
start := uintptr( bucket.blocks )
end := start + uintptr(bucket_capacity)
block_address := uintptr(raw_data(block))
if start <= block_address && block_address < end {
within_bucket = true
verify( within_bucket, "Attempted to release data that is not within a bucket of this pool" )
ll_push( & self.free_list_head, cast(^Pool_FreeBlock) raw_data(block) )
// This interface should really not be used for a pool allocator... But fk it its here.
// TODO(Ed): Implement this eventaully..
pool_allocator_proc :: proc(
allocator_data : rawptr,
mode : AllocatorMode,
@ -41,5 +161,20 @@ pool_allocator_proc :: proc(
loc := #caller_location
) -> ([]byte, AllocatorError)
switch mode
case .Alloc, .Alloc_Non_Zeroed:
case .Free:
case .Free_All:
case .Resize, .Resize_Non_Zeroed:
case .Query_Features:
case .Query_Info:
return nil, AllocatorError.Mode_Not_Implemented
Reference in New Issue
Block a user